diff src/core/sat_main.py @ 1955:633b5c21aefd

backend, frontend: messages refactoring (huge commit, not finished): /!\ database schema has been modified, do a backup before updating message have been refactored, here are the main changes: - languages are now handled - all messages have an uid (internal to SàT) - message updating is anticipated - subject is now first class - new naming scheme is used newMessage => messageNew, getHistory => historyGet, sendMessage => messageSend - minimal compatibility refactoring in quick_frontend/Primitivus, better refactoring should follow - threads handling - delayed messages are saved into history - info messages may also be saved in history (e.g. to keep track of people joining/leaving a room) - duplicate messages should be avoided - historyGet return messages in right order, no need to sort again - plugins have been updated to follow new features, some of them need to be reworked (e.g. OTR) - XEP-0203 (Delayed Delivery) is now fully handled in core, the plugin just handle disco and creation of a delay element - /!\ jp and Libervia are currently broken, as some features of Primitivus It has been put in one huge commit to avoid breaking messaging between changes. This is the main part of message refactoring, other commits will follow to take profit of the new features/behaviour.
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Tue, 24 May 2016 22:11:04 +0200
parents 2daf7b4c6756
children a2bc5089c2eb
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/core/sat_main.py	Mon Apr 18 18:35:19 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/core/sat_main.py	Tue May 24 22:11:04 2016 +0200
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 import sys
 import os.path
 import uuid
+import time
     from collections import OrderedDict # only available from python 2.7
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
         self.bridge.register("getPresenceStatuses", self.memory._getPresenceStatuses)
         self.bridge.register("getWaitingSub", self.memory.getWaitingSub)
         self.bridge.register("getWaitingConf", self.getWaitingConf)
-        self.bridge.register("sendMessage", self._sendMessage)
+        self.bridge.register("messageSend", self._messageSend)
         self.bridge.register("getConfig", self._getConfig)
         self.bridge.register("setParam", self.setParam)
         self.bridge.register("getParamA", self.memory.getStringParamA)
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@
         self.bridge.register("getParamsUI", self.memory.getParamsUI)
         self.bridge.register("getParamsCategories", self.memory.getParamsCategories)
         self.bridge.register("paramsRegisterApp", self.memory.paramsRegisterApp)
-        self.bridge.register("getHistory", self.memory.getHistory)
+        self.bridge.register("historyGet", self.memory.historyGet)
         self.bridge.register("setPresence", self._setPresence)
         self.bridge.register("subscription", self.subscription)
         self.bridge.register("addContact", self._addContact)
@@ -527,74 +528,123 @@
             ret.append((conf_id, conf_type, data))
         return ret
-    def generateMessageXML(self, mess_data):
-        mess_data['xml'] = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
-        mess_data['xml']["to"] = mess_data["to"].full()
-        mess_data['xml']["from"] = mess_data['from'].full()
-        mess_data['xml']["type"] = mess_data["type"]
-        mess_data['xml']['id'] = str(uuid4())
-        if mess_data["subject"]:
-            mess_data['xml'].addElement("subject", None, mess_data['subject'])
-        if mess_data["message"]: # message without body are used to send chat states
-            mess_data['xml'].addElement("body", None, mess_data["message"])
-        return mess_data
+    def generateMessageXML(self, data):
+        """Generate <message/> stanza from message data
-    def _sendMessage(self, to_s, msg, subject=None, mess_type='auto', extra={}, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        to_jid = jid.JID(to_s)
-        #XXX: we need to use the dictionary comprehension because D-Bus return its own types, and pickle can't manage them. TODO: Need to find a better way
-        return self.sendMessage(to_jid, msg, subject, mess_type, {unicode(key): unicode(value) for key, value in extra.items()}, profile_key=profile_key)
+        @param data(dict): message data
+            domish element will be put in data['xml']
+            following keys are needed:
+                - from
+                - to
+                - uid: can be set to '' if uid attribute is not wanted
+                - message
+                - type
+                - subject
+                - extra
+        @return (dict) message data
+        """
+        data['xml'] = message_elt = domish.Element((None, 'message'))
+        message_elt["to"] = data["to"].full()
+        message_elt["from"] = data['from'].full()
+        message_elt["type"] = data["type"]
+        if data['uid']: # key must be present but can be set to ''
+                        # by a plugin to avoid id on purpose
+            message_elt['id'] = data['uid']
+        for lang, subject in data["subject"].iteritems():
+            subject_elt = message_elt.addElement("subject", content=subject)
+            if lang:
+                subject_elt['xml:lang'] = lang
+        for lang, message in data["message"].iteritems():
+            body_elt = message_elt.addElement("body", content=message)
+            if lang:
+                body_elt['xml:lang'] = lang
+        try:
+            thread = data['extra']['thread']
+        except KeyError:
+            if 'thread_parent' in data['extra']:
+                raise exceptions.InternalError(u"thread_parent found while there is not associated thread")
+        else:
+            thread_elt = message_elt.addElement("thread", content=thread)
+            try:
+                thread_elt["parent"] = data["extra"]["thread_parent"]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        return data
-    def sendMessage(self, to_jid, msg, subject=None, mess_type='auto', extra={}, no_trigger=False, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
-        #FIXME: check validity of recipient
-        profile = self.memory.getProfileName(profile_key)
-        assert profile
-        client = self.profiles[profile]
+    def _messageSend(self, to_jid_s, message, subject=None, mess_type='auto', extra=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        client = self.getClient(profile_key)
+        to_jid = jid.JID(to_jid_s)
+        #XXX: we need to use the dictionary comprehension because D-Bus return its own types, and pickle can't manage them. TODO: Need to find a better way
+        return self.messageSend(client, to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, {unicode(key): unicode(value) for key, value in extra.items()})
+    def messageSend(self, client, to_jid, message, subject=None, mess_type='auto', extra=None, uid=None, no_trigger=False):
+        """Send a message to an entity
+        @param to_jid(jid.JID): destinee of the message
+        @param message(dict): message body, key is the language (use '' when unknown)
+        @param subject(dict): message subject, key is the language (use '' when unknown)
+        @param mess_type(str): one of standard message type (cf RFC 6121 §5.2.2) or:
+            - auto: for automatic type detection
+            - info: for information ("info_type" can be specified in extra)
+        @param extra(dict, None): extra data. Key can be:
+            - info_type: information type, can be
+                TODO
+        @param uid(unicode, None): unique id:
+            should be unique at least in this XMPP session
+            if None, an uuid will be generated
+        @param no_trigger (bool): if True, messageSend trigger will no be used
+            useful when a message need to be sent without any modification
+        """
+        profile = client.profile
+        if subject is None:
+            subject = {}
         if extra is None:
             extra = {}
-        mess_data = {  # we put data in a dict, so trigger methods can change them
+        data = {  # dict is similar to the one used in client.onMessage
+            "from": client.jid,
             "to": to_jid,
-            "from": client.jid,
-            "message": msg,
+            "uid": uid or unicode(uuid.uuid4()),
+            "message": message,
             "subject": subject,
             "type": mess_type,
             "extra": extra,
+            "timestamp": time.time(),
         pre_xml_treatments = defer.Deferred() # XXX: plugin can add their pre XML treatments to this deferred
         post_xml_treatments = defer.Deferred() # XXX: plugin can add their post XML treatments to this deferred
-        if mess_data["type"] == "auto":
+        if data["type"] == "auto":
             # we try to guess the type
-            if mess_data["subject"]:
-                mess_data["type"] = 'normal'
-            elif not mess_data["to"].resource:  # if to JID has a resource, the type is not 'groupchat'
+            if data["subject"]:
+                data["type"] = 'normal'
+            elif not data["to"].resource:  # if to JID has a resource, the type is not 'groupchat'
                 # we may have a groupchat message, we check if the we know this jid
-                    entity_type = self.memory.getEntityData(mess_data["to"], ['type'], profile)["type"]
+                    entity_type = self.memory.getEntityData(data["to"], ['type'], profile)["type"]
                     #FIXME: should entity_type manage resources ?
                 except (exceptions.UnknownEntityError, KeyError):
                     entity_type = "contact"
                 if entity_type == "chatroom":
-                    mess_data["type"] = 'groupchat'
+                    data["type"] = 'groupchat'
-                    mess_data["type"] = 'chat'
+                    data["type"] = 'chat'
-                mess_data["type"] == 'chat'
-            mess_data["type"] == "chat" if mess_data["subject"] else "normal"
+                data["type"] == 'chat'
+            data["type"] == "chat" if data["subject"] else "normal"
-        send_only = mess_data['extra'].get('send_only', None)
+        # FIXME: send_only is used by libervia's OTR plugin to avoid
+        #        the triggers from frontend, and no_trigger do the same
+        #        thing internally, this could be unified
+        send_only = data['extra'].get('send_only', None)
         if not no_trigger and not send_only:
-            if not self.trigger.point("sendMessage", mess_data, pre_xml_treatments, post_xml_treatments, profile):
+            if not self.trigger.point("messageSend", client, data, pre_xml_treatments, post_xml_treatments):
                 return defer.succeed(None)
-        log.debug(_(u"Sending message (type {type}, to {to})").format(type=mess_data["type"], to=to_jid.full()))
+        log.debug(_(u"Sending message (type {type}, to {to})").format(type=data["type"], to=to_jid.full()))
-        def cancelErrorTrap(failure):
-            """A message sending can be cancelled by a plugin treatment"""
-            failure.trap(exceptions.CancelError)
-        pre_xml_treatments.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.generateMessageXML(mess_data))
+        pre_xml_treatments.addCallback(lambda dummy: self.generateMessageXML(data))
         post_xml_treatments.addCallback(self._sendMessageToStream, client)
         if send_only:
@@ -602,58 +652,53 @@
             post_xml_treatments.addCallback(self._storeMessage, client)
             post_xml_treatments.addCallback(self.sendMessageToBridge, client)
-            post_xml_treatments.addErrback(cancelErrorTrap)
-        pre_xml_treatments.callback(mess_data)
+            post_xml_treatments.addErrback(self._cancelErrorTrap)
+        pre_xml_treatments.callback(data)
         return pre_xml_treatments
-    def _sendMessageToStream(self, mess_data, client):
+    def _cancelErrorTrap(failure):
+        """A message sending can be cancelled by a plugin treatment"""
+        failure.trap(exceptions.CancelError)
+    def _sendMessageToStream(self, data, client):
         """Actualy send the message to the server
-        @param mess_data: message data dictionnary
+        @param data: message data dictionnary
         @param client: profile's client
-        client.xmlstream.send(mess_data['xml'])
-        return mess_data
+        client.xmlstream.send(data['xml'])
+        return data
-    def _storeMessage(self, mess_data, client):
+    def _storeMessage(self, data, client):
         """Store message into database (for local history)
-        @param mess_data: message data dictionnary
+        @param data: message data dictionnary
         @param client: profile's client
-        if mess_data["type"] != "groupchat":
+        if data["type"] != C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT:
             # we don't add groupchat message to history, as we get them back
             # and they will be added then
-            if mess_data['message']: # we need a message to save something
-                self.memory.addToHistory(client.jid, mess_data['to'],
-                                     unicode(mess_data["message"]),
-                                     unicode(mess_data["type"]),
-                                     mess_data['extra'],
-                                     profile=client.profile)
+            if data['message']: # we need a message to save something
+                self.memory.addToHistory(client, data)
-               log.warning(_("No message found")) # empty body should be managed by plugins before this point
-        return mess_data
+               log.warning(u"No message found") # empty body should be managed by plugins before this point
+        return data
-    def sendMessageToBridge(self, mess_data, client):
+    def sendMessageToBridge(self, data, client):
         """Send message to bridge, so frontends can display it
-        @param mess_data: message data dictionnary
+        @param data: message data dictionnary
         @param client: profile's client
-        if mess_data["type"] != "groupchat":
-            # we don't send groupchat message back to bridge, as we get them back
+        if data["type"] != C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT:
+            # we don't send groupchat message to bridge, as we get them back
             # and they will be added the
-            if mess_data['message']: # we need a message to save something
-                # We send back the message, so all clients are aware of it
-                self.bridge.newMessage(mess_data['from'].full(),
-                                       unicode(mess_data["message"]),
-                                       mess_type=mess_data["type"],
-                                       to_jid=mess_data['to'].full(),
-                                       extra=mess_data['extra'],
-                                       profile=client.profile)
+            if data['message']: # we need a message to send something
+                # We send back the message, so all frontends are aware of it
+                self.bridge.messageNew(data['uid'], data['timestamp'], data['from'].full(), data['to'].full(), data['message'], data['subject'], data['type'], data['extra'], profile=client.profile)
                log.warning(_("No message found"))
-        return mess_data
+        return data
     def _setPresence(self, to="", show="", statuses=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
         return self.setPresence(jid.JID(to) if to else None, show, statuses, profile_key)