diff libervia/backend/plugins/plugin_xep_0402.py @ 4327:554a87ae17a6

plugin XEP-0048, XEP-0402; CLI (bookmarks): implement XEP-0402 (PEP Native Bookmarks): - Former bookmarks implementation is now labeled as "legacy". - XEP-0402 is now used for bookmarks when relevant namespaces are found, and it fallbacks to legacy XEP-0048/XEP-0049 bookmarks otherwise. - CLI legacy bookmark commands have been moved to `bookmarks legacy` - CLI bookmarks commands now use the new XEP-0402 (with fallback to legacy one automatically used if necessary).
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 20 Nov 2024 11:43:27 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libervia/backend/plugins/plugin_xep_0402.py	Wed Nov 20 11:43:27 2024 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Libervia plugin to handle chat room bookmarks via PEP
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from typing import Iterator, Self, cast
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, RootModel
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from wokkel import pubsub
+from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
+from libervia.backend.core.constants import Const as C
+from libervia.backend.core.core_types import SatXMPPEntity
+from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _
+from libervia.backend.core.log import getLogger
+from libervia.backend.models.types import DomishElementType, JIDType
+from libervia.backend.plugins.plugin_xep_0045 import XEP_0045
+from libervia.backend.plugins.plugin_xep_0048 import XEP_0048
+from libervia.backend.plugins.plugin_xep_0060 import XEP_0060
+from libervia.backend.tools import utils
+from libervia.backend.tools.common import data_format
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+    C.PI_NAME: "PEP Native Bookmarks",
+    C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "XEP-0402",
+    C.PI_TYPE: "XEP",
+    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: [],
+    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0048", "XEP-0060", "XEP-0163", "XEP-0045"],
+    C.PI_MAIN: "XEP_0402",
+    C.PI_HANDLER: "no",
+    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Bookmark chat rooms, and handle their joined state."""),
+NS_BOOKMARKS2 = "urn:xmpp:bookmarks:1"
+class Conference(BaseModel):
+    """
+    Model for conference data.
+    """
+    autojoin: bool = Field(
+        False,
+        description="Whether the client should automatically join the conference room on "
+        "login.",
+    )
+    name: str | None = Field(
+        None, description="A friendly name for the bookmark, specified by the user."
+    )
+    nick: str | None = Field(
+        None, description="The user's preferred roomnick for the chatroom."
+    )
+    password: str | None = Field(
+        None, description="A password used to access the chatroom."
+    )
+    extensions: list[DomishElementType] = Field(
+        default_factory=list,
+        description="A set of child elements (of potentially any namespace).",
+    )
+    def set_attributes(self, conference_elt: domish.Element) -> None:
+        """Set <conference> element attributes from this instance's data."""
+        if self.autojoin:
+            conference_elt["autojoin"] = "true" if self.autojoin else "false"
+        if self.name:
+            conference_elt["name"] = self.name
+    def set_children(self, conference_elt: domish.Element) -> None:
+        """Set <conference> element children from this instance's data."""
+        if self.nick:
+            nick_elt = conference_elt.addElement((NS_BOOKMARKS2, "nick"))
+            nick_elt.addContent(self.nick)
+        if self.password:
+            password_elt = conference_elt.addElement((NS_BOOKMARKS2, "password"))
+            password_elt.addContent(self.password)
+        for extension in self.extensions:
+            conference_elt.addChild(extension)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_element(cls, conference_elt: domish.Element) -> Self:
+        """
+        Create a Conference instance from a <conference> element or its parent.
+        @param conference_elt: The <conference> element or a parent element.
+        @return: Conference instance.
+        @raise exceptions.NotFound: If the <conference> element is not found.
+        """
+        if conference_elt.uri != NS_BOOKMARKS2 or conference_elt.name != "conference":
+            child_conference_elt = next(
+                conference_elt.elements(NS_BOOKMARKS2, "conference"), None
+            )
+            if child_conference_elt is None:
+                raise exceptions.NotFound("<conference> element not found")
+            else:
+                conference_elt = child_conference_elt
+        kwargs = {}
+        if conference_elt.hasAttribute("autojoin"):
+            kwargs["autojoin"] = conference_elt["autojoin"] == "true"
+        if conference_elt.hasAttribute("name"):
+            kwargs["name"] = conference_elt["name"]
+        nick_elt = next(conference_elt.elements(NS_BOOKMARKS2, "nick"), None)
+        if nick_elt:
+            kwargs["nick"] = str(nick_elt)
+        password_elt = next(conference_elt.elements(NS_BOOKMARKS2, "password"), None)
+        if password_elt:
+            kwargs["password"] = str(password_elt)
+        kwargs["extensions"] = [
+            child for child in conference_elt.elements() if child.uri != NS_BOOKMARKS2
+        ]
+        return cls(**kwargs)
+    def to_element(self) -> domish.Element:
+        """Build the <conference> element from this instance's data.
+        @return: <conference> element.
+        """
+        conference_elt = domish.Element((NS_BOOKMARKS2, "conference"))
+        self.set_attributes(conference_elt)
+        self.set_children(conference_elt)
+        return conference_elt
+class Bookmarks(RootModel):
+    root: dict[JIDType, Conference]
+    def items(self):
+        return self.root.items()
+    def __dict__(self) -> dict[JIDType, Conference]:  # type: ignore
+        return self.root
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[JIDType]:  # type: ignore
+        return iter(self.root)
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        return self.root[item]
+    @classmethod
+    def from_elements(cls, items_elt: list[domish.Element]) -> Self:
+        """Convert list of items to instance of Bookmarks.
+        @param items_elt: list of <item> elements from boorkmarks node.
+        """
+        bookmarks = {}
+        for item_elt in items_elt:
+            try:
+                bookmark_jid = jid.JID(item_elt["id"])
+            except RuntimeError as e:
+                log.warning(f"Can't parse bookmark jid {e}: {item_elt.toXml()}")
+                continue
+            try:
+                conference = Conference.from_element(item_elt)
+            except exceptions.NotFound:
+                log.warning(f"Can't find conference data in bookmark: {item_elt}")
+            else:
+                bookmarks[bookmark_jid] = conference
+        return cls(bookmarks)
+class XEP_0402:
+    namespace = NS_BOOKMARKS2
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        log.info(f"plugin {PLUGIN_INFO[C.PI_NAME]!r} initialization")
+        self.host = host
+        self._legacy = cast(XEP_0048, host.plugins["XEP-0048"])
+        self._p = cast(XEP_0060, host.plugins["XEP-0060"])
+        self._muc = cast(XEP_0045, host.plugins["XEP-0045"])
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "bookmark_get",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._bookmark_get,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "bookmarks_list",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._bookmarks_list,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "bookmark_remove",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._bookmark_remove,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.add_method(
+            "bookmarks_set",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._bookmarks_set,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.plugins["XEP-0163"].add_pep_event(
+            None, NS_BOOKMARKS2, self._on_bookmark_event
+        )
+        host.register_namespace("bookmarks2", NS_BOOKMARKS2)
+    async def _on_bookmark_event(
+        self, items_events: pubsub.ItemsEvent, profile: str
+    ) -> None:
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        if items_events.sender != client.jid.userhostJID():
+            log.warning(
+                "Bookmark event Unexpectedly send for another account "
+                f"({items_events.sender})."
+            )
+        else:
+            for item_elt in items_events.items:
+                try:
+                    room_jid = jid.JID(item_elt["id"])
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.warning(
+                        f'Ignoring bookmark due to invalid JID in "id" ({e}): '
+                        f"{item_elt.toXml()}"
+                    )
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    conference = Conference.from_element(item_elt)
+                except exceptions.NotFound:
+                    log.warning("Ignoring invalid bookmark element: {item_elt.toXml()}")
+                except Exception:
+                    log.exception("Can't parse bookmark item: {item_elt.toXml()}")
+                else:
+                    if conference.autojoin:
+                        await self._muc.join(
+                            client,
+                            room_jid,
+                            conference.nick,
+                            {"password": conference.password},
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        await self._muc.leave(client, room_jid)
+    @utils.ensure_deferred
+    async def _bookmark_get(self, bookmark_jid: str, profile: str) -> str:
+        """List current boorkmarks.
+        @param extra_s: Serialised extra.
+            Reserved for future use.
+        @param profile: Profile to use.
+        """
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        conference = await self.get(client, jid.JID(bookmark_jid))
+        return conference.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True)
+    async def get(self, client: SatXMPPEntity, bookmark_jid: jid.JID) -> Conference:
+        """Helper method to get a single bookmark.
+        @param client: profile session.
+        @bookmark_jid: JID of the boorkmark to get.
+        @return: Conference instance.
+        """
+        pep_jid = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        if await self.host.memory.disco.has_feature(
+            client, NS_BOOKMARKS2_COMPAT, pep_jid
+        ):
+            items, __ = await self._p.get_items(
+                client,
+                client.jid.userhostJID(),
+                NS_BOOKMARKS2,
+                item_ids=[bookmark_jid.full()],
+            )
+            return Conference.from_element(items[0])
+        else:
+            # No compatibility layer, we use legacy bookmarks.
+            bookmarks = await self.list(client)
+            return bookmarks[bookmark_jid]
+    def _bookmark_remove(self, bookmark_jid: str, profile: str) -> defer.Deferred[None]:
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(
+            self.remove(self.host.get_client(profile), jid.JID(bookmark_jid))
+        )
+        return d
+    async def remove(self, client: SatXMPPEntity, bookmark_jid: jid.JID) -> None:
+        """Helper method to delete an existing bookmark.
+        @param client: Profile session.
+        @param bookmark_jid: Bookmark to delete.
+        """
+        pep_jid = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        if await self.host.memory.disco.has_feature(
+            client, NS_BOOKMARKS2_COMPAT, pep_jid
+        ):
+            await self._p.retract_items(
+                client, client.jid.userhostJID(), NS_BOOKMARKS2, [bookmark_jid.full()]
+            )
+        else:
+            log.debug(
+                f"[{client.profile}] No compatibility layer found, we use legacy "
+                "bookmarks."
+            )
+            await self._legacy.remove_bookmark(
+                self._legacy.MUC_TYPE, bookmark_jid, "private", client.profile
+            )
+    @utils.ensure_deferred
+    async def _bookmarks_list(self, extra_s: str, profile: str) -> str:
+        """List current boorkmarks.
+        @param extra_s: Serialised extra.
+            Reserved for future use.
+        @param profile: Profile to use.
+        """
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        extra = data_format.deserialise(extra_s)
+        bookmarks = await self.list(client, extra)
+        return bookmarks.model_dump_json(exclude_none=True)
+    async def list(self, client: SatXMPPEntity, extra: dict | None = None) -> Bookmarks:
+        """List bookmarks.
+        If there is a compatibility layer announced, Bookmarks2 will be used, otherwise
+        legacy bookmarks will be used.
+        @param client: Client session.
+        @param extra: extra dat)
+        @return: bookmarks.
+        """
+        pep_jid = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        if await self.host.memory.disco.has_feature(
+            client, NS_BOOKMARKS2_COMPAT, pep_jid
+        ):
+            items, __ = await self._p.get_items(
+                client, client.jid.userhostJID(), NS_BOOKMARKS2
+            )
+            return Bookmarks.from_elements(items)
+        else:
+            # There is no compatibility layer on the PEP server, so we use legacy
+            # bookmarks as recommended at
+            # https://docs.modernxmpp.org/client/groupchat/#bookmarks
+            log.debug(
+                f"[{client.profile}] No compatibility layer found, we use legacy "
+                "bookmarks."
+            )
+            legacy_data = await self._legacy.bookmarks_list(
+                self._legacy.MUC_TYPE, "private", client.profile
+            )
+            private_bookmarks = legacy_data["private"]
+            bookmarks_dict = {}
+            for jid, bookmark_data in private_bookmarks.items():
+                autojoin = C.bool(bookmark_data.get("autojoin", C.BOOL_FALSE))
+                name = bookmark_data.get("name")
+                nick = bookmark_data.get("nick")
+                password = bookmark_data.get("password")
+                conference = Conference(
+                    autojoin=autojoin, name=name, nick=nick, password=password
+                )
+                bookmarks_dict[jid] = conference
+            return Bookmarks(bookmarks_dict)
+    @utils.ensure_deferred
+    async def _bookmarks_set(self, bookmarks_raw: str, profile: str) -> None:
+        """Add or update one or more bookmarks.
+        @param bookmarks_raw: serialised bookmark.
+            It must deserialise to a dict mapping from bookmark JID to Conference data.
+        @param profile: Profile to use.
+        """
+        client = self.host.get_client(profile)
+        bookmarks = Bookmarks.model_validate_json(bookmarks_raw)
+        pep_jid = client.jid.userhostJID()
+        if await self.host.memory.disco.has_feature(
+            client, NS_BOOKMARKS2_COMPAT, pep_jid
+        ):
+            bookmark_items = []
+            for bookmark_jid, conference in bookmarks.items():
+                item_elt = domish.Element((pubsub.NS_PUBSUB, "item"))
+                item_elt["id"] = bookmark_jid.full()
+                item_elt.addChild(conference.to_element())
+                bookmark_items.append(item_elt)
+            await self._p.send_items(
+                client,
+                None,
+                NS_BOOKMARKS2,
+                bookmark_items,
+                extra={
+                    self._p.EXTRA_PUBLISH_OPTIONS: {
+                        "pubsub#access_model": self._p.ACCESS_WHITELIST
+                    },
+                    self._p.EXTRA_AUTOCREATE: True,
+                },
+            )
+        else:
+            log.debug(
+                f"[{client.profile}] No compatibility layer found, we use legacy "
+                "bookmarks."
+            )
+            # XXX: We add every bookmark one by one, which is inefficient. The legacy
+            # plugin likely implemented this way because end-users typically add bookmarks
+            # individually. Nowadays, very few servers, if any, still implement XEP-0048
+            # without the XEP-0402 compatibility layer, so it's not worth spending time to
+            # improve the legacy XEP-0048 plugin.
+            for bookmark_jid, conference in bookmarks.items():
+                bookmark_data = {}
+                if conference.autojoin:
+                    bookmark_data["autojoin"] = C.BOOL_TRUE
+                for attribute in ("name", "nick", "password"):
+                    value = getattr(conference, attribute)
+                    if value:
+                        bookmark_data[attribute] = value
+                await self._legacy.add_bookmark(
+                    self._legacy.MUC_TYPE,
+                    bookmark_jid,
+                    bookmark_data,
+                    storage_type="private",
+                    profile_key=client.profile,
+                )