diff test_gcp.py @ 60:40ec9445060a

added test suit
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Mon, 20 Jun 2011 14:27:06 +0200
parents gcp_test.py@d4f1235c860b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test_gcp.py	Mon Jun 20 14:27:06 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+gcp: Goffi's CoPier
+Copyright (C) 2010, 2011  Jérôme Poisson <goffi@goffi.org>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from os import getcwd, chdir, system, mkdir, makedirs, listdir
+from os.path import join, isdir
+from shutil import rmtree
+from random import randrange
+from hashlib import sha1
+#size shorcuts
+S10K = 1024 * 10
+S100K = 1024 * 100
+S1M = 1024 * 1024
+S10M = 1024 * 1024 * 10
+S100M = 1024 * 1024 * 100
+def sha1sum(filename, buf_size=4096):
+    """Return the SHA1 hash of a file
+    @param filename: path to the file
+    @param buf_size: size of the buffer to use for calculation"""
+    csum = sha1()
+    with open(filename) as fd:
+        data = fd.read(buf_size)
+        while data:
+            csum.update(data)
+            data = fd.read(buf_size)
+    return csum.digest()
+def dirCheck(dir_path):
+    """Recursively calculate SHA1 sum of a dir
+    @param path: path of the dir to check
+    @return: a dict in the form [{filepath: sum,...}]
+    """
+    def recursive_sum(directory, result):
+        for current_path in listdir(directory):
+            full_path = join(directory, current_path)
+            if isdir(full_path):
+                recursive_sum(full_path, result)
+            else:
+                result[full_path] = sha1sum(full_path) 
+    result = {}
+    _ori_dir = getcwd()
+    chdir(dir_path)
+    recursive_sum(".", result)
+    chdir(_ori_dir)
+    return result
+#def makeRandomFile(path, size, buf_size=4096):
+#    """Create a fake file
+#    @param path: where the file is created
+#    @param size: size of the file to create in bytes"""
+#    def seq(size):
+#        return ''.join(chr(randrange(256)) for i in range(size))
+#    fd = open(path, 'w')
+#    for byte in range(size//buf_size):
+#        fd.write(seq(buf_size))
+#    fd.write(seq(size%buf_size))
+#    fd.close()
+def makeRandomFile(path, size=S10K, buf_size=4096):
+    """Create a fake file using /dev/urandom
+    @param path: where the file must be created
+    @param size: size of the file to create in bytes"""
+    source = open('/dev/urandom','r')
+    dest = open(path, 'w')
+    for byte in range(size//buf_size):
+        dest.write(source.read(buf_size))
+    dest.write(source.read(size%buf_size))
+    dest.close()
+def makeTestDir(path):
+    """Helper method to easily create a test dir
+    @param path: where the dir must be created"""
+    for i in range(2):
+        subdir = join(path,'subdir_%d' % i)
+        makedirs(subdir)
+        for j in range(2):
+            makeRandomFile(join(subdir, 'file_%d' % j), S10K)
+    for i in range(2):
+        makeRandomFile(join(path,'file_%d' % i), S10K)
+class TestCopyCases(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Test basic copy use cases, using gcp externally
+    gcp must be available in the PATH"""
+    #TODO: check journal
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.ori_dir = getcwd()
+        self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        chdir(self.tmp_dir)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        chdir(self.ori_dir)
+        rmtree(self.tmp_dir)
+    def test_one_file_copy(self):
+        """Copy one file and test the result"""
+        makeRandomFile('file_1', S10K)
+        ori_sum = sha1sum('file_1')
+        ret = system("gcp file_1 file_2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        dest_sum = sha1sum('file_2')
+        self.assertEqual(ori_sum, dest_sum)
+    def test_one_file_copy_already_exists(self):
+        """Check that an existing file is not overwritten"""
+        makeRandomFile('file_1', S10K)
+        makeRandomFile('file_2', S10K)
+        file_2_sum = sha1sum('file_2')
+        ret = system("gcp file_1 file_2")
+        self.assertNotEqual(ret,0)
+        file_2_sum_bis = sha1sum('file_2')
+        self.assertEqual(file_2_sum, file_2_sum_bis)
+    def test_one_file_copy_already_exists_force(self):
+        """Check that an existing file is overwritten with --force"""
+        makeRandomFile('file_1', S10K)
+        makeRandomFile('file_2', S10K)
+        file_1_sum = sha1sum('file_1')
+        ret = system("gcp -f file_1 file_2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        file_2_sum_bis = sha1sum('file_2')
+        self.assertEqual(file_1_sum, file_2_sum_bis)
+    def test_one_dir_copy(self):
+        """Check copy of one dir to a non existant path"""
+        makeTestDir('dir_1')
+        check_1 = dirCheck('dir_1')
+        ret = system("gcp -r dir_1 dir_2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        check_2 = dirCheck('dir_2')
+        self.assertEqual(check_1, check_2)
+    def test_one_dir_copy_nocopy(self):
+        """Check that a dir is not copied without the recursive option"""
+        makeTestDir('dir_1')
+        check_before = dirCheck('.')
+        ret = system("gcp dir_1 dir_2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        check_after = dirCheck('.')
+        self.assertEqual(check_before, check_after)
+    def test_one_dir_copy_existing_dest(self):
+        """Check that a dir is copied inside an existing destination"""
+        makeTestDir('dir_1')
+        mkdir('dir_2')
+        check_1 = dirCheck('dir_1')
+        ret = system("gcp -r dir_1 dir_2")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        self.assertEqual(listdir('dir_2'), ['dir_1'])
+        check_2 = dirCheck('dir_2/dir_1')
+        self.assertEqual(check_1, check_2)
+    def test_mixt_copy_existing_dest(self):
+        """Check that a mixt copy (files + dir) to an existing dest work as expected"""
+        for i in range(2):
+            makeRandomFile('file_%d' % i, S10K)
+            makeTestDir('dir_%d' % i)
+        check_1 = dirCheck('.')
+        mkdir('dest_dir')
+        ret = system("gcp -r file_0 file_1 dir_0 dir_1 dest_dir")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        check_2 = dirCheck('dest_dir')
+        self.assertEqual(check_1, check_2)
+    def test_mixt_copy_nonexisting_dest(self):
+        """Check that a mixt copy (files + dir) to an non existing dest work as expected
+        /!\\ the behavious is different of the one of cp in this case ! (cp doesn't copy at all, while gcp create the dest)"""
+        for i in range(2):
+            makeRandomFile('file_%d' % i, S10K)
+            makeTestDir('dir_%d' % i)
+        check_1 = dirCheck('.')
+        ret = system("gcp -r file_0 file_1 dir_0 dir_1 dest_dir")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        check_2 = dirCheck('dest_dir')
+        self.assertEqual(check_1, check_2)
+    def test_mixt_copy_existing_dest_nonrecursive(self):
+        """Check that a mixt copy (files + dir) to an existing dest without the recursive option work as expected"""
+        for i in range(2):
+            makeRandomFile('file_%d' % i, S10K)
+            makeTestDir('dir_%d' % i)
+        mkdir('dest_dir')
+        ret = system("gcp file_0 file_1 dir_0 dir_1 dest_dir")
+        self.assertEqual(ret,0)
+        self.assertEqual(set(listdir('dest_dir')), set(['file_0', 'file_1']))
+        self.assertEqual(sha1sum('file_0'), sha1sum('dest_dir/file_0'))
+        self.assertEqual(sha1sum('file_1'), sha1sum('dest_dir/file_1'))
+    def test_mixt_copy_nonexisting_dest_nonrecursive(self):
+        """Check that a mixt copy (files + dir) to an existing dest without the recursive option work as expected"""
+        for i in range(2):
+            makeRandomFile('file_%d' % i, S10K)
+            makeTestDir('dir_%d' % i)
+        check_before = dirCheck('.')
+        ret = system("gcp file_0 file_1 dir_0 dir_1 dest_dir")
+        self.assertEqual(ret >> 8, 1)
+        check_after = dirCheck('.')
+        self.assertEqual(check_before, check_after)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()