diff sat_frontends/primitivus/status.py @ 2624:56f94936df1e

code style reformatting using black
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 27 Jun 2018 20:14:46 +0200
parents 26edcf3a30eb
children e6806aaab16d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/sat_frontends/primitivus/status.py	Wed Jun 27 07:51:29 2018 +0200
+++ b/sat_frontends/primitivus/status.py	Wed Jun 27 20:14:46 2018 +0200
@@ -25,51 +25,90 @@
 class StatusBar(urwid.Columns):
     def __init__(self, host):
         self.host = host
-        self.presence = sat_widgets.ClickableText('')
-        status_prefix = urwid.Text('[')
-        status_suffix = urwid.Text(']')
-        self.status = sat_widgets.ClickableText('')
-        self.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, '')
-        urwid.Columns.__init__(self, [('weight', 1, self.presence), ('weight', 1, status_prefix),
-                                      ('weight', 9, self.status), ('weight', 1, status_suffix)])
-        urwid.connect_signal(self.presence, 'click', self.onPresenceClick)
-        urwid.connect_signal(self.status, 'click', self.onStatusClick)
+        self.presence = sat_widgets.ClickableText("")
+        status_prefix = urwid.Text("[")
+        status_suffix = urwid.Text("]")
+        self.status = sat_widgets.ClickableText("")
+        self.setPresenceStatus(C.PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE, "")
+        urwid.Columns.__init__(
+            self,
+            [
+                ("weight", 1, self.presence),
+                ("weight", 1, status_prefix),
+                ("weight", 9, self.status),
+                ("weight", 1, status_suffix),
+            ],
+        )
+        urwid.connect_signal(self.presence, "click", self.onPresenceClick)
+        urwid.connect_signal(self.status, "click", self.onStatusClick)
     def onPresenceClick(self, sender=None):
-        if not self.host.bridge.isConnected(self.host.current_profile):  # FIXME: manage multi-profiles
+        if not self.host.bridge.isConnected(
+            self.host.current_profile
+        ):  # FIXME: manage multi-profiles
         options = [commonConst.PRESENCE[presence] for presence in commonConst.PRESENCE]
-        list_widget = sat_widgets.GenericList(options=options, option_type=sat_widgets.ClickableText, on_click=self.onChange)
-        decorated = sat_widgets.LabelLine(list_widget, sat_widgets.SurroundedText(_('Set your presence')))
+        list_widget = sat_widgets.GenericList(
+            options=options, option_type=sat_widgets.ClickableText, on_click=self.onChange
+        )
+        decorated = sat_widgets.LabelLine(
+            list_widget, sat_widgets.SurroundedText(_("Set your presence"))
+        )
     def onStatusClick(self, sender=None):
-        if not self.host.bridge.isConnected(self.host.current_profile):  # FIXME: manage multi-profiles
+        if not self.host.bridge.isConnected(
+            self.host.current_profile
+        ):  # FIXME: manage multi-profiles
-        pop_up_widget = sat_widgets.InputDialog(_('Set your status'), _('New status'), default_txt=self.status.get_text(),
-                                                cancel_cb=self.host.removePopUp, ok_cb=self.onChange)
+        pop_up_widget = sat_widgets.InputDialog(
+            _("Set your status"),
+            _("New status"),
+            default_txt=self.status.get_text(),
+            cancel_cb=self.host.removePopUp,
+            ok_cb=self.onChange,
+        )
     def onChange(self, sender=None, user_data=None):
         new_value = user_data.get_text()
-        previous = ([key for key in C.PRESENCE if C.PRESENCE[key][0] == self.presence.get_text()][0], self.status.get_text())
+        previous = (
+            [key for key in C.PRESENCE if C.PRESENCE[key][0] == self.presence.get_text()][
+                0
+            ],
+            self.status.get_text(),
+        )
         if isinstance(user_data, sat_widgets.ClickableText):
-            new = ([key for key in commonConst.PRESENCE if commonConst.PRESENCE[key] == new_value][0], previous[1])
+            new = (
+                [
+                    key
+                    for key in commonConst.PRESENCE
+                    if commonConst.PRESENCE[key] == new_value
+                ][0],
+                previous[1],
+            )
         elif isinstance(user_data, sat_widgets.AdvancedEdit):
             new = (previous[0], new_value[0])
         if new != previous:
-            statuses = {C.PRESENCE_STATUSES_DEFAULT: new[1]}  # FIXME: manage multilingual statuses
-            for profile in self.host.profiles:  # FIXME: for now all the profiles share the same status
-                self.host.bridge.setPresence(show=new[0], statuses=statuses, profile_key=profile)
+            statuses = {
+                C.PRESENCE_STATUSES_DEFAULT: new[1]
+            }  # FIXME: manage multilingual statuses
+            for (
+                profile
+            ) in (
+                self.host.profiles
+            ):  # FIXME: for now all the profiles share the same status
+                self.host.bridge.setPresence(
+                    show=new[0], statuses=statuses, profile_key=profile
+                )
             self.setPresenceStatus(new[0], new[1])
     def setPresenceStatus(self, show, status):
         show_icon, show_attr = C.PRESENCE.get(show)
-        self.presence.set_text(('show_normal', show_icon))
+        self.presence.set_text(("show_normal", show_icon))
         if status is not None:
             self.status.set_text((show_attr, status))