comparison src/tools/ @ 224:9c6ee3f9ab29

files reorganisation
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 04 Jan 2011 19:30:27 +0100 (2011-01-04)
parents src/sat/tools/
children b1794cbb88e5
equal deleted inserted replaced
223:86d249b6d9b7 224:9c6ee3f9ab29
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 """
5 SAT: a jabber client
6 Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Jérôme Poisson (
8 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program. If not, see <>.
20 """
22 from logging import debug, info, error
23 from xml.dom import minidom
24 from wokkel import data_form
25 import pdb
27 """This library help manage XML used in SàT (parameters, registration, etc) """
30 def dataForm2xml(form):
31 """Take a data form (xep-0004, Wokkel's implementation) and convert it to a SàT xml"""
33 form_ui = XMLUI("form", "vertical")
35 if form.instructions:
36 form_ui.addText('\n'.join(form.instructions), 'instructions')
38 labels = filter(lambda field:field.label,form.fieldList)
39 if labels:
40 #if there is no label, we don't need to use pairs
41 form_ui.changeLayout("pairs")
43 for field in form.fieldList:
44 if field.fieldType == 'fixed':
45 __field_type = 'text'
46 elif field.fieldType == 'text-single':
47 __field_type = "string"
48 elif field.fieldType == 'text-private':
49 __field_type = "password"
50 elif field.fieldType == 'list-single':
51 __field_type = "list"
52 else:
53 error (u"FIXME FIXME FIXME: Type [%s] is not managed yet by SàT" % field.fieldType)
54 __field_type = "string"
56 if labels:
57 if field.label:
58 form_ui.addLabel(field.label)
59 else:
60 form_ui.addEmpty()
62 elem = form_ui.addElement(__field_type, field.var, field.value, [option.value for option in field.options])
63 return form_ui.toXml()
65 def tupleList2dataForm(values):
66 """convert a list of tuples (name,value) to a wokkel submit data form"""
67 form = data_form.Form('submit')
68 for value in values:
69 field = data_form.Field(var=value[0], value=value[1])
70 form.addField(field)
72 return form
74 def paramsXml2xmlUI(xml):
75 """Convert the xml for parameter to a SàT XML User Interface"""
76 params_doc = minidom.parseString(xml.encode('utf-8'))
77 top = params_doc.documentElement
78 if top.nodeName != 'params':
79 error(_('INTERNAL ERROR: parameters xml not valid'))
80 assert(False)
81 param_ui = XMLUI("param", "tabs")
82 for category in top.getElementsByTagName("category"):
83 name = category.getAttribute('name')
84 label = category.getAttribute('label')
85 if not name:
86 error(_('INTERNAL ERROR: params categories must have a name'))
87 assert(False)
88 param_ui.addCategory(name, 'pairs', label=label)
89 for param in category.getElementsByTagName("param"):
90 name = param.getAttribute('name')
91 label = param.getAttribute('label')
92 if not name:
93 error(_('INTERNAL ERROR: params must have a name'))
94 assert(False)
95 type = param.getAttribute('type')
96 value = param.getAttribute('value') or None
97 callback_id = param.getAttribute('callback_id') or None
98 if type == "button":
99 param_ui.addEmpty()
100 else:
101 param_ui.addLabel(label or name)
102 param_ui.addElement(name=name, type=type, value=value, callback_id=callback_id)
104 return param_ui.toXml()
109 class XMLUI:
110 """This class is used to create a user interface (form/window/parameters/etc) using SàT XML"""
112 def __init__(self, panel_type, layout="vertical", title=None):
113 """Init SàT XML Panel
114 @param panel_type: one of
115 - window (new window)
116 - form (formulaire, depend of the frontend, usually a panel with cancel/submit buttons)
117 - param (parameters, presentatio depend of the frontend)
118 @param layout: disposition of elements, one of:
119 - vertical: elements are disposed up to bottom
120 - horizontal: elements are disposed left to right
121 - pairs: elements come on two aligned columns
122 (usually one for a label, the next for the element)
123 - tabs: elemens are in categories with tabs (notebook)
124 @param title: title or default if None
125 """
126 if not panel_type in ['window', 'form', 'param']:
127 error(_("Unknown panel type [%s]") % panel_type)
128 assert(False)
129 self.type = panel_type
130 impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
132 self.doc = impl.createDocument(None, "sat_xmlui", None)
133 top_element = self.doc.documentElement
134 top_element.setAttribute("type", panel_type)
135 if title:
136 top_element.setAttribute("title", title)
137 self.parentTabsLayout = None #used only we have 'tabs' layout
138 self.currentCategory = None #used only we have 'tabs' layout
139 self.changeLayout(layout)
141 def __del__(self):
142 self.doc.unlink()
144 def __createLayout(self, layout, parent=None):
145 """Create a layout element
146 @param type: layout type (cf init doc)
147 @parent: parent element or None
148 """
149 if not layout in ['vertical', 'horizontal', 'pairs', 'tabs']:
150 error (_("Unknown layout type [%s]") % layout)
151 assert (False)
152 layout_elt = self.doc.createElement('layout')
153 layout_elt.setAttribute('type',layout)
154 if parent != None:
155 parent.appendChild(layout_elt)
156 return layout_elt
158 def __createElem(self, type, name=None, parent = None):
159 """Create an element
160 @param type: one of
161 - empty: empty element (usefull to skip something in a layout, e.g. skip first element in a PAIRS layout)
162 - text: text to be displayed in an multi-line area, e.g. instructions
163 @param name: name of the element or None
164 @param parent: parent element or None
165 """
166 elem = self.doc.createElement('elem')
167 if name:
168 elem.setAttribute('name', name)
169 elem.setAttribute('type', type)
170 if parent != None:
171 parent.appendChild(elem)
172 return elem
174 def changeLayout(self, layout):
175 """Change the current layout"""
176 self.currentLayout = self.__createLayout(layout, self.currentCategory if self.currentCategory else self.doc.documentElement)
177 if layout == "tabs":
178 self.parentTabsLayout = self.currentLayout
181 def addEmpty(self, name=None):
182 """Add a multi-lines text"""
183 elem = self.__createElem('empty', name, self.currentLayout)
185 def addText(self, text, name=None):
186 """Add a multi-lines text"""
187 elem = self.__createElem('text', name, self.currentLayout)
188 text = self.doc.createTextNode(text)
189 elem.appendChild(text)
191 def addLabel(self, text, name=None):
192 """Add a single line text, mainly useful as label before element"""
193 elem = self.__createElem('label', name, self.currentLayout)
194 elem.setAttribute('value', text)
196 def addString(self, name=None, value=None):
197 """Add a string box"""
198 elem = self.__createElem('string', name, self.currentLayout)
199 if value:
200 elem.setAttribute('value', value)
202 def addPassword(self, name=None, value=None):
203 """Add a password box"""
204 elem = self.__createElem('password', name, self.currentLayout)
205 if value:
206 elem.setAttribute('value', value)
208 def addTextBox(self, name=None, value=None):
209 """Add a string box"""
210 elem = self.__createElem('textbox', name, self.currentLayout)
211 if value:
212 elem.setAttribute('value', value)
214 def addBool(self, name=None, value="true"):
215 """Add a string box"""
216 assert value in ["true","false"]
217 elem = self.__createElem('bool', name, self.currentLayout)
218 elem.setAttribute('value', value)
220 def addList(self, options, name=None, value=None, style=set()):
221 """Add a list of choices"""
222 styles = set(style)
223 assert (options)
224 assert (styles.issubset(['multi']))
225 elem = self.__createElem('list', name, self.currentLayout)
226 self.addOptions(options, elem)
227 if value:
228 elem.setAttribute('value', value)
229 for style in styles:
230 elem.setAttribute(style, 'yes')
232 def addButton(self, callback_id, name, value, fields_back=[]):
233 """Add a button
234 @param callback: callback which will be called if button is pressed
235 @param name: name
236 @param value: label of the button
237 @fields_back: list of names of field to give back when pushing the button"""
238 elem = self.__createElem('button', name, self.currentLayout)
239 elem.setAttribute('callback_id', callback_id)
240 elem.setAttribute('value', value)
241 for field in fields_back:
242 fback_el = self.doc.createElement('field_back')
243 fback_el.setAttribute('name', field)
244 elem.appendChild(fback_el)
248 def addElement(self, type, name = None, value = None, options = None, callback_id = None):
249 """Convenience method to add element, the params correspond to the ones in addSomething methods"""
250 if type == 'empty':
251 self.addEmpty(name)
252 elif type == 'text':
253 assert(value!=None)
254 self.addText(value, name)
255 elif type == 'label':
256 assert(value)
257 self.addLabel(value)
258 elif type == 'string':
259 self.addString(name, value)
260 elif type == 'password':
261 self.addPassword(name, value)
262 elif type == 'textbox':
263 self.addTextBox(name, value)
264 elif type == 'bool':
265 if not value:
266 value = "true"
267 self.addBool(name, value)
268 elif type == 'list':
269 self.addList(options, name, value)
270 elif type == 'button':
271 assert(callback_id and value)
272 self.addButton(callback_id, name, value)
274 def addOptions(self, options, parent):
275 """Add options to a multi-values element (e.g. list)
276 @param parent: multi-values element"""
277 for option in options:
278 opt = self.doc.createElement('option')
279 opt.setAttribute('value', option)
280 parent.appendChild(opt)
282 def addCategory(self, name, layout, label=None):
283 """Add a category to current layout (must be a tabs layout)"""
284 assert(layout != 'tabs')
285 if not self.parentTabsLayout:
286 error(_("Trying to add a category without parent tabs layout"))
287 assert(False)
288 if self.parentTabsLayout.getAttribute('type') != 'tabs':
289 error(_("parent layout of a category is not tabs"))
290 assert(False)
292 if not label:
293 label = name
294 self.currentCategory = cat = self.doc.createElement('category')
295 cat.setAttribute('name', name)
296 cat.setAttribute('label', label)
297 self.changeLayout(layout)
298 self.parentTabsLayout.appendChild(cat)
300 def toXml(self):
301 """return the XML representation of the panel"""
302 return self.doc.toxml()