diff sat/plugins/plugin_xep_0470.py @ 3888:aa7197b67c26

component AP gateway: AP <=> XMPP reactions conversions: - Pubsub Attachments plugin has been renamed to XEP-0470 following publication - XEP-0470 has been updated to follow 0.2 changes - AP reactions (as implemented in Pleroma) are converted to XEP-0470 - XEP-0470 events are converted to AP reactions (again, using "EmojiReact" from Pleroma) - AP activities related to attachments (like/reactions) are cached in Libervia because it's not possible to retrieve them from Pleroma instances once they have been emitted (doing an HTTP get on their ID returns a 404). For now those cache are not flushed, this should be improved in the future. - `sharedInbox` is used when available. Pleroma returns a 500 HTTP error when ``to`` or ``cc`` are used in a direct inbox. - reactions and like are not currently used for direct messages, because they can't be emitted from Pleroma in this case, thus there is no point in implementing them for the moment. rel 371
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:07:03 +0200
parents sat/plugins/plugin_pubsub_attachments.py@c0bcbcf5b4b7
children 43024e50b701
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sat/plugins/plugin_xep_0470.py	Wed Aug 31 17:07:03 2022 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Libervia plugin for Pubsub Attachments
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Callable, Optional
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid, xmlstream, error
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from wokkel import pubsub, disco, iwokkel
+from sat.core.constants import Const as C
+from sat.core.i18n import _
+from sat.core.log import getLogger
+from sat.core.core_types import SatXMPPEntity
+from sat.core import exceptions
+from sat.tools.common import uri, data_format, date_utils
+from sat.tools.utils import xmpp_date
+log = getLogger(__name__)
+    C.PI_NAME: "Pubsub Attachments",
+    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: [],
+    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0060"],
+    C.PI_MAIN: "PubsubAttachments",
+    C.PI_HANDLER: "yes",
+    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Pubsub Attachments implementation"""),
+NS_PREFIX = "urn:xmpp:pubsub-attachments:"
+class PubsubAttachments:
+    namespace = NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS
+    def __init__(self, host):
+        log.info(_("XEP-0470 (Pubsub Attachments) plugin initialization"))
+        host.registerNamespace("pubsub-attachments", NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS)
+        self.host = host
+        self._p = host.plugins["XEP-0060"]
+        self.handlers: Dict[Tuple[str, str], dict[str, Any]] = {}
+        host.trigger.add("XEP-0277_send", self.onMBSend)
+        self.registerAttachmentHandler(
+            "noticed", NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, self.noticedGet, self.noticedSet
+        )
+        self.registerAttachmentHandler(
+            "reactions", NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, self.reactionsGet, self.reactionsSet
+        )
+        host.bridge.addMethod(
+            "psAttachmentsGet",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="sssasss",
+            out_sign="(ss)",
+            method=self._get,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+        host.bridge.addMethod(
+            "psAttachmentsSet",
+            ".plugin",
+            in_sign="ss",
+            out_sign="",
+            method=self._set,
+            async_=True,
+        )
+    def getHandler(self, client):
+        return PubsubAttachments_Handler()
+    def registerAttachmentHandler(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        namespace: str,
+        get_cb: Callable[
+            [SatXMPPEntity, domish.Element, Dict[str, Any]],
+            None],
+        set_cb: Callable[
+            [SatXMPPEntity, Dict[str, Any], Optional[domish.Element]],
+            Optional[domish.Element]],
+    ) -> None:
+        """Register callbacks to handle an attachment
+        @param name: name of the element
+        @param namespace: namespace of the element
+            (name, namespace) couple must be unique
+        @param get: method to call when attachments are retrieved
+            it will be called with (client, element, data) where element is the
+            <attachments> element to parse, and data must be updated in place with
+            parsed data
+        @param set: method to call when the attachment need to be set or udpated
+            it will be called with (client, data, former_elt of None if there was no
+            former element). When suitable, ``operation`` should be used to check if we
+            request an ``update`` or a ``replace``.
+        """
+        key = (name, namespace)
+        if key in self.handlers:
+            raise exceptions.ConflictError(
+                f"({name}, {namespace}) attachment handlers are already registered"
+            )
+        self.handlers[(name, namespace)] = {
+            "get": get_cb,
+            "set": set_cb
+        }
+    def getAttachmentNodeName(self, service: jid.JID, node: str, item: str) -> str:
+        """Generate name to use for attachment node"""
+        target_item_uri = uri.buildXMPPUri(
+            "pubsub",
+            path=service.userhost(),
+            node=node,
+            item=item
+        )
+        return f"{NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS}/{target_item_uri}"
+    def isAttachmentNode(self, node: str) -> bool:
+        """Return True if node name is an attachment node"""
+        return node.startswith(f"{NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS}/")
+    def attachmentNode2Item(self, node: str) -> Tuple[jid.JID, str, str]:
+        """Retrieve service, node and item from attachement node's name"""
+        if not self.isAttachmentNode(node):
+            raise ValueError("this is not an attachment node!")
+        prefix_len = len(f"{NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS}/")
+        item_uri = node[prefix_len:]
+        parsed_uri = uri.parseXMPPUri(item_uri)
+        if parsed_uri["type"] != "pubsub":
+            raise ValueError(f"unexpected URI type, it must be a pubsub URI: {item_uri}")
+        try:
+            service = jid.JID(parsed_uri["path"])
+        except RuntimeError:
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid service in pubsub URI: {item_uri}")
+        node = parsed_uri["node"]
+        item = parsed_uri["item"]
+        return (service, node, item)
+    async def onMBSend(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        service: jid.JID,
+        node: str,
+        item: domish.Element,
+        data: dict
+    ) -> bool:
+        """trigger to create attachment node on each publication"""
+        node_config = await self._p.getConfiguration(client, service, node)
+        attachment_node = self.getAttachmentNodeName(service, node, item["id"])
+        # we use the same options as target node
+        try:
+            await self._p.createIfNewNode(
+                client, service, attachment_node, options=dict(node_config)
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.warning(f"Can't create attachment node {attachment_node}: {e}]")
+        return True
+    def items2attachmentData(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        items: List[domish.Element]
+    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
+        """Convert items from attachment node to attachment data"""
+        list_data = []
+        for item in items:
+            try:
+                attachments_elt = next(
+                    item.elements(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "attachments")
+                )
+            except StopIteration:
+                log.warning(
+                    "item is missing <attachments> elements, ignoring it: {item.toXml()}"
+                )
+                continue
+            item_id = item["id"]
+            publisher_s = item.getAttribute("publisher")
+            # publisher is not filled by all pubsub service, so we can't count on it
+            if publisher_s:
+                publisher = jid.JID(publisher_s)
+                if publisher.userhost() != item_id:
+                    log.warning(
+                        f"publisher {publisher.userhost()!r} doesn't correspond to item "
+                        f"id {item['id']!r}, ignoring. This may be a hack attempt.\n"
+                        f"{item.toXml()}"
+                    )
+                    continue
+            try:
+                jid.JID(item_id)
+            except RuntimeError:
+                log.warning(
+                    "item ID is not a JID, this is not compliant and is ignored: "
+                    f"{item.toXml}"
+                )
+                continue
+            data = {
+                "from": item_id
+            }
+            for handler in self.handlers.values():
+                handler["get"](client, attachments_elt, data)
+            if len(data) > 1:
+                list_data.append(data)
+        return list_data
+    def _get(
+        self,
+        service_s: str,
+        node: str,
+        item: str,
+        senders_s: List[str],
+        extra_s: str,
+        profile_key: str
+    ) -> defer.Deferred:
+        client = self.host.getClient(profile_key)
+        extra = data_format.deserialise(extra_s)
+        senders = [jid.JID(s) for s in senders_s]
+        d = defer.ensureDeferred(
+            self.getAttachments(client, jid.JID(service_s), node, item, senders)
+        )
+        d.addCallback(
+            lambda ret:
+            (data_format.serialise(ret[0]),
+             data_format.serialise(ret[1]))
+        )
+        return d
+    async def getAttachments(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        service: jid.JID,
+        node: str,
+        item: str,
+        senders: Optional[List[jid.JID]],
+        extra: Optional[dict] = None
+    ) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], dict]:
+        """Retrieve data attached to a pubsub item
+        @param service: pubsub service where the node is
+        @param node: pubsub node containing the item
+        @param item: ID of the item for which attachments will be retrieved
+        @param senders: bare JIDs of entities that are checked. Attachments from those
+            entities will be retrieved.
+            If None, attachments from all entities will be retrieved
+        @param extra: extra data, will be used as ``extra`` argument when doing
+        ``getItems`` call.
+        @return: A tuple with:
+            - the list of attachments data, one item per found sender. The attachments
+              data are dict containing attachment, no ``extra`` field is used here
+              (contrarily to attachments data used with ``setAttachments``).
+            - metadata returned by the call to ``getItems``
+        """
+        if extra is None:
+            extra = {}
+        attachment_node = self.getAttachmentNodeName(service, node, item)
+        item_ids = [e.userhost() for e in senders] if senders else None
+        items, metadata = await self._p.getItems(
+            client, service, attachment_node, item_ids=item_ids, extra=extra
+        )
+        list_data = self.items2attachmentData(client, items)
+        return list_data, metadata
+    def _set(
+        self,
+        attachments_s: str,
+        profile_key: str
+    ) -> None:
+        client = self.host.getClient(profile_key)
+        attachments = data_format.deserialise(attachments_s)  or {}
+        return defer.ensureDeferred(self.setAttachments(client, attachments))
+    def applySetHandler(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        attachments_data: dict,
+        item_elt: Optional[domish.Element],
+        handlers: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
+        from_jid: Optional[jid.JID] = None,
+    ) -> domish.Element:
+        """Apply all ``set`` callbacks to an attachments item
+        @param attachments_data: data describing the attachments
+            ``extra`` key will be used, and created if not found
+        @param from_jid: jid of the author of the attachments
+            ``client.jid.userhostJID()`` will be used if not specified
+        @param item_elt: item containing an <attachments> element
+            will be modified in place
+            if None, a new element will be created
+        @param handlers: list of (name, namespace) of handlers to use.
+            if None, all registered handlers will be used.
+        @return: updated item_elt if given, otherwise a new item_elt
+        """
+        attachments_data.setdefault("extra", {})
+        if item_elt is None:
+            item_id = client.jid.userhost() if from_jid is None else from_jid.userhost()
+            item_elt = pubsub.Item(item_id)
+            item_elt.addElement((NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "attachments"))
+        try:
+            attachments_elt = next(
+                item_elt.elements(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "attachments")
+            )
+        except StopIteration:
+            log.warning(
+                f"no <attachments> element found, creating a new one: {item_elt.toXml()}"
+            )
+            attachments_elt = item_elt.addElement((NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "attachments"))
+        if handlers is None:
+            handlers = list(self.handlers.keys())
+        for name, namespace in handlers:
+            try:
+                handler = self.handlers[(name, namespace)]
+            except KeyError:
+                log.error(
+                    f"unregistered handler ({name!r}, {namespace!r}) is requested, "
+                    "ignoring"
+                )
+                continue
+            try:
+                former_elt = next(attachments_elt.elements(namespace, name))
+            except StopIteration:
+                former_elt = None
+            new_elt = handler["set"](client, attachments_data, former_elt)
+            if new_elt != former_elt:
+                if former_elt is not None:
+                    attachments_elt.children.remove(former_elt)
+                if new_elt is not None:
+                    attachments_elt.addChild(new_elt)
+        return item_elt
+    async def setAttachments(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        attachments_data: Dict[str, Any]
+    ) -> None:
+        """Set or update attachments
+        Former <attachments> element will be retrieved and updated. Individual
+        attachments replace or update their elements individually, according to the
+        "operation" key.
+        "operation" key may be "update" or "replace", and defaults to update, it is only
+        used in attachments where "update" makes sense (e.g. it's used for "reactions"
+        but not for "noticed").
+        @param attachments_data: data describing attachments. Various keys (usually stored
+            in attachments_data["extra"]) may be used depending on the attachments
+            handlers registered. The keys "service", "node" and "id" MUST be set.
+            ``attachments_data`` is thought to be compatible with microblog data.
+        """
+        try:
+            service = jid.JID(attachments_data["service"])
+            node = attachments_data["node"]
+            item = attachments_data["id"]
+        except (KeyError, RuntimeError):
+            raise ValueError(
+                'data must have "service", "node" and "id" set'
+            )
+        attachment_node = self.getAttachmentNodeName(service, node, item)
+        try:
+            items, __ = await self._p.getItems(
+                client, service, attachment_node, item_ids=[client.jid.userhost()]
+            )
+        except exceptions.NotFound:
+            item_elt = None
+        else:
+            if not items:
+                item_elt = None
+            else:
+                item_elt = items[0]
+        item_elt = self.applySetHandler(
+            client,
+            attachments_data,
+            item_elt=item_elt,
+        )
+        try:
+            await self._p.sendItems(client, service, attachment_node, [item_elt])
+        except error.StanzaError as e:
+            if e.condition == "item-not-found":
+                # the node doesn't exist, we can't publish attachments
+                log.warning(
+                    f"no attachment node found at {service} on {node!r} for item "
+                    f"{item!r}, we can't update attachments."
+                )
+                raise exceptions.NotFound("No attachment node available")
+            else:
+                raise e
+    async def subscribe(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        service: jid.JID,
+        node: str,
+        item: str,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Subscribe to attachment node targeting the item
+        @param service: service of target item (will also be used for attachment node)
+        @param node: node of target item (used to get attachment node's name)
+        @param item: name of target item (used to get attachment node's name)
+        """
+        attachment_node = self.getAttachmentNodeName(service, node, item)
+        await self._p.subscribe(client, service, attachment_node)
+    def setTimestamp(self, attachment_elt: domish.Element, data: dict) -> None:
+        """Check if a ``timestamp`` attribute is set, parse it, and fill data
+        @param attachments_elt: element where the ``timestamp`` attribute may be set
+        @param data: data specific to the attachment (i.e. not the whole microblog data)
+            ``timestamp`` field will be set there if timestamp exists and is parsable
+        """
+        timestamp_raw = attachment_elt.getAttribute("timestamp")
+        if timestamp_raw:
+            try:
+                timestamp = date_utils.date_parse(timestamp_raw)
+            except date_utils.ParserError:
+                log.warning(f"can't parse timestamp: {timestamp_raw}")
+            else:
+                data["timestamp"] = timestamp
+    def noticedGet(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        attachments_elt: domish.Element,
+        data: Dict[str, Any],
+    ) -> None:
+        try:
+            noticed_elt = next(
+                attachments_elt.elements(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "noticed")
+            )
+        except StopIteration:
+            pass
+        else:
+            noticed_data = {
+                "noticed": True
+            }
+            self.setTimestamp(noticed_elt, noticed_data)
+            data["noticed"] = noticed_data
+    def noticedSet(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        data: Dict[str, Any],
+        former_elt: Optional[domish.Element]
+    ) -> Optional[domish.Element]:
+        """add or remove a <noticed> attachment
+        if data["noticed"] is True, element is added, if it's False, it's removed, and
+        it's not present or None, the former element is kept.
+        """
+        noticed = data["extra"].get("noticed")
+        if noticed is None:
+            return former_elt
+        elif noticed:
+            return domish.Element(
+                (NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "noticed"),
+                attribs = {
+                    "timestamp": xmpp_date()
+                }
+            )
+        else:
+            return None
+    def reactionsGet(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        attachments_elt: domish.Element,
+        data: Dict[str, Any],
+    ) -> None:
+        try:
+            reactions_elt = next(
+                attachments_elt.elements(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "reactions")
+            )
+        except StopIteration:
+            pass
+        else:
+            reactions_data = {"reactions": []}
+            reactions = reactions_data["reactions"]
+            for reaction_elt in reactions_elt.elements(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "reaction"):
+                reactions.append(str(reaction_elt))
+            self.setTimestamp(reactions_elt, reactions_data)
+            data["reactions"] = reactions_data
+    def reactionsSet(
+        self,
+        client: SatXMPPEntity,
+        data: Dict[str, Any],
+        former_elt: Optional[domish.Element]
+    ) -> Optional[domish.Element]:
+        """update the <reaction> attachment"""
+        reactions_data = data["extra"].get("reactions")
+        if reactions_data is None:
+            return former_elt
+        operation_type = reactions_data.get("operation", "update")
+        if operation_type == "update":
+            former_reactions = {
+                str(r) for r in former_elt.elements(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "reaction")
+            } if former_elt is not None else set()
+            added_reactions = set(reactions_data.get("add") or [])
+            removed_reactions = set(reactions_data.get("remove") or [])
+            reactions = list((former_reactions | added_reactions) - removed_reactions)
+        elif operation_type == "replace":
+            reactions = reactions_data.get("reactions") or []
+        else:
+            raise exceptions.DataError(f"invalid reaction operation: {operation_type!r}")
+        if reactions:
+            reactions_elt = domish.Element(
+                (NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS, "reactions"),
+                attribs = {
+                    "timestamp": xmpp_date()
+                }
+            )
+            for reactions_data in reactions:
+                reactions_elt.addElement("reaction", content=reactions_data)
+            return reactions_elt
+        else:
+            return None
+class PubsubAttachments_Handler(xmlstream.XMPPHandler):
+    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=""):
+        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_PUBSUB_ATTACHMENTS)]
+    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=""):
+        return []