diff sat/memory/params.py @ 2562:26edcf3a30eb

core, setup: huge cleaning: - moved directories from src and frontends/src to sat and sat_frontends, which is the recommanded naming convention - move twisted directory to root - removed all hacks from setup.py, and added missing dependencies, it is now clean - use https URL for website in setup.py - removed "Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK", as wix is deprecated and removed - renamed sat.sh to sat and fixed its installation - added python_requires to specify Python version needed - replaced glib2reactor which use deprecated code by gtk3reactor sat can now be installed directly from virtualenv without using --system-site-packages anymore \o/
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Mon, 02 Apr 2018 19:44:50 +0200
parents src/memory/params.py@0046283a285d
children 56f94936df1e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sat/memory/params.py	Mon Apr 02 19:44:50 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SAT: a jabber client
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
+from sat.core import exceptions
+from sat.core.constants import Const as C
+from sat.memory.crypto import BlockCipher, PasswordHasher
+from xml.dom import minidom, NotFoundErr
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
+from sat.tools.xml_tools import paramsXML2XMLUI, getText
+# TODO: params should be rewritten using Twisted directly instead of minidom
+#       general params should be linked to sat.conf and kept synchronised
+#       this need an overall simplification to make maintenance easier
+def createJidElts(jids):
+    """Generator which return <jid/> elements from jids
+    @param jids(iterable[id.jID]): jids to use
+    @return (generator[domish.Element]): <jid/> elements
+    """
+    for jid_ in jids:
+        jid_elt = domish.Element((None, 'jid'))
+        jid_elt.addContent(jid_.full())
+        yield jid_elt
+class Params(object):
+    """This class manage parameters with xml"""
+    ### TODO: add desciption in params
+    #TODO: when priority is changed, a new presence stanza must be emitted
+    #TODO: int type (Priority should be int instead of string)
+    default_xml = u"""
+    <params>
+    <general>
+    </general>
+    <individual>
+        <category name="General" label="%(category_general)s">
+            <param name="Password" value="" type="password" />
+            <param name="%(history_param)s" label="%(history_label)s" value="20" constraint="0;100" type="int" security="0" />
+            <param name="%(show_offline_contacts)s" label="%(show_offline_contacts_label)s" value="false" type="bool" security="0" />
+            <param name="%(show_empty_groups)s" label="%(show_empty_groups_label)s" value="true" type="bool" security="0" />
+        </category>
+        <category name="Connection" label="%(category_connection)s">
+            <param name="JabberID" value="name@example.org" type="string" security="10" />
+            <param name="Password" value="" type="password" security="10" />
+            <param name="Priority" value="50" type="int" constraint="-128;127" security="10" />
+            <param name="%(force_server_param)s" value="" type="string" security="50" />
+            <param name="%(force_port_param)s" value="" type="int" constraint="1;65535" security="50" />
+            <param name="autoconnect" label="%(autoconnect_label)s" value="true" type="bool" security="50" />
+            <param name="autodisconnect" label="%(autodisconnect_label)s" value="false"  type="bool" security="50" />
+        </category>
+    </individual>
+    </params>
+    """ % {
+        'category_general': D_("General"),
+        'category_connection': D_("Connection"),
+        'history_param': C.HISTORY_LIMIT,
+        'history_label': D_('Chat history limit'),
+        'show_offline_contacts': C.SHOW_OFFLINE_CONTACTS,
+        'show_offline_contacts_label': D_('Show offline contacts'),
+        'show_empty_groups': C.SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS,
+        'show_empty_groups_label': D_('Show empty groups'),
+        'force_server_param': C.FORCE_SERVER_PARAM,
+        'force_port_param': C.FORCE_PORT_PARAM,
+        'new_account_label': D_("Register new account"),
+        'autoconnect_label': D_('Connect on frontend startup'),
+        'autodisconnect_label': D_('Disconnect on frontend closure'),
+    }
+    def load_default_params(self):
+        self.dom = minidom.parseString(Params.default_xml.encode('utf-8'))
+    def _mergeParams(self, source_node, dest_node):
+        """Look for every node in source_node and recursively copy them to dest if they don't exists"""
+        def getNodesMap(children):
+            ret = {}
+            for child in children:
+                if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
+                    ret[(child.tagName, child.getAttribute('name'))] = child
+            return ret
+        source_map = getNodesMap(source_node.childNodes)
+        dest_map = getNodesMap(dest_node.childNodes)
+        source_set = set(source_map.keys())
+        dest_set = set(dest_map.keys())
+        to_add = source_set.difference(dest_set)
+        for node_key in to_add:
+            dest_node.appendChild(source_map[node_key].cloneNode(True))
+        to_recurse = source_set - to_add
+        for node_key in to_recurse:
+            self._mergeParams(source_map[node_key], dest_map[node_key])
+    def load_xml(self, xml_file):
+        """Load parameters template from xml file"""
+        self.dom = minidom.parse(xml_file)
+        default_dom = minidom.parseString(Params.default_xml.encode('utf-8'))
+        self._mergeParams(default_dom.documentElement, self.dom.documentElement)
+    def loadGenParams(self):
+        """Load general parameters data from storage
+        @return: deferred triggered once params are loaded
+        """
+        return self.storage.loadGenParams(self.params_gen)
+    def loadIndParams(self, profile, cache=None):
+        """Load individual parameters
+        set self.params cache or a temporary cache
+        @param profile: profile to load (*must exist*)
+        @param cache: if not None, will be used to store the value, as a short time cache
+        @return: deferred triggered once params are loaded
+        """
+        if cache is None:
+            self.params[profile] = {}
+        return self.storage.loadIndParams(self.params[profile] if cache is None else cache, profile)
+    def purgeProfile(self, profile):
+        """Remove cache data of a profile
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        try:
+            del self.params[profile]
+        except KeyError:
+            log.error(_(u"Trying to purge cache of a profile not in memory: [%s]") % profile)
+    def save_xml(self, filename):
+        """Save parameters template to xml file"""
+        with open(filename, 'wb') as xml_file:
+            xml_file.write(self.dom.toxml('utf-8'))
+    def __init__(self, host, storage):
+        log.debug("Parameters init")
+        self.host = host
+        self.storage = storage
+        self.default_profile = None
+        self.params = {}
+        self.params_gen = {}
+    def createProfile(self, profile, component):
+        """Create a new profile
+        @param profile(unicode): name of the profile
+        @param component(unicode): entry point if profile is a component
+        @param callback: called when the profile actually exists in database and memory
+        @return: a Deferred instance
+        """
+        if self.storage.hasProfile(profile):
+            log.info(_('The profile name already exists'))
+            return defer.fail(Failure(exceptions.ConflictError))
+        if not self.host.trigger.point("ProfileCreation", profile):
+            return defer.fail(Failure(exceptions.CancelError))
+        return self.storage.createProfile(profile, component or None)
+    def asyncDeleteProfile(self, profile, force=False):
+        """Delete an existing profile
+        @param profile: name of the profile
+        @param force: force the deletion even if the profile is connected.
+        To be used for direct calls only (not through the bridge).
+        @return: a Deferred instance
+        """
+        if not self.storage.hasProfile(profile):
+            log.info(_('Trying to delete an unknown profile'))
+            return defer.fail(Failure(exceptions.ProfileUnknownError(profile)))
+        if self.host.isConnected(profile):
+            if force:
+                self.host.disconnect(profile)
+            else:
+                log.info(_("Trying to delete a connected profile"))
+                return defer.fail(Failure(exceptions.ProfileConnected))
+        return self.storage.deleteProfile(profile)
+    def getProfileName(self, profile_key, return_profile_keys=False):
+        """return profile according to profile_key
+        @param profile_key: profile name or key which can be
+                            C.PROF_KEY_ALL for all profiles
+                            C.PROF_KEY_DEFAULT for default profile
+        @param return_profile_keys: if True, return unmanaged profile keys (like C.PROF_KEY_ALL). This keys must be managed by the caller
+        @return: requested profile name
+        @raise exceptions.ProfileUnknownError: profile doesn't exists
+        @raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError: if C.PROF_KEY_NONE is used
+        """
+        if profile_key == '@DEFAULT@':
+            default = self.host.memory.memory_data.get('Profile_default')
+            if not default:
+                log.info(_('No default profile, returning first one'))
+                try:
+                    default = self.host.memory.memory_data['Profile_default'] = self.storage.getProfilesList()[0]
+                except IndexError:
+                    log.info(_('No profile exist yet'))
+                    raise exceptions.ProfileUnknownError(profile_key)
+            return default  # FIXME: temporary, must use real default value, and fallback to first one if it doesn't exists
+        elif profile_key == C.PROF_KEY_NONE:
+            raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError
+        elif return_profile_keys and profile_key in [C.PROF_KEY_ALL]:
+            return profile_key # this value must be managed by the caller
+        if not self.storage.hasProfile(profile_key):
+            log.error(_(u'Trying to access an unknown profile (%s)') % profile_key)
+            raise exceptions.ProfileUnknownError(profile_key)
+        return profile_key
+    def __get_unique_node(self, parent, tag, name):
+        """return node with given tag
+        @param parent: parent of nodes to check (e.g. documentElement)
+        @param tag: tag to check (e.g. "category")
+        @param name: name to check (e.g. "JID")
+        @return: node if it exist or None
+        """
+        for node in parent.childNodes:
+            if node.nodeName == tag and node.getAttribute("name") == name:
+                #the node already exists
+                return node
+        #the node is new
+        return None
+    def updateParams(self, xml, security_limit=C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, app=''):
+        """import xml in parameters, update if the param already exists
+        If security_limit is specified and greater than -1, the parameters
+        that have a security level greater than security_limit are skipped.
+        @param xml: parameters in xml form
+        @param security_limit: -1 means no security, 0 is the maximum security then the higher the less secure
+        @param app: name of the frontend registering the parameters or empty value
+        """
+        # TODO: should word with domish.Element
+        src_parent = minidom.parseString(xml.encode('utf-8')).documentElement
+        def pre_process_app_node(src_parent, security_limit, app):
+            """Parameters that are registered from a frontend must be checked"""
+            to_remove = []
+            for type_node in src_parent.childNodes:
+                if type_node.nodeName != C.INDIVIDUAL:
+                    to_remove.append(type_node)  # accept individual parameters only
+                    continue
+                for cat_node in type_node.childNodes:
+                    if cat_node.nodeName != 'category':
+                        to_remove.append(cat_node)
+                        continue
+                    to_remove_count = 0  # count the params to be removed from current category
+                    for node in cat_node.childNodes:
+                        if node.nodeName != "param" or not self.checkSecurityLimit(node, security_limit):
+                            to_remove.append(node)
+                            to_remove_count += 1
+                            continue
+                        node.setAttribute('app', app)
+                    if len(cat_node.childNodes) == to_remove_count:  # remove empty category
+                        for dummy in xrange(0, to_remove_count):
+                            to_remove.pop()
+                        to_remove.append(cat_node)
+            for node in to_remove:
+                node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
+        def import_node(tgt_parent, src_parent):
+            for child in src_parent.childNodes:
+                if child.nodeName == '#text':
+                    continue
+                node = self.__get_unique_node(tgt_parent, child.nodeName, child.getAttribute("name"))
+                if not node:  # The node is new
+                    tgt_parent.appendChild(child.cloneNode(True))
+                else:
+                    if child.nodeName == "param":
+                        # The child updates an existing parameter, we replace the node
+                        tgt_parent.replaceChild(child, node)
+                    else:
+                        # the node already exists, we recurse 1 more level
+                        import_node(node, child)
+        if app:
+            pre_process_app_node(src_parent, security_limit, app)
+        import_node(self.dom.documentElement, src_parent)
+    def paramsRegisterApp(self, xml, security_limit, app):
+        """Register frontend's specific parameters
+        If security_limit is specified and greater than -1, the parameters
+        that have a security level greater than security_limit are skipped.
+        @param xml: XML definition of the parameters to be added
+        @param security_limit: -1 means no security, 0 is the maximum security then the higher the less secure
+        @param app: name of the frontend registering the parameters
+        """
+        if not app:
+            log.warning(_(u"Trying to register frontends parameters with no specified app: aborted"))
+            return
+        if not hasattr(self, "frontends_cache"):
+            self.frontends_cache = []
+        if app in self.frontends_cache:
+            log.debug(_(u"Trying to register twice frontends parameters for %(app)s: aborted" % {"app": app}))
+            return
+        self.frontends_cache.append(app)
+        self.updateParams(xml, security_limit, app)
+        log.debug(u"Frontends parameters registered for %(app)s" % {'app': app})
+    def __default_ok(self, value, name, category):
+        #FIXME: will not work with individual parameters
+        self.setParam(name, value, category)
+    def __default_ko(self, failure, name, category):
+        log.error(_(u"Can't determine default value for [%(category)s/%(name)s]: %(reason)s") % {'category': category, 'name': name, 'reason': str(failure.value)})
+    def setDefault(self, name, category, callback, errback=None):
+        """Set default value of parameter
+        'default_cb' attibute of parameter must be set to 'yes'
+        @param name: name of the parameter
+        @param category: category of the parameter
+        @param callback: must return a string with the value (use deferred if needed)
+        @param errback: must manage the error with args failure, name, category
+        """
+        #TODO: send signal param update if value changed
+        #TODO: manage individual paramaters
+        log.debug ("setDefault called for %(category)s/%(name)s" % {"category": category, "name": name})
+        node = self._getParamNode(name, category, '@ALL@')
+        if not node:
+            log.error(_(u"Requested param [%(name)s] in category [%(category)s] doesn't exist !") % {'name': name, 'category': category})
+            return
+        if node[1].getAttribute('default_cb') == 'yes':
+            # del node[1].attributes['default_cb'] # default_cb is not used anymore as a flag to know if we have to set the default value,
+                                                   # and we can still use it later e.g. to call a generic setDefault method
+            value = self._getParam(category, name, C.GENERAL)
+            if value is None: # no value set by the user: we have the default value
+                log.debug ("Default value to set, using callback")
+                d = defer.maybeDeferred(callback)
+                d.addCallback(self.__default_ok, name, category)
+                d.addErrback(errback or self.__default_ko, name, category)
+    def _getAttr_internal(self, node, attr, value):
+        """Get attribute value.
+        /!\ This method would return encrypted password values.
+        @param node: XML param node
+        @param attr: name of the attribute to get (e.g.: 'value' or 'type')
+        @param value: user defined value
+        @return: value (can be str, bool, int, list, None)
+        """
+        if attr == 'value':
+            value_to_use = value if value is not None else node.getAttribute(attr)  # we use value (user defined) if it exist, else we use node's default value
+            if node.getAttribute('type') == 'bool':
+                return C.bool(value_to_use)
+            if node.getAttribute('type') == 'int':
+                return int(value_to_use)
+            elif node.getAttribute('type') == 'list':
+                if not value_to_use:  # no user defined value, take default value from the XML
+                    options = [option for option in node.childNodes if option.nodeName == 'option']
+                    selected = [option for option in options if option.getAttribute('selected') == 'true']
+                    cat, param = node.parentNode.getAttribute('name'), node.getAttribute('name')
+                    if len(selected) == 1:
+                        value_to_use = selected[0].getAttribute('value')
+                        log.info(_("Unset parameter (%(cat)s, %(param)s) of type list will use the default option '%(value)s'") %
+                                 {'cat': cat, 'param': param, 'value': value_to_use})
+                        return value_to_use
+                    if len(selected) == 0:
+                        log.error(_(u'Parameter (%(cat)s, %(param)s) of type list has no default option!') % {'cat': cat, 'param': param})
+                    else:
+                        log.error(_(u'Parameter (%(cat)s, %(param)s) of type list has more than one default option!') % {'cat': cat, 'param': param})
+                    raise exceptions.DataError
+            elif node.getAttribute('type') == 'jids_list':
+                if value_to_use:
+                    jids = value_to_use.split('\t')  # FIXME: it's not good to use tabs as separator !
+                else:  # no user defined value, take default value from the XML
+                    jids = [getText(jid_) for jid_ in node.getElementsByTagName("jid")]
+                to_delete = []
+                for idx, value in enumerate(jids):
+                    try:
+                        jids[idx] = jid.JID(value)
+                    except (RuntimeError, jid.InvalidFormat, AttributeError):
+                        log.warning(u"Incorrect jid value found in jids list: [{}]".format(value))
+                        to_delete.append(value)
+                for value in to_delete:
+                    jids.remove(value)
+                return jids
+            return value_to_use
+        return node.getAttribute(attr)
+    def _getAttr(self, node, attr, value):
+        """Get attribute value (synchronous).
+        /!\ This method can not be used to retrieve password values.
+        @param node: XML param node
+        @param attr: name of the attribute to get (e.g.: 'value' or 'type')
+        @param value: user defined value
+        @return (unicode, bool, int, list): value to retrieve
+        """
+        if attr == 'value' and node.getAttribute('type') == 'password':
+            raise exceptions.InternalError('To retrieve password values, use _asyncGetAttr instead of _getAttr')
+        return self._getAttr_internal(node, attr, value)
+    def _asyncGetAttr(self, node, attr, value, profile=None):
+        """Get attribute value.
+        Profile passwords are returned hashed (if not empty),
+        other passwords are returned decrypted (if not empty).
+        @param node: XML param node
+        @param attr: name of the attribute to get (e.g.: 'value' or 'type')
+        @param value: user defined value
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        @return (unicode, bool, int, list): Deferred value to retrieve
+        """
+        value = self._getAttr_internal(node, attr, value)
+        if attr != 'value' or node.getAttribute('type') != 'password':
+            return defer.succeed(value)
+        param_cat = node.parentNode.getAttribute('name')
+        param_name = node.getAttribute('name')
+        if ((param_cat, param_name) == C.PROFILE_PASS_PATH) or not value:
+            return defer.succeed(value)  # profile password and empty passwords are returned "as is"
+        if not profile:
+            raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError('The profile is needed to decrypt a password')
+        d = self.host.memory.decryptValue(value, profile)
+        def gotPlainPassword(password):
+            if password is None:  # empty value means empty password, None means decryption failure
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(_('The stored password could not be decrypted!'))
+            return password
+        return d.addCallback(gotPlainPassword)
+    def __type_to_string(self, result):
+        """ convert result to string, according to its type """
+        if isinstance(result, bool):
+            return "true" if result else "false"
+        elif isinstance(result, int):
+            return str(result)
+        return result
+    def getStringParamA(self, name, category, attr="value", profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """ Same as getParamA but for bridge: convert non string value to string """
+        return self.__type_to_string(self.getParamA(name, category, attr, profile_key=profile_key))
+    def getParamA(self, name, category, attr="value", use_default=True, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Helper method to get a specific attribute.
+        /!\ This method would return encrypted password values,
+            to get the plain values you have to use _asyncGetParamA.
+        @param name: name of the parameter
+        @param category: category of the parameter
+        @param attr: name of the attribute (default: "value")
+        @parm use_default(bool): if True and attr=='value', return default value if not set
+            else return None if not set
+        @param profile: owner of the param (@ALL@ for everyone)
+        @return: attribute
+        """
+        # FIXME: looks really dirty and buggy, need to be reviewed/refactored
+        # FIXME: security_limit is not managed here !
+        node = self._getParamNode(name, category)
+        if not node:
+            log.error(_(u"Requested param [%(name)s] in category [%(category)s] doesn't exist !") % {'name': name, 'category': category})
+            raise exceptions.NotFound
+        if attr == 'value' and node[1].getAttribute('type') == 'password':
+            raise exceptions.InternalError('To retrieve password values, use asyncGetParamA instead of getParamA')
+        if node[0] == C.GENERAL:
+            value = self._getParam(category, name, C.GENERAL)
+            if value is None and attr=='value' and not use_default:
+                return value
+            return self._getAttr(node[1], attr, value)
+        assert node[0] == C.INDIVIDUAL
+        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            log.error(_('Requesting a param for an non-existant profile'))
+            raise exceptions.ProfileUnknownError(profile_key)
+        if profile not in self.params:
+            log.error(_('Requesting synchronous param for not connected profile'))
+            raise exceptions.ProfileNotConnected(profile)
+        if attr == "value":
+            value = self._getParam(category, name, profile=profile)
+            if value is None and attr=='value' and not use_default:
+                return value
+            return self._getAttr(node[1], attr, value)
+    def asyncGetStringParamA(self, name, category, attr="value", security_limit=C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        d = self.asyncGetParamA(name, category, attr, security_limit, profile_key)
+        d.addCallback(self.__type_to_string)
+        return d
+    def asyncGetParamA(self, name, category, attr="value", security_limit=C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Helper method to get a specific attribute.
+        @param name: name of the parameter
+        @param category: category of the parameter
+        @param attr: name of the attribute (default: "value")
+        @param profile: owner of the param (@ALL@ for everyone)
+        @return (defer.Deferred): parameter value, with corresponding type (bool, int, list, etc)
+        """
+        node = self._getParamNode(name, category)
+        if not node:
+            log.error(_(u"Requested param [%(name)s] in category [%(category)s] doesn't exist !") % {'name': name, 'category': category})
+            raise ValueError("Requested param doesn't exist")
+        if not self.checkSecurityLimit(node[1], security_limit):
+            log.warning(_(u"Trying to get parameter '%(param)s' in category '%(cat)s' without authorization!!!"
+                      % {'param': name, 'cat': category}))
+            raise exceptions.PermissionError
+        if node[0] == C.GENERAL:
+            value = self._getParam(category, name, C.GENERAL)
+            return self._asyncGetAttr(node[1], attr, value)
+        assert node[0] == C.INDIVIDUAL
+        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError(_('Requesting a param for a non-existant profile'))
+        if attr != "value":
+            return defer.succeed(node[1].getAttribute(attr))
+        try:
+            value = self._getParam(category, name, profile=profile)
+            return self._asyncGetAttr(node[1], attr, value, profile)
+        except exceptions.ProfileNotInCacheError:
+            #We have to ask data to the storage manager
+            d = self.storage.getIndParam(category, name, profile)
+            return d.addCallback(lambda value: self._asyncGetAttr(node[1], attr, value, profile))
+    def asyncGetParamsValuesFromCategory(self, category, security_limit, profile_key):
+        """Get all parameters "attribute" for a category
+        @param category(unicode): the desired category
+        @param security_limit(int): NO_SECURITY_LIMIT (-1) to return all the params.
+            Otherwise sole the params which have a security level defined *and*
+            lower or equal to the specified value are returned.
+        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return (dict): key: param name, value: param value (converted to string if needed)
+        """
+        #TODO: manage category of general type (without existant profile)
+        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            log.error(_("Asking params for inexistant profile"))
+            return ""
+        def setValue(value, ret, name):
+            ret[name] = value
+        def returnCategoryXml(prof_xml):
+            ret = {}
+            names_d_list = []
+            for category_node in prof_xml.getElementsByTagName("category"):
+                if category_node.getAttribute("name") == category:
+                    for param_node in category_node.getElementsByTagName("param"):
+                        name = param_node.getAttribute('name')
+                        if not name:
+                            log.warning(u"ignoring attribute without name: {}".format(param_node.toxml()))
+                            continue
+                        d = self.asyncGetStringParamA(name, category, security_limit=security_limit, profile_key=profile)
+                        d.addCallback(setValue, ret, name)
+                        names_d_list.append(d)
+                    break
+            prof_xml.unlink()
+            dlist = defer.gatherResults(names_d_list)
+            dlist.addCallback(lambda dummy: ret)
+            return ret
+        d = self._constructProfileXml(security_limit, '', profile)
+        return d.addCallback(returnCategoryXml)
+    def _getParam(self, category, name, type_=C.INDIVIDUAL, cache=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Return the param, or None if it doesn't exist
+        @param category: param category
+        @param name: param name
+        @param type_: GENERAL or INDIVIDUAL
+        @param cache: temporary cache, to use when profile is not logged
+        @param profile: the profile name (not profile key, i.e. name and not something like @DEFAULT@)
+        @return: param value or None if it doesn't exist
+        """
+        if type_ == C.GENERAL:
+            if (category, name) in self.params_gen:
+                return self.params_gen[(category, name)]
+            return None  # This general param has the default value
+        assert type_ == C.INDIVIDUAL
+        if profile == C.PROF_KEY_NONE:
+            raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError
+        if profile in self.params:
+            cache = self.params[profile]  # if profile is in main cache, we use it,
+                                          # ignoring the temporary cache
+        elif cache is None:  # else we use the temporary cache if it exists, or raise an exception
+            raise exceptions.ProfileNotInCacheError
+        if (category, name) not in cache:
+            return None
+        return cache[(category, name)]
+    def _constructProfileXml(self, security_limit, app, profile):
+        """Construct xml for asked profile, filling values when needed
+        /!\ as noticed in doc, don't forget to unlink the minidom.Document
+        @param security_limit: NO_SECURITY_LIMIT (-1) to return all the params.
+        Otherwise sole the params which have a security level defined *and*
+        lower or equal to the specified value are returned.
+        @param app: name of the frontend requesting the parameters, or '' to get all parameters
+        @param profile: profile name (not key !)
+        @return: a deferred that fire a minidom.Document of the profile xml (cf warning above)
+        """
+        def checkNode(node):
+            """Check the node against security_limit and app"""
+            return self.checkSecurityLimit(node, security_limit) and self.checkApp(node, app)
+        def constructProfile(ignore, profile_cache):
+            # init the result document
+            prof_xml = minidom.parseString('<params/>')
+            cache = {}
+            for type_node in self.dom.documentElement.childNodes:
+                if type_node.nodeName != C.GENERAL and type_node.nodeName != C.INDIVIDUAL:
+                    continue
+                # we use all params, general and individual
+                for cat_node in type_node.childNodes:
+                    if cat_node.nodeName != 'category':
+                        continue
+                    category = cat_node.getAttribute('name')
+                    dest_params = {}  # result (merged) params for category
+                    if category not in cache:
+                        # we make a copy for the new xml
+                        cache[category] = dest_cat = cat_node.cloneNode(True)
+                        to_remove = []
+                        for node in dest_cat.childNodes:
+                            if node.nodeName != "param":
+                                continue
+                            if not checkNode(node):
+                                to_remove.append(node)
+                                continue
+                            dest_params[node.getAttribute('name')] = node
+                        for node in to_remove:
+                            dest_cat.removeChild(node)
+                        new_node = True
+                    else:
+                        # It's not a new node, we use the previously cloned one
+                        dest_cat = cache[category]
+                        new_node = False
+                    params = cat_node.getElementsByTagName("param")
+                    for param_node in params:
+                        # we have to merge new params (we are parsing individual parameters, we have to add them
+                        # to the previously parsed general ones)
+                        name = param_node.getAttribute('name')
+                        if not checkNode(param_node):
+                            continue
+                        if name not in dest_params:
+                            # this is reached when a previous category exists
+                            dest_params[name] = param_node.cloneNode(True)
+                            dest_cat.appendChild(dest_params[name])
+                        profile_value = self._getParam(category,
+                                                        name, type_node.nodeName,
+                                                        cache=profile_cache, profile=profile)
+                        if profile_value is not None:
+                            # there is a value for this profile, we must change the default
+                            if dest_params[name].getAttribute('type') == 'list':
+                                for option in dest_params[name].getElementsByTagName("option"):
+                                    if option.getAttribute('value') == profile_value:
+                                        option.setAttribute('selected', 'true')
+                                    else:
+                                        try:
+                                            option.removeAttribute('selected')
+                                        except NotFoundErr:
+                                            pass
+                            elif dest_params[name].getAttribute('type') == 'jids_list':
+                                jids = profile_value.split('\t')
+                                for jid_elt in dest_params[name].getElementsByTagName("jid"):
+                                    dest_params[name].removeChild(jid_elt)  # remove all default
+                                for jid_ in jids:  # rebuilt the children with use values
+                                    try:
+                                        jid.JID(jid_)
+                                    except (RuntimeError, jid.InvalidFormat, AttributeError):
+                                        log.warning(u"Incorrect jid value found in jids list: [{}]".format(jid_))
+                                    else:
+                                        jid_elt = prof_xml.createElement('jid')
+                                        jid_elt.appendChild(prof_xml.createTextNode(jid_))
+                                        dest_params[name].appendChild(jid_elt)
+                            else:
+                                dest_params[name].setAttribute('value', profile_value)
+                    if new_node:
+                        prof_xml.documentElement.appendChild(dest_cat)
+            to_remove = []
+            for cat_node in prof_xml.documentElement.childNodes:
+                # we remove empty categories
+                if cat_node.getElementsByTagName("param").length == 0:
+                    to_remove.append(cat_node)
+            for node in to_remove:
+                prof_xml.documentElement.removeChild(node)
+            return prof_xml
+        if profile in self.params:
+            d = defer.succeed(None)
+            profile_cache = self.params[profile]
+        else:
+            #profile is not in cache, we load values in a short time cache
+            profile_cache = {}
+            d = self.loadIndParams(profile, profile_cache)
+        return d.addCallback(constructProfile, profile_cache)
+    def getParamsUI(self, security_limit, app, profile_key):
+        """
+        @param security_limit: NO_SECURITY_LIMIT (-1) to return all the params.
+        Otherwise sole the params which have a security level defined *and*
+        lower or equal to the specified value are returned.
+        @param app: name of the frontend requesting the parameters, or '' to get all parameters
+        @param profile_key: Profile key which can be either a magic (eg: @DEFAULT@) or the name of an existing profile.
+        @return: a SàT XMLUI for parameters
+        """
+        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            log.error(_("Asking params for inexistant profile"))
+            return ""
+        d = self.getParams(security_limit, app, profile)
+        return d.addCallback(lambda param_xml: paramsXML2XMLUI(param_xml))
+    def getParams(self, security_limit, app, profile_key):
+        """Construct xml for asked profile, take params xml as skeleton
+        @param security_limit: NO_SECURITY_LIMIT (-1) to return all the params.
+        Otherwise sole the params which have a security level defined *and*
+        lower or equal to the specified value are returned.
+        @param app: name of the frontend requesting the parameters, or '' to get all parameters
+        @param profile_key: Profile key which can be either a magic (eg: @DEFAULT@) or the name of an existing profile.
+        @return: XML of parameters
+        """
+        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
+        if not profile:
+            log.error(_("Asking params for inexistant profile"))
+            return defer.succeed("")
+        def returnXML(prof_xml):
+            return_xml = prof_xml.toxml()
+            prof_xml.unlink()
+            return '\n'.join((line for line in return_xml.split('\n') if line))
+        return self._constructProfileXml(security_limit, app, profile).addCallback(returnXML)
+    def _getParamNode(self, name, category, type_="@ALL@"):  # FIXME: is type_ useful ?
+        """Return a node from the param_xml
+        @param name: name of the node
+        @param category: category of the node
+        @param type_: keyword for search:
+                                    @ALL@ search everywhere
+                                    @GENERAL@ only search in general type
+                                    @INDIVIDUAL@ only search in individual type
+        @return: a tuple (node type, node) or None if not found"""
+        for type_node in self.dom.documentElement.childNodes:
+            if (((type_ == "@ALL@" or type_ == "@GENERAL@") and type_node.nodeName == C.GENERAL)
+                    or ((type_ == "@ALL@" or type_ == "@INDIVIDUAL@") and type_node.nodeName == C.INDIVIDUAL)):
+                for node in type_node.getElementsByTagName('category'):
+                    if node.getAttribute("name") == category:
+                        params = node.getElementsByTagName("param")
+                        for param in params:
+                            if param.getAttribute("name") == name:
+                                return (type_node.nodeName, param)
+        return None
+    def getParamsCategories(self):
+        """return the categories availables"""
+        categories = []
+        for cat in self.dom.getElementsByTagName("category"):
+            name = cat.getAttribute("name")
+            if name not in categories:
+                categories.append(cat.getAttribute("name"))
+        return categories
+    def setParam(self, name, value, category, security_limit=C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Set a parameter, return None if the parameter is not in param xml.
+        Parameter of type 'password' that are not the SàT profile password are
+        stored encrypted (if not empty). The profile password is stored hashed
+        (if not empty).
+        @param name (str): the parameter name
+        @param value (str): the new value
+        @param category (str): the parameter category
+        @param security_limit (int)
+        @param profile_key (str): %(doc_profile_key)s
+        @return: a deferred None value when everything is done
+        """
+        # FIXME: setParam should accept the right type for value, not only str !
+        if profile_key != C.PROF_KEY_NONE:
+            profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
+            if not profile:
+                log.error(_(u'Trying to set parameter for an unknown profile'))
+                raise exceptions.ProfileUnknownError(profile_key)
+        node = self._getParamNode(name, category, '@ALL@')
+        if not node:
+            log.error(_(u'Requesting an unknown parameter (%(category)s/%(name)s)')
+                      % {'category': category, 'name': name})
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        if not self.checkSecurityLimit(node[1], security_limit):
+            log.warning(_(u"Trying to set parameter '%(param)s' in category '%(cat)s' without authorization!!!"
+                          % {'param': name, 'cat': category}))
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        type_ = node[1].getAttribute("type")
+        if type_ == 'int':
+            if not value:  # replace with the default value (which might also be '')
+                value = node[1].getAttribute("value")
+            else:
+                try:
+                    int(value)
+                except ValueError:
+                    log.debug(_(u"Trying to set parameter '%(param)s' in category '%(cat)s' with an non-integer value"
+                                % {'param': name, 'cat': category}))
+                    return defer.succeed(None)
+                if node[1].hasAttribute("constraint"):
+                    constraint = node[1].getAttribute("constraint")
+                    try:
+                        min_, max_ = [int(limit) for limit in constraint.split(";")]
+                    except ValueError:
+                        raise exceptions.InternalError("Invalid integer parameter constraint: %s" % constraint)
+                    value = str(min(max(int(value), min_), max_))
+        log.info(_("Setting parameter (%(category)s, %(name)s) = %(value)s") %
+                 {'category': category, 'name': name, 'value': value if type_ != 'password' else '********'})
+        if node[0] == C.GENERAL:
+            self.params_gen[(category, name)] = value
+            self.storage.setGenParam(category, name, value)
+            for profile in self.storage.getProfilesList():
+                if self.host.memory.isSessionStarted(profile):
+                    self.host.bridge.paramUpdate(name, value, category, profile)
+                    self.host.trigger.point("paramUpdateTrigger", name, value, category, node[0], profile)
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        assert node[0] == C.INDIVIDUAL
+        assert profile_key != C.PROF_KEY_NONE
+        if type_ == "button":
+            log.debug(u"Clicked param button %s" % node.toxml())
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        elif type_ == "password":
+            try:
+                personal_key = self.host.memory.auth_sessions.profileGetUnique(profile)[C.MEMORY_CRYPTO_KEY]
+            except TypeError:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(_('Trying to encrypt a password while the personal key is undefined!'))
+            if (category, name) == C.PROFILE_PASS_PATH:
+                # using 'value' as the encryption key to encrypt another encryption key... could be confusing!
+                d = self.host.memory.encryptPersonalData(data_key=C.MEMORY_CRYPTO_KEY,
+                                                         data_value=personal_key,
+                                                         crypto_key=value,
+                                                         profile=profile)
+                d.addCallback(lambda dummy: PasswordHasher.hash(value))  # profile password is hashed (empty value stays empty)
+            elif value:  # other non empty passwords are encrypted with the personal key
+                d = BlockCipher.encrypt(personal_key, value)
+            else:
+                d = defer.succeed(value)
+        else:
+            d = defer.succeed(value)
+        def gotFinalValue(value):
+            if self.host.memory.isSessionStarted(profile):
+                self.params[profile][(category, name)] = value
+                self.host.bridge.paramUpdate(name, value, category, profile)
+                self.host.trigger.point("paramUpdateTrigger", name, value, category, node[0], profile)
+                return self.storage.setIndParam(category, name, value, profile)
+            else:
+                raise exceptions.ProfileNotConnected
+        d.addCallback(gotFinalValue)
+        return d
+    def _getNodesOfTypes(self, attr_type, node_type="@ALL@"):
+        """Return all the nodes matching the given types.
+        TODO: using during the dev but not anymore... remove if not needed
+        @param attr_type (str): the attribute type (string, text, password, bool, int, button, list)
+        @param node_type (str): keyword for filtering:
+                                    @ALL@ search everywhere
+                                    @GENERAL@ only search in general type
+                                    @INDIVIDUAL@ only search in individual type
+        @return: dict{tuple: node}: a dict {key, value} where:
+            - key is a couple (attribute category, attribute name)
+            - value is a node
+        """
+        ret = {}
+        for type_node in self.dom.documentElement.childNodes:
+            if (((node_type == "@ALL@" or node_type == "@GENERAL@") and type_node.nodeName == C.GENERAL) or
+                ((node_type == "@ALL@" or node_type == "@INDIVIDUAL@") and type_node.nodeName == C.INDIVIDUAL)):
+                for cat_node in type_node.getElementsByTagName('category'):
+                    cat = cat_node.getAttribute('name')
+                    params = cat_node.getElementsByTagName("param")
+                    for param in params:
+                        if param.getAttribute("type") == attr_type:
+                            ret[(cat, param.getAttribute("name"))] = param
+        return ret
+    def checkSecurityLimit(self, node, security_limit):
+        """Check the given node against the given security limit.
+        The value NO_SECURITY_LIMIT (-1) means that everything is allowed.
+        @return: True if this node can be accessed with the given security limit.
+        """
+        if security_limit < 0:
+            return True
+        if node.hasAttribute("security"):
+            if int(node.getAttribute("security")) <= security_limit:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def checkApp(self, node, app):
+        """Check the given node against the given app.
+        @param node: parameter node
+        @param app: name of the frontend requesting the parameters, or '' to get all parameters
+        @return: True if this node concerns the given app.
+        """
+        if not app or not node.hasAttribute("app"):
+            return True
+        return node.getAttribute("app") == app