diff frontends/src/quick_frontend/quick_app.py @ 510:886754295efe

quick frontend, primitivus, wix: MUC private messages management /!\ not fully finished, backend part is not done yet /!\ - as resources are discarded to manage chat windows lists, a pretty dirty hack is done to work around this: full jid is escaped using a prefix (it becomes invalid and resource is preserved). - new quick_utils module, with helper methods. escapePrivate and unescapePrivate implementations - MUC private messages are not managed in Wix yet
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Thu, 11 Oct 2012 00:48:35 +0200
parents f98bef71a918
children 8ee9113d307b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/frontends/src/quick_frontend/quick_app.py	Fri Sep 28 00:48:52 2012 +0200
+++ b/frontends/src/quick_frontend/quick_app.py	Thu Oct 11 00:48:35 2012 +0200
@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@
 from logging import debug, info, warning, error
 from sat.tools.jid  import JID
 from sat_frontends.bridge.DBus import DBusBridgeFrontend,BridgeExceptionNoService
+from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.quick_utils import escapePrivate, unescapePrivate
 from optparse import OptionParser
+import sat_frontends.quick_frontend.constants
 import gettext
 gettext.install('sat_frontend', "../i18n", unicode=True)
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@
         self.bridge.register("disconnected", self.disconnected)
         self.bridge.register("connectionError", self.connectionError)
         self.bridge.register("newContact", self.newContact)
-        self.bridge.register("newMessage", self.newMessage)
+        self.bridge.register("newMessage", self._newMessage)
         self.bridge.register("newAlert", self.newAlert)
         self.bridge.register("presenceUpdate", self.presenceUpdate)
         self.bridge.register("subscribe", self.subscribe)
@@ -230,17 +233,48 @@
         _groups = list(groups)
-        self.contact_list._replace(entity, _groups, attributes)
-    def newMessage(self, from_jid, msg, type, to_jid, profile):
+        self.contact_list.replace(entity, _groups, attributes)
+    def _newMessage(self, from_jid_s, msg, _type, to_jid_s, profile):
+        """newMessage premanagement: a dirty hack to manage private messages
+        if a private MUC message is detected, from_jid or to_jid is prefixed and resource is escaped"""
         if not self.check_profile(profile):
-        sender=JID(from_jid)
-        addr=JID(to_jid)
-        win = addr if sender.short == self.profiles[profile]['whoami'].short else sender
+        from_jid = JID(from_jid_s)
+        to_jid = JID(to_jid_s)
+        from_me = from_jid.short == self.profiles[profile]['whoami'].short
+        win = to_jid if from_me else from_jid
+        if _type != "groupchat" and self.contact_list.getSpecial(win) == "MUC":
+            #we have a private message in a MUC room
+            #XXX: normaly we use bare jid as key, here we need the full jid
+            #     so we cheat by replacing the "/" before the resource by
+            #     a "@", so the jid is invalid, 
+            new_jid = escapePrivate(win)
+            if from_me:
+                to_jid = new_jid
+            else:
+                from_jid = new_jid
+            if new_jid not in self.contact_list:
+                self.contact_list.add(new_jid)
+        self.newMessage(from_jid, to_jid, msg, _type, profile)
+    def newMessage(self, from_jid, to_jid, msg, _type, profile):
+        from_me = from_jid.short == self.profiles[profile]['whoami'].short
+        win = to_jid if from_me else from_jid
         self.current_action_ids = set()
         self.current_action_ids_cb = {}
-        self.chat_wins[win.short].printMessage(sender, msg, profile)
+        self.chat_wins[win.short].printMessage(from_jid, msg, profile)
+    def sendMessage(self, to_jid, message, subject='', mess_type="auto", profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
+        if to_jid.startswith(const_PRIVATE_PREFIX):
+            to_jid = unescapePrivate(to_jid)
+            mess_type = "chat"
+        self.bridge.sendMessage(to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, profile_key)
     def newAlert(self, msg, title, alert_type, profile):
         if not self.check_profile(profile):
@@ -292,13 +326,13 @@
         self.contact_list.setSpecial(JID(room_jid), "MUC")
-    def roomLeft(self, room_jid, profile):
+    def roomLeft(self, room_jid_s, profile):
         """Called when a MUC room is left"""
         if not self.check_profile(profile):
-        debug (_("Room [%(room_jid)s] left by %(profile)s") % {'room_jid':room_jid, 'profile': profile})
-        del self.chat_wins[room_jid]
-        self.contact_list.remove(room_jid)
+        debug (_("Room [%(room_jid)s] left by %(profile)s") % {'room_jid':room_jid_s, 'profile': profile})
+        del self.chat_wins[room_jid_s]
+        self.contact_list.remove(JID(room_jid_s))
     def roomUserJoined(self, room_jid, user_nick, user_data, profile):
         """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
@@ -504,12 +538,12 @@
         if key == "nick":
             if jid in self.contact_list:
                 self.contact_list.setCache(jid, 'nick', value)
-                self.contact_list._replace(jid)
+                self.contact_list.replace(jid)
         elif key == "avatar":
             if jid in self.contact_list:
                 filename = self.bridge.getAvatarFile(value)
                 self.contact_list.setCache(jid, 'avatar', filename)
-                self.contact_list._replace(jid)
+                self.contact_list.replace(jid)
     def askConfirmation(self, type, id, data):
         raise NotImplementedError