diff libervia/backend/plugins/plugin_misc_quiz.py @ 4071:4b842c1fb686

refactoring: renamed `sat` package to `libervia.backend`
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:49:51 +0200
parents sat/plugins/plugin_misc_quiz.py@524856bd7b19
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/backend/plugins/plugin_misc_quiz.py	Fri Jun 02 11:49:51 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SAT plugin for managing Quiz game
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _
+from libervia.backend.core.constants import Const as C
+from libervia.backend.core.log import getLogger
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import client as jabber_client, jid
+from time import time
+NS_QG = "http://www.goffi.org/protocol/quiz"
+QG_TAG = "quiz"
+    C.PI_NAME: "Quiz game plugin",
+    C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "Quiz",
+    C.PI_TYPE: "Game",
+    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: [],
+    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0045", "XEP-0249", "ROOM-GAME"],
+    C.PI_MAIN: "Quiz",
+    C.PI_HANDLER: "yes",
+    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Implementation of Quiz game"""),
+class Quiz(object):
+    def inherit_from_room_game(self, host):
+        global RoomGame
+        RoomGame = host.plugins["ROOM-GAME"].__class__
+        self.__class__ = type(
+            self.__class__.__name__, (self.__class__, RoomGame, object), {}
+        )
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        log.info(_("Plugin Quiz initialization"))
+        self.inherit_from_room_game(host)
+        RoomGame._init_(
+            self,
+            host,
+            PLUGIN_INFO,
+            (NS_QG, QG_TAG),
+            game_init={"stage": None},
+            player_init={"score": 0},
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "quiz_game_launch",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="asss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._prepare_room,
+        )  # args: players, room_jid, profile
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "quiz_game_create",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sass",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._create_game,
+        )  # args: room_jid, players, profile
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "quiz_game_ready",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._player_ready,
+        )  # args: player, referee, profile
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "quiz_game_answer",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ssss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self.player_answer,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_started", ".plugin", signature="ssass"
+        )  # args: room_jid, referee, players, profile
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_new",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="sa{ss}s",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "Start a new game",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "game_data: data of the game",
+                "param_2": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_question",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="sssis",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "Send the current question",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "question_id: question id",
+                "param_2": "question: question to ask",
+                "param_3": "timer: timer",
+                "param_4": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_player_buzzed",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="ssbs",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "A player just pressed the buzzer",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "player: player who pushed the buzzer",
+                "param_2": "pause: should the game be paused ?",
+                "param_3": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_player_says",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="sssis",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "A player just pressed the buzzer",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "player: player who pushed the buzzer",
+                "param_2": "text: what the player say",
+                "param_3": "delay: how long, in seconds, the text must appear",
+                "param_4": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_answer_result",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="ssba{si}s",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "Result of the just given answer",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "player: player who gave the answer",
+                "param_2": "good_answer: True if the answer is right",
+                "param_3": "score: dict of score with player as key",
+                "param_4": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_timer_expired",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="ss",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "Nobody answered the question in time",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_signal(
+            "quiz_game_timer_restarted",
+            ".plugin",
+            signature="sis",
+            doc={
+                "summary": "Nobody answered the question in time",
+                "param_0": "room_jid: jid of game's room",
+                "param_1": "time_left: time left before timer expiration",
+                "param_2": "%(doc_profile)s",
+            },
+        )
+    def __game_data_to_xml(self, game_data):
+        """Convert a game data dict to domish element"""
+        game_data_elt = domish.Element((None, "game_data"))
+        for data in game_data:
+            data_elt = domish.Element((None, data))
+            data_elt.addContent(game_data[data])
+            game_data_elt.addChild(data_elt)
+        return game_data_elt
+    def __xml_to_game_data(self, game_data_elt):
+        """Convert a domish element with game_data to a dict"""
+        game_data = {}
+        for data_elt in game_data_elt.elements():
+            game_data[data_elt.name] = str(data_elt)
+        return game_data
+    def __answer_result_to_signal_args(self, answer_result_elt):
+        """Parse answer result element and return a tuple of signal arguments
+        @param answer_result_elt: answer result element
+        @return: (player, good_answer, score)"""
+        score = {}
+        for score_elt in answer_result_elt.elements():
+            score[score_elt["player"]] = int(score_elt["score"])
+        return (
+            answer_result_elt["player"],
+            answer_result_elt["good_answer"] == str(True),
+            score,
+        )
+    def __answer_result(self, player_answering, good_answer, game_data):
+        """Convert a domish an answer_result element
+        @param player_answering: player who gave the answer
+        @param good_answer: True is the answer is right
+        @param game_data: data of the game"""
+        players_data = game_data["players_data"]
+        score = {}
+        for player in game_data["players"]:
+            score[player] = players_data[player]["score"]
+        answer_result_elt = domish.Element((None, "answer_result"))
+        answer_result_elt["player"] = player_answering
+        answer_result_elt["good_answer"] = str(good_answer)
+        for player in score:
+            score_elt = domish.Element((None, "score"))
+            score_elt["player"] = player
+            score_elt["score"] = str(score[player])
+            answer_result_elt.addChild(score_elt)
+        return answer_result_elt
+    def __ask_question(self, question_id, question, timer):
+        """Create a element for asking a question"""
+        question_elt = domish.Element((None, "question"))
+        question_elt["id"] = question_id
+        question_elt["timer"] = str(timer)
+        question_elt.addContent(question)
+        return question_elt
+    def __start_play(self, room_jid, game_data, profile):
+        """Start the game (tell to the first player after dealer to play"""
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        game_data["stage"] = "play"
+        next_player_idx = game_data["current_player"] = (
+            game_data["init_player"] + 1
+        ) % len(
+            game_data["players"]
+        )  # the player after the dealer start
+        game_data["first_player"] = next_player = game_data["players"][next_player_idx]
+        to_jid = jid.JID(room_jid.userhost() + "/" + next_player)
+        mess = self.createGameElt(to_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addElement("your_turn")
+        client.send(mess)
+    def player_answer(self, player, referee, answer, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Called when a player give an answer"""
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        log.debug(
+            "new player answer (%(profile)s): %(answer)s"
+            % {"profile": client.profile, "answer": answer}
+        )
+        mess = self.createGameElt(jid.JID(referee))
+        answer_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement("player_answer")
+        answer_elt["player"] = player
+        answer_elt.addContent(answer)
+        client.send(mess)
+    def timer_expired(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        game_data = self.games[room_jid]
+        game_data["stage"] = "expired"
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addElement("timer_expired")
+        client.send(mess)
+        reactor.callLater(4, self.ask_question, room_jid, client.profile)
+    def pause_timer(self, room_jid):
+        """Stop the timer and save the time left"""
+        game_data = self.games[room_jid]
+        left = max(0, game_data["timer"].getTime() - time())
+        game_data["timer"].cancel()
+        game_data["time_left"] = int(left)
+        game_data["previous_stage"] = game_data["stage"]
+        game_data["stage"] = "paused"
+    def restart_timer(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Restart a timer with the saved time"""
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        game_data = self.games[room_jid]
+        assert game_data["time_left"] is not None
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addElement("timer_restarted")
+        jabber_client.restarted_elt["time_left"] = str(game_data["time_left"])
+        client.send(mess)
+        game_data["timer"] = reactor.callLater(
+            game_data["time_left"], self.timer_expired, room_jid, profile
+        )
+        game_data["time_left"] = None
+        game_data["stage"] = game_data["previous_stage"]
+        del game_data["previous_stage"]
+    def ask_question(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Ask a new question"""
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        game_data = self.games[room_jid]
+        game_data["stage"] = "question"
+        game_data["question_id"] = "1"
+        timer = 30
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addChild(
+            self.__ask_question(
+                game_data["question_id"], "Quel est l'âge du capitaine ?", timer
+            )
+        )
+        client.send(mess)
+        game_data["timer"] = reactor.callLater(
+            timer, self.timer_expired, room_jid, profile
+        )
+        game_data["time_left"] = None
+    def check_answer(self, room_jid, player, answer, profile):
+        """Check if the answer given is right"""
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        game_data = self.games[room_jid]
+        players_data = game_data["players_data"]
+        good_answer = game_data["question_id"] == "1" and answer == "42"
+        players_data[player]["score"] += 1 if good_answer else -1
+        players_data[player]["score"] = min(9, max(0, players_data[player]["score"]))
+        mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+        mess.firstChildElement().addChild(
+            self.__answer_result(player, good_answer, game_data)
+        )
+        client.send(mess)
+        if good_answer:
+            reactor.callLater(4, self.ask_question, room_jid, profile)
+        else:
+            reactor.callLater(4, self.restart_timer, room_jid, profile)
+    def new_game(self, room_jid, profile):
+        """Launch a new round"""
+        common_data = {"game_score": 0}
+        new_game_data = {
+            "instructions": _(
+                """Bienvenue dans cette partie rapide de quizz, le premier à atteindre le score de 9 remporte le jeu
+Attention, tu es prêt ?"""
+            )
+        }
+        msg_elts = self.__game_data_to_xml(new_game_data)
+        RoomGame.new_round(self, room_jid, (common_data, msg_elts), profile)
+        reactor.callLater(10, self.ask_question, room_jid, profile)
+    def room_game_cmd(self, mess_elt, profile):
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        from_jid = jid.JID(mess_elt["from"])
+        room_jid = jid.JID(from_jid.userhost())
+        game_elt = mess_elt.firstChildElement()
+        game_data = self.games[room_jid]
+        #  if 'players_data' in game_data:
+        #      players_data = game_data['players_data']
+        for elt in game_elt.elements():
+            if elt.name == "started":  # new game created
+                players = []
+                for player in elt.elements():
+                    players.append(str(player))
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_started(
+                    room_jid.userhost(), from_jid.full(), players, profile
+                )
+            elif elt.name == "player_ready":  # ready to play
+                player = elt["player"]
+                status = self.games[room_jid]["status"]
+                nb_players = len(self.games[room_jid]["players"])
+                status[player] = "ready"
+                log.debug(
+                    _("Player %(player)s is ready to start [status: %(status)s]")
+                    % {"player": player, "status": status}
+                )
+                if (
+                    list(status.values()).count("ready") == nb_players
+                ):  # everybody is ready, we can start the game
+                    self.new_game(room_jid, profile)
+            elif elt.name == "game_data":
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_new(
+                    room_jid.userhost(), self.__xml_to_game_data(elt), profile
+                )
+            elif elt.name == "question":  # A question is asked
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_question(
+                    room_jid.userhost(),
+                    elt["id"],
+                    str(elt),
+                    int(elt["timer"]),
+                    profile,
+                )
+            elif elt.name == "player_answer":
+                player = elt["player"]
+                pause = (
+                    game_data["stage"] == "question"
+                )  # we pause the game only if we are have a question at the moment
+                # we first send a buzzer message
+                mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+                buzzer_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement("player_buzzed")
+                buzzer_elt["player"] = player
+                buzzer_elt["pause"] = str(pause)
+                client.send(mess)
+                if pause:
+                    self.pause_timer(room_jid)
+                    # and we send the player answer
+                    mess = self.createGameElt(room_jid)
+                    _answer = str(elt)
+                    say_elt = mess.firstChildElement().addElement("player_says")
+                    say_elt["player"] = player
+                    say_elt.addContent(_answer)
+                    say_elt["delay"] = "3"
+                    reactor.callLater(2, client.send, mess)
+                    reactor.callLater(
+                        6, self.check_answer, room_jid, player, _answer, profile=profile
+                    )
+            elif elt.name == "player_buzzed":
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_player_buzzed(
+                    room_jid.userhost(), elt["player"], elt["pause"] == str(True), profile
+                )
+            elif elt.name == "player_says":
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_player_says(
+                    room_jid.userhost(),
+                    elt["player"],
+                    str(elt),
+                    int(elt["delay"]),
+                    profile,
+                )
+            elif elt.name == "answer_result":
+                player, good_answer, score = self.__answer_result_to_signal_args(elt)
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_answer_result(
+                    room_jid.userhost(), player, good_answer, score, profile
+                )
+            elif elt.name == "timer_expired":
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_timer_expired(room_jid.userhost(), profile)
+            elif elt.name == "timer_restarted":
+                self.host.bridge.quiz_game_timer_restarted(
+                    room_jid.userhost(), int(elt["time_left"]), profile
+                )
+            else:
+                log.error(_("Unmanaged game element: %s") % elt.name)