diff sat_frontends/jp/cmd_blog.py @ 2624:56f94936df1e

code style reformatting using black
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 27 Jun 2018 20:14:46 +0200
parents 0b6adc2672d9
children 266f871fcb4b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/sat_frontends/jp/cmd_blog.py	Wed Jun 27 07:51:29 2018 +0200
+++ b/sat_frontends/jp/cmd_blog.py	Wed Jun 27 20:14:46 2018 +0200
@@ -40,40 +40,48 @@
 __commands__ = ["Blog"]
-SYNTAX_XHTML = u'xhtml'
+SYNTAX_XHTML = u"xhtml"
 # extensions to use with known syntaxes
-    '': 'txt', # used when the syntax is not found
+    "": "txt",  # used when the syntax is not found
     SYNTAX_XHTML: "xhtml",
-    "markdown": "md"
-    }
+    "markdown": "md",
-CONF_SYNTAX_EXT = u'syntax_ext_dict'
+CONF_SYNTAX_EXT = u"syntax_ext_dict"
 BLOG_TMP_DIR = u"blog"
 # key to remove from metadata tmp file if they exist
-KEY_TO_REMOVE_METADATA = ('id','content', 'content_xhtml', 'comments_node', 'comments_service', 'updated')
+    "id",
+    "content",
+    "content_xhtml",
+    "comments_node",
+    "comments_service",
+    "updated",
-URL_REDIRECT_PREFIX = 'url_redirect_'
+URL_REDIRECT_PREFIX = "url_redirect_"
 INOTIFY_INSTALL = '"pip install inotify"'
-MB_KEYS = (u"id",
-           u"url",
-           u"atom_id",
-           u"updated",
-           u"published",
-           u"language",
-           u"comments",  # this key is used for all comments* keys
-           u"tags",  # this key is used for all tag* keys
-           u"author",
-           u"author_jid",
-           u"author_email",
-           u"author_jid_verified",
-           u"content",
-           u"content_xhtml",
-           u"title",
-           u"title_xhtml",
-           )
-OUTPUT_OPT_NO_HEADER = u'no-header'
+MB_KEYS = (
+    u"id",
+    u"url",
+    u"atom_id",
+    u"updated",
+    u"published",
+    u"language",
+    u"comments",  # this key is used for all comments* keys
+    u"tags",  # this key is used for all tag* keys
+    u"author",
+    u"author_jid",
+    u"author_email",
+    u"author_jid_verified",
+    u"content",
+    u"content_xhtml",
+    u"title",
+    u"title_xhtml",
+OUTPUT_OPT_NO_HEADER = u"no-header"
 def guessSyntaxFromPath(host, sat_conf, path):
@@ -84,9 +92,9 @@
     @return(unicode): syntax to use
     # we first try to guess syntax with extension
-    ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:] # we get extension without the '.'
+    ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:]  # we get extension without the '.'
     if ext:
-        for k,v in SYNTAX_EXT.iteritems():
+        for k, v in SYNTAX_EXT.iteritems():
             if k and ext == v:
                 return k
@@ -98,39 +106,61 @@
     """handle common option for publising commands (Set and Edit)"""
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_argument("-T", '--title', type=base.unicode_decoder, help=_(u"title of the item"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("-t", '--tag', type=base.unicode_decoder, action='append', help=_(u"tag (category) of your item"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("-C", "--comments", action='store_true', help=_(u"enable comments"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("-S", '--syntax', type=base.unicode_decoder, help=_(u"syntax to use (default: get profile's default syntax)"))
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-T", "--title", type=base.unicode_decoder, help=_(u"title of the item")
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-t",
+            "--tag",
+            type=base.unicode_decoder,
+            action="append",
+            help=_(u"tag (category) of your item"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-C", "--comments", action="store_true", help=_(u"enable comments")
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-S",
+            "--syntax",
+            type=base.unicode_decoder,
+            help=_(u"syntax to use (default: get profile's default syntax)"),
+        )
     def setMbDataContent(self, content, mb_data):
         if self.args.syntax is None:
             # default syntax has been used
-            mb_data['content_rich'] =  content
+            mb_data["content_rich"] = content
         elif self.current_syntax == SYNTAX_XHTML:
-            mb_data['content_xhtml'] = content
+            mb_data["content_xhtml"] = content
-            mb_data['content_xhtml'] = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(content, self.current_syntax, SYNTAX_XHTML, False, self.profile)
+            mb_data["content_xhtml"] = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(
+                content, self.current_syntax, SYNTAX_XHTML, False, self.profile
+            )
     def setMbDataFromArgs(self, mb_data):
         """set microblog metadata according to command line options
         if metadata already exist, it will be overwritten
-        mb_data['allow_comments'] = C.boolConst(self.args.comments)
+        mb_data["allow_comments"] = C.boolConst(self.args.comments)
         if self.args.tag:
-            data_format.iter2dict('tag', self.args.tag, mb_data, check_conflict=False)
+            data_format.iter2dict("tag", self.args.tag, mb_data, check_conflict=False)
         if self.args.title is not None:
-            mb_data['title'] = self.args.title
+            mb_data["title"] = self.args.title
 class Set(base.CommandBase, BlogPublishCommon):
     def __init__(self, host):
-        base.CommandBase.__init__(self, host, 'set', use_pubsub=True, pubsub_flags={C.SINGLE_ITEM},
-                                  help=_(u'publish a new blog item or update an existing one'))
+        base.CommandBase.__init__(
+            self,
+            host,
+            "set",
+            use_pubsub=True,
+            pubsub_flags={C.SINGLE_ITEM},
+            help=_(u"publish a new blog item or update an existing one"),
+        )
-        self.need_loop=True
+        self.need_loop = True
     def add_parser_options(self):
@@ -143,7 +173,7 @@
         self.pubsub_item = self.args.item
         mb_data = {}
-        content = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdin).read()
+        content = codecs.getreader("utf-8")(sys.stdin).read()
         self.setMbDataContent(content, mb_data)
@@ -152,77 +182,111 @@
-            errback=partial(self.errback,
-                            msg=_(u"can't send item: {}"),
-                            exit_code=C.EXIT_BRIDGE_ERRBACK))
+            errback=partial(
+                self.errback,
+                msg=_(u"can't send item: {}"),
+                exit_code=C.EXIT_BRIDGE_ERRBACK,
+            ),
+        )
 class Get(base.CommandBase):
     TEMPLATE = u"blog/articles.html"
     def __init__(self, host):
-        extra_outputs = {'default': self.default_output,
-                         'fancy': self.fancy_output}
-        base.CommandBase.__init__(self, host, 'get', use_verbose=True, use_pubsub=True, pubsub_flags={C.MULTI_ITEMS},
-                                  use_output=C.OUTPUT_COMPLEX, extra_outputs=extra_outputs, help=_(u'get blog item(s)'))
-        self.need_loop=True
+        extra_outputs = {"default": self.default_output, "fancy": self.fancy_output}
+        base.CommandBase.__init__(
+            self,
+            host,
+            "get",
+            use_verbose=True,
+            use_pubsub=True,
+            pubsub_flags={C.MULTI_ITEMS},
+            use_output=C.OUTPUT_COMPLEX,
+            extra_outputs=extra_outputs,
+            help=_(u"get blog item(s)"),
+        )
+        self.need_loop = True
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        # TODO: a key(s) argument to select keys to display
-        self.parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", type=base.unicode_decoder, action='append', dest='keys',
-                                 help=_(u"microblog data key(s) to display (default: depend of verbosity)"))
+        #  TODO: a key(s) argument to select keys to display
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-k",
+            "--key",
+            type=base.unicode_decoder,
+            action="append",
+            dest="keys",
+            help=_(u"microblog data key(s) to display (default: depend of verbosity)"),
+        )
         # TODO: add MAM filters
     def template_data_mapping(self, data):
-        return {u'items': data_objects.BlogItems(data)}
+        return {u"items": data_objects.BlogItems(data)}
     def format_comments(self, item, keys):
-        comments_data = data_format.dict2iterdict(u'comments', item, (u'node', u'service'), pop=True)
+        comments_data = data_format.dict2iterdict(
+            u"comments", item, (u"node", u"service"), pop=True
+        )
         lines = []
         for data in comments_data:
-            lines.append(data[u'comments'])
-            for k in (u'node', u'service'):
+            lines.append(data[u"comments"])
+            for k in (u"node", u"service"):
                 if OUTPUT_OPT_NO_HEADER in self.args.output_opts:
-                    header = u''
+                    header = u""
-                    header = C.A_HEADER + k + u': ' + A.RESET
+                    header = C.A_HEADER + k + u": " + A.RESET
                 lines.append(header + data[k])
-        return u'\n'.join(lines)
+        return u"\n".join(lines)
     def format_tags(self, item, keys):
-        tags = data_format.dict2iter('tag', item, pop=True)
-        return u', '.join(tags)
+        tags = data_format.dict2iter("tag", item, pop=True)
+        return u", ".join(tags)
     def format_updated(self, item, keys):
-        return self.format_time(item['updated'])
+        return self.format_time(item["updated"])
     def format_published(self, item, keys):
-        return self.format_time(item['published'])
+        return self.format_time(item["published"])
     def format_url(self, item, keys):
-        return uri.buildXMPPUri(u'pubsub',
-                                subtype=u'microblog',
-                                path=self.metadata[u'service'],
-                                node=self.metadata[u'node'],
-                                item=item[u'id'])
+        return uri.buildXMPPUri(
+            u"pubsub",
+            subtype=u"microblog",
+            path=self.metadata[u"service"],
+            node=self.metadata[u"node"],
+            item=item[u"id"],
+        )
     def get_keys(self):
         """return keys to display according to verbosity or explicit key request"""
         verbosity = self.args.verbose
         if self.args.keys:
             if not set(MB_KEYS).issuperset(self.args.keys):
-                self.disp(u"following keys are invalid: {invalid}.\n"
-                          u"Valid keys are: {valid}.".format(
-                          invalid = u', '.join(set(self.args.keys).difference(MB_KEYS)),
-                          valid = u', '.join(sorted(MB_KEYS))),
-                          error=True)
+                self.disp(
+                    u"following keys are invalid: {invalid}.\n"
+                    u"Valid keys are: {valid}.".format(
+                        invalid=u", ".join(set(self.args.keys).difference(MB_KEYS)),
+                        valid=u", ".join(sorted(MB_KEYS)),
+                    ),
+                    error=True,
+                )
             return self.args.keys
             if verbosity == 0:
-                return (u'title', u'content')
+                return (u"title", u"content")
             elif verbosity == 1:
-                return (u"title", u"tags", u"author", u"author_jid", u"author_email", u"author_jid_verified", u"published", u"updated", u"content")
+                return (
+                    u"title",
+                    u"tags",
+                    u"author",
+                    u"author_jid",
+                    u"author_email",
+                    u"author_jid_verified",
+                    u"published",
+                    u"updated",
+                    u"content",
+                )
                 return MB_KEYS
@@ -231,7 +295,7 @@
         items, self.metadata = data
         keys = self.get_keys()
-        # k_cb use format_[key] methods for complex formattings
+        #  k_cb use format_[key] methods for complex formattings
         k_cb = {}
         for k in keys:
@@ -245,18 +309,19 @@
                 if k not in item and k not in k_cb:
                 if OUTPUT_OPT_NO_HEADER in self.args.output_opts:
-                    header = ''
+                    header = ""
                     header = u"{k_fmt}{key}:{k_fmt_e} {sep}".format(
-                    k_fmt = C.A_HEADER,
-                    key = k,
-                    k_fmt_e = A.RESET,
-                    sep = u'\n' if 'content' in k else u'')
+                        k_fmt=C.A_HEADER,
+                        key=k,
+                        k_fmt_e=A.RESET,
+                        sep=u"\n" if "content" in k else u"",
+                    )
                 value = k_cb[k](item, keys) if k in k_cb else item[k]
                 self.disp(header + value)
             # we want a separation line after each item but the last one
-            if idx < len(items)-1:
-                print(u'')
+            if idx < len(items) - 1:
+                print(u"")
     def format_time(self, timestamp):
         """return formatted date for timestamp
@@ -273,53 +338,53 @@
         this output doesn't use keys filter
         # thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/a/943921
-        rows, columns = map(int, os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split())
+        rows, columns = map(int, os.popen("stty size", "r").read().split())
         items, metadata = data
         verbosity = self.args.verbose
-        sep = A.color(A.FG_BLUE, columns * u'▬')
+        sep = A.color(A.FG_BLUE, columns * u"▬")
         if items:
-            print(u'\n' + sep  + '\n')
+            print(u"\n" + sep + "\n")
         for idx, item in enumerate(items):
-            title = item.get(u'title')
+            title = item.get(u"title")
             if verbosity > 0:
-                author = item[u'author']
-                published, updated = item[u'published'], item.get('updated')
+                author = item[u"author"]
+                published, updated = item[u"published"], item.get("updated")
                 author = published = updated = None
             if verbosity > 1:
-                tags = list(data_format.dict2iter('tag', item, pop=True))
+                tags = list(data_format.dict2iter("tag", item, pop=True))
                 tags = None
-            content = item.get(u'content')
+            content = item.get(u"content")
             if title:
-                print(A.color(A.BOLD, A.FG_CYAN, item[u'title']))
+                print(A.color(A.BOLD, A.FG_CYAN, item[u"title"]))
             meta = []
             if author:
                 meta.append(A.color(A.FG_YELLOW, author))
             if published:
-                meta.append(A.color(A.FG_YELLOW, u'on ', self.format_time(published)))
+                meta.append(A.color(A.FG_YELLOW, u"on ", self.format_time(published)))
             if updated != published:
-                 meta.append(A.color(A.FG_YELLOW, u'(updated on ', self.format_time(updated), u')'))
-            print(u' '.join(meta))
+                meta.append(
+                    A.color(A.FG_YELLOW, u"(updated on ", self.format_time(updated), u")")
+                )
+            print(u" ".join(meta))
             if tags:
-                print(A.color(A.FG_MAGENTA, u', '.join(tags)))
+                print(A.color(A.FG_MAGENTA, u", ".join(tags)))
             if (title or tags) and content:
             if content:
-            print(u'\n' + sep  + '\n')
+            print(u"\n" + sep + "\n")
     def mbGetCb(self, mb_result):
     def mbGetEb(self, failure_):
-        self.disp(u"can't get blog items: {reason}".format(
-            reason=failure_), error=True)
+        self.disp(u"can't get blog items: {reason}".format(reason=failure_), error=True)
     def start(self):
@@ -331,26 +396,41 @@
-            errback=self.mbGetEb)
+            errback=self.mbGetEb,
+        )
 class Edit(base.CommandBase, BlogPublishCommon, common.BaseEdit):
     def __init__(self, host):
-        base.CommandBase.__init__(self, host, 'edit', use_pubsub=True, pubsub_flags={C.SINGLE_ITEM},
-                                  use_draft=True, use_verbose=True, help=_(u'edit an existing or new blog post'))
+        base.CommandBase.__init__(
+            self,
+            host,
+            "edit",
+            use_pubsub=True,
+            pubsub_flags={C.SINGLE_ITEM},
+            use_draft=True,
+            use_verbose=True,
+            help=_(u"edit an existing or new blog post"),
+        )
         common.BaseEdit.__init__(self, self.host, BLOG_TMP_DIR, use_metadata=True)
     def current_syntax(self):
         if self._current_syntax is None:
-            self._current_syntax = self.host.bridge.getParamA("Syntax", "Composition", "value", self.profile)
+            self._current_syntax = self.host.bridge.getParamA(
+                "Syntax", "Composition", "value", self.profile
+            )
         return self._current_syntax
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_argument("-P", "--preview", action="store_true", help=_(u"launch a blog preview in parallel"))
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-P",
+            "--preview",
+            action="store_true",
+            help=_(u"launch a blog preview in parallel"),
+        )
     def buildMetadataFile(self, content_file_path, mb_data=None):
         """Build a metadata file using json
@@ -367,11 +447,15 @@
         if os.path.exists(meta_file_path):
             self.disp(u"Metadata file already exists, we re-use it")
-                with open(meta_file_path, 'rb') as f:
+                with open(meta_file_path, "rb") as f:
                     mb_data = json.load(f)
             except (OSError, IOError, ValueError) as e:
-                self.disp(u"Can't read existing metadata file at {path}, aborting: {reason}".format(
-                    path=meta_file_path, reason=e), error=True)
+                self.disp(
+                    u"Can't read existing metadata file at {path}, aborting: {reason}".format(
+                        path=meta_file_path, reason=e
+                    ),
+                    error=True,
+                )
             mb_data = {} if mb_data is None else mb_data.copy()
@@ -387,15 +471,22 @@
         # then we create the file and write metadata there, as JSON dict
         # XXX: if we port jp one day on Windows, O_BINARY may need to be added here
-        with os.fdopen(os.open(meta_file_path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,0o600), 'w+b') as f:
+        with os.fdopen(
+            os.open(meta_file_path, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o600), "w+b"
+        ) as f:
             # we need to use an intermediate unicode buffer to write to the file unicode without escaping characters
-            unicode_dump = json.dumps(mb_data, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True)
-            f.write(unicode_dump.encode('utf-8'))
+            unicode_dump = json.dumps(
+                mb_data,
+                ensure_ascii=False,
+                indent=4,
+                separators=(",", ": "),
+                sort_keys=True,
+            )
+            f.write(unicode_dump.encode("utf-8"))
         return mb_data, meta_file_path
-    def edit(self, content_file_path, content_file_obj,
-             mb_data=None):
+    def edit(self, content_file_path, content_file_obj, mb_data=None):
         """Edit the file contening the content using editor, and publish it"""
         # we first create metadata file
         meta_ori, meta_file_path = self.buildMetadataFile(content_file_path, mb_data)
@@ -405,37 +496,61 @@
             self.disp(u"Preview requested, launching it", 1)
             # we redirect outputs to /dev/null to avoid console pollution in editor
             # if user wants to see messages, (s)he can call "blog preview" directly
-            DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
-            subprocess.Popen([sys.argv[0], "blog", "preview", "--inotify", "true", "-p", self.profile, content_file_path], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+            DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb")
+            subprocess.Popen(
+                [
+                    sys.argv[0],
+                    "blog",
+                    "preview",
+                    "--inotify",
+                    "true",
+                    "-p",
+                    self.profile,
+                    content_file_path,
+                ],
+                stdout=DEVNULL,
+                stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+            )
         # we launch editor
-        self.runEditor("blog_editor_args", content_file_path, content_file_obj, meta_file_path=meta_file_path, meta_ori=meta_ori)
+        self.runEditor(
+            "blog_editor_args",
+            content_file_path,
+            content_file_obj,
+            meta_file_path=meta_file_path,
+            meta_ori=meta_ori,
+        )
     def publish(self, content, mb_data):
         self.setMbDataContent(content, mb_data)
         if self.pubsub_item is not None:
-            mb_data['id'] = self.pubsub_item
+            mb_data["id"] = self.pubsub_item
-        self.host.bridge.mbSend(self.pubsub_service, self.pubsub_node, mb_data, self.profile)
+        self.host.bridge.mbSend(
+            self.pubsub_service, self.pubsub_node, mb_data, self.profile
+        )
         self.disp(u"Blog item published")
     def getTmpSuff(self):
         # we get current syntax to determine file extension
-        return SYNTAX_EXT.get(self.current_syntax, SYNTAX_EXT[''])
+        return SYNTAX_EXT.get(self.current_syntax, SYNTAX_EXT[""])
     def getItemData(self, service, node, item):
         items = [item] if item is not None else []
-        mb_data =  self.host.bridge.mbGet(service, node, 1, items, {}, self.profile)[0][0]
+        mb_data = self.host.bridge.mbGet(service, node, 1, items, {}, self.profile)[0][0]
-            content = mb_data['content_xhtml']
+            content = mb_data["content_xhtml"]
         except KeyError:
-            content = mb_data['content']
+            content = mb_data["content"]
             if content:
-                content = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(content, 'text', SYNTAX_XHTML, False, self.profile)
+                content = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(
+                    content, "text", SYNTAX_XHTML, False, self.profile
+                )
         if content and self.current_syntax != SYNTAX_XHTML:
-            content = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(content, SYNTAX_XHTML, self.current_syntax, False, self.profile)
+            content = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(
+                content, SYNTAX_XHTML, self.current_syntax, False, self.profile
+            )
         if content and self.current_syntax == SYNTAX_XHTML:
                 from lxml import etree
@@ -446,22 +561,37 @@
                 root = etree.fromstring(content, parser)
                 content = etree.tostring(root, encoding=unicode, pretty_print=True)
-        return content, mb_data, mb_data['id']
+        return content, mb_data, mb_data["id"]
     def start(self):
         # if there are user defined extension, we use them
-        SYNTAX_EXT.update(config.getConfig(self.sat_conf, 'jp', CONF_SYNTAX_EXT, {}))
+        SYNTAX_EXT.update(config.getConfig(self.sat_conf, "jp", CONF_SYNTAX_EXT, {}))
         self._current_syntax = self.args.syntax
         if self._current_syntax is not None:
-                self._current_syntax = self.args.syntax = self.host.bridge.syntaxGet(self.current_syntax)
+                self._current_syntax = self.args.syntax = self.host.bridge.syntaxGet(
+                    self.current_syntax
+                )
             except Exception as e:
-                if "NotFound" in unicode(e):  # FIXME: there is not good way to check bridge errors
-                    self.parser.error(_(u"unknown syntax requested ({syntax})").format(syntax=self.args.syntax))
+                if "NotFound" in unicode(
+                    e
+                ):  #  FIXME: there is not good way to check bridge errors
+                    self.parser.error(
+                        _(u"unknown syntax requested ({syntax})").format(
+                            syntax=self.args.syntax
+                        )
+                    )
                     raise e
-        self.pubsub_service, self.pubsub_node, self.pubsub_item, content_file_path, content_file_obj, mb_data = self.getItemPath()
+        (
+            self.pubsub_service,
+            self.pubsub_node,
+            self.pubsub_item,
+            content_file_path,
+            content_file_obj,
+            mb_data,
+        ) = self.getItemPath()
         self.edit(content_file_path, content_file_obj, mb_data=mb_data)
@@ -470,23 +600,42 @@
     # TODO: need to be rewritten with template output
     def __init__(self, host):
-        base.CommandBase.__init__(self, host, 'preview', use_verbose=True, help=_(u'preview a blog content'))
+        base.CommandBase.__init__(
+            self, host, "preview", use_verbose=True, help=_(u"preview a blog content")
+        )
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_argument("--inotify", type=str, choices=('auto', 'true', 'false'), default=u'auto', help=_(u"use inotify to handle preview"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("file", type=base.unicode_decoder, nargs='?', default=u'current', help=_(u"path to the content file"))
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "--inotify",
+            type=str,
+            choices=("auto", "true", "false"),
+            default=u"auto",
+            help=_(u"use inotify to handle preview"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "file",
+            type=base.unicode_decoder,
+            nargs="?",
+            default=u"current",
+            help=_(u"path to the content file"),
+        )
     def showPreview(self):
         # we implement showPreview here so we don't have to import webbrowser and urllib
         # when preview is not used
-        url = 'file:{}'.format(self.urllib.quote(self.preview_file_path))
+        url = "file:{}".format(self.urllib.quote(self.preview_file_path))
     def _launchPreviewExt(self, cmd_line, opt_name):
-        url = 'file:{}'.format(self.urllib.quote(self.preview_file_path))
-        args = common.parse_args(self.host, cmd_line, url=url, preview_file=self.preview_file_path)
+        url = "file:{}".format(self.urllib.quote(self.preview_file_path))
+        args = common.parse_args(
+            self.host, cmd_line, url=url, preview_file=self.preview_file_path
+        )
         if not args:
-            self.disp(u"Couln't find command in \"{name}\", abording".format(name=opt_name), error=True)
+            self.disp(
+                u'Couln\'t find command in "{name}", abording'.format(name=opt_name),
+                error=True,
+            )
@@ -497,91 +646,121 @@
         self._launchPreviewExt(self.update_cb_cmd, "blog_preview_update_cmd")
     def updateContent(self):
-        with open(self.content_file_path, 'rb') as f:
-            content = f.read().decode('utf-8-sig')
+        with open(self.content_file_path, "rb") as f:
+            content = f.read().decode("utf-8-sig")
             if content and self.syntax != SYNTAX_XHTML:
-                # we use safe=True because we want to have a preview as close as possible to what the
-                # people will see
-                content = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(content, self.syntax, SYNTAX_XHTML, True, self.profile)
+                # we use safe=True because we want to have a preview as close as possible
+                # to what the people will see
+                content = self.host.bridge.syntaxConvert(
+                    content, self.syntax, SYNTAX_XHTML, True, self.profile
+                )
-        xhtml = (u'<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">' +
-                 u'<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /></head>'+
-                 '<body>{}</body>' +
-                 u'</html>').format(content)
+        xhtml = (
+            u'<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'
+            u'<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />'
+            u"</head>"
+            u"<body>{}</body>"
+            u"</html>"
+        ).format(content)
-        with open(self.preview_file_path, 'wb') as f:
-            f.write(xhtml.encode('utf-8'))
+        with open(self.preview_file_path, "wb") as f:
+            f.write(xhtml.encode("utf-8"))
     def start(self):
         import webbrowser
         import urllib
         self.webbrowser, self.urllib = webbrowser, urllib
-        if self.args.inotify != 'false':
+        if self.args.inotify != "false":
                 import inotify.adapters
                 import inotify.constants
                 from inotify.calls import InotifyError
             except ImportError:
-                if self.args.inotify == 'auto':
+                if self.args.inotify == "auto":
                     inotify = None
-                    self.disp(u'inotify module not found, deactivating feature. You can install it with {install}'.format(install=INOTIFY_INSTALL))
+                    self.disp(
+                        u"inotify module not found, deactivating feature. You can install"
+                        u" it with {install}".format(install=INOTIFY_INSTALL)
+                    )
-                    self.disp(u"inotify not found, can't activate the feature! Please install it with {install}".format(install=INOTIFY_INSTALL), error=True)
+                    self.disp(
+                        u"inotify not found, can't activate the feature! Please install "
+                        u"it with {install}".format(install=INOTIFY_INSTALL),
+                        error=True,
+                    )
                 # we deactivate logging in inotify, which is quite annoying
                 except AttributeError:
-                    self.disp(u"Logger doesn't exists, inotify may have chanded", error=True)
+                    self.disp(
+                        u"Logger doesn't exists, inotify may have chanded", error=True
+                    )
-            inotify=None
+            inotify = None
         sat_conf = config.parseMainConf()
-        SYNTAX_EXT.update(config.getConfig(sat_conf, 'jp', CONF_SYNTAX_EXT, {}))
+        SYNTAX_EXT.update(config.getConfig(sat_conf, "jp", CONF_SYNTAX_EXT, {}))
-            self.open_cb_cmd = config.getConfig(sat_conf, 'jp', "blog_preview_open_cmd", Exception)
+            self.open_cb_cmd = config.getConfig(
+                sat_conf, "jp", "blog_preview_open_cmd", Exception
+            )
         except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
             self.open_cb_cmd = None
             open_cb = self.showPreview
             open_cb = self.openPreviewExt
-        self.update_cb_cmd = config.getConfig(sat_conf, 'jp', "blog_preview_update_cmd", self.open_cb_cmd)
+        self.update_cb_cmd = config.getConfig(
+            sat_conf, "jp", "blog_preview_update_cmd", self.open_cb_cmd
+        )
         if self.update_cb_cmd is None:
             update_cb = self.showPreview
             update_cb = self.updatePreviewExt
         # which file do we need to edit?
-        if self.args.file == 'current':
+        if self.args.file == "current":
             self.content_file_path = self.getCurrentFile(sat_conf, self.profile)
             self.content_file_path = os.path.abspath(self.args.file)
         self.syntax = guessSyntaxFromPath(self.host, sat_conf, self.content_file_path)
         # at this point the syntax is converted, we can display the preview
-        preview_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xhtml', delete=False)
+        preview_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".xhtml", delete=False)
         self.preview_file_path = preview_file.name
         if inotify is None:
-            # XXX: we don't delete file automatically because browser need it (and webbrowser.open can return before it is read)
-            self.disp(u'temporary file created at {}\nthis file will NOT BE DELETED AUTOMATICALLY, please delete it yourself when you have finished'.format(self.preview_file_path))
+            # XXX: we don't delete file automatically because browser need it
+            #      (and webbrowser.open can return before it is read)
+            self.disp(
+                u"temporary file created at {}\nthis file will NOT BE DELETED "
+                u"AUTOMATICALLY, please delete it yourself when you have finished".format(
+                    self.preview_file_path
+                )
+            )
-            i = inotify.adapters.Inotify(block_duration_s=60) # no need for 1 s duraction, inotify drive actions here
+            i = inotify.adapters.Inotify(
+                block_duration_s=60
+            )  # no need for 1 s duraction, inotify drive actions here
             def add_watch():
-                i.add_watch(self.content_file_path, mask=inotify.constants.IN_CLOSE_WRITE |
-                                                         inotify.constants.IN_DELETE_SELF |
-                                                         inotify.constants.IN_MOVE_SELF)
+                i.add_watch(
+                    self.content_file_path,
+                    mask=inotify.constants.IN_CLOSE_WRITE
+                    | inotify.constants.IN_DELETE_SELF
+                    | inotify.constants.IN_MOVE_SELF,
+                )
@@ -589,7 +768,12 @@
                     if event is not None:
                         self.disp(u"Content updated", 1)
                         if {"IN_DELETE_SELF", "IN_MOVE_SELF"}.intersection(event[1]):
-                            self.disp(u"{} event catched, changing the watch".format(", ".join(event[1])), 2)
+                            self.disp(
+                                u"{} event catched, changing the watch".format(
+                                    ", ".join(event[1])
+                                ),
+                                2,
+                            )
                             except InotifyError:
@@ -600,7 +784,9 @@
             except InotifyError:
-                self.disp(u"Can't catch inotify events, as the file been deleted?", error=True)
+                self.disp(
+                    u"Can't catch inotify events, as the file been deleted?", error=True
+                )
@@ -611,81 +797,174 @@
 class Import(base.CommandAnswering):
     def __init__(self, host):
-        super(Import, self).__init__(host, 'import', use_pubsub=True, use_progress=True, help=_(u'import an external blog'))
-        self.need_loop=True
+        super(Import, self).__init__(
+            host,
+            "import",
+            use_pubsub=True,
+            use_progress=True,
+            help=_(u"import an external blog"),
+        )
+        self.need_loop = True
     def add_parser_options(self):
-        self.parser.add_argument("importer", type=base.unicode_decoder, nargs='?', help=_(u"importer name, nothing to display importers list"))
-        self.parser.add_argument('--host', type=base.unicode_decoder, help=_(u"original blog host"))
-        self.parser.add_argument('--no-images-upload', action='store_true', help=_(u"do *NOT* upload images (default: do upload images)"))
-        self.parser.add_argument('--upload-ignore-host', help=_(u"do not upload images from this host (default: upload all images)"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("--ignore-tls-errors", action="store_true", help=_("ignore invalide TLS certificate for uploads"))
-        self.parser.add_argument('-o', '--option', action='append', nargs=2, default=[], metavar=(u'NAME', u'VALUE'),
-            help=_(u"importer specific options (see importer description)"))
-        self.parser.add_argument("location", type=base.unicode_decoder, nargs='?',
-            help=_(u"importer data location (see importer description), nothing to show importer description"))
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "importer",
+            type=base.unicode_decoder,
+            nargs="?",
+            help=_(u"importer name, nothing to display importers list"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "--host", type=base.unicode_decoder, help=_(u"original blog host")
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "--no-images-upload",
+            action="store_true",
+            help=_(u"do *NOT* upload images (default: do upload images)"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "--upload-ignore-host",
+            help=_(u"do not upload images from this host (default: upload all images)"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "--ignore-tls-errors",
+            action="store_true",
+            help=_("ignore invalide TLS certificate for uploads"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "-o",
+            "--option",
+            action="append",
+            nargs=2,
+            default=[],
+            metavar=(u"NAME", u"VALUE"),
+            help=_(u"importer specific options (see importer description)"),
+        )
+        self.parser.add_argument(
+            "location",
+            type=base.unicode_decoder,
+            nargs="?",
+            help=_(
+                u"importer data location (see importer description), nothing to show "
+                u"importer description"
+            ),
+        )
     def onProgressStarted(self, metadata):
-        self.disp(_(u'Blog upload started'),2)
+        self.disp(_(u"Blog upload started"), 2)
     def onProgressFinished(self, metadata):
-        self.disp(_(u'Blog uploaded successfully'),2)
-        redirections = {k[len(URL_REDIRECT_PREFIX):]:v for k,v in metadata.iteritems()
-            if k.startswith(URL_REDIRECT_PREFIX)}
+        self.disp(_(u"Blog uploaded successfully"), 2)
+        redirections = {
+            k[len(URL_REDIRECT_PREFIX) :]: v
+            for k, v in metadata.iteritems()
+            if k.startswith(URL_REDIRECT_PREFIX)
+        }
         if redirections:
-            conf = u'\n'.join([
-                u'url_redirections_profile = {}'.format(self.profile),
-                u"url_redirections_dict = {}".format(
-                # we need to add ' ' before each new line and to double each '%' for ConfigParser
-                u'\n '.join(json.dumps(redirections, indent=1, separators=(',',': ')).replace(u'%', u'%%').split(u'\n'))),
-                ])
-            self.disp(_(u'\nTo redirect old URLs to new ones, put the following lines in your sat.conf file, in [libervia] section:\n\n{conf}'.format(conf=conf)))
+            conf = u"\n".join(
+                [
+                    u"url_redirections_profile = {}".format(self.profile),
+                    u"url_redirections_dict = {}".format(
+                        # we need to add ' ' before each new line
+                        # and to double each '%' for ConfigParser
+                        u"\n ".join(
+                            json.dumps(redirections, indent=1, separators=(",", ": "))
+                            .replace(u"%", u"%%")
+                            .split(u"\n")
+                        )
+                    ),
+                ]
+            )
+            self.disp(
+                _(
+                    u"\nTo redirect old URLs to new ones, put the following lines in your"
+                    u" sat.conf file, in [libervia] section:\n\n{conf}".format(conf=conf)
+                )
+            )
     def onProgressError(self, error_msg):
-        self.disp(_(u'Error while uploading blog: {}').format(error_msg),error=True)
+        self.disp(_(u"Error while uploading blog: {}").format(error_msg), error=True)
     def error(self, failure):
-        self.disp(_("Error while trying to upload a blog: {reason}").format(reason=failure), error=True)
+        self.disp(
+            _("Error while trying to upload a blog: {reason}").format(reason=failure),
+            error=True,
+        )
     def start(self):
         if self.args.location is None:
-            for name in ('option', 'service', 'no_images_upload'):
+            for name in ("option", "service", "no_images_upload"):
                 if getattr(self.args, name):
-                    self.parser.error(_(u"{name} argument can't be used without location argument").format(name=name))
+                    self.parser.error(
+                        _(
+                            u"{name} argument can't be used without location argument"
+                        ).format(name=name)
+                    )
             if self.args.importer is None:
-                self.disp(u'\n'.join([u'{}: {}'.format(name, desc) for name, desc in self.host.bridge.blogImportList()]))
+                self.disp(
+                    u"\n".join(
+                        [
+                            u"{}: {}".format(name, desc)
+                            for name, desc in self.host.bridge.blogImportList()
+                        ]
+                    )
+                )
-                    short_desc, long_desc = self.host.bridge.blogImportDesc(self.args.importer)
+                    short_desc, long_desc = self.host.bridge.blogImportDesc(
+                        self.args.importer
+                    )
                 except Exception as e:
-                    msg = [l for l in unicode(e).split('\n') if l][-1] # we only keep the last line
+                    msg = [l for l in unicode(e).split("\n") if l][
+                        -1
+                    ]  # we only keep the last line
-                    self.disp(u"{name}: {short_desc}\n\n{long_desc}".format(name=self.args.importer, short_desc=short_desc, long_desc=long_desc))
+                    self.disp(
+                        u"{name}: {short_desc}\n\n{long_desc}".format(
+                            name=self.args.importer,
+                            short_desc=short_desc,
+                            long_desc=long_desc,
+                        )
+                    )
             # we have a location, an import is requested
             options = {key: value for key, value in self.args.option}
             if self.args.host:
-                options['host'] = self.args.host
+                options["host"] = self.args.host
             if self.args.ignore_tls_errors:
-                options['ignore_tls_errors'] = C.BOOL_TRUE
+                options["ignore_tls_errors"] = C.BOOL_TRUE
             if self.args.no_images_upload:
-                options['upload_images'] = C.BOOL_FALSE
+                options["upload_images"] = C.BOOL_FALSE
                 if self.args.upload_ignore_host:
-                    self.parser.error(u"upload-ignore-host option can't be used when no-images-upload is set")
+                    self.parser.error(
+                        u"upload-ignore-host option can't be used when no-images-upload "
+                        u"is set"
+                    )
             elif self.args.upload_ignore_host:
-                options['upload_ignore_host'] = self.args.upload_ignore_host
+                options["upload_ignore_host"] = self.args.upload_ignore_host
             def gotId(id_):
                 self.progress_id = id_
-            self.host.bridge.blogImport(self.args.importer, self.args.location, options, self.args.service, self.args.node, self.profile,
-                callback=gotId, errback=self.error)
+            self.host.bridge.blogImport(
+                self.args.importer,
+                self.args.location,
+                options,
+                self.args.service,
+                self.args.node,
+                self.profile,
+                callback=gotId,
+                errback=self.error,
+            )
 class Blog(base.CommandBase):
     subcommands = (Set, Get, Edit, Preview, Import)
     def __init__(self, host):
-        super(Blog, self).__init__(host, 'blog', use_profile=False, help=_('blog/microblog management'))
+        super(Blog, self).__init__(
+            host, "blog", use_profile=False, help=_("blog/microblog management")
+        )