diff frontends/src/wix/chat.py @ 223:86d249b6d9b7

Files reorganisation
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 29 Dec 2010 01:06:29 +0100
parents frontends/wix/chat.py@31632472e857
children fd9b7834d98a
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/frontends/src/wix/chat.py	Wed Dec 29 01:06:29 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+wix: a SAT frontend
+Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import wx
+import os.path
+import time
+import pdb
+from logging import debug, info, error, warning
+from tools.jid  import JID
+from quick_frontend.quick_chat import QuickChat
+from contact_list import ContactList
+from card_game import CardPanel
+idSEND           = 1
+idTAROT          = 2
+class Chat(wx.Frame, QuickChat):
+    """The chat Window for one to one conversations"""
+    def __init__(self, target, host, type='one2one'):
+        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title=target, pos=(0,0), size=(400,200))
+        QuickChat.__init__(self, target, host, type) 
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
+        self.splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self, -1)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.splitter, 1, flag = wx.EXPAND)
+        self.conv_panel = wx.Panel(self.splitter)
+        self.conv_panel.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.subjectBox = wx.TextCtrl(self.conv_panel, -1, style = wx.TE_READONLY)
+        self.chatWindow = wx.TextCtrl(self.conv_panel, -1, style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_RICH | wx.TE_READONLY)
+        self.textBox = wx.TextCtrl(self.conv_panel, -1, style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+        self.conv_panel.sizer.Add(self.subjectBox, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        self.conv_panel.sizer.Add(self.chatWindow, 1, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        self.conv_panel.sizer.Add(self.textBox, 0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+        self.conv_panel.SetSizer(self.conv_panel.sizer)
+        self.splitter.Initialize(self.conv_panel)
+        self.SetMenuBar(wx.MenuBar())
+        #events
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose, self)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.onEnterPressed, self.textBox)
+        #fonts
+        self.font={}
+        self.font["points"] = self.chatWindow.GetFont().GetPointSize()
+        self.font["family"] = self.chatWindow.GetFont().GetFamily()
+        #misc
+        self.day_change = time.strptime(time.strftime("%a %b %d 00:00:00  %Y")) #struct_time of day changing time
+        self.setType(self.type)
+        self.textBox.SetFocus()
+        self.Hide() #We hide because of the show toggle
+    def __createPresents(self):
+        """Create a list of present people in a group chat"""
+        self.present_panel = wx.Panel(self.splitter)
+        self.present_panel.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.present_panel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.BLUE)
+        self.present_panel.presents = ContactList(self.present_panel, self.host, type='nicks')
+        self.present_panel.presents.SetMinSize(wx.Size(80,20))
+        self.present_panel.sizer.Add(self.present_panel.presents, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.present_panel.SetSizer(self.present_panel.sizer)
+        self.splitter.SplitVertically(self.present_panel, self.conv_panel, 80)
+    def setType(self, type):
+        QuickChat.setType(self, type)
+        if type is 'group' and not self.splitter.IsSplit():
+            self.__createPresents()
+            self.subjectBox.Show()
+            self.__eraseMenus()
+            self.__createMenus_group()
+            self.sizer.Layout()
+        elif type is 'one2one' and self.splitter.IsSplit():
+            self.splitter.Unsplit(self.present_panel)
+            del self.present_panel
+            self.GetMenuBar().Show()
+            self.subjectBox.Hide()
+            self.__eraseMenus()
+            self.__createMenus_O2O()
+            self.nick = None
+        else:
+            self.subjectBox.Hide()
+            self.__eraseMenus()
+            self.__createMenus_O2O()
+            self.historyPrint(profile=self.host.profile)
+    def startGame(self, game_type, referee, players):
+        """Configure the chat window to start a game"""
+        if game_type=="Tarot":
+            debug (_("configure chat window for Tarot game"))
+            self.tarot_panel = CardPanel(self, referee, players, self.nick)
+            self.sizer.Prepend(self.tarot_panel, 0, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+            self.sizer.Layout()
+            self.Fit()
+    def getGame(self, game_type):
+        """Return class managing the game type"""
+        #TODO: check that the game is launched, and manage errors
+        if game_type=="Tarot":
+            return self.tarot_panel 
+    def setPresents(self, nicks):
+        """Set the users presents in the contact list for a group chat
+        @param nicks: list of nicknames
+        """
+        QuickChat.setPresents(self, nicks)
+        for nick in nicks:
+            self.present_panel.presents.replace(nick)
+    def replaceUser(self, nick):
+        """Add user if it is not in the group list"""
+        debug (_("Replacing user %s") % nick)
+        if self.type != "group":
+            error (_("[INTERNAL] trying to replace user for a non group chat window"))
+            return
+        QuickChat.replaceUser(self, nick)
+        self.present_panel.presents.replace(nick)
+    def removeUser(self, nick):
+        """Remove a user from the group list"""
+        QuickChat.removeUser(self, nick)
+        self.present_panel.presents.remove(nick)
+    def setSubject(self, subject):
+        """Set title for a group chat"""
+        QuickChat.setSubject(self, subject)
+        self.subjectBox.SetValue(subject)
+    def __eraseMenus(self):
+        """erase all menus"""
+        menuBar = self.GetMenuBar()
+        for i in range(menuBar.GetMenuCount()):
+            menuBar.Remove(i)
+    def __createMenus_O2O(self):
+        """create menu bar for one 2 one chat"""
+        info("Creating menus")
+        self.__eraseMenus()
+        menuBar = self.GetMenuBar()
+        actionMenu = wx.Menu()
+        actionMenu.Append(idSEND, _("&SendFile	CTRL-s"),_(" Send a file to contact"))
+        menuBar.Append(actionMenu,_("&Action"))
+        #events
+        wx.EVT_MENU(self, idSEND, self.onSendFile)
+    def __createMenus_group(self):
+        """create menu bar for group chat"""
+        info("Creating menus")
+        self.__eraseMenus()
+        menuBar = self.GetMenuBar()
+        actionMenu = wx.Menu()
+        actionMenu.Append(idTAROT, _("Start &Tarot game	CTRL-t"),_(" Start a Tarot card game")) #tmp
+        menuBar.Append(actionMenu,_("&Games"))
+        #events
+        wx.EVT_MENU(self, idTAROT, self.onStartTarot)
+    def __del__(self):
+        wx.Frame.__del__(self)
+    def onClose(self, event):
+        """Close event: we only hide the frame."""
+        event.Veto()
+        self.Hide()
+    def onEnterPressed(self, event):
+        """Behaviour when enter pressed in send line."""
+        self.host.bridge.sendMessage(self.target.short if self.type=='group' else self.target,
+                                     event.GetString(), 
+                                     type = "groupchat" if self.type=='group' else "chat",
+                                     profile_key=self.host.profile)
+        self.textBox.Clear()
+    def __blink(self):
+        """Do wizzz and buzzz to show window to user or
+        at least inform him of something new"""
+        #TODO: use notification system
+        if not self.IsActive():
+            self.RequestUserAttention()
+        if not self.IsShown():
+            self.Show()
+    def printMessage(self, from_jid, msg, profile, timestamp=""):
+        """Print the message with differents colors depending on where it comes from."""
+        try:
+            jid,nick,mymess = QuickChat.printMessage(self, from_jid, msg, profile, timestamp)
+        except TypeError:
+            return
+        print "printMessage, jid=",jid,"type=",self.type
+        _font_bold = wx.Font(self.font["points"], self.font["family"], wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)
+        _font_normal = wx.Font(self.font["points"], self.font["family"], wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+        _font_italic = wx.Font(self.font["points"], self.font["family"], wx.ITALIC if mymess else wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+        self.chatWindow.SetDefaultStyle(wx.TextAttr("GREY", font=_font_normal))
+        msg_time = time.localtime(timestamp or None)
+        time_format = "%c" if msg_time < self.day_change else "%H:%M" #if the message was sent before today, we print the full date
+        self.chatWindow.AppendText("[%s]" % time.strftime(time_format, msg_time ))
+        self.chatWindow.SetDefaultStyle(wx.TextAttr( "BLACK" if mymess else "BLUE", font=_font_bold))
+        self.chatWindow.AppendText("[%s] " % nick)
+        self.chatWindow.SetDefaultStyle(wx.TextAttr("BLACK", font=_font_italic))
+        self.chatWindow.AppendText("%s\n" % msg)
+        if not mymess:
+            self.__blink()
+    def printInfo(self, msg, type='normal'):
+        """Print general info
+        @param msg: message to print
+        @type: one of:
+            normal: general info like "toto has joined the room"
+            me: "/me" information like "/me clenches his fist" ==> "toto clenches his fist"
+        """
+        _font_bold = wx.Font(self.font["points"], self.font["family"], wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD)
+        _font_normal = wx.Font(self.font["points"], self.font["family"], wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+        self.chatWindow.SetDefaultStyle(wx.TextAttr("BLACK", font=_font_bold if type == 'normal' else _font_normal))
+        self.chatWindow.AppendText("%s\n" % msg)
+        if type=="me":
+            self.__blink()
+    ### events ###
+    def onSendFile(self, e):
+        debug(_("Send File"))
+        filename = wx.FileSelector(_("Choose a file to send"), flags = wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST)
+        if filename:
+            debug(_("filename: %s"),filename)
+            full_jid = self.host.CM.get_full(self.target)
+            id = self.host.bridge.sendFile(full_jid, filename)
+            self.host.waitProgress(id, _("File Transfer"), _("Copying %s") % os.path.basename(filename)) 
+    def onStartTarot(self, e):
+        debug (_("Starting Tarot game"))
+        warning (_("FIXME: temporary menu, must be changed"))
+        if len(self.occupants) != 4:
+            err_dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("You need to be exactly 4 peoples in the room to start a Tarot game"), _("Can't start game"), style = wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) #FIXME: gof: temporary only, need to choose the people with who the game has to be started
+            err_dlg.ShowModal()
+        else:
+            self.host.bridge.tarotGameCreate(self.id, list(self.occupants), self.host.profile)