+ − 1 #! /usr/bin/python
+ − 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ − 3
+ − 4 # jp: a SAT command line tool
+ − 5 # Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+ − 6
+ − 7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ − 8 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ − 9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ − 10 # (at your option) any later version.
+ − 11
+ − 12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ − 13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ − 15 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ − 16
+ − 17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ − 18 # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ − 19
+ − 20 from logging import debug , info , error , warning
+ − 21
+ − 22 import base
+ − 23 from sat.core.i18n import _
+ − 24
+ − 25 __commands__ = [ "Bookmarks" ]
+ − 26
+ − 27 STORAGE_LOCATIONS = ( 'local' , 'private' , 'pubsub' )
+ − 28 TYPES = ( 'muc' , 'url' )
+ − 29
+ − 30 class BookmarksCommon ( base . CommandBase ):
+ − 31 """Class used to group common options of bookmarks subcommands"""
+ − 32
+ − 33 def add_parser_options ( self , location_default = 'all' ):
+ − 34 self . parser . add_argument ( '-l' , '--location' , type = str , choices = ( location_default ,) + STORAGE_LOCATIONS , default = location_default , help = _ ( "storage location (default: %(default)s )" ))
+ − 35 self . parser . add_argument ( '-t' , '--type' , type = str , choices = TYPES , default = TYPES [ 0 ], help = _ ( "bookmarks type (default: %(default)s )" ))
+ − 36
+ − 37 def _errback ( self , failure ):
+ − 38 print (( "Something went wrong: [ %s ]" ) % failure )
+ − 39 self . host . quit ( 1 )
+ − 40
+ − 41 class BookmarksList ( BookmarksCommon ):
+ − 42
+ − 43 def __init__ ( self , host ):
+ − 44 super ( BookmarksList , self ) . __init__ ( host , 'list' , help = _ ( 'list bookmarks' ))
+ − 45
+ − 46 def connected ( self ):
+ − 47 super ( BookmarksList , self ) . connected ()
+ − 48 data = self . host . bridge . bookmarksList ( self . args . type , self . args . location , self . host . profile )
+ − 49 mess = []
+ − 50 for location in STORAGE_LOCATIONS :
+ − 51 if not data [ location ]:
+ − 52 continue
+ − 53 loc_mess = []
+ − 54 loc_mess . append ( u " %s :" % location )
+ − 55 book_mess = []
+ − 56 for book_link , book_data in data [ location ] . items ():
+ − 57 name = book_data . get ( 'name' )
+ − 58 autojoin = book_data . get ( 'autojoin' , 'false' ) == 'true'
+ − 59 nick = book_data . get ( 'nick' )
+ − 60 book_mess . append ( u " \t %s [ %s%s ] %s " % (( name + ' ' ) if name else '' ,
+ − 61 book_link ,
+ − 62 u ' ( %s )' % nick if nick else '' ,
+ − 63 u ' (*)' if autojoin else '' ))
+ − 64 loc_mess . append ( u ' \n ' . join ( book_mess ))
+ − 65 mess . append ( u ' \n ' . join ( loc_mess ))
+ − 66
+ − 67 print u ' \n\n ' . join ( mess )
+ − 68
+ − 69
+ − 70 class BookmarksRemove ( BookmarksCommon ):
+ − 71 need_loop = True
+ − 72
+ − 73 def __init__ ( self , host ):
+ − 74 super ( BookmarksRemove , self ) . __init__ ( host , 'remove' , help = _ ( 'remove a bookmark' ))
+ − 75
+ − 76 def add_parser_options ( self ):
+ − 77 super ( BookmarksRemove , self ) . add_parser_options ()
+ − 78 self . parser . add_argument ( 'bookmark' , type = base . unicode_decoder , help = _ ( 'jid (for muc bookmark) or url of to remove' ))
+ − 79
+ − 80 def connected ( self ):
+ − 81 super ( BookmarksRemove , self ) . connected ()
+ − 82 self . host . bridge . bookmarksRemove ( self . args . type , self . args . bookmark , self . args . location , self . host . profile , callback = lambda : self . host . quit (), errback = self . _errback )
+ − 83
+ − 84
+ − 85 class BookmarksAdd ( BookmarksCommon ):
+ − 86
+ − 87 def __init__ ( self , host ):
+ − 88 super ( BookmarksAdd , self ) . __init__ ( host , 'add' , help = _ ( 'add a bookmark' ))
+ − 89
+ − 90 def add_parser_options ( self ):
+ − 91 super ( BookmarksAdd , self ) . add_parser_options ( location_default = 'auto' )
+ − 92 self . parser . add_argument ( 'bookmark' , type = base . unicode_decoder , help = _ ( 'jid (for muc bookmark) or url of to remove' ))
+ − 93 self . parser . add_argument ( '-n' , '--name' , type = base . unicode_decoder , help = _ ( "bookmark name" ))
+ − 94 muc_group = self . parser . add_argument_group ( _ ( 'MUC specific options' ))
+ − 95 muc_group . add_argument ( '-N' , '--nick' , type = base . unicode_decoder , help = _ ( 'nickname' ))
+ − 96 muc_group . add_argument ( '-a' , '--autojoin' , action = 'store_true' , help = _ ( 'join room on profile connection' ))
+ − 97
+ − 98 def connected ( self ):
+ − 99 self . need_loop = True
+ − 100 super ( BookmarksAdd , self ) . connected ()
+ − 101 if self . args . type == 'url' and ( self . args . autojoin or self . args . nick is not None ):
+ − 102 # XXX: Argparse doesn't seem to manage this case, any better way ?
+ − 103 print _ ( u "You can't use --autojoin or --nick with --type url" )
+ − 104 self . host . quit ( 1 )
+ − 105 data = {}
+ − 106 if self . args . autojoin :
+ − 107 data [ 'autojoin' ] = 'true'
+ − 108 if self . args . nick is not None :
+ − 109 data [ 'nick' ] = self . args . nick
+ − 110 if self . args . name is not None :
+ − 111 data [ 'name' ] = self . args . name
+ − 112 self . host . bridge . bookmarksAdd ( self . args . type , self . args . bookmark , data , self . args . location , self . host . profile , callback = lambda : self . host . quit (), errback = self . _errback )
+ − 113
+ − 114
+ − 115 class Bookmarks ( base . CommandBase ):
+ − 116 subcommands = ( BookmarksList , BookmarksRemove , BookmarksAdd )
+ − 117
+ − 118 def __init__ ( self , host ):
+ − 119 super ( Bookmarks , self ) . __init__ ( host , 'bookmarks' , use_profile = False , help = _ ( 'manage bookmarks' ))