diff libervia/backend/plugins/plugin_xep_0277.py @ 4071:4b842c1fb686

refactoring: renamed `sat` package to `libervia.backend`
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 02 Jun 2023 11:49:51 +0200
parents sat/plugins/plugin_xep_0277.py@524856bd7b19
children 0e48181d50ab
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/backend/plugins/plugin_xep_0277.py	Fri Jun 02 11:49:51 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1724 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SAT plugin for microblogging over XMPP (xep-0277)
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import time
+import dateutil
+import calendar
+from mimetypes import guess_type
+from secrets import token_urlsafe
+from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Any, Dict
+from functools import partial
+import shortuuid
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid, error
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import failure
+# XXX: sat_tmp.wokkel.pubsub is actually used instead of wokkel version
+from wokkel import pubsub
+from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, rsm
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _
+from libervia.backend.core.constants import Const as C
+from libervia.backend.core.log import getLogger
+from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
+from libervia.backend.core.core_types import SatXMPPEntity
+from libervia.backend.tools import xml_tools
+from libervia.backend.tools import sat_defer
+from libervia.backend.tools import utils
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import data_format
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import uri as xmpp_uri
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import regex
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+NS_MICROBLOG = "urn:xmpp:microblog:0"
+NS_ATOM = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
+NS_PUBSUB_EVENT = f"{pubsub.NS_PUBSUB}#event"
+    C.PI_NAME: "Microblogging over XMPP Plugin",
+    C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "XEP-0277",
+    C.PI_TYPE: "XEP",
+    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: ["XEP-0277"],
+    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0163", "XEP-0060", "TEXT_SYNTAXES"],
+    C.PI_MAIN: "XEP_0277",
+    C.PI_HANDLER: "yes",
+    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Implementation of microblogging Protocol"""),
+class NodeAccessChangeException(Exception):
+    pass
+class XEP_0277(object):
+    namespace = NS_MICROBLOG
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        log.info(_("Microblogging plugin initialization"))
+        self.host = host
+        host.register_namespace("microblog", NS_MICROBLOG)
+        self._p = self.host.plugins[
+            "XEP-0060"
+        ]  # this facilitate the access to pubsub plugin
+        ps_cache = self.host.plugins.get("PUBSUB_CACHE")
+        if ps_cache is not None:
+            ps_cache.register_analyser(
+                {
+                    "name": "XEP-0277",
+                    "node": NS_MICROBLOG,
+                    "namespace": NS_ATOM,
+                    "type": "blog",
+                    "to_sync": True,
+                    "parser": self.item_2_mb_data,
+                    "match_cb": self._cache_node_match_cb,
+                }
+            )
+        self.rt_sessions = sat_defer.RTDeferredSessions()
+        self.host.plugins["XEP-0060"].add_managed_node(
+            NS_MICROBLOG, items_cb=self._items_received
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_send",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ssss",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_send,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_repeat",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sssss",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_repeat,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_preview",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ssss",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_preview,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_retract",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ssss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._mb_retract,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_get",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ssiasss",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_get,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_rename",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sssss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._mb_rename,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_access_set",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self.mb_access_set,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_subscribe_to_many",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sass",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_subscribe_to_many,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_get_from_many_rt_result",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="(ua(sssasa{ss}))",
+            method=self._mb_get_from_many_rt_result,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_get_from_many",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sasia{ss}s",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_get_from_many,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_get_from_many_with_comments_rt_result",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="(ua(sssa(sa(sssasa{ss}))a{ss}))",
+            method=self._mb_get_from_many_with_comments_rt_result,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_get_from_many_with_comments",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sasiia{ss}a{ss}s",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._mb_get_from_many_with_comments,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "mb_is_comment_node",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="s",
+            out_sign="b",
+            method=self.is_comment_node,
+        )
+    def get_handler(self, client):
+        return XEP_0277_handler()
+    def _cache_node_match_cb(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        analyse: dict,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Check is analysed node is a comment and fill analyse accordingly"""
+        if analyse["node"].startswith(NS_COMMENT_PREFIX):
+            analyse["subtype"] = "comment"
+    def _check_features_cb(self, available):
+        return {"available": C.BOOL_TRUE}
+    def _check_features_eb(self, fail):
+        return {"available": C.BOOL_FALSE}
+    def features_get(self, profile):
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        d = self.host.check_features(client, [], identity=("pubsub", "pep"))
+        d.addCallbacks(self._check_features_cb, self._check_features_eb)
+        return d
+    ## plugin management methods ##
+    def _items_received(self, client, itemsEvent):
+        """Callback which manage items notifications (publish + retract)"""
+        def manage_item(data, event):
+            self.host.bridge.ps_event(
+                C.PS_MICROBLOG,
+                itemsEvent.sender.full(),
+                itemsEvent.nodeIdentifier,
+                event,
+                data_format.serialise(data),
+                client.profile,
+            )
+        for item in itemsEvent.items:
+            if item.name == C.PS_ITEM:
+                # FIXME: service and node should be used here
+                self.item_2_mb_data(client, item, None, None).addCallbacks(
+                    manage_item, lambda failure: None, (C.PS_PUBLISH,)
+                )
+            elif item.name == C.PS_RETRACT:
+                manage_item({"id": item["id"]}, C.PS_RETRACT)
+            else:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError("Invalid event value")
+    ## data/item transformation ##
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def item_2_mb_data(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        item_elt: domish.Element,
+        service: Optional[jid.JID],
+        # FIXME: node is Optional until all calls to item_2_mb_data set properly service
+        #   and node. Once done, the Optional must be removed here
+        node: Optional[str]
+    ) -> dict:
+        """Convert an XML Item to microblog data
+        @param item_elt: microblog item element
+        @param service: PubSub service where the item has been retrieved
+            profile's PEP is used when service is None
+        @param node: PubSub node where the item has been retrieved
+            if None, "uri" won't be set
+        @return: microblog data
+        """
+        if service is None:
+            service = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        extra: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+        microblog_data: Dict[str, Any] = {
+            "service": service.full(),
+            "extra": extra
+        }
+        def check_conflict(key, increment=False):
+            """Check if key is already in microblog data
+            @param key(unicode): key to check
+            @param increment(bool): if suffix the key with an increment
+                instead of raising an exception
+            @raise exceptions.DataError: the key already exists
+                (not raised if increment is True)
+            """
+            if key in microblog_data:
+                if not increment:
+                    raise failure.Failure(
+                        exceptions.DataError(
+                            "key {} is already present for item {}"
+                        ).format(key, item_elt["id"])
+                    )
+                else:
+                    idx = 1  # the idx 0 is the key without suffix
+                    fmt = "{}#{}"
+                    new_key = fmt.format(key, idx)
+                    while new_key in microblog_data:
+                        idx += 1
+                        new_key = fmt.format(key, idx)
+                    key = new_key
+            return key
+        @defer.inlineCallbacks
+        def parseElement(elem):
+            """Parse title/content elements and fill microblog_data accordingly"""
+            type_ = elem.getAttribute("type")
+            if type_ == "xhtml":
+                data_elt = elem.firstChildElement()
+                if data_elt is None:
+                    raise failure.Failure(
+                        exceptions.DataError(
+                            "XHML content not wrapped in a <div/> element, this is not "
+                            "standard !"
+                        )
+                    )
+                if data_elt.uri != C.NS_XHTML:
+                    raise failure.Failure(
+                        exceptions.DataError(
+                            _("Content of type XHTML must declare its namespace!")
+                        )
+                    )
+                key = check_conflict("{}_xhtml".format(elem.name))
+                data = data_elt.toXml()
+                microblog_data[key] = yield self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"].clean_xhtml(
+                    data
+                )
+            else:
+                key = check_conflict(elem.name)
+                microblog_data[key] = str(elem)
+        id_ = item_elt.getAttribute("id", "")  # there can be no id for transient nodes
+        microblog_data["id"] = id_
+        if item_elt.uri not in (pubsub.NS_PUBSUB, NS_PUBSUB_EVENT):
+            msg = "Unsupported namespace {ns} in pubsub item {id_}".format(
+                ns=item_elt.uri, id_=id_
+            )
+            log.warning(msg)
+            raise failure.Failure(exceptions.DataError(msg))
+        try:
+            entry_elt = next(item_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "entry"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            msg = "No atom entry found in the pubsub item {}".format(id_)
+            raise failure.Failure(exceptions.DataError(msg))
+        # uri
+        # FIXME: node should alway be set in the future, check FIXME in method signature
+        if node is not None:
+            microblog_data["node"] = node
+            microblog_data['uri'] = xmpp_uri.build_xmpp_uri(
+                "pubsub",
+                path=service.full(),
+                node=node,
+                item=id_,
+            )
+        # language
+        try:
+            microblog_data["language"] = entry_elt[(C.NS_XML, "lang")].strip()
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        # atom:id
+        try:
+            id_elt = next(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "id"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            msg = ("No atom id found in the pubsub item {}, this is not standard !"
+                   .format(id_))
+            log.warning(msg)
+            microblog_data["atom_id"] = ""
+        else:
+            microblog_data["atom_id"] = str(id_elt)
+        # title/content(s)
+        # FIXME: ATOM and XEP-0277 only allow 1 <title/> element
+        #        but in the wild we have some blogs with several ones
+        #        so we don't respect the standard for now (it doesn't break
+        #        anything anyway), and we'll find a better option later
+        # try:
+        #     title_elt = entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, 'title').next()
+        # except StopIteration:
+        #     msg = u'No atom title found in the pubsub item {}'.format(id_)
+        #     raise failure.Failure(exceptions.DataError(msg))
+        title_elts = list(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "title"))
+        if not title_elts:
+            msg = "No atom title found in the pubsub item {}".format(id_)
+            raise failure.Failure(exceptions.DataError(msg))
+        for title_elt in title_elts:
+            yield parseElement(title_elt)
+        # FIXME: as for <title/>, Atom only authorise at most 1 content
+        #        but XEP-0277 allows several ones. So for no we handle as
+        #        if more than one can be present
+        for content_elt in entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "content"):
+            yield parseElement(content_elt)
+        # we check that text content is present
+        for key in ("title", "content"):
+            if key not in microblog_data and ("{}_xhtml".format(key)) in microblog_data:
+                log.warning(
+                    "item {id_} provide a {key}_xhtml data but not a text one".format(
+                        id_=id_, key=key
+                    )
+                )
+                # ... and do the conversion if it's not
+                microblog_data[key] = yield self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"].convert(
+                    microblog_data["{}_xhtml".format(key)],
+                    self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"].SYNTAX_XHTML,
+                    self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"].SYNTAX_TEXT,
+                    False,
+                )
+        if "content" not in microblog_data:
+            # use the atom title data as the microblog body content
+            microblog_data["content"] = microblog_data["title"]
+            del microblog_data["title"]
+            if "title_xhtml" in microblog_data:
+                microblog_data["content_xhtml"] = microblog_data["title_xhtml"]
+                del microblog_data["title_xhtml"]
+        # published/updated dates
+        try:
+            updated_elt = next(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "updated"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            msg = "No atom updated element found in the pubsub item {}".format(id_)
+            raise failure.Failure(exceptions.DataError(msg))
+        microblog_data["updated"] = calendar.timegm(
+            dateutil.parser.parse(str(updated_elt)).utctimetuple()
+        )
+        try:
+            published_elt = next(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "published"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            microblog_data["published"] = microblog_data["updated"]
+        else:
+            microblog_data["published"] = calendar.timegm(
+                dateutil.parser.parse(str(published_elt)).utctimetuple()
+            )
+        # links
+        comments = microblog_data['comments'] = []
+        for link_elt in entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "link"):
+            href = link_elt.getAttribute("href")
+            if not href:
+                log.warning(
+                    f'missing href in <link> element: {link_elt.toXml()}'
+                )
+                continue
+            rel = link_elt.getAttribute("rel")
+            if (rel == "replies" and link_elt.getAttribute("title") == "comments"):
+                uri = href
+                comments_data = {
+                    "uri": uri,
+                }
+                try:
+                    comment_service, comment_node = self.parse_comment_url(uri)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.warning(f"Can't parse comments url: {e}")
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    comments_data["service"] = comment_service.full()
+                    comments_data["node"] = comment_node
+                comments.append(comments_data)
+            elif rel == "via":
+                try:
+                    repeater_jid = jid.JID(item_elt["publisher"])
+                except (KeyError, RuntimeError):
+                    try:
+                        # we look for stanza element which is at the root, meaning that it
+                        # has not parent
+                        top_elt = item_elt.parent
+                        while top_elt.parent is not None:
+                            top_elt = top_elt.parent
+                        repeater_jid = jid.JID(top_elt["from"])
+                    except (AttributeError, RuntimeError):
+                        # we should always have either the "publisher" attribute or the
+                        # stanza available
+                        log.error(
+                            f"Can't find repeater of the post: {item_elt.toXml()}"
+                        )
+                        continue
+                extra["repeated"] = {
+                    "by": repeater_jid.full(),
+                    "uri": href
+                }
+            elif rel in ("related", "enclosure"):
+                attachment: Dict[str, Any] = {
+                    "sources": [{"url": href}]
+                }
+                if rel == "related":
+                    attachment["external"] = True
+                for attr, key in (
+                    ("type", "media_type"),
+                    ("title", "desc"),
+                ):
+                    value = link_elt.getAttribute(attr)
+                    if value:
+                        attachment[key] = value
+                try:
+                    attachment["size"] = int(link_elt.attributes["lenght"])
+                except (KeyError, ValueError):
+                    pass
+                if "media_type" not in attachment:
+                    media_type = guess_type(href, False)[0]
+                    if media_type is not None:
+                        attachment["media_type"] = media_type
+                attachments = extra.setdefault("attachments", [])
+                attachments.append(attachment)
+            else:
+                log.warning(
+                    f"Unmanaged link element: {link_elt.toXml()}"
+                )
+        # author
+        publisher = item_elt.getAttribute("publisher")
+        try:
+            author_elt = next(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "author"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            log.debug("Can't find author element in item {}".format(id_))
+        else:
+            # name
+            try:
+                name_elt = next(author_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "name"))
+            except StopIteration:
+                log.warning(
+                    "No name element found in author element of item {}".format(id_)
+                )
+                author = None
+            else:
+                author = microblog_data["author"] = str(name_elt).strip()
+            # uri
+            try:
+                uri_elt = next(author_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "uri"))
+            except StopIteration:
+                log.debug(
+                    "No uri element found in author element of item {}".format(id_)
+                )
+                if publisher:
+                    microblog_data["author_jid"] = publisher
+            else:
+                uri = str(uri_elt)
+                if uri.startswith("xmpp:"):
+                    uri = uri[5:]
+                    microblog_data["author_jid"] = uri
+                else:
+                    microblog_data["author_jid"] = (
+                        item_elt.getAttribute("publisher") or ""
+                    )
+                if not author and microblog_data["author_jid"]:
+                    # FIXME: temporary workaround for missing author name, would be
+                    #   better to use directly JID's identity (to be done from frontends?)
+                    try:
+                        microblog_data["author"] = jid.JID(microblog_data["author_jid"]).user
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        log.warning(f"No author name found, and can't parse author jid: {e}")
+                if not publisher:
+                    log.debug("No publisher attribute, we can't verify author jid")
+                    microblog_data["author_jid_verified"] = False
+                elif jid.JID(publisher).userhostJID() == jid.JID(uri).userhostJID():
+                    microblog_data["author_jid_verified"] = True
+                else:
+                    if "repeated" not in extra:
+                        log.warning(
+                            "item atom:uri differ from publisher attribute, spoofing "
+                            "attempt ? atom:uri = {} publisher = {}".format(
+                                uri, item_elt.getAttribute("publisher")
+                            )
+                        )
+                    microblog_data["author_jid_verified"] = False
+            # email
+            try:
+                email_elt = next(author_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "email"))
+            except StopIteration:
+                pass
+            else:
+                microblog_data["author_email"] = str(email_elt)
+        if not microblog_data.get("author_jid"):
+            if publisher:
+                microblog_data["author_jid"] = publisher
+                microblog_data["author_jid_verified"] = True
+            else:
+                iq_elt = xml_tools.find_ancestor(item_elt, "iq", C.NS_STREAM)
+                microblog_data["author_jid"] = iq_elt["from"]
+                microblog_data["author_jid_verified"] = False
+        # categories
+        categories = [
+            category_elt.getAttribute("term", "")
+            for category_elt in entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "category")
+        ]
+        microblog_data["tags"] = categories
+        ## the trigger ##
+        # if other plugins have things to add or change
+        yield self.host.trigger.point(
+            "XEP-0277_item2data", item_elt, entry_elt, microblog_data
+        )
+        defer.returnValue(microblog_data)
+    async def mb_data_2_entry_elt(self, client, mb_data, item_id, service, node):
+        """Convert a data dict to en entry usable to create an item
+        @param mb_data: data dict as given by bridge method.
+        @param item_id(unicode): id of the item to use
+        @param service(jid.JID, None): pubsub service where the item is sent
+            Needed to construct Atom id
+        @param node(unicode): pubsub node where the item is sent
+            Needed to construct Atom id
+        @return: deferred which fire domish.Element
+        """
+        entry_elt = domish.Element((NS_ATOM, "entry"))
+        extra = mb_data.get("extra", {})
+        ## language ##
+        if "language" in mb_data:
+            entry_elt[(C.NS_XML, "lang")] = mb_data["language"].strip()
+        ## content and title ##
+        synt = self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"]
+        for elem_name in ("title", "content"):
+            for type_ in ["", "_rich", "_xhtml"]:
+                attr = f"{elem_name}{type_}"
+                if attr in mb_data:
+                    elem = entry_elt.addElement(elem_name)
+                    if type_:
+                        if type_ == "_rich":  # convert input from current syntax to XHTML
+                            xml_content = await synt.convert(
+                                mb_data[attr], synt.get_current_syntax(client.profile), "XHTML"
+                            )
+                            if f"{elem_name}_xhtml" in mb_data:
+                                raise failure.Failure(
+                                    exceptions.DataError(
+                                        _(
+                                            "Can't have xhtml and rich content at the same time"
+                                        )
+                                    )
+                                )
+                        else:
+                            xml_content = mb_data[attr]
+                        div_elt = xml_tools.ElementParser()(
+                            xml_content, namespace=C.NS_XHTML
+                        )
+                        if (
+                            div_elt.name != "div"
+                            or div_elt.uri != C.NS_XHTML
+                            or div_elt.attributes
+                        ):
+                            # we need a wrapping <div/> at the top with XHTML namespace
+                            wrap_div_elt = domish.Element((C.NS_XHTML, "div"))
+                            wrap_div_elt.addChild(div_elt)
+                            div_elt = wrap_div_elt
+                        elem.addChild(div_elt)
+                        elem["type"] = "xhtml"
+                        if elem_name not in mb_data:
+                            # there is raw text content, which is mandatory
+                            # so we create one from xhtml content
+                            elem_txt = entry_elt.addElement(elem_name)
+                            text_content = await self.host.plugins[
+                                "TEXT_SYNTAXES"
+                            ].convert(
+                                xml_content,
+                                self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"].SYNTAX_XHTML,
+                                self.host.plugins["TEXT_SYNTAXES"].SYNTAX_TEXT,
+                                False,
+                            )
+                            elem_txt.addContent(text_content)
+                            elem_txt["type"] = "text"
+                    else:  # raw text only needs to be escaped to get HTML-safe sequence
+                        elem.addContent(mb_data[attr])
+                        elem["type"] = "text"
+        try:
+            next(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "title"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            # we have no title element which is mandatory
+            # so we transform content element to title
+            elems = list(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "content"))
+            if not elems:
+                raise exceptions.DataError(
+                    "There must be at least one content or title element"
+                )
+            for elem in elems:
+                elem.name = "title"
+        ## attachments ##
+        attachments = extra.get(C.KEY_ATTACHMENTS)
+        if attachments:
+            for attachment in attachments:
+                try:
+                    url = attachment["url"]
+                except KeyError:
+                    try:
+                        url = next(
+                            s['url'] for s in attachment["sources"] if 'url' in s
+                        )
+                    except (StopIteration, KeyError):
+                        log.warning(
+                            f'"url" missing in attachment, ignoring: {attachment}'
+                        )
+                        continue
+                if not url.startswith("http"):
+                    log.warning(f"non HTTP URL in attachment, ignoring: {attachment}")
+                    continue
+                link_elt = entry_elt.addElement("link")
+                # XXX: "uri" is set in self._manage_comments if not already existing
+                link_elt["href"] = url
+                if attachment.get("external", False):
+                    # this is a link to an external data such as a website
+                    link_elt["rel"] = "related"
+                else:
+                    # this is an attached file
+                    link_elt["rel"] = "enclosure"
+                for key, attr in (
+                    ("media_type", "type"),
+                    ("desc", "title"),
+                    ("size", "lenght")
+                ):
+                    value = attachment.get(key)
+                    if value:
+                        link_elt[attr]  = str(value)
+        ## author ##
+        author_elt = entry_elt.addElement("author")
+        try:
+            author_name = mb_data["author"]
+        except KeyError:
+            # FIXME: must use better name
+            author_name = client.jid.user
+        author_elt.addElement("name", content=author_name)
+        try:
+            author_jid_s = mb_data["author_jid"]
+        except KeyError:
+            author_jid_s = client.jid.userhost()
+        author_elt.addElement("uri", content="xmpp:{}".format(author_jid_s))
+        try:
+            author_jid_s = mb_data["author_email"]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        ## published/updated time ##
+        current_time = time.time()
+        entry_elt.addElement(
+            "updated", content=utils.xmpp_date(float(mb_data.get("updated", current_time)))
+        )
+        entry_elt.addElement(
+            "published",
+            content=utils.xmpp_date(float(mb_data.get("published", current_time))),
+        )
+        ## categories ##
+        for tag in mb_data.get('tags', []):
+            category_elt = entry_elt.addElement("category")
+            category_elt["term"] = tag
+        ## id ##
+        entry_id = mb_data.get(
+            "id",
+            xmpp_uri.build_xmpp_uri(
+                "pubsub",
+                path=service.full() if service is not None else client.jid.userhost(),
+                node=node,
+                item=item_id,
+            ),
+        )
+        entry_elt.addElement("id", content=entry_id)  #
+        ## comments ##
+        for comments_data in mb_data.get('comments', []):
+            link_elt = entry_elt.addElement("link")
+            # XXX: "uri" is set in self._manage_comments if not already existing
+            link_elt["href"] = comments_data["uri"]
+            link_elt["rel"] = "replies"
+            link_elt["title"] = "comments"
+        if "repeated" in extra:
+            try:
+                repeated = extra["repeated"]
+                link_elt = entry_elt.addElement("link")
+                link_elt["rel"] = "via"
+                link_elt["href"] = repeated["uri"]
+            except KeyError as e:
+                log.warning(
+                    f"invalid repeated element({e}): {extra['repeated']}"
+                )
+        ## final item building ##
+        item_elt = pubsub.Item(id=item_id, payload=entry_elt)
+        ## the trigger ##
+        # if other plugins have things to add or change
+        self.host.trigger.point(
+            "XEP-0277_data2entry", client, mb_data, entry_elt, item_elt
+        )
+        return item_elt
+    ## publish/preview ##
+    def is_comment_node(self, node: str) -> bool:
+        """Indicate if the node is prefixed with comments namespace"""
+        return node.startswith(NS_COMMENT_PREFIX)
+    def get_parent_item(self, item_id: str) -> str:
+        """Return parent of a comment node
+        @param item_id: a comment node
+        """
+        if not self.is_comment_node(item_id):
+            raise ValueError("This node is not a comment node")
+        return item_id[len(NS_COMMENT_PREFIX):]
+    def get_comments_node(self, item_id):
+        """Generate comment node
+        @param item_id(unicode): id of the parent item
+        @return (unicode): comment node to use
+        """
+        return f"{NS_COMMENT_PREFIX}{item_id}"
+    def get_comments_service(self, client, parent_service=None):
+        """Get prefered PubSub service to create comment node
+        @param pubsub_service(jid.JID, None): PubSub service of the parent item
+        @param return((D)jid.JID, None): PubSub service to use
+        """
+        if parent_service is not None:
+            if parent_service.user:
+                # we are on a PEP
+                if parent_service.host == client.jid.host:
+                    #  it's our server, we use already found client.pubsub_service below
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    # other server, let's try to find a non PEP service there
+                    d = self.host.find_service_entity(
+                        client, "pubsub", "service", parent_service
+                    )
+                    d.addCallback(lambda entity: entity or parent_service)
+            else:
+                # parent is already on a normal Pubsub service, we re-use it
+                return defer.succeed(parent_service)
+        return defer.succeed(
+            client.pubsub_service if client.pubsub_service is not None else parent_service
+        )
+    async def _manage_comments(self, client, mb_data, service, node, item_id, access=None):
+        """Check comments keys in mb_data and create comments node if necessary
+        if a comments node metadata is set in the mb_data['comments'] list, it is used
+        otherwise it is generated (if allow_comments is True).
+        @param mb_data(dict): microblog mb_data
+        @param service(jid.JID, None): PubSub service of the parent item
+        @param node(unicode): node of the parent item
+        @param item_id(unicode): id of the parent item
+        @param access(unicode, None): access model
+            None to use same access model as parent item
+        """
+        allow_comments = mb_data.pop("allow_comments", None)
+        if allow_comments is None:
+            if "comments" in mb_data:
+                mb_data["allow_comments"] = True
+            else:
+                # no comments set or requested, nothing to do
+                return
+        elif allow_comments == False:
+            if "comments" in mb_data:
+                log.warning(
+                    "comments are not allowed but there is already a comments node, "
+                    "it may be lost: {uri}".format(
+                        uri=mb_data["comments"]
+                    )
+                )
+                del mb_data["comments"]
+            return
+        # we have usually a single comment node, but the spec allow several, so we need to
+        # handle this in a list
+        if len(mb_data.setdefault('comments', [])) == 0:
+            # we need at least one comment node
+            comments_data = {}
+            mb_data['comments'].append({})
+        if access is None:
+            # TODO: cache access models per service/node
+            parent_node_config = await self._p.getConfiguration(client, service, node)
+            access = parent_node_config.get(self._p.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL, self._p.ACCESS_OPEN)
+        options = {
+            self._p.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL: access,
+            self._p.OPT_MAX_ITEMS: "max",
+            self._p.OPT_PERSIST_ITEMS: 1,
+            self._p.OPT_DELIVER_PAYLOADS: 1,
+            self._p.OPT_SEND_ITEM_SUBSCRIBE: 1,
+            # FIXME: would it make sense to restrict publish model to subscribers?
+            self._p.OPT_PUBLISH_MODEL: self._p.ACCESS_OPEN,
+        }
+        # if other plugins need to change the options
+        self.host.trigger.point("XEP-0277_comments", client, mb_data, options)
+        for comments_data in mb_data['comments']:
+            uri = comments_data.get('uri')
+            comments_node = comments_data.get('node')
+            try:
+                comments_service = jid.JID(comments_data["service"])
+            except KeyError:
+                comments_service = None
+            if uri:
+                uri_service, uri_node = self.parse_comment_url(uri)
+                if ((comments_node is not None and comments_node!=uri_node)
+                     or (comments_service is not None and comments_service!=uri_service)):
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        f"Incoherence between comments URI ({uri}) and comments_service "
+                        f"({comments_service}) or comments_node ({comments_node})")
+                comments_data['service'] = comments_service = uri_service
+                comments_data['node'] = comments_node = uri_node
+            else:
+                if not comments_node:
+                    comments_node = self.get_comments_node(item_id)
+                comments_data['node'] = comments_node
+                if comments_service is None:
+                    comments_service = await self.get_comments_service(client, service)
+                    if comments_service is None:
+                        comments_service = client.jid.userhostJID()
+                comments_data['service'] = comments_service
+                comments_data['uri'] = xmpp_uri.build_xmpp_uri(
+                    "pubsub",
+                    path=comments_service.full(),
+                    node=comments_node,
+                )
+            try:
+                await self._p.createNode(client, comments_service, comments_node, options)
+            except error.StanzaError as e:
+                if e.condition == "conflict":
+                    log.info(
+                        "node {} already exists on service {}".format(
+                            comments_node, comments_service
+                        )
+                    )
+                else:
+                    raise e
+            else:
+                if access == self._p.ACCESS_WHITELIST:
+                    # for whitelist access we need to copy affiliations from parent item
+                    comments_affiliations = await self._p.get_node_affiliations(
+                        client, service, node
+                    )
+                    # …except for "member", that we transform to publisher
+                    # because we wants members to be able to write to comments
+                    for jid_, affiliation in list(comments_affiliations.items()):
+                        if affiliation == "member":
+                            comments_affiliations[jid_] == "publisher"
+                    await self._p.set_node_affiliations(
+                        client, comments_service, comments_node, comments_affiliations
+                    )
+    def friendly_id(self, data):
+        """Generate a user friendly id from title or content"""
+        # TODO: rich content should be converted to plain text
+        id_base = regex.url_friendly_text(
+            data.get('title')
+            or data.get('title_rich')
+            or data.get('content')
+            or data.get('content_rich')
+            or ''
+        )
+        return f"{id_base}-{token_urlsafe(3)}"
+    def _mb_send(self, service, node, data, profile_key):
+        service = jid.JID(service) if service else None
+        node = node if node else NS_MICROBLOG
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        data = data_format.deserialise(data)
+        return defer.ensureDeferred(self.send(client, data, service, node))
+    async def send(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        data: dict,
+        service: Optional[jid.JID] = None,
+        node: Optional[str] = NS_MICROBLOG
+    ) -> Optional[str]:
+        """Send XEP-0277's microblog data
+        @param data: microblog data (must include at least a "content" or a "title" key).
+            see http://wiki.goffi.org/wiki/Bridge_API_-_Microblogging/en for details
+        @param service: PubSub service where the microblog must be published
+            None to publish on profile's PEP
+        @param node: PubSub node to use (defaut to microblog NS)
+            None is equivalend as using default value
+        @return: ID of the published item
+        """
+        # TODO: check that all data keys are used, this would avoid sending publicly a private message
+        #       by accident (e.g. if group plugin is not loaded, and "group*" key are not used)
+        if service is None:
+            service = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        if node is None:
+            node = NS_MICROBLOG
+        item_id = data.get("id")
+        if item_id is None:
+            if data.get("user_friendly_id", True):
+                item_id = self.friendly_id(data)
+            else:
+                item_id = str(shortuuid.uuid())
+        try:
+            await self._manage_comments(client, data, service, node, item_id, access=None)
+        except error.StanzaError:
+            log.warning("Can't create comments node for item {}".format(item_id))
+        item = await self.mb_data_2_entry_elt(client, data, item_id, service, node)
+        if not await self.host.trigger.async_point(
+            "XEP-0277_send", client, service, node, item, data
+        ):
+            return None
+        extra = {}
+        for key in ("encrypted", "encrypted_for", "signed"):
+            value = data.get(key)
+            if value is not None:
+                extra[key] = value
+        await self._p.publish(client, service, node, [item], extra=extra)
+        return item_id
+    def _mb_repeat(
+            self,
+            service_s: str,
+            node: str,
+            item: str,
+            extra_s: str,
+            profile_key: str
+    ) -> defer.Deferred:
+        service = jid.JID(service_s) if service_s else None
+        node = node if node else NS_MICROBLOG
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        extra = data_format.deserialise(extra_s)
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(
+            self.repeat(client, item, service, node, extra)
+        )
+        # [repeat] can return None, and we always need a str
+        d.addCallback(lambda ret: ret or "")
+        return d
+    async def repeat(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        item: str,
+        service: Optional[jid.JID] = None,
+        node: str = NS_MICROBLOG,
+        extra: Optional[dict] = None,
+    ) -> Optional[str]:
+        """Re-publish a post from somewhere else
+        This is a feature often name "share" or "boost", it is generally used to make a
+        publication more visible by sharing it with our own audience
+        """
+        if service is None:
+            service = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        # we first get the post to repeat
+        items, __ = await self._p.get_items(
+            client,
+            service,
+            node,
+            item_ids = [item]
+        )
+        if not items:
+            raise exceptions.NotFound(
+                f"no item found at node {node!r} on {service} with ID {item!r}"
+            )
+        item_elt = items[0]
+        try:
+            entry_elt = next(item_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "entry"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            raise exceptions.DataError(
+                "post to repeat is not a XEP-0277 blog item"
+            )
+        # we want to be sure that we have an author element
+        try:
+            author_elt = next(entry_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "author"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            author_elt = entry_elt.addElement("author")
+        try:
+            next(author_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "name"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            author_elt.addElement("name", content=service.user)
+        try:
+            next(author_elt.elements(NS_ATOM, "uri"))
+        except StopIteration:
+            entry_elt.addElement(
+                "uri", content=xmpp_uri.build_xmpp_uri(None, path=service.full())
+            )
+        # we add the link indicating that it's a repeated post
+        link_elt = entry_elt.addElement("link")
+        link_elt["rel"] = "via"
+        link_elt["href"] = xmpp_uri.build_xmpp_uri(
+            "pubsub", path=service.full(), node=node, item=item
+        )
+        return await self._p.send_item(
+            client,
+            client.jid.userhostJID(),
+            NS_MICROBLOG,
+            entry_elt
+        )
+    def _mb_preview(self, service, node, data, profile_key):
+        service = jid.JID(service) if service else None
+        node = node if node else NS_MICROBLOG
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        data = data_format.deserialise(data)
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(self.preview(client, data, service, node))
+        d.addCallback(data_format.serialise)
+        return d
+    async def preview(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        data: dict,
+        service: Optional[jid.JID] = None,
+        node: Optional[str] = NS_MICROBLOG
+    ) -> dict:
+        """Preview microblog data without publishing them
+        params are the same as for [send]
+        @return: microblog data as would be retrieved from published item
+        """
+        if node is None:
+            node = NS_MICROBLOG
+        item_id = data.get("id", "")
+        # we have to serialise then deserialise to be sure that all triggers are called
+        item_elt = await self.mb_data_2_entry_elt(client, data, item_id, service, node)
+        item_elt.uri = pubsub.NS_PUBSUB
+        return await self.item_2_mb_data(client, item_elt, service, node)
+    ## retract ##
+    def _mb_retract(self, service_jid_s, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifier, profile_key):
+        """Call self._p._retract_item, but use default node if node is empty"""
+        return self._p._retract_item(
+            service_jid_s,
+            nodeIdentifier or NS_MICROBLOG,
+            itemIdentifier,
+            True,
+            profile_key,
+        )
+    ## get ##
+    def _mb_get_serialise(self, data):
+        items, metadata = data
+        metadata['items'] = items
+        return data_format.serialise(metadata)
+    def _mb_get(self, service="", node="", max_items=10, item_ids=None, extra="",
+               profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """
+        @param max_items(int): maximum number of item to get, C.NO_LIMIT for no limit
+        @param item_ids (list[unicode]): list of item IDs
+        """
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        service = jid.JID(service) if service else None
+        max_items = None if max_items == C.NO_LIMIT else max_items
+        extra = self._p.parse_extra(data_format.deserialise(extra))
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(
+            self.mb_get(client, service, node or None, max_items, item_ids,
+                       extra.rsm_request, extra.extra)
+        )
+        d.addCallback(self._mb_get_serialise)
+        return d
+    async def mb_get(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        service: Optional[jid.JID] = None,
+        node: Optional[str] = None,
+        max_items: Optional[int] = 10,
+        item_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        rsm_request: Optional[rsm.RSMRequest] = None,
+        extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
+    ) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]:
+        """Get some microblogs
+        @param service(jid.JID, None): jid of the publisher
+            None to get profile's PEP
+        @param node(unicode, None): node to get (or microblog node if None)
+        @param max_items(int): maximum number of item to get, None for no limit
+            ignored if rsm_request is set
+        @param item_ids (list[unicode]): list of item IDs
+        @param rsm_request (rsm.RSMRequest): RSM request data
+        @param extra (dict): extra data
+        @return: a deferred couple with the list of items and metadatas.
+        """
+        if node is None:
+            node = NS_MICROBLOG
+        if rsm_request:
+            max_items = None
+        items_data = await self._p.get_items(
+            client,
+            service,
+            node,
+            max_items=max_items,
+            item_ids=item_ids,
+            rsm_request=rsm_request,
+            extra=extra,
+        )
+        mb_data_list, metadata = await self._p.trans_items_data_d(
+            items_data, partial(self.item_2_mb_data, client, service=service, node=node))
+        encrypted = metadata.pop("encrypted", None)
+        if encrypted is not None:
+            for mb_data in mb_data_list:
+                try:
+                    mb_data["encrypted"] = encrypted[mb_data["id"]]
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass
+        return (mb_data_list, metadata)
+    def _mb_rename(self, service, node, item_id, new_id, profile_key):
+        return defer.ensureDeferred(self.mb_rename(
+            self.host.get_client(profile_key),
+            jid.JID(service) if service else None,
+            node or None,
+            item_id,
+            new_id
+        ))
+    async def mb_rename(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        service: Optional[jid.JID],
+        node: Optional[str],
+        item_id: str,
+        new_id: str
+    ) -> None:
+        if not node:
+            node = NS_MICROBLOG
+        await self._p.rename_item(client, service, node, item_id, new_id)
+    def parse_comment_url(self, node_url):
+        """Parse a XMPP URI
+        Determine the fields comments_service and comments_node of a microblog data
+        from the href attribute of an entry's link element. For example this input:
+        xmpp:sat-pubsub.example.net?;node=urn%3Axmpp%3Acomments%3A_af43b363-3259-4b2a-ba4c-1bc33aa87634__urn%3Axmpp%3Agroupblog%3Asomebody%40example.net
+        will return(JID(u'sat-pubsub.example.net'), 'urn:xmpp:comments:_af43b363-3259-4b2a-ba4c-1bc33aa87634__urn:xmpp:groupblog:somebody@example.net')
+        @return (tuple[jid.JID, unicode]): service and node
+        """
+        try:
+            parsed_url = xmpp_uri.parse_xmpp_uri(node_url)
+            service = jid.JID(parsed_url["path"])
+            node = parsed_url["node"]
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise exceptions.DataError(f"Invalid comments link: {e}")
+        return (service, node)
+    ## configure ##
+    def mb_access_set(self, access="presence", profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Create a microblog node on PEP with given access
+        If the node already exists, it change options
+        @param access: Node access model, according to xep-0060 #4.5
+        @param profile_key: profile key
+        """
+        #  FIXME: check if this mehtod is need, deprecate it if not
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        _options = {
+            self._p.OPT_ACCESS_MODEL: access,
+            self._p.OPT_MAX_ITEMS: "max",
+            self._p.OPT_PERSIST_ITEMS: 1,
+            self._p.OPT_DELIVER_PAYLOADS: 1,
+            self._p.OPT_SEND_ITEM_SUBSCRIBE: 1,
+        }
+        def cb(result):
+            # Node is created with right permission
+            log.debug(_("Microblog node has now access %s") % access)
+        def fatal_err(s_error):
+            # Something went wrong
+            log.error(_("Can't set microblog access"))
+            raise NodeAccessChangeException()
+        def err_cb(s_error):
+            # If the node already exists, the condition is "conflict",
+            # else we have an unmanaged error
+            if s_error.value.condition == "conflict":
+                # d = self.host.plugins["XEP-0060"].deleteNode(client, client.jid.userhostJID(), NS_MICROBLOG)
+                # d.addCallback(lambda x: create_node().addCallback(cb).addErrback(fatal_err))
+                change_node_options().addCallback(cb).addErrback(fatal_err)
+            else:
+                fatal_err(s_error)
+        def create_node():
+            return self._p.createNode(
+                client, client.jid.userhostJID(), NS_MICROBLOG, _options
+            )
+        def change_node_options():
+            return self._p.setOptions(
+                client.jid.userhostJID(),
+                NS_MICROBLOG,
+                client.jid.userhostJID(),
+                _options,
+                profile_key=profile_key,
+            )
+        create_node().addCallback(cb).addErrback(err_cb)
+    ## methods to manage several stanzas/jids at once ##
+    # common
+    def _get_client_and_node_data(self, publishers_type, publishers, profile_key):
+        """Helper method to construct node_data from publishers_type/publishers
+        @param publishers_type: type of the list of publishers, one of:
+            C.ALL: get all jids from roster, publishers is not used
+            C.GROUP: get jids from groups
+            C.JID: use publishers directly as list of jids
+        @param publishers: list of publishers, according to "publishers_type" (None,
+            list of groups or list of jids)
+        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s
+        """
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        if publishers_type == C.JID:
+            jids_set = set(publishers)
+        else:
+            jids_set = client.roster.get_jids_set(publishers_type, publishers)
+            if publishers_type == C.ALL:
+                try:
+                    # display messages from salut-a-toi@libervia.org or other PEP services
+                    services = self.host.plugins["EXTRA-PEP"].get_followed_entities(
+                        profile_key
+                    )
+                except KeyError:
+                    pass  # plugin is not loaded
+                else:
+                    if services:
+                        log.debug(
+                            "Extra PEP followed entities: %s"
+                            % ", ".join([str(service) for service in services])
+                        )
+                        jids_set.update(services)
+        node_data = []
+        for jid_ in jids_set:
+            node_data.append((jid_, NS_MICROBLOG))
+        return client, node_data
+    def _check_publishers(self, publishers_type, publishers):
+        """Helper method to deserialise publishers coming from bridge
+        publishers_type(unicode): type of the list of publishers, one of:
+        publishers: list of publishers according to type
+        @return: deserialised (publishers_type, publishers) tuple
+        """
+        if publishers_type == C.ALL:
+            if publishers:
+                raise failure.Failure(
+                    ValueError(
+                        "Can't use publishers with {} type".format(publishers_type)
+                    )
+                )
+            else:
+                publishers = None
+        elif publishers_type == C.JID:
+            publishers[:] = [jid.JID(publisher) for publisher in publishers]
+        return publishers_type, publishers
+    # subscribe #
+    def _mb_subscribe_to_many(self, publishers_type, publishers, profile_key):
+        """
+        @return (str): session id: Use pubsub.getSubscribeRTResult to get the results
+        """
+        publishers_type, publishers = self._check_publishers(publishers_type, publishers)
+        return self.mb_subscribe_to_many(publishers_type, publishers, profile_key)
+    def mb_subscribe_to_many(self, publishers_type, publishers, profile_key):
+        """Subscribe microblogs for a list of groups or jids
+        @param publishers_type: type of the list of publishers, one of:
+            C.ALL: get all jids from roster, publishers is not used
+            C.GROUP: get jids from groups
+            C.JID: use publishers directly as list of jids
+        @param publishers: list of publishers, according to "publishers_type" (None, list
+            of groups or list of jids)
+        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
+        @return (str): session id
+        """
+        client, node_data = self._get_client_and_node_data(
+            publishers_type, publishers, profile_key
+        )
+        return self._p.subscribe_to_many(
+            node_data, client.jid.userhostJID(), profile_key=profile_key
+        )
+    # get #
+    def _mb_get_from_many_rt_result(self, session_id, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_DEFAULT):
+        """Get real-time results for mb_get_from_many session
+        @param session_id: id of the real-time deferred session
+        @param return (tuple): (remaining, results) where:
+            - remaining is the number of still expected results
+            - results is a list of tuple with
+                - service (unicode): pubsub service
+                - node (unicode): pubsub node
+                - failure (unicode): empty string in case of success, error message else
+                - items_data(list): data as returned by [mb_get]
+                - items_metadata(dict): metadata as returned by [mb_get]
+        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s
+        """
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile_key)
+        def onSuccess(items_data):
+            """convert items elements to list of microblog data in items_data"""
+            d = self._p.trans_items_data_d(
+                items_data,
+                # FIXME: service and node should be used here
+                partial(self.item_2_mb_data, client),
+                serialise=True
+            )
+            d.addCallback(lambda serialised: ("", serialised))
+            return d
+        d = self._p.get_rt_results(
+            session_id,
+            on_success=onSuccess,
+            on_error=lambda failure: (str(failure.value), ([], {})),
+            profile=client.profile,
+        )
+        d.addCallback(
+            lambda ret: (
+                ret[0],
+                [
+                    (service.full(), node, failure, items, metadata)
+                    for (service, node), (success, (failure, (items, metadata))) in ret[
+                        1
+                    ].items()
+                ],
+            )
+        )
+        return d
+    def _mb_get_from_many(self, publishers_type, publishers, max_items=10, extra_dict=None,
+                       profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """
+        @param max_items(int): maximum number of item to get, C.NO_LIMIT for no limit
+        """
+        max_items = None if max_items == C.NO_LIMIT else max_items
+        publishers_type, publishers = self._check_publishers(publishers_type, publishers)
+        extra = self._p.parse_extra(extra_dict)
+        return self.mb_get_from_many(
+            publishers_type,
+            publishers,
+            max_items,
+            extra.rsm_request,
+            extra.extra,
+            profile_key,
+        )
+    def mb_get_from_many(self, publishers_type, publishers, max_items=None, rsm_request=None,
+                      extra=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Get the published microblogs for a list of groups or jids
+        @param publishers_type (str): type of the list of publishers (one of "GROUP" or
+            "JID" or "ALL")
+        @param publishers (list): list of publishers, according to publishers_type (list
+            of groups or list of jids)
+        @param max_items (int): optional limit on the number of retrieved items.
+        @param rsm_request (rsm.RSMRequest): RSM request data, common to all publishers
+        @param extra (dict): Extra data
+        @param profile_key: profile key
+        @return (str): RT Deferred session id
+        """
+        # XXX: extra is unused here so far
+        client, node_data = self._get_client_and_node_data(
+            publishers_type, publishers, profile_key
+        )
+        return self._p.get_from_many(
+            node_data, max_items, rsm_request, profile_key=profile_key
+        )
+    # comments #
+    def _mb_get_from_many_with_comments_rt_result_serialise(self, data):
+        """Serialisation of result
+        This is probably the longest method name of whole SàT ecosystem ^^
+        @param data(dict): data as received by rt_sessions
+        @return (tuple): see [_mb_get_from_many_with_comments_rt_result]
+        """
+        ret = []
+        data_iter = iter(data[1].items())
+        for (service, node), (success, (failure_, (items_data, metadata))) in data_iter:
+            items = []
+            for item, item_metadata in items_data:
+                item = data_format.serialise(item)
+                items.append((item, item_metadata))
+            ret.append((
+                service.full(),
+                node,
+                failure_,
+                items,
+                metadata))
+        return data[0], ret
+    def _mb_get_from_many_with_comments_rt_result(self, session_id,
+                                           profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_DEFAULT):
+        """Get real-time results for [mb_get_from_many_with_comments] session
+        @param session_id: id of the real-time deferred session
+        @param return (tuple): (remaining, results) where:
+            - remaining is the number of still expected results
+            - results is a list of 5-tuple with
+                - service (unicode): pubsub service
+                - node (unicode): pubsub node
+                - failure (unicode): empty string in case of success, error message else
+                - items(list[tuple(dict, list)]): list of 2-tuple with
+                    - item(dict): item microblog data
+                    - comments_list(list[tuple]): list of 5-tuple with
+                        - service (unicode): pubsub service where the comments node is
+                        - node (unicode): comments node
+                        - failure (unicode): empty in case of success, else error message
+                        - comments(list[dict]): list of microblog data
+                        - comments_metadata(dict): metadata of the comment node
+                - metadata(dict): original node metadata
+        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s
+        """
+        profile = self.host.get_client(profile_key).profile
+        d = self.rt_sessions.get_results(session_id, profile=profile)
+        d.addCallback(self._mb_get_from_many_with_comments_rt_result_serialise)
+        return d
+    def _mb_get_from_many_with_comments(self, publishers_type, publishers, max_items=10,
+                                   max_comments=C.NO_LIMIT, extra_dict=None,
+                                   extra_comments_dict=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """
+        @param max_items(int): maximum number of item to get, C.NO_LIMIT for no limit
+        @param max_comments(int): maximum number of comments to get, C.NO_LIMIT for no
+            limit
+        """
+        max_items = None if max_items == C.NO_LIMIT else max_items
+        max_comments = None if max_comments == C.NO_LIMIT else max_comments
+        publishers_type, publishers = self._check_publishers(publishers_type, publishers)
+        extra = self._p.parse_extra(extra_dict)
+        extra_comments = self._p.parse_extra(extra_comments_dict)
+        return self.mb_get_from_many_with_comments(
+            publishers_type,
+            publishers,
+            max_items,
+            max_comments or None,
+            extra.rsm_request,
+            extra.extra,
+            extra_comments.rsm_request,
+            extra_comments.extra,
+            profile_key,
+        )
+    def mb_get_from_many_with_comments(self, publishers_type, publishers, max_items=None,
+                                  max_comments=None, rsm_request=None, extra=None,
+                                  rsm_comments=None, extra_comments=None,
+                                  profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        """Helper method to get the microblogs and their comments in one shot
+        @param publishers_type (str): type of the list of publishers (one of "GROUP" or
+            "JID" or "ALL")
+        @param publishers (list): list of publishers, according to publishers_type (list
+            of groups or list of jids)
+        @param max_items (int): optional limit on the number of retrieved items.
+        @param max_comments (int): maximum number of comments to retrieve
+        @param rsm_request (rsm.RSMRequest): RSM request for initial items only
+        @param extra (dict): extra configuration for initial items only
+        @param rsm_comments (rsm.RSMRequest): RSM request for comments only
+        @param extra_comments (dict): extra configuration for comments only
+        @param profile_key: profile key
+        @return (str): RT Deferred session id
+        """
+        # XXX: this method seems complicated because it do a couple of treatments
+        #      to serialise and associate the data, but it make life in frontends side
+        #      a lot easier
+        client, node_data = self._get_client_and_node_data(
+            publishers_type, publishers, profile_key
+        )
+        def get_comments(items_data):
+            """Retrieve comments and add them to the items_data
+            @param items_data: serialised items data
+            @return (defer.Deferred): list of items where each item is associated
+                with a list of comments data (service, node, list of items, metadata)
+            """
+            items, metadata = items_data
+            items_dlist = []  # deferred list for items
+            for item in items:
+                dlist = []  # deferred list for comments
+                for key, value in item.items():
+                    # we look for comments
+                    if key.startswith("comments") and key.endswith("_service"):
+                        prefix = key[: key.find("_")]
+                        service_s = value
+                        service = jid.JID(service_s)
+                        node = item["{}{}".format(prefix, "_node")]
+                        # time to get the comments
+                        d = defer.ensureDeferred(
+                            self._p.get_items(
+                                client,
+                                service,
+                                node,
+                                max_comments,
+                                rsm_request=rsm_comments,
+                                extra=extra_comments,
+                            )
+                        )
+                        # then serialise
+                        d.addCallback(
+                            lambda items_data: self._p.trans_items_data_d(
+                                items_data,
+                                partial(
+                                    self.item_2_mb_data, client, service=service, node=node
+                                ),
+                                serialise=True
+                            )
+                        )
+                        # with failure handling
+                        d.addCallback(
+                            lambda serialised_items_data: ("",) + serialised_items_data
+                        )
+                        d.addErrback(lambda failure: (str(failure.value), [], {}))
+                        # and associate with service/node (needed if there are several
+                        # comments nodes)
+                        d.addCallback(
+                            lambda serialised, service_s=service_s, node=node: (
+                                service_s,
+                                node,
+                            )
+                            + serialised
+                        )
+                        dlist.append(d)
+                # we get the comments
+                comments_d = defer.gatherResults(dlist)
+                # and add them to the item data
+                comments_d.addCallback(
+                    lambda comments_data, item=item: (item, comments_data)
+                )
+                items_dlist.append(comments_d)
+            # we gather the items + comments in a list
+            items_d = defer.gatherResults(items_dlist)
+            # and add the metadata
+            items_d.addCallback(lambda items_completed: (items_completed, metadata))
+            return items_d
+        deferreds = {}
+        for service, node in node_data:
+            d = deferreds[(service, node)] = defer.ensureDeferred(self._p.get_items(
+                client, service, node, max_items, rsm_request=rsm_request, extra=extra
+            ))
+            d.addCallback(
+                lambda items_data: self._p.trans_items_data_d(
+                    items_data,
+                    partial(self.item_2_mb_data, client, service=service, node=node),
+                )
+            )
+            d.addCallback(get_comments)
+            d.addCallback(lambda items_comments_data: ("", items_comments_data))
+            d.addErrback(lambda failure: (str(failure.value), ([], {})))
+        return self.rt_sessions.new_session(deferreds, client.profile)
+class XEP_0277_handler(XMPPHandler):
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=""):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_MICROBLOG)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=""):
+        return []