diff sat/plugins/plugin_misc_identity.py @ 3254:6cf4bd6972c2

core, frontends: avatar refactoring: /!\ huge commit Avatar logic has been reworked around the IDENTITY plugin: plugins able to handle avatar or other identity related metadata (like nicknames) register to IDENTITY plugin in the same way as for other features like download/upload. Once registered, IDENTITY plugin will call them when suitable in order of priority, and handle caching. Methods to manage those metadata from frontend now use serialised data. For now `avatar` and `nicknames` are handled: - `avatar` is now a dict with `path` + metadata like `media_type`, instead of just a string path - `nicknames` is now a list of nicknames in order of priority. This list is never empty, and `nicknames[0]` should be the preferred nickname to use by frontends in most cases. In addition to contact specified nicknames, user set nickname (the one set in roster) is used in priority when available. Among the side changes done with this commit, there are: - a new `contactGet` bridge method to get roster metadata for a single contact - SatPresenceProtocol.send returns a Deferred to check when it has actually been sent - memory's methods to handle entities data now use `client` as first argument - metadata filter can be specified with `getIdentity` - `getAvatar` and `setAvatar` are now part of the IDENTITY plugin instead of XEP-0054 (and there signature has changed) - `isRoom` and `getBareOrFull` are now part of XEP-0045 plugin - jp avatar/get command uses `xdg-open` first when available for `--show` flag - `--no-cache` has been added to jp avatar/get and identity/get - jp identity/set has been simplified, explicit options (`--nickname` only for now) are used instead of `--field`. `--field` may come back in the future if necessary for extra data. - QuickContactList `SetContact` now handle None as a value, and doesn't use it to delete the metadata anymore - improved cache handling for `metadata` and `nicknames` in quick frontend - new `default` argument in QuickContactList `getCache`
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:00:33 +0200
parents 559a625a236b
children 704dada41df0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/sat/plugins/plugin_misc_identity.py	Tue Apr 14 20:36:24 2020 +0200
+++ b/sat/plugins/plugin_misc_identity.py	Tue Apr 14 21:00:33 2020 +0200
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# SAT plugin for managing xep-0054
 # Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot (linkmauve@linkmauve.fr)
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
@@ -18,15 +15,21 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from collections import namedtuple
+from pathlib import Path
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
 from sat.core.i18n import _
 from sat.core.constants import Const as C
 from sat.core import exceptions
 from sat.core.log import getLogger
+from sat.memory import persistent
+from sat.tools import image
+from sat.tools import utils
+from sat.tools.common import data_format
 log = getLogger(__name__)
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
-import os.path
@@ -34,95 +37,529 @@
     C.PI_PROTOCOLS: [],
-    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0054"],
     C.PI_MAIN: "Identity",
     C.PI_HANDLER: "no",
     C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Identity manager"""),
+Callback = namedtuple("Callback", ("get", "set", "priority"))
-class Identity(object):
+class Identity:
     def __init__(self, host):
         log.info(_("Plugin Identity initialization"))
         self.host = host
-        self._v = host.plugins["XEP-0054"]
+        self._m = host.plugins.get("XEP-0045")
+        self.metadata = {
+            "avatar": {
+                "type": dict,
+                # convert avatar path to avatar metadata (and check validity)
+                "set_data_filter": self.avatarSetDataFilter,
+                # update profile avatar, so all frontends are aware
+                "set_post_treatment": self.avatarSetPostTreatment,
+                "update_is_new_data": self.avatarUpdateIsNewData,
+                "update_data_filter": self.avatarUpdateDataFilter,
+                # we store the metadata in database, to restore it on next connection
+                # (it is stored only for roster entities)
+                "store": True,
+            },
+            "nicknames": {
+                "type": list,
+                # accumulate all nicknames from all callbacks in a list instead
+                # of returning only the data from the first successful callback
+                "get_all": True,
+                # append nicknames from roster, resource, etc.
+                "get_post_treatment": self.nicknamesGetPostTreatment,
+                "update_is_new_data": self.nicknamesUpdateIsNewData,
+                "store": True,
+            },
+        }
+        host.trigger.add("roster_update", self._rosterUpdateTrigger)
+        host.memory.setSignalOnUpdate("avatar")
+        host.memory.setSignalOnUpdate("nicknames")
-            in_sign="ss",
-            out_sign="a{ss}",
+            in_sign="sasbs",
+            out_sign="s",
-            in_sign="a{ss}s",
+            in_sign="ss",
+        host.bridge.addMethod(
+            "avatarGet",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sbs",
+            out_sign="s",
+            method=self._getAvatar,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.addMethod(
+            "avatarSet",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._setAvatar,
+            async_=True,
+        )
-    def _getIdentity(self, jid_str, profile):
-        jid_ = jid.JID(jid_str)
+    async def profileConnecting(self, client):
+        # we restore known identities from database
+        client._identity_storage = persistent.LazyPersistentBinaryDict(
+            "identity", client.profile)
+        stored_data = await client._identity_storage.all()
+        self.host.memory.storage.getPrivates(
+            namespace="identity", binary=True, profile=client.profile)
+        to_delete = []
+        for key, value in stored_data.items():
+            entity_s, name = key.split('\n')
+            if name not in self.metadata.keys():
+                log.debug(f"removing {key} from storage: not an allowed metadata name")
+                to_delete.append(key)
+                continue
+            entity = jid.JID(entity_s)
+            if name == 'avatar':
+                if value is not None:
+                    try:
+                        cache_uid = value['cache_uid']
+                        if not cache_uid:
+                            raise ValueError
+                    except (ValueError, KeyError):
+                        log.warning(
+                            f"invalid data for {entity} avatar, it will be deleted: "
+                            f"{value}")
+                        to_delete.append(key)
+                        continue
+                    cache = self.host.common_cache.getMetadata(cache_uid)
+                    if cache is None:
+                        log.debug(
+                            f"purging avatar for {entity}: it is not in cache anymore")
+                        to_delete.append(key)
+                        continue
+            self.host.memory.updateEntityData(
+                client, entity, name, value, silent=True
+            )
+        for key in to_delete:
+            await client._identity_storage.adel(key)
+    def _rosterUpdateTrigger(self, client, roster_item):
+        old_item = client.roster.getItem(roster_item.jid)
+        if old_item is None or old_item.name != roster_item.name:
+            log.debug(
+                f"roster nickname has been updated to {roster_item.name!r} for "
+                f"{roster_item.jid}"
+            )
+            defer.ensureDeferred(
+                self.update(
+                    client,
+                    "nicknames",
+                    [roster_item.name],
+                    roster_item.jid
+                )
+            )
+        return True
+    def register(self, metadata_name, cb_get, cb_set, priority=0):
+        """Register callbacks to handle identity metadata
+        @param metadata_name(str): name of metadata can be:
+            - avatar
+            - nicknames
+        @param cb_get(coroutine, Deferred): method to retrieve a metadata
+            the method will get client and metadata names to retrieve as arguments.
+        @param cb_set(coroutine, Deferred): method to set a metadata
+            the method will get client, metadata name to set, and value as argument.
+        @param priority(int): priority of this method for the given metadata.
+            methods with bigger priorities will be called first
+        """
+        if not metadata_name in self.metadata.keys():
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid metadata_name: {metadata_name!r}")
+        callback = Callback(get=cb_get, set=cb_set, priority=priority)
+        cb_list = self.metadata[metadata_name].setdefault('callbacks', [])
+        cb_list.append(callback)
+        cb_list.sort(key=lambda c: c.priority, reverse=True)
+    def getIdentityJid(self, client, peer_jid):
+        """Return jid to use to set identity metadata
+        if it's a jid of a room occupant, full jid will be used
+        otherwise bare jid will be used
+        if None, bare jid of profile will be used
+        @return (jid.JID): jid to use for avatar
+        """
+        if peer_jid is None:
+            return client.jid.userhostJID()
+        if self._m is None:
+            return peer_jid.userhostJID()
+        else:
+            return self._m.getBareOrFull(client, peer_jid)
+    def checkType(self, metadata_name, value):
+        """Check that type used for a metadata is the one declared in self.metadata"""
+        value_type = self.metadata[metadata_name]["type"]
+        if not isinstance(value, value_type):
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"{value} has wrong type: it is {type(value)} while {value_type} was "
+                f"expected")
+    async def get(self, client, metadata_name, entity, use_cache=True):
+        """Retrieve identity metadata of an entity
+        if metadata is already in cache, it is returned. Otherwise, registered callbacks
+        will be tried in priority order (bigger to lower)
+        @param metadata_name(str): name of the metadata
+            must be one of self.metadata key
+            the name will also be used as entity data name in host.memory
+        @param entity(jid.JID, None): entity for which avatar is requested
+            None to use profile's jid
+        @param use_cache(bool): if False, cache won't be checked
+        """
+        entity = self.getIdentityJid(client, entity)
+        try:
+            metadata = self.metadata[metadata_name]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid metadata name: {metadata_name!r}")
+        get_all = metadata.get('get_all', False)
+        if use_cache:
+            try:
+                data = self.host.memory.getEntityDatum(
+                    client, entity, metadata_name)
+            except (KeyError, exceptions.UnknownEntityError):
+                pass
+            else:
+                return data
+        try:
+            callbacks = metadata['callbacks']
+        except KeyError:
+            log.warning(_("No callback registered for {metadata_name}")
+                        .format(metadata_name=metadata_name))
+            return [] if get_all else None
+        if get_all:
+            all_data = []
+        for callback in callbacks:
+            try:
+                data = await defer.ensureDeferred(callback.get(client, entity))
+            except exceptions.CancelError:
+                continue
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.warning(
+                    _("Error while trying to get {metadata_name} with {callback}: {e}")
+                    .format(callback=callback.get, metadata_name=metadata_name, e=e))
+            else:
+                if data:
+                    self.checkType(metadata_name, data)
+                    if get_all:
+                        all_data.extend(data)
+                    else:
+                        break
+        else:
+            data = None
+        if get_all:
+            data = all_data
+        post_treatment = metadata.get("get_post_treatment")
+        if post_treatment is not None:
+            data = await utils.asDeferred(post_treatment, client, entity, data)
+        self.host.memory.updateEntityData(
+            client, entity, metadata_name, data)
+        if metadata.get('store', False):
+            key = f"{entity}\n{metadata_name}"
+            await client._identity_storage.aset(key, data)
+        return data
+    async def set(self, client, metadata_name, data, entity=None):
+        """Set identity metadata for an entity
+        Registered callbacks will be tried in priority order (bigger to lower)
+        @param metadata_name(str): name of the metadata
+            must be one of self.metadata key
+            the name will also be used to set entity data in host.memory
+        @param data(object): value to set
+        @param entity(jid.JID, None): entity for which avatar is requested
+            None to use profile's jid
+        """
+        entity = self.getIdentityJid(client, entity)
+        metadata = self.metadata[metadata_name]
+        data_filter = metadata.get("set_data_filter")
+        if data_filter is not None:
+            data = await utils.asDeferred(data_filter, client, entity, data)
+        self.checkType(metadata_name, data)
+        try:
+            callbacks = metadata['callbacks']
+        except KeyError:
+            log.warning(_("No callback registered for {metadata_name}")
+                        .format(metadata_name=metadata_name))
+            return exceptions.FeatureNotFound(f"Can't set {metadata_name} for {entity}")
+        for callback in callbacks:
+            try:
+                await defer.ensureDeferred(callback.set(client, data, entity))
+            except exceptions.CancelError:
+                continue
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.warning(
+                    _("Error while trying to set {metadata_name} with {callback}: {e}")
+                    .format(callback=callback.set, metadata_name=metadata_name, e=e))
+            else:
+                break
+        else:
+            raise exceptions.FeatureNotFound(f"Can't set {metadata_name} for {entity}")
+        post_treatment = metadata.get("set_post_treatment")
+        if post_treatment is not None:
+            await utils.asDeferred(post_treatment, client, entity, data)
+    async def update(self, client, metadata_name, data, entity):
+        """Update a metadata in cache
+        This method may be called by plugins when an identity metadata is available.
+        """
+        entity = self.getIdentityJid(client, entity)
+        metadata = self.metadata[metadata_name]
+        try:
+            cached_data = self.host.memory.getEntityDatum(
+                client, entity, metadata_name)
+        except (KeyError, exceptions.UnknownEntityError):
+            # metadata is not cached, we do the update
+            pass
+        else:
+            # metadata is cached, we check if the new value differs from the cached one
+            try:
+                update_is_new_data = metadata["update_is_new_data"]
+            except KeyError:
+                update_is_new_data = self.defaultUpdateIsNewData
+            if not update_is_new_data(client, entity, cached_data, data):
+                if cached_data is None:
+                    log.debug(
+                        f"{metadata_name} for {entity} is already disabled, nothing to "
+                        f"do")
+                else:
+                    log.debug(
+                        f"{metadata_name} for {entity} is already in cache, nothing to "
+                        f"do")
+                return
+        # we can't use the cache, so we do the update
+        log.debug(f"updating {metadata_name} for {entity}")
+        if metadata.get('get_all', False):
+            # get_all is set, meaning that we have to check all plugins
+            # so we first delete current cache
+            self.host.memory.delEntityDatum(client, entity, metadata_name)
+            # then fill it again by calling get, which will retrieve all values
+            await self.get(client, metadata_name, entity)
+            return
+        if data is not None:
+            data_filter = metadata['update_data_filter']
+            if data_filter is not None:
+                data = await utils.asDeferred(data_filter, client, entity, data)
+            self.checkType(metadata_name, data)
+        self.host.memory.updateEntityData(client, entity, metadata_name, data)
+        if metadata.get('store', False):
+            key = f"{entity}\n{metadata_name}"
+            await client._identity_storage.aset(key, data)
+    def defaultUpdateIsNewData(self, client, entity, cached_data, new_data):
+        return new_data != cached_data
+    def _getAvatar(self, entity, use_cache, profile):
         client = self.host.getClient(profile)
-        return self.getIdentity(client, jid_)
+        entity = jid.JID(entity) if entity else None
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(self.get(client, "avatar", entity, use_cache))
+        d.addCallback(lambda data: data_format.serialise(data))
+        return d
+    def _setAvatar(self, file_path, entity, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
+        client = self.host.getClient(profile_key)
+        entity = jid.JID(entity) if entity else None
+        return defer.ensureDeferred(
+            self.set(client, "avatar", file_path, entity))
+    async def avatarSetDataFilter(self, client, entity, file_path):
+        """Convert avatar file path to dict data"""
+        file_path = Path(file_path)
+        if not file_path.is_file():
+            raise ValueError(f"There is no file at {file_path} to use as avatar")
+        avatar_data = {
+            'path': file_path,
+            'media_type': image.guess_type(file_path),
+        }
+        media_type = avatar_data['media_type']
+        if media_type is None:
+            raise ValueError(f"Can't identify type of image at {file_path}")
+        if not media_type.startswith('image/'):
+            raise ValueError(f"File at {file_path} doesn't appear to be an image")
+        return avatar_data
+    async def avatarSetPostTreatment(self, client, entity, avatar_data):
+        """Update our own avatar"""
+        await self.update(client, "avatar", avatar_data, entity)
+    def avatarBuildMetadata(self, path, media_type=None, cache_uid=None):
+        """Helper method to generate avatar metadata
+        @param path(str, Path, None): path to avatar file
+            avatar file must be in cache
+            None if avatar is explicitely not set
+        @param media_type(str, None): type of the avatar file (MIME type)
+        @param cache_uid(str, None): UID of avatar in cache
+        @return (dict, None): avatar metadata
+            None if avatar is not set
+        """
+        if path is None:
+            return None
+        else:
+            if cache_uid is None:
+                raise ValueError("cache_uid must be set if path is set")
+            path = Path(path)
+            if media_type is None:
+                media_type = image.guess_type(path)
+            return {
+                "path": path,
+                "media_type": media_type,
+                "cache_uid": cache_uid,
+            }
+    def avatarUpdateIsNewData(self, client, entity, cached_data, file_path):
+        if cached_data is None:
+            return file_path is not None
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def getIdentity(self, client, jid_):
+        if file_path is not None and file_path == cached_data['path']:
+            if file_path is None:
+                log.debug(
+                    f"Avatar is already disabled for {entity}, nothing to do")
+            else:
+                log.debug(
+                    f"Avatar at {file_path} is already used by {entity}, nothing "
+                    f"to do")
+            return
+    async def avatarUpdateDataFilter(self, client, entity, data):
+        if not isinstance(data, dict):
+            raise ValueError(f"Invalid data type ({type(data)}), a dict is expected")
+        mandatory_keys = {'path', 'cache_uid'}
+        if not data.keys() >= mandatory_keys:
+            raise ValueError(f"missing avatar data keys: {mandatory_keys - data.keys()}")
+        return data
+    async def nicknamesGetPostTreatment(self, client, entity, plugin_nicknames):
+        """Prepend nicknames from core locations + set default nickname
+        nicknames are checked from many locations, there is always at least
+        one nickname. First nickname of the list can be used in priority.
+        Nicknames are appended in this order:
+            - roster, plugins set nicknames
+            - if no nickname is found, user part of jid is then used, or bare jid
+              if there is no user part.
+        For MUC, room nick is always put first
+        """
+        # we first check roster
+        nicknames = []
+        if entity.resource:
+            # getIdentityJid let the resource only if the entity is a MUC room
+            # occupant jid
+            nicknames.append(entity.resource)
+        roster_item = client.roster.getItem(entity.userhostJID())
+        if roster_item is not None and roster_item.name:
+            # user set name has priority over entity set name
+            nicknames.append(roster_item.name)
+        nicknames.extend(plugin_nicknames)
+        if not nicknames:
+            if entity.user:
+                nicknames.append(entity.user.capitalize())
+            else:
+                nicknames.append(entity.userhost())
+        # we remove duplicates while preserving order with dict
+        return list(dict.fromkeys(nicknames))
+    def nicknamesUpdateIsNewData(self, client, entity, cached_data, new_nicknames):
+        return not set(new_nicknames).issubset(cached_data)
+    def _getIdentity(self, entity_s, metadata_filter, use_cache, profile):
+        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)
+        client = self.host.getClient(profile)
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(
+            self.getIdentity(client, entity, metadata_filter, use_cache))
+        d.addCallback(lambda data: data_format.serialise(data))
+        return d
+    async def getIdentity(
+        self, client, entity=None, metadata_filter=None, use_cache=True):
         """Retrieve identity of an entity
-        @param jid_(jid.JID): entity to check
-        @return (dict(unicode, unicode)): identity data where key can be:
-            - nick: nickname of the entity
-                nickname is checked from, in this order:
-                    roster, vCard, user part of jid
-            cache is used when possible
+        @param entity(jid.JID, None): entity to check
+        @param metadata_filter(list[str], None): if not None or empty, only return
+            metadata in this filter
+        @param use_cache(bool): if False, cache won't be checked
+            should be True most of time, to avoid useless network requests
+        @return (dict): identity data
         id_data = {}
-        # we first check roster
-        roster_item = yield client.roster.getItem(jid_.userhostJID())
-        if roster_item is not None and roster_item.name:
-            id_data["nick"] = roster_item.name
-        elif jid_.resource and self._v.isRoom(client, jid_):
-            id_data["nick"] = jid_.resource
+        if not metadata_filter:
+            metadata_names = self.metadata.keys()
-            #  and finally then vcard
-            nick = yield self._v.getNick(client, jid_)
-            if nick:
-                id_data["nick"] = nick
-            elif jid_.user:
-                id_data["nick"] = jid_.user.capitalize()
-            else:
-                id_data["nick"] = jid_.userhost()
+            metadata_names = metadata_filter
-        try:
-            avatar_path = id_data["avatar"] = yield self._v.getAvatar(
-                client, jid_, cache_only=False
-            )
-        except exceptions.NotFound:
-            pass
-        else:
-            if avatar_path:
-                id_data["avatar_basename"] = os.path.basename(avatar_path)
-            else:
-                del id_data["avatar"]
+        for metadata_name in metadata_names:
+            id_data[metadata_name] = await self.get(
+                client, metadata_name, entity, use_cache)
+        return id_data
-        defer.returnValue(id_data)
-    def _setIdentity(self, id_data, profile):
+    def _setIdentity(self, id_data_s, profile):
         client = self.host.getClient(profile)
-        return self.setIdentity(client, id_data)
+        id_data = data_format.deserialise(id_data_s)
+        return defer.ensureDeferred(self.setIdentity(client, id_data))
-    def setIdentity(self, client, id_data):
+    async def setIdentity(self, client, id_data):
         """Update profile's identity
-        @param id_data(dict[unicode, unicode]): data to update, key can be:
-            - nick: nickname
-                the vCard will be updated
+        @param id_data(dict): data to update, key can be on of self.metadata keys
-        if list(id_data.keys()) != ["nick"]:
-            raise NotImplementedError("Only nick can be updated for now")
-        if "nick" in id_data:
-            return self._v.setNick(client, id_data["nick"])
+        if not id_data.keys() <= self.metadata.keys():
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Invalid metadata names: {id_data.keys() - self.metadata.keys()}")
+        for metadata_name, data in id_data.items():
+            try:
+                await self.set(client, metadata_name, data)
+            except Exception as e:
+                log.warning(
+                    _("Can't set metadata {metadata_name!r}: {reason}")
+                    .format(metadata_name=metadata_name, reason=e))