diff plugins/plugin_misc_cs.py @ 107:5ae370c71803

CS: message sending is now working - xmltools/xmlui: buttons can now send fields of the ui when used - xmltools/xmlui: new textbox element, to write a large text (used for messages in CS plugin) - xmltools/xmlui: list have now an attribute multi for selecting several options - xmltools/xmlui: window title can now be specified in the xml (attribute title) - CS_plugin: message sending interface & management
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:18:59 +0800
parents 138d82f64b6f
children e24e080e6b16
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/plugins/plugin_misc_cs.py	Sat Jun 26 15:33:16 2010 +0800
+++ b/plugins/plugin_misc_cs.py	Mon Jun 28 15:18:59 2010 +0800
@@ -74,9 +74,11 @@
         host.importMenu(_("Plugin"), "CouchSurfing", self.menuSelected, help_string = _("Launch CoushSurfing mangement interface"))
         self.data=self.host.memory.getPrivate('plugin_cs_data') or {} #TODO: delete cookies/data after a while
+        self.host.registerGeneralCB("plugin_CS_sendMessage", self.sendMessage)
     def erroCB(self, e, id):
         """Called when something is going wrong when contacting CS website"""
+        #pdb.set_trace()
         message_data={"reason": "connection error", "message":_(u"Impossible to contact CS website, please check your login/password, connection or try again later")}
         self.host.bridge.actionResult("ERROR", id, message_data)
@@ -101,13 +103,13 @@
-        f = open('/home/goffi/tmp/CS_principale.html','r')
+        """f = open('/home/goffi/tmp/CS_principale.html','r')
         html = f.read()
-        self.__connectionCB(html, id, profile)
+        self.__connectionCB(html, id, profile)"""
-        """d = getPage('http://www.couchsurfing.org/login.html', method='POST', postdata=post_data, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} , agent=AGENT, cookies=self.data[profile]['cookies'])
+        d = getPage('http://www.couchsurfing.org/login.html', method='POST', postdata=post_data, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} , agent=AGENT, cookies=self.data[profile]['cookies'])
         d.addCallback(self.__connectionCB, id, profile)
-        d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id)"""
+        d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id)
     #self.host.bridge.actionResult("SUPPRESS", id, {})
@@ -159,10 +161,18 @@
         unread_CR_mess = data['unread_CR_messages']
         friends_list = data['friends'].keys()
-        interface = XMLUI('window','tabs')
+        interface = XMLUI('window','tabs', title='CouchSurfing management')
         interface.addCategory(_("Messages"), "vertical")
-        interface.addText(_("G'day %(name)s, you have %(nb_message)i unread message%(plural_mess)s and %(unread_CR_mess)s unread couch request message%(plural_CR)s") % {'name':user_name, 'nb_message':unread_mess, 'plural_mess':'s' if unread_mess>1 else '', 'unread_CR_mess': unread_CR_mess, 'plural_CR':'s' if unread_CR_mess>1 else ''})
-        interface.addList(friends_list, 'friends')
+        interface.addText(_("G'day %(name)s, you have %(nb_message)i unread message%(plural_mess)s and %(unread_CR_mess)s unread couch request message%(plural_CR)s\nIf you want to send a message, select the recipient(s) in the list below") % {'name':user_name, 'nb_message':unread_mess, 'plural_mess':'s' if unread_mess>1 else '', 'unread_CR_mess': unread_CR_mess, 'plural_CR':'s' if unread_CR_mess>1 else ''})
+        interface.addList(friends_list, 'friends', style=['multi'])
+        interface.changeLayout('pairs')
+        interface.addLabel(_("Subject"))
+        interface.addString('subject')
+        interface.changeLayout('vertical')
+        interface.addLabel(_("Message"))
+        interface.addText("(use %name% for contact name and %firstname% for guessed first name)")
+        interface.addTextBox('message')
+        interface.addButton('plugin_CS_sendMessage', 'sendMessage', _('send'), fields_back=['friends','subject','message'])
         interface.addCategory(_("Events"), "vertical")
         interface.addCategory(_("Couch search"), "vertical")
         return interface.toXml()
@@ -173,7 +183,7 @@
     def __friendsPageCB(self, html, id, profile):
         """Called when the friends list page has been received"""
-        soup = BeautifulSoup(html.replace('"formtable width="400','"formtable" width="400"'))
+        soup = BeautifulSoup(html.replace('"formtable width="400','"formtable" width="400"')) #CS html fix #TODO: report the bug to CS dev team
         friends = self.data[profile]['friends']
         for _tr in soup.findAll('tr', {'class':re.compile("^msgRow*")}): #we parse the row with friends infos
             _nobr = _tr.find('nobr')  #contain the friend name
@@ -196,8 +206,61 @@
             self.host.bridge.actionResult("XMLUI", id, {"type":"window", "xml":self.__buildUI(self.data[profile])})
             #and save the data
             self.host.memory.setPrivate('plugin_cs_data', self.data)
+    def __sendMessage(self, answer, subject, message, data, recipient_list, id, profile):
+        """Send actually the message
+        @param subject: subject of the message
+        @param message: body of the message
+        @param data: data of the profile
+        @param recipient_list: list of friends names, names are removed once message is sent
+        @param id: id of the action
+        @param profile: profile who launched the action
+        """
+        if answer:
+            if not 'Here is a copy of the email that was sent' in answer:
+                error(_("INTERNAL ERROR: no confirmation of message sent by CS, maybe the site has been modified ?"))
+                #TODO: throw a warning to the frontend, saying that maybe the message has not been sent and to contact dev of this plugin
+            #debug(_('HTML answer: %s') % answer)
+        if recipient_list:
+            recipient = recipient_list.pop()
+            try:
+                friend_id = data['friends'][recipient]['id']
+            except KeyError:
+                error('INTERNAL ERROR: unknown friend')
+                return  #send an error to the frontend
+            mess = message.replace('%name%',recipient).replace('%firstname%',recipient.split(' ')[0])
+            info(_('Sending message to %s') % recipient)
+            debug(_("\nsubject: %(subject)s\nmessage: \n---\n%(message)s\n---\n\n") % {'subject':subject,'message':mess})
+            post_data = urllib.urlencode({'email[subject]':subject.encode('utf-8'),'email[body]':mess.encode('utf-8'),'email[id]':friend_id,'email[action]':'Send Message','email[replied_id]':'','email[couchsurf]':'','email[directions_to_add]':''})
+            d = getPage("http://www.couchsurfing.org/send_message.html", method='POST', postdata=post_data, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} , agent=AGENT, cookies=data['cookies'])
+            d.addCallback(self.__sendMessage, subject, message, data, recipient_list, id, profile)
+            d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id)
+        else:
+            interface = XMLUI('window', title=_('Message sent')) #TODO: create particular actionResult for alerts ?
+            interface.addText(_('The message has been sent to every recipients'))
+            self.host.bridge.actionResult("XMLUI", id, {"type":"window", "xml":interface.toXml()})
+    def sendMessage(self, id, data, profile):
+        """Called to send a message to a friend
+        @param data: dict with the following keys:
+            friend: name of the recipient
+            subject: subject of the message
+            message: body of the message, with the following special keywords:
+                - %name%: name of the friend
+                - %firstname%: guessed first name of the friend (currently the first part of the name)
+        """
+        if not data['friends']:
+            message_data={"reason": "bad data", "message":_(u"There is not recipient selected for this message !")}
+            self.host.bridge.actionResult("ERROR", id, message_data)
+            return
+        friends = data['friends'].split('\t')
+        subject = data['subject']
+        message = data['message']
+        print "send message \o/ :) :) :)"
+        info(_("sending message to %(friends)s with subject [%(subject)s]" % {'friends':friends, 'subject':subject}))
+        self.__sendMessage(None, subject, message, self.data[profile], friends, id, profile)