diff sat_frontends/quick_frontend/quick_app.py @ 2562:26edcf3a30eb

core, setup: huge cleaning: - moved directories from src and frontends/src to sat and sat_frontends, which is the recommanded naming convention - move twisted directory to root - removed all hacks from setup.py, and added missing dependencies, it is now clean - use https URL for website in setup.py - removed "Environment :: X11 Applications :: GTK", as wix is deprecated and removed - renamed sat.sh to sat and fixed its installation - added python_requires to specify Python version needed - replaced glib2reactor which use deprecated code by gtk3reactor sat can now be installed directly from virtualenv without using --system-site-packages anymore \o/
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Mon, 02 Apr 2018 19:44:50 +0200
parents frontends/src/quick_frontend/quick_app.py@0046283a285d
children 2e6864b1d577
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sat_frontends/quick_frontend/quick_app.py	Mon Apr 02 19:44:50 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,975 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# helper class for making a SAT frontend
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core import exceptions
+from sat.tools import trigger
+from sat.tools.common import data_format
+from sat_frontends.tools import jid
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_widgets
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_menus
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_blog
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_chat, quick_games
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_contact_list
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.constants import Const as C
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import time
+    # FIXME: to be removed when an acceptable solution is here
+    unicode('')  # XXX: unicode doesn't exist in pyjamas
+except (TypeError, AttributeError):  # Error raised is not the same depending on pyjsbuild options
+    unicode = str
+class ProfileManager(object):
+    """Class managing all data relative to one profile, and plugging in mechanism"""
+    # TODO: handle waiting XMLUI requests: getWaitingConf doesn't exist anymore
+    #       and a way to keep some XMLUI request between sessions is expected in backend
+    host = None
+    bridge = None
+    # cache_keys_to_get = ['avatar']
+    def __init__(self, profile):
+        self.profile = profile
+        self.connected = False
+        self.whoami = None
+        self.notifications = {}  # key: bare jid or '' for general, value: notif data
+    @property
+    def autodisconnect(self):
+        try:
+            autodisconnect = self._autodisconnect
+        except AttributeError:
+            autodisconnect = False
+        return autodisconnect
+    def plug(self):
+        """Plug the profile to the host"""
+        # we get the essential params
+        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
+                                   callback=self._plug_profile_jid, errback=self._getParamError)
+    def _plug_profile_jid(self, jid_s):
+        self.whoami = jid.JID(jid_s)  # resource might change after the connection
+        self.bridge.isConnected(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_isconnected)
+    def _autodisconnectEb(self, failure_):
+        # XXX: we ignore error on this parameter, as Libervia can't access it
+        log.warning(_("Error while trying to get autodisconnect param, ignoring: {}").format(failure_))
+        self._plug_profile_autodisconnect("false")
+    def _plug_profile_isconnected(self, connected):
+        self.connected = connected
+        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("autodisconnect", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
+                                   callback=self._plug_profile_autodisconnect, errback=self._autodisconnectEb)
+    def _plug_profile_autodisconnect(self, autodisconnect):
+        if C.bool(autodisconnect):
+            self._autodisconnect = True
+        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("autoconnect", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
+                                   callback=self._plug_profile_autoconnect, errback=self._getParamError)
+    def _plug_profile_autoconnect(self, value_str):
+        autoconnect = C.bool(value_str)
+        if autoconnect and not self.connected:
+            self.host.connect(self.profile, callback=lambda dummy: self._plug_profile_afterconnect())
+        else:
+            self._plug_profile_afterconnect()
+    def _plug_profile_afterconnect(self):
+        # Profile can be connected or not
+        # we get cached data
+        self.connected = True
+        self.host.bridge.getFeatures(profile_key=self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_getFeaturesCb, errback=self._plug_profile_getFeaturesEb)
+    def _plug_profile_getFeaturesEb(self, failure):
+        log.error(u"Couldn't get features: {}".format(failure))
+        self._plug_profile_getFeaturesCb({})
+    def _plug_profile_getFeaturesCb(self, features):
+        self.host.features = features
+        # FIXME: we don't use cached value at the moment, but keep the code for later use
+        #        it was previously used for avatars, but as we don't get full path here, it's better to request later
+        # self.host.bridge.getEntitiesData([], ProfileManager.cache_keys_to_get, profile=self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotCachedValues, errback=self._plug_profile_failedCachedValues)
+        self._plug_profile_gotCachedValues({})
+    def _plug_profile_failedCachedValues(self, failure):
+        log.error(u"Couldn't get cached values: {}".format(failure))
+        self._plug_profile_gotCachedValues({})
+    def _plug_profile_gotCachedValues(self, cached_values):
+        # add the contact list and its listener
+        contact_list = self.host.contact_lists.addProfile(self.profile)
+        for entity_s, data in cached_values.iteritems():
+            for key, value in data.iteritems():
+                self.host.entityDataUpdatedHandler(entity_s, key, value, self.profile)
+        if not self.connected:
+            self.host.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, '', profile=self.profile)
+        else:
+            contact_list.fill()
+            self.host.setPresenceStatus(profile=self.profile)
+            #The waiting subscription requests
+            self.bridge.getWaitingSub(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotWaitingSub)
+    def _plug_profile_gotWaitingSub(self, waiting_sub):
+        for sub in waiting_sub:
+            self.host.subscribeHandler(waiting_sub[sub], sub, self.profile)
+        self.bridge.mucGetRoomsJoined(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotRoomsJoined)
+    def _plug_profile_gotRoomsJoined(self, rooms_args):
+        #Now we open the MUC window where we already are:
+        for room_args in rooms_args:
+            self.host.mucRoomJoinedHandler(*room_args, profile=self.profile)
+        #Presence must be requested after rooms are filled
+        self.host.bridge.getPresenceStatuses(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotPresences)
+    def _plug_profile_gotPresences(self, presences):
+        def gotEntityData(data, contact):
+            for key in ('avatar', 'nick'):
+                if key in data:
+                    self.host.entityDataUpdatedHandler(contact, key, data[key], self.profile)
+        for contact in presences:
+            for res in presences[contact]:
+                jabber_id = (u'%s/%s' % (jid.JID(contact).bare, res)) if res else contact
+                show = presences[contact][res][0]
+                priority = presences[contact][res][1]
+                statuses = presences[contact][res][2]
+                self.host.presenceUpdateHandler(jabber_id, show, priority, statuses, self.profile)
+            self.host.bridge.getEntityData(contact, ['avatar', 'nick'], self.profile, callback=lambda data, contact=contact: gotEntityData(data, contact), errback=lambda failure, contact=contact: log.debug(u"No cache data for {}".format(contact)))
+        # At this point, profile should be fully plugged
+        # and we launch frontend specific method
+        self.host.profilePlugged(self.profile)
+    def _getParamError(self, failure):
+        log.error(_("Can't get profile parameter: {msg}").format(msg=failure))
+class ProfilesManager(object):
+    """Class managing collection of profiles"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._profiles = {}
+    def __contains__(self, profile):
+        return profile in self._profiles
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self._profiles.iterkeys()
+    def __getitem__(self, profile):
+        return self._profiles[profile]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._profiles)
+    def iteritems(self):
+        return self._profiles.iteritems()
+    def plug(self, profile):
+        if profile in self._profiles:
+            raise exceptions.ConflictError('A profile of the name [{}] is already plugged'.format(profile))
+        self._profiles[profile] = ProfileManager(profile)
+        self._profiles[profile].plug()
+    def unplug(self, profile):
+        if profile not in self._profiles:
+            raise ValueError('The profile [{}] is not plugged'.format(profile))
+        # remove the contact list and its listener
+        host = self._profiles[profile].host
+        host.contact_lists[profile].unplug()
+        del self._profiles[profile]
+    def chooseOneProfile(self):
+        return self._profiles.keys()[0]
+class QuickApp(object):
+    """This class contain the main methods needed for the frontend"""
+    MB_HANDLER = True  # Set to False if the frontend doesn't manage microblog
+    AVATARS_HANDLER = True  # set to False if avatars are not used
+    def __init__(self, bridge_factory, xmlui, check_options=None, connect_bridge=True):
+        """Create a frontend application
+        @param bridge_factory: method to use to create the Bridge
+        @param xmlui: xmlui module
+        @param check_options: method to call to check options (usually command line arguments)
+        """
+        self.xmlui = xmlui
+        self.menus = quick_menus.QuickMenusManager(self)
+        ProfileManager.host = self
+        self.profiles = ProfilesManager()
+        self._plugs_in_progress = set() # profiles currently being plugged, used to (un)lock contact list updates
+        self.ready_profiles = set() # profiles which are connected and ready
+        self.signals_cache = {} # used to keep signal received between start of plug_profile and when the profile is actualy ready
+        self.contact_lists = quick_contact_list.QuickContactListHandler(self)
+        self.widgets = quick_widgets.QuickWidgetsManager(self)
+        if check_options is not None:
+            self.options = check_options()
+        else:
+            self.options = None
+        # widgets
+        self.selected_widget = None # widget currently selected (must be filled by frontend)
+        # listeners
+        self._listeners = {} # key: listener type ("avatar", "selected", etc), value: list of callbacks
+        # triggers
+        self.trigger = trigger.TriggerManager()  # trigger are used to change the default behaviour
+        ## bridge ##
+        self.bridge = bridge_factory()
+        ProfileManager.bridge = self.bridge
+        if connect_bridge:
+            self.connectBridge()
+        self._notif_id = 0
+        self._notifications = OrderedDict()
+        self.features = None
+    def connectBridge(self):
+        self.bridge.bridgeConnect(callback=self._bridgeCb, errback=self._bridgeEb)
+    def onBridgeConnected(self):
+        pass
+    def _bridgeCb(self):
+        self.registerSignal("connected")
+        self.registerSignal("disconnected")
+        self.registerSignal("actionNew")
+        self.registerSignal("newContact")
+        self.registerSignal("messageNew")
+        self.registerSignal("presenceUpdate")
+        self.registerSignal("subscribe")
+        self.registerSignal("paramUpdate")
+        self.registerSignal("contactDeleted")
+        self.registerSignal("entityDataUpdated")
+        self.registerSignal("progressStarted")
+        self.registerSignal("progressFinished")
+        self.registerSignal("progressError")
+        self.registerSignal("mucRoomJoined", iface="plugin")
+        self.registerSignal("mucRoomLeft", iface="plugin")
+        self.registerSignal("mucRoomUserChangedNick", iface="plugin")
+        self.registerSignal("mucRoomNewSubject", iface="plugin")
+        self.registerSignal("chatStateReceived", iface="plugin")
+        self.registerSignal("messageState", iface="plugin")
+        self.registerSignal("psEvent", iface="plugin")
+        # FIXME: do it dynamically
+        quick_games.Tarot.registerSignals(self)
+        quick_games.Quiz.registerSignals(self)
+        quick_games.Radiocol.registerSignals(self)
+        self.onBridgeConnected()
+    def _bridgeEb(self, failure):
+        if isinstance(failure, exceptions.BridgeExceptionNoService):
+            print(_(u"Can't connect to SàT backend, are you sure it's launched ?"))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        elif isinstance(failure, exceptions.BridgeInitError):
+            print(_(u"Can't init bridge"))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            print(_(u"Error while initialising bridge: {}".format(failure)))
+    @property
+    def current_profile(self):
+        """Profile that a user would expect to use"""
+        try:
+            return self.selected_widget.profile
+        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+            return self.profiles.chooseOneProfile()
+    @property
+    def visible_widgets(self):
+        """widgets currently visible (must be implemented by frontend)
+        @return (iter[QuickWidget]): iterable on visible widgets
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def registerSignal(self, function_name, handler=None, iface="core", with_profile=True):
+        """Register a handler for a signal
+        @param function_name (str): name of the signal to handle
+        @param handler (instancemethod): method to call when the signal arrive, None for calling an automatically named handler (function_name + 'Handler')
+        @param iface (str): interface of the bridge to use ('core' or 'plugin')
+        @param with_profile (boolean): True if the signal concerns a specific profile, in that case the profile name has to be passed by the caller
+        """
+        log.debug(u"registering signal {name}".format(name = function_name))
+        if handler is None:
+            handler = getattr(self, "{}{}".format(function_name, 'Handler'))
+        if not with_profile:
+            self.bridge.register_signal(function_name, handler, iface)
+            return
+        def signalReceived(*args, **kwargs):
+            profile = kwargs.get('profile')
+            if profile is None:
+                if not args:
+                    raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError
+                profile = args[-1]
+            if profile is not None:
+                if not self.check_profile(profile):
+                    if profile in self.profiles:
+                        # profile is not ready but is in self.profiles, that's mean that it's being connecting and we need to cache the signal
+                        self.signals_cache.setdefault(profile, []).append((function_name, handler, args, kwargs))
+                    return  # we ignore signal for profiles we don't manage
+            handler(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.bridge.register_signal(function_name, signalReceived, iface)
+    def addListener(self, type_, callback, profiles_filter=None):
+        """Add a listener for an event
+        /!\ don't forget to remove listener when not used anymore (e.g. if you delete a widget)
+        @param type_: type of event, can be:
+            - avatar: called when avatar data is updated
+                args: (entity, avatar file, profile)
+            - nick: called when nick data is updated
+                args: (entity, new_nick, profile)
+            - presence: called when a presence is received
+                args: (entity, show, priority, statuses, profile)
+            - notification: called when a new notification is emited
+                args: (entity, notification_data, profile)
+            - notification_clear: called when notifications are cleared
+                args: (entity, type_, profile)
+            - menu: called when a menu item is added or removed
+                args: (type_, path, path_i18n, item) were values are:
+                    type_: same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.importMenu]
+                    path: same as in [sat.core.sat_main.SAT.importMenu]
+                    path_i18n: translated path (or None if the item is removed)
+                    item: instance of quick_menus.MenuItemBase or None if the item is removed
+            - gotMenus: called only once when menu are available (no arg)
+            - progressFinished: called when a progressing action has just finished
+                args:  (progress_id, metadata, profile)
+            - progressError: called when a progressing action failed
+                args: (progress_id, error_msg, profile):
+        @param callback: method to call on event
+        @param profiles_filter (set[unicode]): if set and not empty, the
+            listener will be callable only by one of the given profiles.
+        """
+        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS
+        self._listeners.setdefault(type_, OrderedDict())[callback] = profiles_filter
+    def removeListener(self, type_, callback):
+        """Remove a callback from listeners
+        @param type_: same as for [addListener]
+        @param callback: callback to remove
+        """
+        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS
+        self._listeners[type_].pop(callback)
+    def callListeners(self, type_, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Call the methods which listen type_ event. If a profiles filter has
+        been register with a listener and profile argument is not None, the
+        listener will be called only if profile is in the profiles filter list.
+        @param type_: same as for [addListener]
+        @param *args: arguments sent to callback
+        @param **kwargs: keywords argument, mainly used to pass "profile" when needed
+        """
+        assert type_ in C.LISTENERS
+        try:
+            listeners = self._listeners[type_]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            profile = kwargs.get("profile")
+            for listener, profiles_filter in listeners.iteritems():
+                if profile is None or not profiles_filter or profile in profiles_filter:
+                    listener(*args, **kwargs)
+    def check_profile(self, profile):
+        """Tell if the profile is currently followed by the application, and ready"""
+        return profile in self.ready_profiles
+    def postInit(self, profile_manager):
+        """Must be called after initialization is done, do all automatic task (auto plug profile)
+        @param profile_manager: instance of a subclass of Quick_frontend.QuickProfileManager
+        """
+        if self.options and self.options.profile:
+            profile_manager.autoconnect([self.options.profile])
+    def profilePlugged(self, profile):
+        """Method called when the profile is fully plugged, to launch frontend specific workflow
+        /!\ if you override the method and don't call the parent, be sure to add the profile to ready_profiles !
+            if you don't, all signals will stay in cache
+        @param profile(unicode): %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        self._plugs_in_progress.remove(profile)
+        self.ready_profiles.add(profile)
+        # profile is ready, we can call send signals that where is cache
+        cached_signals = self.signals_cache.pop(profile, [])
+        for function_name, handler, args, kwargs in cached_signals:
+            log.debug(u"Calling cached signal [%s] with args %s and kwargs %s" % (function_name, args, kwargs))
+            handler(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.callListeners('profilePlugged', profile=profile)
+        if not self._plugs_in_progress:
+            self.contact_lists.lockUpdate(False)
+    def connect(self, profile, callback=None, errback=None):
+        if not callback:
+            callback = lambda dummy: None
+        if not errback:
+            def errback(failure):
+                log.error(_(u"Can't connect profile [%s]") % failure)
+                try:
+                    module = failure.module
+                except AttributeError:
+                    module = ''
+                try:
+                    message = failure.message
+                except AttributeError:
+                    message = 'error'
+                try:
+                    fullname = failure.fullname
+                except AttributeError:
+                    fullname = 'error'
+                if module.startswith('twisted.words.protocols.jabber') and failure.condition == "not-authorized":
+                    self.launchAction(C.CHANGE_XMPP_PASSWD_ID, {}, profile=profile)
+                else:
+                    self.showDialog(message, fullname, 'error')
+        self.bridge.connect(profile, callback=callback, errback=errback)
+    def plug_profiles(self, profiles):
+        """Tell application which profiles must be used
+        @param profiles: list of valid profile names
+        """
+        self.contact_lists.lockUpdate()
+        self._plugs_in_progress.update(profiles)
+        self.plugging_profiles()
+        for profile in profiles:
+            self.profiles.plug(profile)
+    def plugging_profiles(self):
+        """Method to subclass to manage frontend specific things to do
+        will be called when profiles are choosen and are to be plugged soon
+        """
+        pass
+    def unplug_profile(self, profile):
+        """Tell the application to not follow anymore the profile"""
+        if not profile in self.profiles:
+            raise ValueError("The profile [{}] is not plugged".format(profile))
+        self.profiles.unplug(profile)
+    def clear_profile(self):
+        self.profiles.clear()
+    def newWidget(self, widget):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # bridge signals hanlers
+    def connectedHandler(self, profile, jid_s):
+        """Called when the connection is made.
+        @param jid_s (unicode): the JID that we were assigned by the server,
+            as the resource might differ from the JID we asked for.
+        """
+        log.debug(_("Connected"))
+        self.profiles[profile].whoami = jid.JID(jid_s)
+        self.setPresenceStatus(profile=profile)
+        self.contact_lists[profile].fill()
+    def disconnectedHandler(self, profile):
+        """called when the connection is closed"""
+        log.debug(_("Disconnected"))
+        self.contact_lists[profile].disconnect()
+        self.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, '', profile=profile)
+    def actionNewHandler(self, action_data, id_, security_limit, profile):
+        self.actionManager(action_data, user_action=False, profile=profile)
+    def newContactHandler(self, jid_s, attributes, groups, profile):
+        entity = jid.JID(jid_s)
+        groups = list(groups)
+        self.contact_lists[profile].setContact(entity, groups, attributes, in_roster=True)
+    def messageNewHandler(self, uid, timestamp, from_jid_s, to_jid_s, msg, subject, type_, extra, profile):
+        from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s)
+        to_jid = jid.JID(to_jid_s)
+        if not self.trigger.point("messageNewTrigger", uid, timestamp, from_jid, to_jid, msg, subject, type_, extra, profile=profile):
+            return
+        from_me = from_jid.bare == self.profiles[profile].whoami.bare
+        target = to_jid if from_me else from_jid
+        contact_list = self.contact_lists[profile]
+        # we want to be sure to have at least one QuickChat instance
+        self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, target, type_=C.CHAT_ONE2ONE, on_new_widget=None, profile=profile)
+        if not from_jid in contact_list and from_jid.bare != self.profiles[profile].whoami.bare:
+            #XXX: needed to show entities which haven't sent any
+            #     presence information and which are not in roster
+            contact_list.setContact(from_jid)
+        # we dispatch the message in the widgets
+        for widget in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_chat.QuickChat, target=target, profiles=(profile,)):
+            widget.messageNew(uid, timestamp, from_jid, target, msg, subject, type_, extra, profile)
+    def messageStateHandler(self, uid, status, profile):
+        for widget in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_chat.QuickChat, profiles=(profile,)):
+            widget.onMessageState(uid, status, profile)
+    def messageSend(self, to_jid, message, subject=None, mess_type="auto", extra=None, callback=None, errback=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        if subject is None:
+            subject = {}
+        if extra is None:
+            extra = {}
+        if callback is None:
+            callback = lambda dummy=None: None # FIXME: optional argument is here because pyjamas doesn't support callback without arg with json proxy
+        if errback is None:
+            errback = lambda failure: self.showDialog(failure.fullname, failure.message, "error")
+        if not self.trigger.point("messageSendTrigger", to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, extra, callback, errback, profile_key=profile_key):
+            return
+        self.bridge.messageSend(unicode(to_jid), message, subject, mess_type, extra, profile_key, callback=callback, errback=errback)
+    def setPresenceStatus(self, show='', status=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def presenceUpdateHandler(self, entity_s, show, priority, statuses, profile):
+        log.debug(_(u"presence update for %(entity)s (show=%(show)s, priority=%(priority)s, statuses=%(statuses)s) [profile:%(profile)s]")
+                  % {'entity': entity_s, C.PRESENCE_SHOW: show, C.PRESENCE_PRIORITY: priority, C.PRESENCE_STATUSES: statuses, 'profile': profile})
+        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)
+        if entity == self.profiles[profile].whoami:
+            if show == C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE:
+                self.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, '', profile=profile)
+            else:
+                # FIXME: try to retrieve user language status before fallback to default
+                status = statuses.get(C.PRESENCE_STATUSES_DEFAULT, None)
+                self.setPresenceStatus(show, status, profile=profile)
+            return
+        self.callListeners('presence', entity, show, priority, statuses, profile=profile)
+    def mucRoomJoinedHandler(self, room_jid_s, occupants, user_nick, subject, profile):
+        """Called when a MUC room is joined"""
+        log.debug(u"Room [{room_jid}] joined by {profile}, users presents:{users}".format(room_jid=room_jid_s, profile=profile, users=occupants.keys()))
+        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
+        self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, nick=user_nick, occupants=occupants, subject=subject, profile=profile)
+        self.contact_lists[profile].setSpecial(room_jid, C.CONTACT_SPECIAL_GROUP)
+        # chat_widget.update()
+    def mucRoomLeftHandler(self, room_jid_s, profile):
+        """Called when a MUC room is left"""
+        log.debug(u"Room [%(room_jid)s] left by %(profile)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid_s, 'profile': profile})
+        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
+        chat_widget = self.widgets.getWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, profile)
+        if chat_widget:
+            self.widgets.deleteWidget(chat_widget)
+        self.contact_lists[profile].removeContact(room_jid)
+    def mucRoomUserChangedNickHandler(self, room_jid_s, old_nick, new_nick, profile):
+        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
+        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
+        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
+        chat_widget.changeUserNick(old_nick, new_nick)
+        log.debug(u"user [%(old_nick)s] is now known as [%(new_nick)s] in room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'old_nick': old_nick, 'new_nick': new_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})
+    def mucRoomNewSubjectHandler(self, room_jid_s, subject, profile):
+        """Called when subject of MUC room change"""
+        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
+        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_=C.CHAT_GROUP, profile=profile)
+        chat_widget.setSubject(subject)
+        log.debug(u"new subject for room [%(room_jid)s]: %(subject)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid, "subject": subject})
+    def chatStateReceivedHandler(self, from_jid_s, state, profile):
+        """Called when a new chat state (XEP-0085) is received.
+        @param from_jid_s (unicode): JID of a contact or C.ENTITY_ALL
+        @param state (unicode): new state
+        @param profile (unicode): current profile
+        """
+        from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s)
+        for widget in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_chat.QuickChat, profiles=(profile,)):
+            widget.onChatState(from_jid, state, profile)
+    def notify(self, type_, entity=None, message=None, subject=None, callback=None, cb_args=None, widget=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Trigger an event notification
+        @param type_(unicode): notifation kind,
+            one of C.NOTIFY_* constant or any custom type specific to frontend
+        @param entity(jid.JID, None): entity involved in the notification
+            if entity is in contact list, a indicator may be added in front of it
+        @param message(unicode, None): message of the notification
+        @param subject(unicode, None): subject of the notification
+        @param callback(callable, None): method to call when notification is selected
+        @param cb_args(list, None): list of args for callback
+        @param widget(object, None): widget where the notification happened
+        """
+        assert type_ in C.NOTIFY_ALL
+        notif_dict = self.profiles[profile].notifications
+        key = '' if entity is None else entity.bare
+        type_notifs = notif_dict.setdefault(key, {}).setdefault(type_, [])
+        notif_data = {
+            'id': self._notif_id,
+            'time': time.time(),
+            'entity': entity,
+            'callback': callback,
+            'cb_args': cb_args,
+            'message': message,
+            'subject': subject,
+            }
+        if widget is not None:
+            notif_data[widget] = widget
+        type_notifs.append(notif_data)
+        self._notifications[self._notif_id] = notif_data
+        self.callListeners('notification', entity, notif_data, profile=profile)
+    def getNotifs(self, entity=None, type_=None, exact_jid=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """return notifications for given entity
+        @param entity(jid.JID, None, C.ENTITY_ALL): jid of the entity to check
+            bare jid to get all notifications, full jid to filter on resource
+            None to get general notifications
+            C.ENTITY_ALL to get all notifications
+        @param type_(unicode, None): notification type to filter
+            None to get all notifications
+        @param exact_jid(bool, None): if True, only return notifications from
+            exact entity jid (i.e. not including other resources)
+            None for automatic selection (True for full jid, False else)
+            False to get resources notifications
+            False doesn't do anything if entity is not a bare jid
+        @return (iter[dict]): notifications
+        """
+        main_notif_dict = self.profiles[profile].notifications
+        if entity is C.ENTITY_ALL:
+            selected_notifs = main_notif_dict.itervalues()
+            exact_jid = False
+        else:
+            if entity is None:
+                key = ''
+                exact_jid = False
+            else:
+                key = entity.bare
+                if exact_jid is None:
+                    exact_jid = bool(entity.resource)
+            selected_notifs = (main_notif_dict.setdefault(key, {}),)
+        for notifs_from_select in selected_notifs:
+            if type_ is None:
+                type_notifs = notifs_from_select.itervalues()
+            else:
+                type_notifs = (notifs_from_select.get(type_, []),)
+            for notifs in type_notifs:
+                for notif in notifs:
+                    if exact_jid and notif['entity'] != entity:
+                        continue
+                    yield notif
+    def clearNotifs(self, entity, type_=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """return notifications for given entity
+        @param entity(jid.JID, None): bare jid of the entity to check
+            None to clear general notifications (but keep entities ones)
+        @param type_(unicode, None): notification type to filter
+            None to clear all notifications
+        @return (list[dict]): list of notifications
+        """
+        notif_dict = self.profiles[profile].notifications
+        key = '' if entity is None else entity.bare
+        try:
+            if type_ is None:
+                del notif_dict[key]
+            else:
+                del notif_dict[key][type_]
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        self.callListeners('notificationsClear', entity, type_, profile=profile)
+    def psEventHandler(self, category, service_s, node, event_type, data, profile):
+        """Called when a PubSub event is received.
+        @param category(unicode): event category (e.g. "PEP", "MICROBLOG")
+        @param service_s (unicode): pubsub service
+        @param node (unicode): pubsub node
+        @param event_type (unicode): event type (one of C.PUBLISH, C.RETRACT, C.DELETE)
+        @param data (dict): event data
+        """
+        service_s = jid.JID(service_s)
+        if category == C.PS_MICROBLOG and self.MB_HANDLER:
+            if event_type == C.PS_PUBLISH:
+                if not 'content' in data:
+                    log.warning("No content found in microblog data")
+                    return
+                _groups = set(data_format.dict2iter('group', data)) or None  # FIXME: check if [] make sense (instead of None)
+                for wid in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_blog.QuickBlog):
+                    wid.addEntryIfAccepted(service_s, node, data, _groups, profile)
+                try:
+                    comments_node, comments_service = data['comments_node'], data['comments_service']
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    self.bridge.mbGet(comments_service, comments_node, C.NO_LIMIT, [], {"subscribe":C.BOOL_TRUE}, profile=profile)
+            elif event_type == C.PS_RETRACT:
+                for wid in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_blog.QuickBlog):
+                    wid.deleteEntryIfPresent(service_s, node, data['id'], profile)
+                pass
+            else:
+                log.warning("Unmanaged PubSub event type {}".format(event_type))
+    def progressStartedHandler(self, pid, metadata, profile):
+        log.info(u"Progress {} started".format(pid))
+    def progressFinishedHandler(self, pid, metadata, profile):
+        log.info(u"Progress {} finished".format(pid))
+        self.callListeners('progressFinished', pid, metadata, profile=profile)
+    def progressErrorHandler(self, pid, err_msg, profile):
+        log.warning(u"Progress {pid} error: {err_msg}".format(pid=pid, err_msg=err_msg))
+        self.callListeners('progressError', pid, err_msg, profile=profile)
+    def _subscribe_cb(self, answer, data):
+        entity, profile = data
+        type_ = "subscribed" if answer else "unsubscribed"
+        self.bridge.subscription(type_, unicode(entity.bare), profile_key=profile)
+    def subscribeHandler(self, type, raw_jid, profile):
+        """Called when a subsciption management signal is received"""
+        entity = jid.JID(raw_jid)
+        if type == "subscribed":
+            # this is a subscription confirmation, we just have to inform user
+            # TODO: call self.getEntityMBlog to add the new contact blogs
+            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has accepted your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'))
+        elif type == "unsubscribed":
+            # this is a subscription refusal, we just have to inform user
+            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has refused your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription refusal'), 'error')
+        elif type == "subscribe":
+            # this is a subscriptionn request, we have to ask for user confirmation
+            # TODO: use sat.stdui.ui_contact_list to display the groups selector
+            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s wants to subscribe to your presence.\nDo you accept ?") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'), 'yes/no', answer_cb=self._subscribe_cb, answer_data=(entity, profile))
+    def showDialog(self, message, title, type="info", answer_cb=None, answer_data=None):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def showAlert(self, message):
+        pass  #FIXME
+    def dialogFailure(self, failure):
+        log.warning(u"Failure: {}".format(failure))
+    def progressIdHandler(self, progress_id, profile):
+        """Callback used when an action result in a progress id"""
+        log.info(u"Progress ID received: {}".format(progress_id))
+    def isHidden(self):
+        """Tells if the frontend window is hidden.
+        @return bool
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def paramUpdateHandler(self, name, value, namespace, profile):
+        log.debug(_(u"param update: [%(namespace)s] %(name)s = %(value)s") % {'namespace': namespace, 'name': name, 'value': value})
+        if (namespace, name) == ("Connection", "JabberID"):
+            log.debug(_(u"Changing JID to %s") % value)
+            self.profiles[profile].whoami = jid.JID(value)
+        elif (namespace, name) == ('General', C.SHOW_OFFLINE_CONTACTS):
+            self.contact_lists[profile].showOfflineContacts(C.bool(value))
+        elif (namespace, name) == ('General', C.SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS):
+            self.contact_lists[profile].showEmptyGroups(C.bool(value))
+    def contactDeletedHandler(self, jid_s, profile):
+        target = jid.JID(jid_s)
+        self.contact_lists[profile].removeContact(target)
+    def entityDataUpdatedHandler(self, entity_s, key, value, profile):
+        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)
+        if key == "nick":  # this is the roster nick, not the MUC nick
+            if entity in self.contact_lists[profile]:
+                self.contact_lists[profile].setCache(entity, 'nick', value)
+                self.callListeners('nick', entity, value, profile=profile)
+        elif key == "avatar" and self.AVATARS_HANDLER:
+            if value and entity in self.contact_lists[profile]:
+                self.getAvatar(entity, ignore_cache=True, profile=profile)
+    def actionManager(self, action_data, callback=None, ui_show_cb=None, user_action=True, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Handle backend action
+        @param action_data(dict): action dict as sent by launchAction or returned by an UI action
+        @param callback(None, callback): if not None, callback to use on XMLUI answer
+        @param ui_show_cb(None, callback): if not None, method to call to show the XMLUI
+        @param user_action(bool): if True, the action is a result of a user interaction
+            else the action come from backend direclty (i.e. actionNew)
+        """
+        try:
+            xmlui = action_data.pop('xmlui')
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            ui = self.xmlui.create(self, xml_data=xmlui, flags=("FROM_BACKEND",) if not user_action else None, callback=callback, profile=profile)
+            if ui_show_cb is None:
+                ui.show()
+            else:
+                ui_show_cb(ui)
+        try:
+            progress_id = action_data.pop('progress')
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            self.progressIdHandler(progress_id, profile)
+        # we ignore metadata
+        action_data = {k:v for k,v in action_data.iteritems() if not k.startswith("meta_")}
+        if action_data:
+            raise exceptions.DataError(u"Not all keys in action_data are managed ({keys})".format(keys=', '.join(action_data.keys())))
+    def _actionCb(self, data, callback, callback_id, profile):
+        if callback is None:
+            self.actionManager(data, profile=profile)
+        else:
+            callback(data=data, cb_id=callback_id, profile=profile)
+    def launchAction(self, callback_id, data=None, callback=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Launch a dynamic action
+        @param callback_id: id of the action to launch
+        @param data: data needed only for certain actions
+        @param callback(callable, None): will be called with the resut
+            if None, self.actionManager will be called
+            else the callable will be called with the following kw parameters:
+                - data: action_data
+                - cb_id: callback id
+                - profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        if data is None:
+            data = dict()
+        action_cb = lambda data: self._actionCb(data, callback, callback_id, profile)
+        self.bridge.launchAction(callback_id, data, profile, callback=action_cb, errback=self.dialogFailure)
+    def launchMenu(self, menu_type, path, data=None, callback=None, security_limit=C.SECURITY_LIMIT_MAX, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Launch a menu manually
+        @param menu_type(unicode): type of the menu to launch
+        @param path(iterable[unicode]): path to the menu
+        @param data: data needed only for certain actions
+        @param callback(callable, None): will be called with the resut
+            if None, self.actionManager will be called
+            else the callable will be called with the following kw parameters:
+                - data: action_data
+                - cb_id: (menu_type, path) tuple
+                - profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        """
+        if data is None:
+            data = dict()
+        action_cb = lambda data: self._actionCb(data, callback, (menu_type, path), profile)
+        self.bridge.menuLaunch(menu_type, path, data, security_limit, profile, callback=action_cb, errback=self.dialogFailure)
+    def _avatarGetCb(self, avatar_path, entity, contact_list, profile):
+        path = avatar_path or self.getDefaultAvatar(entity)
+        contact_list.setCache(entity, "avatar", path)
+        self.callListeners('avatar', entity, path, profile=profile)
+    def _avatarGetEb(self, failure, entity, contact_list):
+        log.warning(u"Can't get avatar: {}".format(failure))
+        contact_list.setCache(entity, "avatar", self.getDefaultAvatar(entity))
+    def getAvatar(self, entity, cache_only=True, hash_only=False, ignore_cache=False, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """return avatar path for an entity
+        @param entity(jid.JID): entity to get avatar from
+        @param cache_only(bool): if False avatar will be requested if not in cache
+            with current vCard based implementation, it's better to keep True
+            except if we request avatars for roster items
+        @param hash_only(bool): if True avatar hash is returned, else full path
+        @param ignore_cache(bool): if False, won't check local cache and will request backend in every case
+        @return (unicode, None): avatar full path (None if no avatar found)
+        """
+        contact_list = self.contact_lists[profile]
+        if ignore_cache:
+            avatar = None
+        else:
+            avatar = contact_list.getCache(entity, "avatar", bare_default=None)
+        if avatar is None:
+            self.bridge.avatarGet(
+                unicode(entity),
+                cache_only,
+                hash_only,
+                profile=profile,
+                callback=lambda path: self._avatarGetCb(path, entity, contact_list, profile),
+                errback=lambda failure: self._avatarGetEb(failure, entity, contact_list))
+            # we set avatar to empty string to avoid requesting several time the same avatar
+            # while we are waiting for avatarGet result
+            contact_list.setCache(entity, "avatar", "")
+        return avatar
+    def getDefaultAvatar(self, entity=None):
+        """return default avatar to use with given entity
+        must be implemented by frontend
+        @param entity(jid.JID): entity for which a default avatar is needed
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def disconnect(self, profile):
+        log.info("disconnecting")
+        self.callListeners('disconnect', profile=profile)
+        self.bridge.disconnect(profile)
+    def onExit(self):
+        """Must be called when the frontend is terminating"""
+        to_unplug = []
+        for profile, profile_manager in self.profiles.iteritems():
+            if profile_manager.connected and profile_manager.autodisconnect:
+                #The user wants autodisconnection
+                self.disconnect(profile)
+            to_unplug.append(profile)
+        for profile in to_unplug:
+            self.unplug_profile(profile)