diff src/core/sat_main.py @ 742:03744d9ebc13

plugin XEP-0033: implementation of the addressing feature: - frontends pass the recipients in the extra parameter of sendMessage - backend checks if the target server supports the feature (this is not done yet by prosody plugin) - features and identities are cached per profile and server - messages are duplicated in history for now (TODO: redesign the database) - echos signals are also duplicated to the sender (FIXME)
author souliane <souliane@mailoo.org>
date Wed, 11 Dec 2013 17:16:53 +0100
parents e07afabc4a25
children 5aff0beddb28
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/core/sat_main.py	Fri Dec 13 05:35:24 2013 +0100
+++ b/src/core/sat_main.py	Wed Dec 11 17:16:53 2013 +0100
@@ -62,6 +62,20 @@
     return "sat_id_" + str(sat_id)
+class MessageSentAndStored(Exception):
+    """ Exception to raise if the message has been already sent and stored in the
+    history by the trigger, so the rest of the process should be stopped. This
+    should normally be raised by the trigger with the minimal priority """
+    pass
+class AbortSendMessage(Exception):
+    """ Exception to raise if sending the message should be aborted. This can be
+    raised by any trigger but a side action should be planned by the trigger
+    to inform the user about what happened """
+    pass
 class SAT(service.Service):
     def get_next_id(self):
@@ -354,6 +368,14 @@
             raise exceptions.ProfileKeyUnknownError
         return [self.profiles[profile]]
+    def getClientHostJid(self, profile_key):
+        """Convenient method to get the client host from profile key
+        @return: host jid or None if it doesn't exist"""
+        profile = self.memory.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            return None
+        return self.profiles[profile].getHostJid()
     def registerNewAccount(self, login, password, email, server, port=5222, id=None, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
         """Connect to a server and create a new account using in-band registration"""
         profile = self.memory.getProfileName(profile_key)
@@ -541,27 +563,52 @@
         if mess_data["message"]:
             mess_data['xml'].addElement("body", None, mess_data["message"])
-        def sendAndStore(mess_data):
+        def sendErrback(e):
+            text = '%s: %s' % (e.value.__class__.__name__, e.getErrorMessage())
+            if e.check(MessageSentAndStored):
+                debug(text)
+            elif e.check(AbortSendMessage):
+                warning(text)
+            else:
+                error("Unmanaged exception: %s" % text)
+                return e
+        treatments.addCallbacks(self.sendAndStoreMessage, sendErrback, [False, profile])
+        treatments.callback(mess_data)
+    def sendAndStoreMessage(self, mess_data, skip_send=False, profile=None):
+        """Actually send and store the message to history, after all the treatments
+        have been done. This has been moved outside the main sendMessage method
+        because it is used by XEP-0033 to complete a server-side feature not yet
+        implemented by the prosody plugin.
+        @param mess_data: message data dictionary
+        @param skip_send: set to True to skip sending the message to only store it
+        @param profile: profile
+        """
+        try:
+            client = self.profiles[profile]
+        except KeyError:
+            error(_("Trying to send a message with no profile"))
+            return
+        current_jid = client.jid
+        if not skip_send:
-            if mess_data["type"] != "groupchat":
-                # we don't add groupchat message to history, as we get them back
-                # and they will be added then
-                if mess_data['message']: # we need a message to save something
-                    self.memory.addToHistory(current_jid, mess_data['to'],
-                                         unicode(mess_data["message"]),
-                                         unicode(mess_data["type"]),
-                                         mess_data['extra'],
-                                         profile=profile)
+        if mess_data["type"] != "groupchat":
+            # we don't add groupchat message to history, as we get them back
+            # and they will be added then
+            if mess_data['message']: # we need a message to save something
+                self.memory.addToHistory(current_jid, mess_data['to'],
+                                     unicode(mess_data["message"]),
+                                     unicode(mess_data["type"]),
+                                     mess_data['extra'],
+                                     profile=profile)
                 # We send back the message, so all clients are aware of it
-                if mess_data["message"]:
-                    self.bridge.newMessage(mess_data['xml']['from'],
-                                           unicode(mess_data["message"]),
-                                           mess_type=mess_data["type"],
-                                           to_jid=mess_data['xml']['to'], extra=mess_data['extra'],
-                                           profile=profile)
-        treatments.addCallback(sendAndStore)
-        treatments.callback(mess_data)
+                self.bridge.newMessage(mess_data['xml']['from'],
+                                       unicode(mess_data["message"]),
+                                       mess_type=mess_data["type"],
+                                       to_jid=mess_data['xml']['to'],
+                                       extra=mess_data['extra'],
+                                       profile=profile)
     def setPresence(self, to="", show="", priority=0, statuses=None, profile_key='@NONE@'):
         """Send our presence information"""
@@ -623,30 +670,100 @@
+    def requestServerDisco(self, feature, jid_=None, cache_only=False, profile_key="@NONE"):
+        """Discover if a server or its items offer a given feature
+        @param feature: the feature to check
+        @param jid_: the jid of the server
+        @param cache_only: expect the result to be in cache and don't actually
+        make any request to avoid returning a Deferred. This can be used anytime
+        for requesting the local server because the data are cached for sure.
+        @result: the Deferred entity jid offering the feature, or None
+        """
+        profile = self.memory.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        if jid_ is None:
+            jid_ = self.getClientHostJid(profile)
+            cache_only = True
+        hasServerFeature = lambda entity: entity if self.memory.hasServerFeature(feature, entity, profile) else None
+        def haveItemsFeature(dummy=None):
+            if jid_ in self.memory.server_identities[profile]:
+                for entity in self.memory.server_identities[profile][jid_].values():
+                    if hasServerFeature(entity):
+                        return entity
+            return None
+        entity = hasServerFeature(jid_) or haveItemsFeature()
+        if entity:
+            return defer.succeed(entity)
+        elif entity is False or cache_only:
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        # data for this server are not in cache
+        disco = self.profiles[profile].disco
+        def errback(failure, method, jid_, profile):
+            # the target server is not reachable
+            logging.error("disco.%s on %s failed! [%s]" % (method.func_name, jid_, profile))
+            logging.error("reason: %s" % failure.getErrorMessage())
+            if method == disco.requestInfo:
+                features = self.memory.server_features.setdefault(profile, {})
+                features.setdefault(jid_, [])
+            elif method == disco.requestItems:
+                identities = self.memory.server_identities.setdefault(profile, {})
+                identities.setdefault(jid_, {})
+            return failure
+        def callback(d):
+            if hasServerFeature(jid_):
+                return jid_
+            else:
+                d2 = disco.requestItems(jid_).addCallback(self.serverDiscoItems, disco, jid_, profile)
+                d2.addErrback(errback, disco.requestItems, jid_, profile)
+                return d2.addCallback(haveItemsFeature)
+        d = disco.requestInfo(jid_).addCallback(self.serverDisco, jid_, profile)
+        d.addCallbacks(callback, errback, [], [disco.requestInfo, jid_, profile])
+        return d
     ## callbacks ##
-    def serverDisco(self, disco, profile):
-        """xep-0030 Discovery Protocol."""
+    def serverDisco(self, disco, jid_=None, profile=None):
+        """xep-0030 Discovery Protocol.
+        @param disco: result of the disco info query
+        @param jid_: the jid of the target server
+        @param profile: profile of the user
+        """
+        if jid_ is None:
+            jid_ = self.getClientHostJid(profile)
+        debug(_("Requested disco info on %s") % jid_)
         for feature in disco.features:
-            debug(_("Feature found: %s"), feature)
-            self.memory.addServerFeature(feature, profile)
-        for cat, type in disco.identities:
-            debug(_("Identity found: [%(category)s/%(type)s] %(identity)s") % {'category': cat, 'type': type, 'identity': disco.identities[(cat, type)]})
+            debug(_("Feature found: %s") % feature)
+            self.memory.addServerFeature(feature, jid_, profile)
+        for cat, type_ in disco.identities:
+            debug(_("Identity found: [%(category)s/%(type)s] %(identity)s")
+                  % {'category': cat, 'type': type_, 'identity': disco.identities[(cat, type_)]})
-    def serverDiscoItems(self, disco_result, disco_client, profile, initialized):
+    def serverDiscoItems(self, disco_result, disco_client, jid_, profile, initialized=None):
         """xep-0030 Discovery Protocol.
         @param disco_result: result of the disco item querry
         @param disco_client: SatDiscoProtocol instance
+        @param jid_: the jid of the target server
         @param profile: profile of the user
         @param initialized: deferred which must be chained when everything is done"""
-        def _check_entity_cb(result, entity, profile):
-            for category, type in result.identities:
-                debug(_('Identity added: (%(category)s,%(type)s) ==> %(entity)s [%(profile)s]') % {
-                    'category': category, 'type': type, 'entity': entity, 'profile': profile})
-                self.memory.addServerIdentity(category, type, entity, profile)
+        def _check_entity_cb(result, entity, jid_, profile):
+            debug(_("Requested disco info on %s") % entity)
+            for category, type_ in result.identities:
+                debug(_('Identity added: (%(category)s,%(type)s) ==> %(entity)s [%(profile)s]')
+                      % {'category': category, 'type': type_, 'entity': entity, 'profile': profile})
+                self.memory.addServerIdentity(category, type_, entity, jid_, profile)
+            for feature in result.features:
+                self.memory.addServerFeature(feature, entity, profile)
-        def _errback(result, entity, profile):
+        def _errback(result, entity, jid_, profile):
             warning(_("Can't get information on identity [%(entity)s] for profile [%(profile)s]") % {'entity': entity, 'profile': profile})
         defer_list = []
@@ -654,9 +771,11 @@
             if item.entity.full().count('.') == 1:  # XXX: workaround for a bug on jabberfr, tmp
                 warning(_('Using jabberfr workaround, be sure your domain has at least two levels (e.g. "example.tld", not "example" alone)'))
-            args = [item.entity, profile]
+            args = [item.entity, jid_, profile]
             defer_list.append(disco_client.requestInfo(item.entity).addCallbacks(_check_entity_cb, _errback, args, None, args))
-        defer.DeferredList(defer_list).chainDeferred(initialized)
+        if initialized:
+            defer.DeferredList(defer_list).chainDeferred(initialized)
     ## Generic HMI ##
     def actionResult(self, action_id, action_type, data, profile):