diff src/core/sat_main.py @ 2144:1d3f73e065e1

core, jp: component handling + client handling refactoring: - SàT can now handle components - plugin have now a "modes" key in PLUGIN_INFO where they declare if they can be used with clients and or components. They default to be client only. - components are really similar to clients, but with some changes in behaviour: * component has "entry point", which is a special plugin with a componentStart method, which is called just after component is connected * trigger end with a different suffixes (e.g. profileConnected vs profileConnectedComponent), so a plugin which manage both clients and components can have different workflow * for clients, only triggers of plugins handling client mode are launched * for components, only triggers of plugins needed in dependencies are launched. They all must handle component mode. * component have a sendHistory attribute (False by default) which can be set to True to allow saving sent messages into history * for convenience, "client" is still used in method even if it can now be a component * a new "component" boolean attribute tells if we have a component or a client * components have to add themselve Message protocol * roster and presence protocols are not added for components * component default port is 5347 (which is Prosody's default port) - asyncCreateProfile has been renamed for profileCreate, both to follow new naming convention and to prepare the transition to fully asynchronous bridge - createProfile has a new "component" attribute. When used to create a component, it must be set to a component entry point - jp: added --component argument to profile/create - disconnect bridge method is now asynchronous, this way frontends can know when disconnection is finished - new PI_* constants for PLUGIN_INFO values (not used everywhere yet) - client/component connection workflow has been moved to their classes instead of being a host methods - host.messageSend is now client.sendMessage, and former client.sendMessage is now client.sendMessageData. - identities are now handled in client.identities list, so it can be updated dynamically by plugins (in the future, frontends should be able to update them too through bridge) - profileConnecting* profileConnected* profileDisconnected* and getHandler now all use client instead of profile
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:55:43 +0100
parents be96beb7ca14
children 1bb9bf1b4150
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/core/sat_main.py	Tue Feb 07 00:15:03 2017 +0100
+++ b/src/core/sat_main.py	Sun Feb 12 17:55:43 2017 +0100
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 from twisted.application import service
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
-from twisted.words.xish import domish
 from twisted.internet import reactor
 from wokkel.xmppim import RosterItem
 from sat.core import xmpp
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@
 import sys
 import os.path
 import uuid
-import time
     from collections import OrderedDict # only available from python 2.7
@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@
         self.bridge.register_method("getProfilesList", self.memory.getProfilesList)
         self.bridge.register_method("getEntityData", lambda jid_, keys, profile: self.memory.getEntityData(jid.JID(jid_), keys, profile))
         self.bridge.register_method("getEntitiesData", self.memory._getEntitiesData)
-        self.bridge.register_method("asyncCreateProfile", self.memory.asyncCreateProfile)
+        self.bridge.register_method("profileCreate", self.memory.createProfile)
         self.bridge.register_method("asyncDeleteProfile", self.memory.asyncDeleteProfile)
         self.bridge.register_method("profileStartSession", self.memory.startSession)
         self.bridge.register_method("profileIsSessionStarted", self.memory._isSessionStarted)
@@ -156,8 +154,20 @@
         log.info(_(u"Backend is ready"))
+    def _unimport_plugin(self, plugin_path):
+        """remove a plugin from sys.modules if it is there"""
+        try:
+            del sys.modules[plugin_path]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
     def _import_plugins(self):
         """Import all plugins found in plugins directory"""
+        # FIXME: module imported but cancelled should be deleted
+        # TODO: make this more generic and reusable in tools.common
+        # FIXME: should use imp
+        # TODO: do not import all plugins if no needed: component plugins are not needed if we
+        #       just use a client, and plugin blacklisting should be possible in sat.conf
         plugins_path = os.path.dirname(sat.plugins.__file__)
         plugin_glob = "plugin*." + C.PLUGIN_EXT
         plug_lst = [os.path.splitext(plugin)[0] for plugin in map(os.path.basename, glob(os.path.join(plugins_path, plugin_glob)))]
@@ -167,23 +177,34 @@
             except exceptions.MissingModule as e:
-                try:
-                    del sys.modules[plugin_path]
-                except KeyError:
-                    pass
+                self._unimport_plugin(plugin_path)
                 log.warning(u"Can't import plugin [{path}] because of an unavailale third party module:\n{msg}".format(
                     path=plugin_path, msg=e))
             except exceptions.CancelError as e:
                 log.info(u"Plugin [{path}] cancelled its own import: {msg}".format(path=plugin_path, msg=e))
+                self._unimport_plugin(plugin_path)
             except Exception as e:
                 import traceback
                 log.error(_(u"Can't import plugin [{path}]:\n{error}").format(path=plugin_path, error=traceback.format_exc()))
+                self._unimport_plugin(plugin_path)
             mod = sys.modules[plugin_path]
             plugin_info = mod.PLUGIN_INFO
             import_name = plugin_info['import_name']
+            plugin_modes = plugin_info[u'modes'] = set(plugin_info.setdefault(u"modes", C.PLUG_MODE_DEFAULT))
+            # if the plugin is an entry point, it must work in component mode
+            if plugin_info[u'type'] == C.PLUG_TYPE_ENTRY_POINT:
+                # if plugin is an entrypoint, we cache it
+                if C.PLUG_MODE_COMPONENT not in plugin_modes:
+                    log.error(_(u"{type} type must be used with {mode} mode, ignoring plugin").format(
+                        type = C.PLUG_TYPE_ENTRY_POINT, mode = C.PLUG_MODE_COMPONENT))
+                    self._unimport_plugin(plugin_path)
+                    continue
             if import_name in plugins_to_import:
                 log.error(_(u"Name conflict for import name [{import_name}], can't import plugin [{name}]").format(**plugin_info))
@@ -243,6 +264,8 @@
             self.plugins[import_name].is_handler = True
             self.plugins[import_name].is_handler = False
+        # we keep metadata as a Class attribute
+        self.plugins[import_name]._info = plugin_info
         #TODO: test xmppclient presence and register handler parent
     def pluginsUnload(self):
@@ -268,12 +291,14 @@
         return self.connect(profile, password, options)
     def connect(self, profile, password='', options=None, max_retries=C.XMPP_MAX_RETRIES):
-        """Retrieve the individual parameters, authenticate the profile
+        """Connect a profile (i.e. connect client.component to XMPP server)
+        Retrieve the individual parameters, authenticate the profile
         and initiate the connection to the associated XMPP server.
         @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
         @param password (string): the SàT profile password
-        @param options (dict): connection options
+        @param options (dict): connection options. Key can be:
+            -
         @param max_retries (int): max number of connection retries
         @return (D(bool)):
             - True if the XMPP connection was already established
@@ -282,100 +307,32 @@
         if options is None:
-        def connectXMPPClient(dummy=None):
+        def connectProfile(dummy=None):
             if self.isConnected(profile):
                 log.info(_("already connected !"))
                 return True
-            d = self._connectXMPPClient(profile, max_retries)
+            if self.memory.isComponent(profile):
+                d = xmpp.SatXMPPComponent.startConnection(self, profile, max_retries)
+            else:
+                d = xmpp.SatXMPPClient.startConnection(self, profile, max_retries)
             return d.addCallback(lambda dummy: False)
         d = self.memory.startSession(password, profile)
-        d.addCallback(connectXMPPClient)
+        d.addCallback(connectProfile)
         return d
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def _connectXMPPClient(self, profile, max_retries):
-        """This part is called from connect when we have loaded individual parameters from memory"""
-        try:
-            port = int(self.memory.getParamA(C.FORCE_PORT_PARAM, "Connection", profile_key=profile))
-        except ValueError:
-            log.debug(_("Can't parse port value, using default value"))
-            port = None  # will use default value 5222 or be retrieved from a DNS SRV record
-        password = yield self.memory.asyncGetParamA("Password", "Connection", profile_key=profile)
-        current = self.profiles[profile] = xmpp.SatXMPPClient(self, profile,
-            jid.JID(self.memory.getParamA("JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=profile)),
-            password, self.memory.getParamA(C.FORCE_SERVER_PARAM, "Connection", profile_key=profile),
-            port, max_retries)
-        current.messageProt = xmpp.SatMessageProtocol(self)
-        current.messageProt.setHandlerParent(current)
-        current.roster = xmpp.SatRosterProtocol(self)
-        current.roster.setHandlerParent(current)
-        current.presence = xmpp.SatPresenceProtocol(self)
-        current.presence.setHandlerParent(current)
-        current.fallBack = xmpp.SatFallbackHandler(self)
-        current.fallBack.setHandlerParent(current)
-        current.versionHandler = xmpp.SatVersionHandler(C.APP_NAME_FULL,
-                                                        self.full_version)
-        current.versionHandler.setHandlerParent(current)
-        current.identityHandler = xmpp.SatIdentityHandler()
-        current.identityHandler.setHandlerParent(current)
-        log.debug(_("setting plugins parents"))
-        plugin_conn_cb = []
-        for plugin in self.plugins.iteritems():
-            if plugin[1].is_handler:
-                plugin[1].getHandler(profile).setHandlerParent(current)
-            connected_cb = getattr(plugin[1], "profileConnected", None) # profile connected is called after client is ready and roster is got
-            if connected_cb:
-                plugin_conn_cb.append((plugin[0], connected_cb))
-            try:
-                yield plugin[1].profileConnecting(profile) # profile connecting is called before actually starting client
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-        current.startService()
-        yield current.getConnectionDeferred()
-        yield current.roster.got_roster  # we want to be sure that we got the roster
-        # Call profileConnected callback for all plugins, and print error message if any of them fails
-        conn_cb_list = []
-        for dummy, callback in plugin_conn_cb:
-            conn_cb_list.append(defer.maybeDeferred(callback, profile))
-        list_d = defer.DeferredList(conn_cb_list)
-        def logPluginResults(results):
-            all_succeed = all([success for success, result in results])
-            if not all_succeed:
-                log.error(_(u"Plugins initialisation error"))
-                for idx, (success, result) in enumerate(results):
-                    if not success:
-                        log.error(u"error (plugin %(name)s): %(failure)s" %
-                                  {'name': plugin_conn_cb[idx][0], 'failure': result})
-        yield list_d.addCallback(logPluginResults) # FIXME: we should have a timeout here, and a way to know if a plugin freeze
-        # TODO: mesure launch time of each plugin
     def disconnect(self, profile_key):
         """disconnect from jabber server"""
+        # FIXME: client should not be deleted if only disconnected
+        #        it shoud be deleted only when session is finished
         if not self.isConnected(profile_key):
-            log.info(_("not connected !"))
-            return
-        profile = self.memory.getProfileName(profile_key)
-        log.info(_("Disconnecting..."))
-        self.profiles[profile].stopService()
-        for plugin in self.plugins.iteritems():
-            disconnected_cb = getattr(plugin[1], "profileDisconnected", None)
-            if disconnected_cb:
-                disconnected_cb(profile)
+            # isConnected is checked here and not on client
+            # because client is deleted when session is ended
+            log.info(_(u"not connected !"))
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        client = self.getClient(profile_key)
+        return client.entityDisconnect()
     def getFeatures(self, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         """Get available features
@@ -439,14 +396,17 @@
         client = self.getClient(profile_key)
         return [jid_.full() for jid_ in client.roster.getJidsFromGroup(group)]
-    def purgeClient(self, profile):
-        """Remove reference to a profile client and purge cache
-        the garbage collector can then free the memory"""
+    def purgeEntity(self, profile):
+        """Remove reference to a profile client/component and purge cache
+        the garbage collector can then free the memory
+        """
             del self.profiles[profile]
         except KeyError:
             log.error(_("Trying to remove reference to a client not referenced"))
-        self.memory.purgeProfileSession(profile)
+        else:
+            self.memory.purgeProfileSession(profile)
     def startService(self):
         log.info(u"Salut à toi ô mon frère !")
@@ -515,6 +475,14 @@
         return unicode(self.memory.getConfig(section, name, ''))
+    def logErrback(self, failure_):
+        """generic errback logging
+        can be used as last errback to show unexpected error
+        """
+        log.error(_(u"Unexpected error: {}".format(failure_)))
+        return failure_
     ## Client management ##
     def setParam(self, name, value, category, security_limit, profile_key):
@@ -537,168 +505,11 @@
     ## XMPP methods ##
-    def generateMessageXML(self, data):
-        """Generate <message/> stanza from message data
-        @param data(dict): message data
-            domish element will be put in data['xml']
-            following keys are needed:
-                - from
-                - to
-                - uid: can be set to '' if uid attribute is not wanted
-                - message
-                - type
-                - subject
-                - extra
-        @return (dict) message data
-        """
-        data['xml'] = message_elt = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
-        message_elt["to"] = data["to"].full()
-        message_elt["from"] = data['from'].full()
-        message_elt["type"] = data["type"]
-        if data['uid']: # key must be present but can be set to ''
-                        # by a plugin to avoid id on purpose
-            message_elt['id'] = data['uid']
-        for lang, subject in data["subject"].iteritems():
-            subject_elt = message_elt.addElement("subject", content=subject)
-            if lang:
-                subject_elt[(C.NS_XML, 'lang')] = lang
-        for lang, message in data["message"].iteritems():
-            body_elt = message_elt.addElement("body", content=message)
-            if lang:
-                body_elt[(C.NS_XML, 'lang')] = lang
-        try:
-            thread = data['extra']['thread']
-        except KeyError:
-            if 'thread_parent' in data['extra']:
-                raise exceptions.InternalError(u"thread_parent found while there is not associated thread")
-        else:
-            thread_elt = message_elt.addElement("thread", content=thread)
-            try:
-                thread_elt["parent"] = data["extra"]["thread_parent"]
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-        return data
     def _messageSend(self, to_jid_s, message, subject=None, mess_type='auto', extra=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         client = self.getClient(profile_key)
         to_jid = jid.JID(to_jid_s)
         #XXX: we need to use the dictionary comprehension because D-Bus return its own types, and pickle can't manage them. TODO: Need to find a better way
-        return self.messageSend(client, to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, {unicode(key): unicode(value) for key, value in extra.items()})
-    def messageSend(self, client, to_jid, message, subject=None, mess_type='auto', extra=None, uid=None, no_trigger=False):
-        """Send a message to an entity
-        @param to_jid(jid.JID): destinee of the message
-        @param message(dict): message body, key is the language (use '' when unknown)
-        @param subject(dict): message subject, key is the language (use '' when unknown)
-        @param mess_type(str): one of standard message type (cf RFC 6121 §5.2.2) or:
-            - auto: for automatic type detection
-            - info: for information ("info_type" can be specified in extra)
-        @param extra(dict, None): extra data. Key can be:
-            - info_type: information type, can be
-                TODO
-        @param uid(unicode, None): unique id:
-            should be unique at least in this XMPP session
-            if None, an uuid will be generated
-        @param no_trigger (bool): if True, messageSend trigger will no be used
-            useful when a message need to be sent without any modification
-        """
-        profile = client.profile
-        if subject is None:
-            subject = {}
-        if extra is None:
-            extra = {}
-        data = {  # dict is similar to the one used in client.onMessage
-            "from": client.jid,
-            "to": to_jid,
-            "uid": uid or unicode(uuid.uuid4()),
-            "message": message,
-            "subject": subject,
-            "type": mess_type,
-            "extra": extra,
-            "timestamp": time.time(),
-        }
-        pre_xml_treatments = defer.Deferred() # XXX: plugin can add their pre XML treatments to this deferred
-        post_xml_treatments = defer.Deferred() # XXX: plugin can add their post XML treatments to this deferred
-        if data["type"] == "auto":
-            # we try to guess the type
-            if data["subject"]:
-                data["type"] = 'normal'
-            elif not data["to"].resource:  # if to JID has a resource, the type is not 'groupchat'
-                # we may have a groupchat message, we check if the we know this jid
-                try:
-                    entity_type = self.memory.getEntityData(data["to"], ['type'], profile)["type"]
-                    #FIXME: should entity_type manage resources ?
-                except (exceptions.UnknownEntityError, KeyError):
-                    entity_type = "contact"
-                if entity_type == "chatroom":
-                    data["type"] = 'groupchat'
-                else:
-                    data["type"] = 'chat'
-            else:
-                data["type"] == 'chat'
-            data["type"] == "chat" if data["subject"] else "normal"
-        # FIXME: send_only is used by libervia's OTR plugin to avoid
-        #        the triggers from frontend, and no_trigger do the same
-        #        thing internally, this could be unified
-        send_only = data['extra'].get('send_only', False)
-        if not no_trigger and not send_only:
-            if not self.trigger.point("messageSend", client, data, pre_xml_treatments, post_xml_treatments):
-                return defer.succeed(None)
-        log.debug(_(u"Sending message (type {type}, to {to})").format(type=data["type"], to=to_jid.full()))
-        pre_xml_treatments.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.generateMessageXML(data))
-        pre_xml_treatments.chainDeferred(post_xml_treatments)
-        post_xml_treatments.addCallback(client.sendMessage)
-        if send_only:
-            log.debug(_("Triggers, storage and echo have been inhibited by the 'send_only' parameter"))
-        else:
-            post_xml_treatments.addCallback(self.messageAddToHistory, client)
-            post_xml_treatments.addCallback(self.messageSendToBridge, client)
-            post_xml_treatments.addErrback(self._cancelErrorTrap)
-        pre_xml_treatments.callback(data)
-        return pre_xml_treatments
-    def _cancelErrorTrap(self, failure):
-        """A message sending can be cancelled by a plugin treatment"""
-        failure.trap(exceptions.CancelError)
-    def messageAddToHistory(self, data, client):
-        """Store message into database (for local history)
-        @param data: message data dictionnary
-        @param client: profile's client
-        """
-        if data[u"type"] != C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT:
-            # we don't add groupchat message to history, as we get them back
-            # and they will be added then
-            if data[u'message'] or data[u'subject']: # we need a message to store
-                self.memory.addToHistory(client, data)
-            else:
-               log.warning(u"No message found") # empty body should be managed by plugins before this point
-        return data
-    def messageSendToBridge(self, data, client):
-        """Send message to bridge, so frontends can display it
-        @param data: message data dictionnary
-        @param client: profile's client
-        """
-        if data[u"type"] != C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT:
-            # we don't send groupchat message to bridge, as we get them back
-            # and they will be added the
-            if data[u'message'] or data[u'subject']: # we need a message to send something
-                # We send back the message, so all frontends are aware of it
-                self.bridge.messageNew(data[u'uid'], data[u'timestamp'], data[u'from'].full(), data[u'to'].full(), data[u'message'], data[u'subject'], data[u'type'], data[u'extra'], profile=client.profile)
-            else:
-               log.warning(_(u"No message found"))
-        return data
+        return client.sendMessage(to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, {unicode(key): unicode(value) for key, value in extra.items()})
     def _setPresence(self, to="", show="", statuses=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         return self.setPresence(jid.JID(to) if to else None, show, statuses, profile_key)