diff libervia/cli/common.py @ 4075:47401850dec6

refactoring: rename `libervia.frontends.jp` to `libervia.cli`
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 02 Jun 2023 14:54:26 +0200 (20 months ago)
parents libervia/frontends/jp/common.py@26b7ed2817da
children 0d7bb4df2343
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/cli/common.py	Fri Jun 02 14:54:26 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Libervia CLI
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import json
+import os
+import os.path
+import time
+import tempfile
+import asyncio
+import shlex
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+from libervia.cli.constants import Const as C
+from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _
+from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import regex
+from libervia.backend.tools.common.ansi import ANSI as A
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import uri as xmpp_uri
+from libervia.backend.tools import config
+from configparser import NoSectionError, NoOptionError
+from collections import namedtuple
+# default arguments used for some known editors (editing with metadata)
+VIM_SPLIT_ARGS = "-c 'set nospr|vsplit|wincmd w|next|wincmd w'"
+EMACS_SPLIT_ARGS = '--eval "(split-window-horizontally)"'
+    "vim": VIM_SPLIT_ARGS + " {content_file} {metadata_file}",
+    "nvim": VIM_SPLIT_ARGS + " {content_file} {metadata_file}",
+    "gvim": VIM_SPLIT_ARGS + " --nofork {content_file} {metadata_file}",
+    "emacs": EMACS_SPLIT_ARGS + " {content_file} {metadata_file}",
+    "xemacs": EMACS_SPLIT_ARGS + " {content_file} {metadata_file}",
+    "nano": " -F {content_file} {metadata_file}",
+SECURE_UNLINK_DIR = ".backup"
+METADATA_SUFF = "_metadata.json"
+def format_time(timestamp):
+    """Return formatted date for timestamp
+    @param timestamp(str,int,float): unix timestamp
+    @return (unicode): formatted date
+    """
+    fmt = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
+    return time.strftime(fmt, time.localtime(float(timestamp)))
+def ansi_ljust(s, width):
+    """ljust method handling ANSI escape codes"""
+    cleaned = regex.ansi_remove(s)
+    return s + " " * (width - len(cleaned))
+def ansi_center(s, width):
+    """ljust method handling ANSI escape codes"""
+    cleaned = regex.ansi_remove(s)
+    diff = width - len(cleaned)
+    half = diff / 2
+    return half * " " + s + (half + diff % 2) * " "
+def ansi_rjust(s, width):
+    """ljust method handling ANSI escape codes"""
+    cleaned = regex.ansi_remove(s)
+    return " " * (width - len(cleaned)) + s
+def get_tmp_dir(sat_conf, cat_dir, sub_dir=None):
+    """Return directory used to store temporary files
+    @param sat_conf(ConfigParser.ConfigParser): instance opened on sat configuration
+    @param cat_dir(str): directory of the category (e.g. "blog")
+    @param sub_dir(str): sub directory where data need to be put
+        profile can be used here, or special directory name
+        sub_dir will be escaped to be usable in path (use regex.path_unescape to find
+        initial str)
+    @return (Path): path to the dir
+    """
+    local_dir = config.config_get(sat_conf, "", "local_dir", Exception)
+    path_elts = [local_dir, cat_dir]
+    if sub_dir is not None:
+        path_elts.append(regex.path_escape(sub_dir))
+    return Path(*path_elts)
+def parse_args(host, cmd_line, **format_kw):
+    """Parse command arguments
+    @param cmd_line(unicode): command line as found in sat.conf
+    @param format_kw: keywords used for formating
+    @return (list(unicode)): list of arguments to pass to subprocess function
+    """
+    try:
+        # we split the arguments and add the known fields
+        # we split arguments first to avoid escaping issues in file names
+        return [a.format(**format_kw) for a in shlex.split(cmd_line)]
+    except ValueError as e:
+        host.disp(
+            "Couldn't parse editor cmd [{cmd}]: {reason}".format(cmd=cmd_line, reason=e)
+        )
+        return []
+class BaseEdit(object):
+    """base class for editing commands
+    This class allows to edit file for PubSub or something else.
+    It works with temporary files in SàT local_dir, in a "cat_dir" subdir
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host, cat_dir, use_metadata=False):
+        """
+        @param sat_conf(ConfigParser.ConfigParser): instance opened on sat configuration
+        @param cat_dir(unicode): directory to use for drafts
+            this will be a sub-directory of SàT's local_dir
+        @param use_metadata(bool): True is edition need a second file for metadata
+            most of signature change with use_metadata with an additional metadata
+            argument.
+            This is done to raise error if a command needs metadata but forget the flag,
+            and vice versa
+        """
+        self.host = host
+        self.cat_dir = cat_dir
+        self.use_metadata = use_metadata
+    def secure_unlink(self, path):
+        """Unlink given path after keeping it for a while
+        This method is used to prevent accidental deletion of a draft
+        If there are more file in SECURE_UNLINK_DIR than SECURE_UNLINK_MAX,
+        older file are deleted
+        @param path(Path, str): file to unlink
+        """
+        path = Path(path).resolve()
+        if not path.is_file:
+            raise OSError("path must link to a regular file")
+        if path.parent != get_tmp_dir(self.sat_conf, self.cat_dir):
+            self.disp(
+                f"File {path} is not in SàT temporary hierarchy, we do not remove " f"it",
+                2,
+            )
+            return
+            # we have 2 files per draft with use_metadata, so we double max
+        unlink_max = SECURE_UNLINK_MAX * 2 if self.use_metadata else SECURE_UNLINK_MAX
+        backup_dir = get_tmp_dir(self.sat_conf, self.cat_dir, SECURE_UNLINK_DIR)
+        if not os.path.exists(backup_dir):
+            os.makedirs(backup_dir)
+        filename = os.path.basename(path)
+        backup_path = os.path.join(backup_dir, filename)
+        # we move file to backup dir
+        self.host.disp(
+            "Backuping file {src} to {dst}".format(src=path, dst=backup_path),
+            1,
+        )
+        os.rename(path, backup_path)
+        # and if we exceeded the limit, we remove older file
+        backup_files = [os.path.join(backup_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(backup_dir)]
+        if len(backup_files) > unlink_max:
+            backup_files.sort(key=lambda path: os.stat(path).st_mtime)
+            for path in backup_files[: len(backup_files) - unlink_max]:
+                self.host.disp("Purging backup file {}".format(path), 2)
+                os.unlink(path)
+    async def run_editor(
+        self,
+        editor_args_opt,
+        content_file_path,
+        content_file_obj,
+        meta_file_path=None,
+        meta_ori=None,
+    ):
+        """Run editor to edit content and metadata
+        @param editor_args_opt(unicode): option in [cli] section in configuration for
+            specific args
+        @param content_file_path(str): path to the content file
+        @param content_file_obj(file): opened file instance
+        @param meta_file_path(str, Path, None): metadata file path
+            if None metadata will not be used
+        @param meta_ori(dict, None): original cotent of metadata
+            can't be used if use_metadata is False
+        """
+        if not self.use_metadata:
+            assert meta_file_path is None
+            assert meta_ori is None
+            # we calculate hashes to check for modifications
+        import hashlib
+        content_file_obj.seek(0)
+        tmp_ori_hash = hashlib.sha1(content_file_obj.read()).digest()
+        content_file_obj.close()
+        # we prepare arguments
+        editor = config.config_get(self.sat_conf, C.CONFIG_SECTION, "editor") or os.getenv(
+            "EDITOR", "vi"
+        )
+        try:
+            # is there custom arguments in sat.conf ?
+            editor_args = config.config_get(
+                self.sat_conf, C.CONFIG_SECTION, editor_args_opt, Exception
+            )
+        except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
+            # no, we check if we know the editor and have special arguments
+            if self.use_metadata:
+                editor_args = EDITOR_ARGS_MAGIC.get(os.path.basename(editor), "")
+            else:
+                editor_args = ""
+        parse_kwargs = {"content_file": content_file_path}
+        if self.use_metadata:
+            parse_kwargs["metadata_file"] = meta_file_path
+        args = parse_args(self.host, editor_args, **parse_kwargs)
+        if not args:
+            args = [content_file_path]
+            # actual editing
+        editor_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
+            editor, *[str(a) for a in args]
+        )
+        editor_exit = await editor_process.wait()
+        # edition will now be checked, and data will be sent if it was a success
+        if editor_exit != 0:
+            self.disp(
+                f"Editor exited with an error code, so temporary file has not be "
+                f"deleted, and item is not published.\nYou can find temporary file "
+                f"at {content_file_path}",
+                error=True,
+            )
+        else:
+            # main content
+            try:
+                with content_file_path.open("rb") as f:
+                    content = f.read()
+            except (OSError, IOError):
+                self.disp(
+                    f"Can read file at {content_file_path}, have it been deleted?\n"
+                    f"Cancelling edition",
+                    error=True,
+                )
+                self.host.quit(C.EXIT_NOT_FOUND)
+                # metadata
+            if self.use_metadata:
+                try:
+                    with meta_file_path.open("rb") as f:
+                        metadata = json.load(f)
+                except (OSError, IOError):
+                    self.disp(
+                        f"Can read file at {meta_file_path}, have it been deleted?\n"
+                        f"Cancelling edition",
+                        error=True,
+                    )
+                    self.host.quit(C.EXIT_NOT_FOUND)
+                except ValueError:
+                    self.disp(
+                        f"Can't parse metadata, please check it is correct JSON format. "
+                        f"Cancelling edition.\nYou can find tmp file at "
+                        f"{content_file_path} and temporary meta file at "
+                        f"{meta_file_path}.",
+                        error=True,
+                    )
+                    self.host.quit(C.EXIT_DATA_ERROR)
+            if self.use_metadata and not metadata.get("publish", True):
+                self.disp(
+                    f'Publication blocked by "publish" key in metadata, cancelling '
+                    f"edition.\n\ntemporary file path:\t{content_file_path}\nmetadata "
+                    f"file path:\t{meta_file_path}",
+                    error=True,
+                )
+                self.host.quit()
+            if len(content) == 0:
+                self.disp("Content is empty, cancelling the edition")
+                if content_file_path.parent != get_tmp_dir(self.sat_conf, self.cat_dir):
+                    self.disp(
+                        "File are not in SàT temporary hierarchy, we do not remove them",
+                        2,
+                    )
+                    self.host.quit()
+                self.disp(f"Deletion of {content_file_path}", 2)
+                os.unlink(content_file_path)
+                if self.use_metadata:
+                    self.disp(f"Deletion of {meta_file_path}".format(meta_file_path), 2)
+                    os.unlink(meta_file_path)
+                self.host.quit()
+                # time to re-check the hash
+            elif tmp_ori_hash == hashlib.sha1(content).digest() and (
+                not self.use_metadata or meta_ori == metadata
+            ):
+                self.disp("The content has not been modified, cancelling the edition")
+                self.host.quit()
+            else:
+                # we can now send the item
+                content = content.decode("utf-8-sig")  # we use utf-8-sig to avoid BOM
+                try:
+                    if self.use_metadata:
+                        await self.publish(content, metadata)
+                    else:
+                        await self.publish(content)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    if self.use_metadata:
+                        self.disp(
+                            f"Error while sending your item, the temporary files have "
+                            f"been kept at {content_file_path} and {meta_file_path}: "
+                            f"{e}",
+                            error=True,
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        self.disp(
+                            f"Error while sending your item, the temporary file has been "
+                            f"kept at {content_file_path}: {e}",
+                            error=True,
+                        )
+                    self.host.quit(1)
+            self.secure_unlink(content_file_path)
+            if self.use_metadata:
+                self.secure_unlink(meta_file_path)
+    async def publish(self, content):
+        # if metadata is needed, publish will be called with it last argument
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def get_tmp_file(self):
+        """Create a temporary file
+        @return (tuple(file, Path)): opened (w+b) file object and file path
+        """
+        suff = "." + self.get_tmp_suff()
+        cat_dir_str = self.cat_dir
+        tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(self.sat_conf, self.cat_dir, self.profile)
+        if not tmp_dir.exists():
+            try:
+                tmp_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
+            except OSError as e:
+                self.disp(
+                    f"Can't create {tmp_dir} directory: {e}",
+                    error=True,
+                )
+                self.host.quit(1)
+        try:
+            fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(
+                suffix=suff,
+                prefix=time.strftime(cat_dir_str + "_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S_"),
+                dir=tmp_dir,
+                text=True,
+            )
+            return os.fdopen(fd, "w+b"), Path(path)
+        except OSError as e:
+            self.disp(f"Can't create temporary file: {e}", error=True)
+            self.host.quit(1)
+    def get_current_file(self, profile):
+        """Get most recently edited file
+        @param profile(unicode): profile linked to the draft
+        @return(Path): full path of current file
+        """
+        # we guess the item currently edited by choosing
+        # the most recent file corresponding to temp file pattern
+        # in tmp_dir, excluding metadata files
+        tmp_dir = get_tmp_dir(self.sat_conf, self.cat_dir, profile)
+        available = [
+            p
+            for p in tmp_dir.glob(f"{self.cat_dir}_*")
+            if not p.match(f"*{METADATA_SUFF}")
+        ]
+        if not available:
+            self.disp(
+                f"Could not find any content draft in {tmp_dir}",
+                error=True,
+            )
+            self.host.quit(1)
+        return max(available, key=lambda p: p.stat().st_mtime)
+    async def get_item_data(self, service, node, item):
+        """return formatted content, metadata (or not if use_metadata is false), and item id"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def get_tmp_suff(self):
+        """return suffix used for content file"""
+        return "xml"
+    async def get_item_path(self):
+        """Retrieve item path (i.e. service and node) from item argument
+        This method is obviously only useful for edition of PubSub based features
+        """
+        service = self.args.service
+        node = self.args.node
+        item = self.args.item
+        last_item = self.args.last_item
+        if self.args.current:
+            # user wants to continue current draft
+            content_file_path = self.get_current_file(self.profile)
+            self.disp("Continuing edition of current draft", 2)
+            content_file_obj = content_file_path.open("r+b")
+            # we seek at the end of file in case of an item already exist
+            # this will write content of the existing item at the end of the draft.
+            # This way no data should be lost.
+            content_file_obj.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+        elif self.args.draft_path:
+            # there is an existing draft that we use
+            content_file_path = self.args.draft_path.expanduser()
+            content_file_obj = content_file_path.open("r+b")
+            # we seek at the end for the same reason as above
+            content_file_obj.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
+        else:
+            # we need a temporary file
+            content_file_obj, content_file_path = self.get_tmp_file()
+        if item or last_item:
+            self.disp("Editing requested published item", 2)
+            try:
+                if self.use_metadata:
+                    content, metadata, item = await self.get_item_data(service, node, item)
+                else:
+                    content, item = await self.get_item_data(service, node, item)
+            except Exception as e:
+                # FIXME: ugly but we have not good may to check errors in bridge
+                if "item-not-found" in str(e):
+                    #  item doesn't exist, we create a new one with requested id
+                    metadata = None
+                    if last_item:
+                        self.disp(_("no item found at all, we create a new one"), 2)
+                    else:
+                        self.disp(
+                            _(
+                                'item "{item}" not found, we create a new item with'
+                                "this id"
+                            ).format(item=item),
+                            2,
+                        )
+                    content_file_obj.seek(0)
+                else:
+                    self.disp(f"Error while retrieving item: {e}")
+                    self.host.quit(C.EXIT_ERROR)
+            else:
+                # item exists, we write content
+                if content_file_obj.tell() != 0:
+                    # we already have a draft,
+                    # we copy item content after it and add an indicator
+                    content_file_obj.write("\n*****\n")
+                content_file_obj.write(content.encode("utf-8"))
+                content_file_obj.seek(0)
+                self.disp(_('item "{item}" found, we edit it').format(item=item), 2)
+        else:
+            self.disp("Editing a new item", 2)
+            if self.use_metadata:
+                metadata = None
+        if self.use_metadata:
+            return service, node, item, content_file_path, content_file_obj, metadata
+        else:
+            return service, node, item, content_file_path, content_file_obj
+class Table(object):
+    def __init__(self, host, data, headers=None, filters=None, use_buffer=False):
+        """
+        @param data(iterable[list]): table data
+            all lines must have the same number of columns
+        @param headers(iterable[unicode], None): names/titles of the columns
+            if not None, must have same number of columns as data
+        @param filters(iterable[(callable, unicode)], None): values filters
+            the callable will get 2 arguments:
+                - current column value
+                - RowData with all columns values
+            if may also only use 1 argument, which will then be current col value.
+            the callable must return a string
+            if it's unicode, it will be used with .format and must countain u'{}' which
+            will be replaced with the string.
+            if not None, must have same number of columns as data
+        @param use_buffer(bool): if True, bufferise output instead of printing it directly
+        """
+        self.host = host
+        self._buffer = [] if use_buffer else None
+        #  headers are columns names/titles, can be None
+        self.headers = headers
+        #  sizes fof columns without headers,
+        # headers may be larger
+        self.sizes = []
+        #  rows countains one list per row with columns values
+        self.rows = []
+        size = None
+        if headers:
+            # we use a namedtuple to make the value easily accessible from filters
+            headers_safe = [re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z_]", "_", h) for h in headers]
+            row_cls = namedtuple("RowData", headers_safe)
+        else:
+            row_cls = tuple
+        for row_data in data:
+            new_row = []
+            row_data_list = list(row_data)
+            for idx, value in enumerate(row_data_list):
+                if filters is not None and filters[idx] is not None:
+                    filter_ = filters[idx]
+                    if isinstance(filter_, str):
+                        col_value = filter_.format(value)
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            col_value = filter_(value, row_cls(*row_data_list))
+                        except TypeError:
+                            col_value = filter_(value)
+                            # we count size without ANSI code as they will change length of the
+                            # string when it's mostly style/color changes.
+                    col_size = len(regex.ansi_remove(col_value))
+                else:
+                    col_value = str(value)
+                    col_size = len(col_value)
+                new_row.append(col_value)
+                if size is None:
+                    self.sizes.append(col_size)
+                else:
+                    self.sizes[idx] = max(self.sizes[idx], col_size)
+            if size is None:
+                size = len(new_row)
+                if headers is not None and len(headers) != size:
+                    raise exceptions.DataError("headers size is not coherent with rows")
+            else:
+                if len(new_row) != size:
+                    raise exceptions.DataError("rows size is not coherent")
+            self.rows.append(new_row)
+        if not data and headers is not None:
+            #  the table is empty, we print headers at their lenght
+            self.sizes = [len(h) for h in headers]
+    @property
+    def string(self):
+        if self._buffer is None:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError("buffer must be used to get a string")
+        return "\n".join(self._buffer)
+    @staticmethod
+    def read_dict_values(data, keys, defaults=None):
+        if defaults is None:
+            defaults = {}
+        for key in keys:
+            try:
+                yield data[key]
+            except KeyError as e:
+                default = defaults.get(key)
+                if default is not None:
+                    yield default
+                else:
+                    raise e
+    @classmethod
+    def from_list_dict(
+        cls, host, data, keys=None, headers=None, filters=None, defaults=None
+    ):
+        """Create a table from a list of dictionaries
+        each dictionary is a row of the table, keys being columns names.
+        the whole data will be read and kept into memory, to be printed
+        @param data(list[dict[unicode, unicode]]): data to create the table from
+        @param keys(iterable[unicode], None): keys to get
+            if None, all keys will be used
+        @param headers(iterable[unicode], None): name of the columns
+            names must be in same order as keys
+        @param filters(dict[unicode, (callable,unicode)), None): filter to use on values
+            keys correspond to keys to filter, and value is the same as for Table.__init__
+        @param defaults(dict[unicode, unicode]): default value to use
+            if None, an exception will be raised if not value is found
+        """
+        if keys is None and headers is not None:
+            # FIXME: keys are not needed with OrderedDict,
+            raise exceptions.DataError("You must specify keys order to used headers")
+        if keys is None:
+            keys = list(data[0].keys())
+        if headers is None:
+            headers = keys
+        if filters is None:
+            filters = {}
+        filters = [filters.get(k) for k in keys]
+        return cls(
+            host, (cls.read_dict_values(d, keys, defaults) for d in data), headers, filters
+        )
+    def _headers(self, head_sep, headers, sizes, alignment="left", style=None):
+        """Render headers
+        @param head_sep(unicode): sequence to use as separator
+        @param alignment(unicode): how to align, can be left, center or right
+        @param style(unicode, iterable[unicode], None): ANSI escape sequences to apply
+        @param headers(list[unicode]): headers to show
+        @param sizes(list[int]): sizes of columns
+        """
+        rendered_headers = []
+        if isinstance(style, str):
+            style = [style]
+        for idx, header in enumerate(headers):
+            size = sizes[idx]
+            if alignment == "left":
+                rendered = header[:size].ljust(size)
+            elif alignment == "center":
+                rendered = header[:size].center(size)
+            elif alignment == "right":
+                rendered = header[:size].rjust(size)
+            else:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError("bad alignment argument")
+            if style:
+                args = style + [rendered]
+                rendered = A.color(*args)
+            rendered_headers.append(rendered)
+        return head_sep.join(rendered_headers)
+    def _disp(self, data):
+        """output data (can be either bufferised or printed)"""
+        if self._buffer is not None:
+            self._buffer.append(data)
+        else:
+            self.host.disp(data)
+    def display(
+        self,
+        head_alignment="left",
+        columns_alignment="left",
+        head_style=None,
+        show_header=True,
+        show_borders=True,
+        hide_cols=None,
+        col_sep=" │ ",
+        top_left="┌",
+        top="─",
+        top_sep="─┬─",
+        top_right="┐",
+        left="│",
+        right=None,
+        head_sep=None,
+        head_line="┄",
+        head_line_left="├",
+        head_line_sep="┄┼┄",
+        head_line_right="┤",
+        bottom_left="└",
+        bottom=None,
+        bottom_sep="─┴─",
+        bottom_right="┘",
+    ):
+        """Print the table
+        @param show_header(bool): True if header need no be shown
+        @param show_borders(bool): True if borders need no be shown
+        @param hide_cols(None, iterable(unicode)): columns which should not be displayed
+        @param head_alignment(unicode): how to align headers, can be left, center or right
+        @param columns_alignment(unicode): how to align columns, can be left, center or
+            right
+        @param col_sep(unicode): separator betweens columns
+        @param head_line(unicode): character to use to make line under head
+        @param disp(callable, None): method to use to display the table
+            None to use self.host.disp
+        """
+        if not self.sizes:
+            # the table is empty
+            return
+        col_sep_size = len(regex.ansi_remove(col_sep))
+        # if we have columns to hide, we remove them from headers and size
+        if not hide_cols:
+            headers = self.headers
+            sizes = self.sizes
+        else:
+            headers = list(self.headers)
+            sizes = self.sizes[:]
+            ignore_idx = [headers.index(to_hide) for to_hide in hide_cols]
+            for to_hide in hide_cols:
+                hide_idx = headers.index(to_hide)
+                del headers[hide_idx]
+                del sizes[hide_idx]
+        if right is None:
+            right = left
+        if top_sep is None:
+            top_sep = col_sep_size * top
+        if head_sep is None:
+            head_sep = col_sep
+        if bottom is None:
+            bottom = top
+        if bottom_sep is None:
+            bottom_sep = col_sep_size * bottom
+        if not show_borders:
+            left = right = head_line_left = head_line_right = ""
+            # top border
+        if show_borders:
+            self._disp(
+                top_left + top_sep.join([top * size for size in sizes]) + top_right
+            )
+            # headers
+        if show_header and self.headers is not None:
+            self._disp(
+                left
+                + self._headers(head_sep, headers, sizes, head_alignment, head_style)
+                + right
+            )
+            # header line
+            self._disp(
+                head_line_left
+                + head_line_sep.join([head_line * size for size in sizes])
+                + head_line_right
+            )
+            # content
+        if columns_alignment == "left":
+            alignment = lambda idx, s: ansi_ljust(s, sizes[idx])
+        elif columns_alignment == "center":
+            alignment = lambda idx, s: ansi_center(s, sizes[idx])
+        elif columns_alignment == "right":
+            alignment = lambda idx, s: ansi_rjust(s, sizes[idx])
+        else:
+            raise exceptions.InternalError("bad columns alignment argument")
+        for row in self.rows:
+            if hide_cols:
+                row = [v for idx, v in enumerate(row) if idx not in ignore_idx]
+            self._disp(
+                left
+                + col_sep.join([alignment(idx, c) for idx, c in enumerate(row)])
+                + right
+            )
+        if show_borders:
+            # bottom border
+            self._disp(
+                bottom_left
+                + bottom_sep.join([bottom * size for size in sizes])
+                + bottom_right
+            )
+            #  we return self so string can be used after display (table.display().string)
+        return self
+    def display_blank(self, **kwargs):
+        """Display table without visible borders"""
+        kwargs_ = {"col_sep": " ", "head_line_sep": " ", "show_borders": False}
+        kwargs_.update(kwargs)
+        return self.display(**kwargs_)
+async def fill_well_known_uri(command, path, key, meta_map=None):
+    """Look for URIs in well-known location and fill appropriate args if suitable
+    @param command(CommandBase): command instance
+        args of this instance will be updated with found values
+    @param path(unicode): absolute path to use as a starting point to look for URIs
+    @param key(unicode): key to look for
+    @param meta_map(dict, None): if not None, map metadata to arg name
+        key is metadata used attribute name
+        value is name to actually use, or None to ignore
+        use empty dict to only retrieve URI
+        possible keys are currently:
+            - labels
+    """
+    args = command.args
+    if args.service or args.node:
+        # we only look for URIs if a service and a node are not already specified
+        return
+    host = command.host
+    try:
+        uris_data = await host.bridge.uri_find(path, [key])
+    except Exception as e:
+        host.disp(f"can't find {key} URI: {e}", error=True)
+        host.quit(C.EXIT_BRIDGE_ERRBACK)
+    try:
+        uri_data = uris_data[key]
+    except KeyError:
+        host.disp(
+            _(
+                "No {key} URI specified for this project, please specify service and "
+                "node"
+            ).format(key=key),
+            error=True,
+        )
+        host.quit(C.EXIT_NOT_FOUND)
+    uri = uri_data["uri"]
+    # set extra metadata if they are specified
+    for data_key in ["labels"]:
+        new_values_json = uri_data.get(data_key)
+        if uri_data is not None:
+            if meta_map is None:
+                dest = data_key
+            else:
+                dest = meta_map.get(data_key)
+                if dest is None:
+                    continue
+            try:
+                values = getattr(args, data_key)
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(f"there is no {data_key!r} arguments")
+            else:
+                if values is None:
+                    values = []
+                values.extend(json.loads(new_values_json))
+                setattr(args, dest, values)
+    parsed_uri = xmpp_uri.parse_xmpp_uri(uri)
+    try:
+        args.service = parsed_uri["path"]
+        args.node = parsed_uri["node"]
+    except KeyError:
+        host.disp(_("Invalid URI found: {uri}").format(uri=uri), error=True)
+        host.quit(C.EXIT_DATA_ERROR)