diff libervia/cli/base.py @ 4075:47401850dec6

refactoring: rename `libervia.frontends.jp` to `libervia.cli`
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 02 Jun 2023 14:54:26 +0200
parents libervia/frontends/jp/base.py@26b7ed2817da
children 51744ad00a42
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/cli/base.py	Fri Jun 02 14:54:26 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1435 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Libervia CLI
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import asyncio
+from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _
+### logging ###
+import logging as log
+                format='[%(name)s] %(message)s')
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import argparse
+import inspect
+import tty
+import termios
+from pathlib import Path
+from glob import iglob
+from typing import Optional, Set, Union
+from importlib import import_module
+from libervia.frontends.tools.jid import JID
+from libervia.backend.tools import config
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import dynamic_import
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import uri
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import date_utils
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import utils
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import data_format
+from libervia.backend.tools.common.ansi import ANSI as A
+from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
+import libervia.cli
+from libervia.cli.loops import QuitException, get_libervia_cli_loop
+from libervia.cli.constants import Const as C
+from libervia.frontends.bridge.bridge_frontend import BridgeException
+from libervia.frontends.tools import misc
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET  # FIXME: used temporarily to manage XMLUI
+from collections import OrderedDict
+## bridge handling
+# we get bridge name from conf and initialise the right class accordingly
+main_config = config.parse_main_conf()
+bridge_name = config.config_get(main_config, '', 'bridge', 'dbus')
+LiberviaCLILoop = get_libervia_cli_loop(bridge_name)
+    import progressbar
+except ImportError:
+    msg = (_('ProgressBar not available, please download it at '
+             'http://pypi.python.org/pypi/progressbar\n'
+             'Progress bar deactivated\n--\n'))
+    print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
+    progressbar=None
+DESCRIPTION = """This software is a command line tool for XMPP.
+Get the latest version at """ + C.APP_URL
+COPYLEFT = """Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson, Adrien Cossa
+This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
+This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+PROGRESS_DELAY = 0.1 # the progression will be checked every PROGRESS_DELAY s
+def date_decoder(arg):
+    return date_utils.date_parse_ext(arg, default_tz=date_utils.TZ_LOCAL)
+class LiberviaCli:
+    """
+    This class can be use to establish a connection with the
+    bridge. Moreover, it should manage a main loop.
+    To use it, you mainly have to redefine the method run to perform
+    specify what kind of operation you want to perform.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        @attribute quit_on_progress_end (bool): set to False if you manage yourself
+            exiting, or if you want the user to stop by himself
+        @attribute progress_success(callable): method to call when progress just started
+            by default display a message
+        @attribute progress_success(callable): method to call when progress is
+            successfully finished by default display a message
+        @attribute progress_failure(callable): method to call when progress failed
+            by default display a message
+        """
+        self.sat_conf = main_config
+        self.set_color_theme()
+        bridge_module = dynamic_import.bridge(bridge_name, 'libervia.frontends.bridge')
+        if bridge_module is None:
+            log.error("Can't import {} bridge".format(bridge_name))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        self.bridge = bridge_module.AIOBridge()
+        self._onQuitCallbacks = []
+    def get_config(self, name, section=C.CONFIG_SECTION, default=None):
+        """Retrieve a setting value from sat.conf"""
+        return config.config_get(self.sat_conf, section, name, default=default)
+    def guess_background(self):
+        # cf. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/245568 (thanks!)
+        try:
+            # for VTE based terminals
+            vte_version = int(os.getenv("VTE_VERSION", 0))
+        except ValueError:
+            vte_version = 0
+        color_fg_bg = os.getenv("COLORFGBG")
+        if ((sys.stdin.isatty() and sys.stdout.isatty()
+             and (
+                 # XTerm
+                 os.getenv("XTERM_VERSION")
+                 # Konsole
+                 or os.getenv("KONSOLE_VERSION")
+                 # All VTE based terminals
+                 or vte_version >= 3502
+             ))):
+            # ANSI escape sequence
+            stdin_fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+            old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(stdin_fd)
+            try:
+                tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
+                # we request background color
+                sys.stdout.write("\033]11;?\a")
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+                expected = "\033]11;rgb:"
+                for c in expected:
+                    ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
+                    if ch != c:
+                        # background id is not supported, we default to "dark"
+                        # TODO: log something?
+                        return 'dark'
+                red, green, blue = [
+                    int(c, 16)/65535 for c in sys.stdin.read(14).split('/')
+                ]
+                # '\a' is the last character
+                sys.stdin.read(1)
+            finally:
+                termios.tcsetattr(stdin_fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
+            lum = utils.per_luminance(red, green, blue)
+            if lum <= 0.5:
+                return 'dark'
+            else:
+                return 'light'
+        elif color_fg_bg:
+            # no luck with ANSI escape sequence, we try COLORFGBG environment variable
+            try:
+                bg = int(color_fg_bg.split(";")[-1])
+            except ValueError:
+                return "dark"
+            if bg in list(range(7)) + [8]:
+                return "dark"
+            else:
+                return "light"
+        else:
+            # no autodetection method found
+            return "dark"
+    def set_color_theme(self):
+        background = self.get_config('background', default='auto')
+        if background == 'auto':
+            background = self.guess_background()
+        if background not in ('dark', 'light'):
+            raise exceptions.ConfigError(_(
+                'Invalid value set for "background" ({background}), please check '
+                'your settings in libervia.conf').format(
+                    background=repr(background)
+                ))
+        self.background = background
+        if background == 'light':
+            C.A_HEADER = A.FG_MAGENTA
+            C.A_SUBHEADER = A.BOLD + A.FG_RED
+            C.A_SUCCESS = A.FG_GREEN
+            C.A_FAILURE = A.BOLD + A.FG_RED
+            C.A_WARNING = A.FG_RED
+            C.A_PROMPT_PATH = A.FG_BLUE
+            C.A_PROMPT_SUF = A.BOLD
+            C.A_FILE = A.FG_BLACK
+    def _bridge_connected(self):
+        self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=DESCRIPTION)
+        self._make_parents()
+        self.add_parser_options()
+        self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(
+            title=_('Available commands'), dest='command', required=True)
+        # progress attributes
+        self._progress_id = None # TODO: manage several progress ids
+        self.quit_on_progress_end = True
+        # outputs
+        self._outputs = {}
+        for type_ in C.OUTPUT_TYPES:
+            self._outputs[type_] = OrderedDict()
+        self.default_output = {}
+        self.own_jid = None  # must be filled at runtime if needed
+    @property
+    def progress_id(self):
+        return self._progress_id
+    async def set_progress_id(self, progress_id):
+        # because we use async, we need an explicit setter
+        self._progress_id = progress_id
+        await self.replay_cache('progress_ids_cache')
+    @property
+    def watch_progress(self):
+        try:
+            self.pbar
+        except AttributeError:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    @watch_progress.setter
+    def watch_progress(self, watch_progress):
+        if watch_progress:
+            self.pbar = None
+    @property
+    def verbosity(self):
+        try:
+            return self.args.verbose
+        except AttributeError:
+            return 0
+    async def replay_cache(self, cache_attribute):
+        """Replay cached signals
+        @param cache_attribute(str): name of the attribute containing the cache
+            if the attribute doesn't exist, there is no cache and the call is ignored
+            else the cache must be a list of tuples containing the replay callback as
+            first item, then the arguments to use
+        """
+        try:
+            cache = getattr(self, cache_attribute)
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            for cache_data in cache:
+                await cache_data[0](*cache_data[1:])
+    def disp(self, msg, verbosity=0, error=False, end='\n'):
+        """Print a message to user
+        @param msg(unicode): message to print
+        @param verbosity(int): minimal verbosity to display the message
+        @param error(bool): if True, print to stderr instead of stdout
+        @param end(str): string appended after the last value, default a newline
+        """
+        if self.verbosity >= verbosity:
+            if error:
+                print(msg, end=end, file=sys.stderr)
+            else:
+                print(msg, end=end)
+    async def output(self, type_, name, extra_outputs, data):
+        if name in extra_outputs:
+            method = extra_outputs[name]
+        else:
+            method = self._outputs[type_][name]['callback']
+        ret = method(data)
+        if inspect.isawaitable(ret):
+            await ret
+    def add_on_quit_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Add a callback which will be called on quit command
+        @param callback(callback): method to call
+        """
+        self._onQuitCallbacks.append((callback, args, kwargs))
+    def get_output_choices(self, output_type):
+        """Return valid output filters for output_type
+        @param output_type: True for default,
+            else can be any registered type
+        """
+        return list(self._outputs[output_type].keys())
+    def _make_parents(self):
+        self.parents = {}
+        # we have a special case here as the start-session option is present only if
+        # connection is not needed, so we create two similar parents, one with the
+        # option, the other one without it
+        for parent_name in ('profile', 'profile_session'):
+            parent = self.parents[parent_name] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+            parent.add_argument(
+                "-p", "--profile", action="store", type=str, default='@DEFAULT@',
+                help=_("Use PROFILE profile key (default: %(default)s)"))
+            parent.add_argument(
+                "--pwd", action="store", metavar='PASSWORD',
+                help=_("Password used to connect profile, if necessary"))
+        profile_parent, profile_session_parent = (self.parents['profile'],
+                                                  self.parents['profile_session'])
+        connect_short, connect_long, connect_action, connect_help = (
+            "-c", "--connect", "store_true",
+            _("Connect the profile before doing anything else")
+        )
+        profile_parent.add_argument(
+            connect_short, connect_long, action=connect_action, help=connect_help)
+        profile_session_connect_group = profile_session_parent.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        profile_session_connect_group.add_argument(
+            connect_short, connect_long, action=connect_action, help=connect_help)
+        profile_session_connect_group.add_argument(
+            "--start-session", action="store_true",
+            help=_("Start a profile session without connecting"))
+        progress_parent = self.parents['progress'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            add_help=False)
+        if progressbar:
+            progress_parent.add_argument(
+                "-P", "--progress", action="store_true", help=_("Show progress bar"))
+        verbose_parent = self.parents['verbose'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+        verbose_parent.add_argument(
+            '--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0,
+            help=_("Add a verbosity level (can be used multiple times)"))
+        quiet_parent = self.parents['quiet'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+        quiet_parent.add_argument(
+            '--quiet', '-q', action='store_true',
+            help=_("be quiet (only output machine readable data)"))
+        draft_parent = self.parents['draft'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+        draft_group = draft_parent.add_argument_group(_('draft handling'))
+        draft_group.add_argument(
+            "-D", "--current", action="store_true", help=_("load current draft"))
+        draft_group.add_argument(
+            "-F", "--draft-path", type=Path, help=_("path to a draft file to retrieve"))
+    def make_pubsub_group(self, flags, defaults):
+        """Generate pubsub options according to flags
+        @param flags(iterable[unicode]): see [CommandBase.__init__]
+        @param defaults(dict[unicode, unicode]): help text for default value
+            key can be "service" or "node"
+            value will be set in " (DEFAULT: {value})", or can be None to remove DEFAULT
+        @return (ArgumentParser): parser to add
+        """
+        flags = misc.FlagsHandler(flags)
+        parent = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+        pubsub_group = parent.add_argument_group('pubsub')
+        pubsub_group.add_argument("-u", "--pubsub-url",
+                                  help=_("Pubsub URL (xmpp or http)"))
+        service_help = _("JID of the PubSub service")
+        if not flags.service:
+            default = defaults.pop('service', _('PEP service'))
+            if default is not None:
+                service_help += _(" (DEFAULT: {default})".format(default=default))
+        pubsub_group.add_argument("-s", "--service", default='',
+                                  help=service_help)
+        node_help = _("node to request")
+        if not flags.node:
+            default = defaults.pop('node', _('standard node'))
+            if default is not None:
+                node_help += _(" (DEFAULT: {default})".format(default=default))
+        pubsub_group.add_argument("-n", "--node", default='', help=node_help)
+        if flags.single_item:
+            item_help = ("item to retrieve")
+            if not flags.item:
+                default = defaults.pop('item', _('last item'))
+                if default is not None:
+                    item_help += _(" (DEFAULT: {default})".format(default=default))
+            pubsub_group.add_argument("-i", "--item", default='',
+                                      help=item_help)
+            pubsub_group.add_argument(
+                "-L", "--last-item", action='store_true', help=_('retrieve last item'))
+        elif flags.multi_items:
+            # mutiple items, this activate several features: max-items, RSM, MAM
+            # and Orbder-by
+            pubsub_group.add_argument(
+                "-i", "--item", action='append', dest='items', default=[],
+                help=_("items to retrieve (DEFAULT: all)"))
+            if not flags.no_max:
+                max_group = pubsub_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+                # XXX: defaut value for --max-items or --max is set in parse_pubsub_args
+                max_group.add_argument(
+                    "-M", "--max-items", dest="max", type=int,
+                    help=_("maximum number of items to get ({no_limit} to get all items)"
+                           .format(no_limit=C.NO_LIMIT)))
+                # FIXME: it could be possible to no duplicate max (between pubsub
+                #        max-items and RSM max)should not be duplicated, RSM could be
+                #        used when available and pubsub max otherwise
+                max_group.add_argument(
+                    "-m", "--max", dest="rsm_max", type=int,
+                    help=_("maximum number of items to get per page (DEFAULT: 10)"))
+            # RSM
+            rsm_page_group = pubsub_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+            rsm_page_group.add_argument(
+                "-a", "--after", dest="rsm_after",
+                help=_("find page after this item"), metavar='ITEM_ID')
+            rsm_page_group.add_argument(
+                "-b", "--before", dest="rsm_before",
+                help=_("find page before this item"), metavar='ITEM_ID')
+            rsm_page_group.add_argument(
+                "--index", dest="rsm_index", type=int,
+                help=_("index of the first item to retrieve"))
+            # MAM
+            pubsub_group.add_argument(
+                "-f", "--filter", dest='mam_filters', nargs=2,
+                action='append', default=[], help=_("MAM filters to use"),
+                metavar=("FILTER_NAME", "VALUE")
+            )
+            # Order-By
+            # TODO: order-by should be a list to handle several levels of ordering
+            #       but this is not yet done in SàT (and not really useful with
+            #       current specifications, as only "creation" and "modification" are
+            #       available)
+            pubsub_group.add_argument(
+                "-o", "--order-by", choices=[C.ORDER_BY_CREATION,
+                                             C.ORDER_BY_MODIFICATION],
+                help=_("how items should be ordered"))
+        if flags[C.CACHE]:
+            pubsub_group.add_argument(
+                "-C", "--no-cache", dest="use_cache", action='store_false',
+                help=_("don't use Pubsub cache")
+            )
+        if not flags.all_used:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError('unknown flags: {flags}'.format(
+                flags=', '.join(flags.unused)))
+        if defaults:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError(f'unused defaults: {defaults}')
+        return parent
+    def add_parser_options(self):
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            '--version',
+            action='version',
+            version=("{name} {version} {copyleft}".format(
+                name = C.APP_NAME,
+                version = self.version,
+                copyleft = COPYLEFT))
+        )
+    def register_output(self, type_, name, callback, description="", default=False):
+        if type_ not in C.OUTPUT_TYPES:
+            log.error("Invalid output type {}".format(type_))
+            return
+        self._outputs[type_][name] = {'callback': callback,
+                                      'description': description
+                                     }
+        if default:
+            if type_ in self.default_output:
+                self.disp(
+                    _('there is already a default output for {type}, ignoring new one')
+                    .format(type=type_)
+                )
+            else:
+                self.default_output[type_] = name
+    def parse_output_options(self):
+        options = self.command.args.output_opts
+        options_dict = {}
+        for option in options:
+            try:
+                key, value = option.split('=', 1)
+            except ValueError:
+                key, value = option, None
+            options_dict[key.strip()] = value.strip() if value is not None else None
+        return options_dict
+    def check_output_options(self, accepted_set, options):
+        if not accepted_set.issuperset(options):
+            self.disp(
+                _("The following output options are invalid: {invalid_options}").format(
+                invalid_options = ', '.join(set(options).difference(accepted_set))),
+                error=True)
+            self.quit(C.EXIT_BAD_ARG)
+    def import_plugins(self):
+        """Automaticaly import commands and outputs in CLI frontend
+        looks from modules names cmd_*.py in CLI frontend path and import them
+        """
+        path = os.path.dirname(libervia.cli.__file__)
+        # XXX: outputs must be imported before commands as they are used for arguments
+        for type_, pattern in ((C.PLUGIN_OUTPUT, 'output_*.py'),
+                               (C.PLUGIN_CMD, 'cmd_*.py')):
+            modules = (
+                os.path.splitext(module)[0]
+                for module in map(os.path.basename, iglob(os.path.join(path, pattern))))
+            for module_name in modules:
+                module_path = "libervia.cli." + module_name
+                try:
+                    module = import_module(module_path)
+                    self.import_plugin_module(module, type_)
+                except ImportError as e:
+                    self.disp(
+                        _("Can't import {module_path} plugin, ignoring it: {e}")
+                        .format(module_path=module_path, e=e),
+                        error=True)
+                except exceptions.CancelError:
+                    continue
+                except exceptions.MissingModule as e:
+                    self.disp(_("Missing module for plugin {name}: {missing}".format(
+                        name = module_path,
+                        missing = e)), error=True)
+    def import_plugin_module(self, module, type_):
+        """add commands or outpus from a module to CLI frontend
+        @param module: module containing commands or outputs
+        @param type_(str): one of C_PLUGIN_*
+        """
+        try:
+            class_names =  getattr(module, '__{}__'.format(type_))
+        except AttributeError:
+            log.disp(
+                _("Invalid plugin module [{type}] {module}")
+                .format(type=type_, module=module),
+                error=True)
+            raise ImportError
+        else:
+            for class_name in class_names:
+                cls = getattr(module, class_name)
+                cls(self)
+    def get_xmpp_uri_from_http(self, http_url):
+        """parse HTML page at http(s) URL, and looks for xmpp: uri"""
+        if http_url.startswith('https'):
+            scheme = 'https'
+        elif http_url.startswith('http'):
+            scheme = 'http'
+        else:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError('An HTTP scheme is expected in this method')
+        self.disp(f"{scheme.upper()} URL found, trying to find associated xmpp: URI", 1)
+        # HTTP URL, we try to find xmpp: links
+        try:
+            from lxml import etree
+        except ImportError:
+            self.disp(
+                "lxml module must be installed to use http(s) scheme, please install it "
+                "with \"pip install lxml\"",
+                error=True)
+            self.quit(1)
+        import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
+        parser = etree.HTMLParser()
+        try:
+            root = etree.parse(urllib.request.urlopen(http_url), parser)
+        except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e:
+            self.disp(_("Can't parse HTML page : {msg}").format(msg=e))
+            links = []
+        else:
+            links = root.xpath("//link[@rel='alternate' and starts-with(@href, 'xmpp:')]")
+        if not links:
+            self.disp(
+                _('Could not find alternate "xmpp:" URI, can\'t find associated XMPP '
+                  'PubSub node/item'),
+                error=True)
+            self.quit(1)
+        xmpp_uri = links[0].get('href')
+        return xmpp_uri
+    def parse_pubsub_args(self):
+        if self.args.pubsub_url is not None:
+            url = self.args.pubsub_url
+            if url.startswith('http'):
+                # http(s) URL, we try to retrieve xmpp one from there
+                url = self.get_xmpp_uri_from_http(url)
+            try:
+                uri_data = uri.parse_xmpp_uri(url)
+            except ValueError:
+                self.parser.error(_('invalid XMPP URL: {url}').format(url=url))
+            else:
+                if uri_data['type'] == 'pubsub':
+                    # URL is alright, we only set data not already set by other options
+                    if not self.args.service:
+                        self.args.service = uri_data['path']
+                    if not self.args.node:
+                        self.args.node = uri_data['node']
+                    uri_item = uri_data.get('item')
+                    if uri_item:
+                        # there is an item in URI
+                        # we use it only if item is not already set
+                        # and item_last is not used either
+                        try:
+                            item = self.args.item
+                        except AttributeError:
+                            try:
+                                items = self.args.items
+                            except AttributeError:
+                                self.disp(
+                                    _("item specified in URL but not needed in command, "
+                                      "ignoring it"),
+                                    error=True)
+                            else:
+                                if not items:
+                                    self.args.items = [uri_item]
+                        else:
+                            if not item:
+                                try:
+                                    item_last = self.args.item_last
+                                except AttributeError:
+                                    item_last = False
+                                if not item_last:
+                                    self.args.item = uri_item
+                else:
+                    self.parser.error(
+                        _('XMPP URL is not a pubsub one: {url}').format(url=url)
+                    )
+        flags = self.args._cmd._pubsub_flags
+        # we check required arguments here instead of using add_arguments' required option
+        # because the required argument can be set in URL
+        if C.SERVICE in flags and not self.args.service:
+            self.parser.error(_("argument -s/--service is required"))
+        if C.NODE in flags and not self.args.node:
+            self.parser.error(_("argument -n/--node is required"))
+        if C.ITEM in flags and not self.args.item:
+            self.parser.error(_("argument -i/--item is required"))
+        # FIXME: mutually groups can't be nested in a group and don't support title
+        #        so we check conflict here. This may be fixed in Python 3, to be checked
+        try:
+            if self.args.item and self.args.item_last:
+                self.parser.error(
+                    _("--item and --item-last can't be used at the same time"))
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            max_items = self.args.max
+            rsm_max = self.args.rsm_max
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            # we need to set a default value for max, but we need to know if we want
+            # to use pubsub's max or RSM's max. The later is used if any RSM or MAM
+            # argument is set
+            if max_items is None and rsm_max is None:
+                to_check = ('mam_filters', 'rsm_max', 'rsm_after', 'rsm_before',
+                            'rsm_index')
+                if any((getattr(self.args, name) for name in to_check)):
+                    # we use RSM
+                    self.args.rsm_max = 10
+                else:
+                    # we use pubsub without RSM
+                    self.args.max = 10
+            if self.args.max is None:
+                self.args.max = C.NO_LIMIT
+    async def main(self, args, namespace):
+        try:
+            await self.bridge.bridge_connect()
+        except Exception as e:
+            if isinstance(e, exceptions.BridgeExceptionNoService):
+                print(
+                    _("Can't connect to Libervia backend, are you sure that it's "
+                      "launched ?")
+                )
+                self.quit(C.EXIT_BACKEND_NOT_FOUND, raise_exc=False)
+            elif isinstance(e, exceptions.BridgeInitError):
+                print(_("Can't init bridge"))
+                self.quit(C.EXIT_BRIDGE_ERROR, raise_exc=False)
+            else:
+                print(
+                    _("Error while initialising bridge: {e}").format(e=e)
+                )
+                self.quit(C.EXIT_BRIDGE_ERROR, raise_exc=False)
+            return
+        await self.bridge.ready_get()
+        self.version = await self.bridge.version_get()
+        self._bridge_connected()
+        self.import_plugins()
+        try:
+            self.args = self.parser.parse_args(args, namespace=None)
+            if self.args._cmd._use_pubsub:
+                self.parse_pubsub_args()
+            await self.args._cmd.run()
+        except SystemExit as e:
+            self.quit(e.code, raise_exc=False)
+            return
+        except QuitException:
+            return
+    def _run(self, args=None, namespace=None):
+        self.loop = LiberviaCLILoop()
+        self.loop.run(self, args, namespace)
+    @classmethod
+    def run(cls):
+        cls()._run()
+    def _read_stdin(self, stdin_fut):
+        """Callback called by ainput to read stdin"""
+        line = sys.stdin.readline()
+        if line:
+            stdin_fut.set_result(line.rstrip(os.linesep))
+        else:
+            stdin_fut.set_exception(EOFError())
+    async def ainput(self, msg=''):
+        """Asynchronous version of buildin "input" function"""
+        self.disp(msg, end=' ')
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
+        stdin_fut = loop.create_future()
+        loop.add_reader(sys.stdin, self._read_stdin, stdin_fut)
+        return await stdin_fut
+    async def confirm(self, message):
+        """Request user to confirm action, return answer as boolean"""
+        res = await self.ainput(f"{message} (y/N)? ")
+        return res in ("y", "Y")
+    async def confirm_or_quit(self, message, cancel_message=_("action cancelled by user")):
+        """Request user to confirm action, and quit if he doesn't"""
+        confirmed = await self.confirm(message)
+        if not confirmed:
+            self.disp(cancel_message)
+            self.quit(C.EXIT_USER_CANCELLED)
+    def quit_from_signal(self, exit_code=0):
+        r"""Same as self.quit, but from a signal handler
+        /!\: return must be used after calling this method !
+        """
+        # XXX: python-dbus will show a traceback if we exit in a signal handler
+        # so we use this little timeout trick to avoid it
+        self.loop.call_later(0, self.quit, exit_code)
+    def quit(self, exit_code=0, raise_exc=True):
+        """Terminate the execution with specified exit_code
+        This will stop the loop.
+        @param exit_code(int): code to return when quitting the program
+        @param raise_exp(boolean): if True raise a QuitException to stop code execution
+            The default value should be used most of time.
+        """
+        # first the onQuitCallbacks
+        try:
+            callbacks_list = self._onQuitCallbacks
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            for callback, args, kwargs in callbacks_list:
+                callback(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.loop.quit(exit_code)
+        if raise_exc:
+            raise QuitException
+    async def check_jids(self, jids):
+        """Check jids validity, transform roster name to corresponding jids
+        @param profile: profile name
+        @param jids: list of jids
+        @return: List of jids
+        """
+        names2jid = {}
+        nodes2jid = {}
+        try:
+            contacts = await self.bridge.contacts_get(self.profile)
+        except BridgeException as e:
+            if e.classname == "AttributeError":
+                # we may get an AttributeError if we use a component profile
+                # as components don't have roster
+                contacts = []
+            else:
+                raise e
+        for contact in contacts:
+            jid_s, attr, groups = contact
+            _jid = JID(jid_s)
+            try:
+                names2jid[attr["name"].lower()] = jid_s
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            if _jid.node:
+                nodes2jid[_jid.node.lower()] = jid_s
+        def expand_jid(jid):
+            _jid = jid.lower()
+            if _jid in names2jid:
+                expanded = names2jid[_jid]
+            elif _jid in nodes2jid:
+                expanded = nodes2jid[_jid]
+            else:
+                expanded = jid
+            return expanded
+        def check(jid):
+            if not jid.is_valid:
+                log.error (_("%s is not a valid JID !"), jid)
+                self.quit(1)
+        dest_jids=[]
+        try:
+            for i in range(len(jids)):
+                dest_jids.append(expand_jid(jids[i]))
+                check(dest_jids[i])
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        return dest_jids
+    async def a_pwd_input(self, msg=''):
+        """Like ainput but with echo disabled (useful for passwords)"""
+        # we disable echo, code adapted from getpass standard module which has been
+        # written by Piers Lauder (original), Guido van Rossum (Windows support and
+        # cleanup) and Gregory P. Smith (tty support & GetPassWarning), a big thanks
+        # to them (and for all the amazing work on Python).
+        stdin_fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+        old = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
+        new = old[:]
+        new[3] &= ~termios.ECHO
+        tcsetattr_flags = termios.TCSAFLUSH
+        if hasattr(termios, 'TCSASOFT'):
+            tcsetattr_flags |= termios.TCSASOFT
+        try:
+            termios.tcsetattr(stdin_fd, tcsetattr_flags, new)
+            pwd = await self.ainput(msg=msg)
+        finally:
+            termios.tcsetattr(stdin_fd, tcsetattr_flags, old)
+            sys.stderr.flush()
+        self.disp('')
+        return pwd
+    async def connect_or_prompt(self, method, err_msg=None):
+        """Try to connect/start profile session and prompt for password if needed
+        @param method(callable): bridge method to either connect or start profile session
+            It will be called with password as sole argument, use lambda to do the call
+            properly
+        @param err_msg(str): message to show if connection fail
+        """
+        password = self.args.pwd
+        while True:
+            try:
+                await method(password or '')
+            except Exception as e:
+                if ((isinstance(e, BridgeException)
+                     and e.classname == 'PasswordError'
+                     and self.args.pwd is None)):
+                    if password is not None:
+                        self.disp(A.color(C.A_WARNING, _("invalid password")))
+                    password = await self.a_pwd_input(
+                        _("please enter profile password:"))
+                else:
+                    self.disp(err_msg.format(profile=self.profile, e=e), error=True)
+                    self.quit(C.EXIT_ERROR)
+            else:
+                break
+    async def connect_profile(self):
+        """Check if the profile is connected and do it if requested
+        @exit: - 1 when profile is not connected and --connect is not set
+               - 1 when the profile doesn't exists
+               - 1 when there is a connection error
+        """
+        # FIXME: need better exit codes
+        self.profile = await self.bridge.profile_name_get(self.args.profile)
+        if not self.profile:
+            log.error(
+                _("The profile [{profile}] doesn't exist")
+                .format(profile=self.args.profile)
+            )
+            self.quit(C.EXIT_ERROR)
+        try:
+            start_session = self.args.start_session
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            if start_session:
+                await self.connect_or_prompt(
+                    lambda pwd: self.bridge.profile_start_session(pwd, self.profile),
+                    err_msg="Can't start {profile}'s session: {e}"
+                )
+                return
+            elif not await self.bridge.profile_is_session_started(self.profile):
+                if not self.args.connect:
+                    self.disp(_(
+                        "Session for [{profile}] is not started, please start it "
+                        "before using libervia-cli, or use either --start-session or "
+                        "--connect option"
+                        .format(profile=self.profile)
+                    ), error=True)
+                    self.quit(1)
+            elif not getattr(self.args, "connect", False):
+                return
+        if not hasattr(self.args, 'connect'):
+            # a profile can be present without connect option (e.g. on profile
+            # creation/deletion)
+            return
+        elif self.args.connect is True:  # if connection is asked, we connect the profile
+            await self.connect_or_prompt(
+                lambda pwd: self.bridge.connect(self.profile, pwd, {}),
+                err_msg = 'Can\'t connect profile "{profile!s}": {e}'
+            )
+            return
+        else:
+            if not await self.bridge.is_connected(self.profile):
+                log.error(
+                    _("Profile [{profile}] is not connected, please connect it "
+                      "before using libervia-cli, or use --connect option")
+                    .format(profile=self.profile)
+                )
+                self.quit(1)
+    async def get_full_jid(self, param_jid):
+        """Return the full jid if possible (add main resource when find a bare jid)"""
+        # TODO: to be removed, bare jid should work with all commands, notably for file
+        #   as backend now handle jingles message initiation
+        _jid = JID(param_jid)
+        if not _jid.resource:
+            #if the resource is not given, we try to add the main resource
+            main_resource = await self.bridge.main_resource_get(param_jid, self.profile)
+            if main_resource:
+                return f"{_jid.bare}/{main_resource}"
+        return param_jid
+    async def get_profile_jid(self):
+        """Retrieve current profile bare JID if possible"""
+        full_jid = await self.bridge.param_get_a_async(
+            "JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile
+        )
+        return full_jid.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
+class CommandBase:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        host: LiberviaCli,
+        name: str,
+        use_profile: bool = True,
+        use_output: Union[bool, str] = False,
+        extra_outputs: Optional[dict] = None,
+        need_connect: Optional[bool] = None,
+        help: Optional[str] = None,
+        **kwargs
+    ):
+        """Initialise CommandBase
+        @param host: LiberviaCli instance
+        @param name: name of the new command
+        @param use_profile: if True, add profile selection/connection commands
+        @param use_output: if not False, add --output option
+        @param extra_outputs: list of command specific outputs:
+            key is output name ("default" to use as main output)
+            value is a callable which will format the output (data will be used as only
+            argument)
+            if a key already exists with normal outputs, the extra one will be used
+        @param need_connect: True if profile connection is needed
+            False else (profile session must still be started)
+            None to set auto value (i.e. True if use_profile is set)
+            Can't be set if use_profile is False
+        @param help: help message to display
+        @param **kwargs: args passed to ArgumentParser
+            use_* are handled directly, they can be:
+            - use_progress(bool): if True, add progress bar activation option
+                progress* signals will be handled
+            - use_verbose(bool): if True, add verbosity option
+            - use_pubsub(bool): if True, add pubsub options
+                mandatory arguments are controlled by pubsub_req
+            - use_draft(bool): if True, add draft handling options
+            ** other arguments **
+            - pubsub_flags(iterable[unicode]): tuple of flags to set pubsub options,
+              can be:
+                C.SERVICE: service is required
+                C.NODE: node is required
+                C.ITEM: item is required
+                C.SINGLE_ITEM: only one item is allowed
+        """
+        try: # If we have subcommands, host is a CommandBase and we need to use host.host
+            self.host = host.host
+        except AttributeError:
+            self.host = host
+        # --profile option
+        parents = kwargs.setdefault('parents', set())
+        if use_profile:
+            # self.host.parents['profile'] is an ArgumentParser with profile connection
+            # arguments
+            if need_connect is None:
+                need_connect = True
+            parents.add(
+                self.host.parents['profile' if need_connect else 'profile_session'])
+        else:
+            assert need_connect is None
+        self.need_connect = need_connect
+        # from this point, self.need_connect is None if connection is not needed at all
+        # False if session starting is needed, and True if full connection is needed
+        # --output option
+        if use_output:
+            if extra_outputs is None:
+                extra_outputs = {}
+            self.extra_outputs = extra_outputs
+            if use_output == True:
+                use_output = C.OUTPUT_TEXT
+            assert use_output in C.OUTPUT_TYPES
+            self._output_type = use_output
+            output_parent = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+            choices = set(self.host.get_output_choices(use_output))
+            choices.update(extra_outputs)
+            if not choices:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(
+                    "No choice found for {} output type".format(use_output))
+            try:
+                default = self.host.default_output[use_output]
+            except KeyError:
+                if 'default' in choices:
+                    default = 'default'
+                elif 'simple' in choices:
+                    default = 'simple'
+                else:
+                    default = list(choices)[0]
+            output_parent.add_argument(
+                '--output', '-O', choices=sorted(choices), default=default,
+                help=_("select output format (default: {})".format(default)))
+            output_parent.add_argument(
+                '--output-option', '--oo', action="append", dest='output_opts',
+                default=[], help=_("output specific option"))
+            parents.add(output_parent)
+        else:
+            assert extra_outputs is None
+        self._use_pubsub = kwargs.pop('use_pubsub', False)
+        if self._use_pubsub:
+            flags = kwargs.pop('pubsub_flags', [])
+            defaults = kwargs.pop('pubsub_defaults', {})
+            parents.add(self.host.make_pubsub_group(flags, defaults))
+            self._pubsub_flags = flags
+        # other common options
+        use_opts = {k:v for k,v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith('use_')}
+        for param, do_use in use_opts.items():
+            opt=param[4:] # if param is use_verbose, opt is verbose
+            if opt not in self.host.parents:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError("Unknown parent option {}".format(opt))
+            del kwargs[param]
+            if do_use:
+                parents.add(self.host.parents[opt])
+        self.parser = host.subparsers.add_parser(name, help=help, **kwargs)
+        if hasattr(self, "subcommands"):
+            self.subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand', required=True)
+        else:
+            self.parser.set_defaults(_cmd=self)
+        self.add_parser_options()
+    @property
+    def sat_conf(self):
+        return self.host.sat_conf
+    @property
+    def args(self):
+        return self.host.args
+    @property
+    def profile(self):
+        return self.host.profile
+    @property
+    def verbosity(self):
+        return self.host.verbosity
+    @property
+    def progress_id(self):
+        return self.host.progress_id
+    async def set_progress_id(self, progress_id):
+        return await self.host.set_progress_id(progress_id)
+    async def progress_started_handler(self, uid, metadata, profile):
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        if self.progress_id is None:
+            # the progress started message can be received before the id
+            # so we keep progress_started signals in cache to replay they
+            # when the progress_id is received
+            cache_data = (self.progress_started_handler, uid, metadata, profile)
+            try:
+                cache = self.host.progress_ids_cache
+            except AttributeError:
+                cache = self.host.progress_ids_cache = []
+            cache.append(cache_data)
+        else:
+            if self.host.watch_progress and uid == self.progress_id:
+                await self.on_progress_started(metadata)
+                while True:
+                    await asyncio.sleep(PROGRESS_DELAY)
+                    cont = await self.progress_update()
+                    if not cont:
+                        break
+    async def progress_finished_handler(self, uid, metadata, profile):
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        if uid == self.progress_id:
+            try:
+                self.host.pbar.finish()
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            await self.on_progress_finished(metadata)
+            if self.host.quit_on_progress_end:
+                self.host.quit_from_signal()
+    async def progress_error_handler(self, uid, message, profile):
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        if uid == self.progress_id:
+            if self.args.progress:
+                self.disp('') # progress is not finished, so we skip a line
+            if self.host.quit_on_progress_end:
+                await self.on_progress_error(message)
+                self.host.quit_from_signal(C.EXIT_ERROR)
+    async def progress_update(self):
+        """This method is continualy called to update the progress bar
+        @return (bool): False to stop being called
+        """
+        data = await self.host.bridge.progress_get(self.progress_id, self.profile)
+        if data:
+            try:
+                size = data['size']
+            except KeyError:
+                self.disp(_("file size is not known, we can't show a progress bar"), 1,
+                          error=True)
+                return False
+            if self.host.pbar is None:
+                #first answer, we must construct the bar
+                # if the instance has a pbar_template attribute, it is used has model,
+                # else default one is used
+                # template is a list of part, where part can be either a str to show directly
+                # or a list where first argument is a name of a progressbar widget, and others
+                # are used as widget arguments
+                try:
+                    template = self.pbar_template
+                except AttributeError:
+                    template = [
+                        _("Progress: "), ["Percentage"], " ", ["Bar"], " ",
+                        ["FileTransferSpeed"], " ", ["ETA"]
+                    ]
+                widgets = []
+                for part in template:
+                    if isinstance(part, str):
+                        widgets.append(part)
+                    else:
+                        widget = getattr(progressbar, part.pop(0))
+                        widgets.append(widget(*part))
+                self.host.pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=int(size), widgets=widgets)
+                self.host.pbar.start()
+            self.host.pbar.update(int(data['position']))
+        elif self.host.pbar is not None:
+            return False
+        await self.on_progress_update(data)
+        return True
+    async def on_progress_started(self, metadata):
+        """Called when progress has just started
+        can be overidden by a command
+        @param metadata(dict): metadata as sent by bridge.progress_started
+        """
+        self.disp(_("Operation started"), 2)
+    async def on_progress_update(self, metadata):
+        """Method called on each progress updata
+        can be overidden by a command to handle progress metadata
+        @para metadata(dict): metadata as returned by bridge.progress_get
+        """
+        pass
+    async def on_progress_finished(self, metadata):
+        """Called when progress has just finished
+        can be overidden by a command
+        @param metadata(dict): metadata as sent by bridge.progress_finished
+        """
+        self.disp(_("Operation successfully finished"), 2)
+    async def on_progress_error(self, e):
+        """Called when a progress failed
+        @param error_msg(unicode): error message as sent by bridge.progress_error
+        """
+        self.disp(_("Error while doing operation: {e}").format(e=e), error=True)
+    def disp(self, msg, verbosity=0, error=False, end='\n'):
+        return self.host.disp(msg, verbosity, error, end)
+    def output(self, data):
+        try:
+            output_type = self._output_type
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError(
+                _('trying to use output when use_output has not been set'))
+        return self.host.output(output_type, self.args.output, self.extra_outputs, data)
+    def get_pubsub_extra(self, extra: Optional[dict] = None) -> str:
+        """Helper method to compute extra data from pubsub arguments
+        @param extra: base extra dict, or None to generate a new one
+        @return: serialised dict which can be used directly in the bridge for pubsub
+        """
+        if extra is None:
+            extra = {}
+        else:
+            intersection = {C.KEY_ORDER_BY}.intersection(list(extra.keys()))
+            if intersection:
+                raise exceptions.ConflictError(
+                    "given extra dict has conflicting keys with pubsub keys "
+                    "{intersection}".format(intersection=intersection))
+        # RSM
+        for attribute in ('max', 'after', 'before', 'index'):
+            key = 'rsm_' + attribute
+            if key in extra:
+                raise exceptions.ConflictError(
+                    "This key already exists in extra: u{key}".format(key=key))
+            value = getattr(self.args, key, None)
+            if value is not None:
+                extra[key] = str(value)
+        # MAM
+        if hasattr(self.args, 'mam_filters'):
+            for key, value in self.args.mam_filters:
+                key = 'filter_' + key
+                if key in extra:
+                    raise exceptions.ConflictError(
+                        "This key already exists in extra: u{key}".format(key=key))
+                extra[key] = value
+        # Order-By
+        try:
+            order_by = self.args.order_by
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            if order_by is not None:
+                extra[C.KEY_ORDER_BY] = self.args.order_by
+        # Cache
+        try:
+            use_cache = self.args.use_cache
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            if not use_cache:
+                extra[C.KEY_USE_CACHE] = use_cache
+        return data_format.serialise(extra)
+    def add_parser_options(self):
+        try:
+            subcommands = self.subcommands
+        except AttributeError:
+            # We don't have subcommands, the class need to implements add_parser_options
+            raise NotImplementedError
+        # now we add subcommands to ourself
+        for cls in subcommands:
+            cls(self)
+    def override_pubsub_flags(self, new_flags: Set[str]) -> None:
+        """Replace pubsub_flags given in __init__
+        useful when a command is extending an other command (e.g. blog command which does
+        the same as pubsub command, but with a default node)
+        """
+        self._pubsub_flags = new_flags
+    async def run(self):
+        """this method is called when a command is actually run
+        It set stuff like progression callbacks and profile connection
+        You should not overide this method: you should call self.start instead
+        """
+        # we keep a reference to run command, it may be useful e.g. for outputs
+        self.host.command = self
+        try:
+            show_progress = self.args.progress
+        except AttributeError:
+            # the command doesn't use progress bar
+            pass
+        else:
+            if show_progress:
+                self.host.watch_progress = True
+            # we need to register the following signal even if we don't display the
+            # progress bar
+            self.host.bridge.register_signal(
+                "progress_started", self.progress_started_handler)
+            self.host.bridge.register_signal(
+                "progress_finished", self.progress_finished_handler)
+            self.host.bridge.register_signal(
+                "progress_error", self.progress_error_handler)
+        if self.need_connect is not None:
+            await self.host.connect_profile()
+        await self.start()
+    async def start(self):
+        """This is the starting point of the command, this method must be overriden
+        at this point, profile are connected if needed
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class CommandAnswering(CommandBase):
+    """Specialised commands which answer to specific actions
+    to manage action_types answer,
+    """
+    action_callbacks = {} # XXX: set managed action types in a dict here:
+                          # key is the action_type, value is the callable
+                          # which will manage the answer. profile filtering is
+                          # already managed when callback is called
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(CommandAnswering, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    async def on_action_new(
+        self,
+        action_data_s: str,
+        action_id: str,
+        security_limit: int,
+        profile: str
+    ) -> None:
+        if profile != self.profile:
+            return
+        action_data = data_format.deserialise(action_data_s)
+        try:
+            action_type = action_data['type']
+        except KeyError:
+            try:
+                xml_ui = action_data["xmlui"]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                self.on_xmlui(xml_ui)
+        else:
+            try:
+                callback = self.action_callbacks[action_type]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                await callback(action_data, action_id, security_limit, profile)
+    def on_xmlui(self, xml_ui):
+        """Display a dialog received from the backend.
+        @param xml_ui (unicode): dialog XML representation
+        """
+        # FIXME: we temporarily use ElementTree, but a real XMLUI managing module
+        #        should be available in the future
+        # TODO: XMLUI module
+        ui = ET.fromstring(xml_ui.encode('utf-8'))
+        dialog = ui.find("dialog")
+        if dialog is not None:
+            self.disp(dialog.findtext("message"), error=dialog.get("level") == "error")
+    async def start_answering(self):
+        """Auto reply to confirmation requests"""
+        self.host.bridge.register_signal("action_new", self.on_action_new)
+        actions = await self.host.bridge.actions_get(self.profile)
+        for action_data_s, action_id, security_limit in actions:
+            await self.on_action_new(action_data_s, action_id, security_limit, self.profile)