diff sat/plugins/plugin_misc_forums.py @ 3028:ab2696e34d29

Python 3 port: /!\ this is a huge commit /!\ starting from this commit, SàT is needs Python 3.6+ /!\ SàT maybe be instable or some feature may not work anymore, this will improve with time This patch port backend, bridge and frontends to Python 3. Roughly this has been done this way: - 2to3 tools has been applied (with python 3.7) - all references to python2 have been replaced with python3 (notably shebangs) - fixed files not handled by 2to3 (notably the shell script) - several manual fixes - fixed issues reported by Python 3 that where not handled in Python 2 - replaced "async" with "async_" when needed (it's a reserved word from Python 3.7) - replaced zope's "implements" with @implementer decorator - temporary hack to handle data pickled in database, as str or bytes may be returned, to be checked later - fixed hash comparison for password - removed some code which is not needed anymore with Python 3 - deactivated some code which needs to be checked (notably certificate validation) - tested with jp, fixed reported issues until some basic commands worked - ported Primitivus (after porting dependencies like urwid satext) - more manual fixes
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Tue, 13 Aug 2019 19:08:41 +0200
parents 989b622faff6
children 9d0df638c8b4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/sat/plugins/plugin_misc_forums.py	Wed Jul 31 11:31:22 2019 +0200
+++ b/sat/plugins/plugin_misc_forums.py	Tue Aug 13 19:08:41 2019 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # SAT plugin for pubsub forums
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 import json
 log = getLogger(__name__)
-NS_FORUMS = u'org.salut-a-toi.forums:0'
+NS_FORUMS = 'org.salut-a-toi.forums:0'
     C.PI_NAME: _("forums management"),
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@
     C.PI_HANDLER: "no",
     C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""forums management plugin""")
-FORUM_ATTR = {u'title', u'name', u'main-language', u'uri'}
-FORUM_SUB_ELTS = (u'short-desc', u'desc')
-FORUM_TOPICS_NODE_TPL = u'{node}#topics_{uuid}'
-FORUM_TOPIC_NODE_TPL = u'{node}_{uuid}'
+FORUM_ATTR = {'title', 'name', 'main-language', 'uri'}
+FORUM_SUB_ELTS = ('short-desc', 'desc')
+FORUM_TOPICS_NODE_TPL = '{node}#topics_{uuid}'
+FORUM_TOPIC_NODE_TPL = '{node}_{uuid}'
 class forums(object):
     def __init__(self, host):
-        log.info(_(u"forums plugin initialization"))
+        log.info(_("forums plugin initialization"))
         self.host = host
         self._m = self.host.plugins['XEP-0277']
         self._p = self.host.plugins['XEP-0060']
@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@
         host.bridge.addMethod("forumsGet", ".plugin",
                               in_sign='ssss', out_sign='s',
-                              async=True)
+                              async_=True)
         host.bridge.addMethod("forumsSet", ".plugin",
                               in_sign='sssss', out_sign='',
-                              async=True)
+                              async_=True)
         host.bridge.addMethod("forumTopicsGet", ".plugin",
                               in_sign='ssa{ss}s', out_sign='(aa{ss}a{ss})',
-                              async=True)
+                              async_=True)
         host.bridge.addMethod("forumTopicCreate", ".plugin",
                               in_sign='ssa{ss}s', out_sign='',
-                              async=True)
+                              async_=True)
     def _createForums(self, client, forums, service, node, forums_elt=None, names=None):
@@ -94,48 +94,48 @@
         @return (domish.Element): created forums
         if not isinstance(forums, list):
-            raise ValueError(_(u"forums arguments must be a list of forums"))
+            raise ValueError(_("forums arguments must be a list of forums"))
         if forums_elt is None:
-            forums_elt = domish.Element((NS_FORUMS, u'forums'))
+            forums_elt = domish.Element((NS_FORUMS, 'forums'))
             assert names is None
             names = set()
-            if names is None or forums_elt.name != u'forums':
-                raise exceptions.InternalError(u'invalid forums or names')
+            if names is None or forums_elt.name != 'forums':
+                raise exceptions.InternalError('invalid forums or names')
             assert names is not None
         for forum in forums:
             if not isinstance(forum, dict):
-                raise ValueError(_(u"A forum item must be a dictionary"))
+                raise ValueError(_("A forum item must be a dictionary"))
             forum_elt = forums_elt.addElement('forum')
-            for key, value in forum.iteritems():
-                if key == u'name' and key in names:
-                    raise exceptions.ConflictError(_(u"following forum name is not unique: {name}").format(name=key))
-                if key == u'uri' and not value.strip():
-                    log.info(_(u"creating missing forum node"))
+            for key, value in forum.items():
+                if key == 'name' and key in names:
+                    raise exceptions.ConflictError(_("following forum name is not unique: {name}").format(name=key))
+                if key == 'uri' and not value.strip():
+                    log.info(_("creating missing forum node"))
                     forum_node = FORUM_TOPICS_NODE_TPL.format(node=node, uuid=shortuuid.uuid())
                     yield self._p.createNode(client, service, forum_node, self._node_options)
-                    value = uri.buildXMPPUri(u'pubsub',
+                    value = uri.buildXMPPUri('pubsub',
                 if key in FORUM_ATTR:
                     forum_elt[key] = value.strip()
                 elif key in FORUM_SUB_ELTS:
                     forum_elt.addElement(key, content=value)
-                elif key == u'sub-forums':
-                    sub_forums_elt = forum_elt.addElement(u'forums')
+                elif key == 'sub-forums':
+                    sub_forums_elt = forum_elt.addElement('forums')
                     yield self._createForums(client, value, service, node, sub_forums_elt, names=names)
-                    log.warning(_(u"Unknown forum attribute: {key}").format(key=key))
-            if not forum_elt.getAttribute(u'title'):
-                name = forum_elt.getAttribute(u'name')
+                    log.warning(_("Unknown forum attribute: {key}").format(key=key))
+            if not forum_elt.getAttribute('title'):
+                name = forum_elt.getAttribute('name')
                 if name:
-                    forum_elt[u'title'] = name
+                    forum_elt['title'] = name
-                    raise ValueError(_(u"forum need a title or a name"))
-            if not forum_elt.getAttribute(u'uri') and not forum_elt.children:
-                raise ValueError(_(u"forum need uri or sub-forums"))
+                    raise ValueError(_("forum need a title or a name"))
+            if not forum_elt.getAttribute('uri') and not forum_elt.children:
+                raise ValueError(_("forum need uri or sub-forums"))
     def _parseForums(self, parent_elt=None, forums=None):
@@ -146,18 +146,18 @@
         @return (list): parsed data
         @raise ValueError: item is invalid
-        if parent_elt.name == u'item':
+        if parent_elt.name == 'item':
             forums = []
-                forums_elt = next(parent_elt.elements(NS_FORUMS, u'forums'))
+                forums_elt = next(parent_elt.elements(NS_FORUMS, 'forums'))
             except StopIteration:
-                raise ValueError(_(u"missing <forums> element"))
+                raise ValueError(_("missing <forums> element"))
             forums_elt = parent_elt
             if forums is None:
-                raise exceptions.InternalError(u'expected forums')
+                raise exceptions.InternalError('expected forums')
             if forums_elt.name != 'forums':
-                raise ValueError(_(u'Unexpected element: {xml}').format(xml=forums_elt.toXml()))
+                raise ValueError(_('Unexpected element: {xml}').format(xml=forums_elt.toXml()))
         for forum_elt in forums_elt.elements():
             if forum_elt.name == 'forum':
                 data = {}
@@ -165,19 +165,19 @@
                     data[attrib] = forum_elt[attrib]
                 unknown = set(forum_elt.attributes).difference(FORUM_ATTR)
                 if unknown:
-                    log.warning(_(u"Following attributes are unknown: {unknown}").format(unknown=unknown))
+                    log.warning(_("Following attributes are unknown: {unknown}").format(unknown=unknown))
                 for elt in forum_elt.elements():
                     if elt.name in FORUM_SUB_ELTS:
-                        data[elt.name] = unicode(elt)
-                    elif elt.name == u'forums':
-                        sub_forums = data[u'sub-forums'] = []
+                        data[elt.name] = str(elt)
+                    elif elt.name == 'forums':
+                        sub_forums = data['sub-forums'] = []
                         self._parseForums(elt, sub_forums)
-                if not u'title' in data or not {u'uri', u'sub-forums'}.intersection(data):
-                    log.warning(_(u"invalid forum, ignoring: {xml}").format(xml=forum_elt.toXml()))
+                if not 'title' in data or not {'uri', 'sub-forums'}.intersection(data):
+                    log.warning(_("invalid forum, ignoring: {xml}").format(xml=forum_elt.toXml()))
-                log.warning(_(u"unkown forums sub element: {xml}").format(xml=forum_elt))
+                log.warning(_("unkown forums sub element: {xml}").format(xml=forum_elt))
         return forums
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
         if node is None:
             node = NS_FORUMS
         if forums_key is None:
-            forums_key = u'default'
+            forums_key = 'default'
         items_data = yield self._p.getItems(client, service, node, item_ids=[forums_key])
         item = items_data[0][0]
         # we have the item and need to convert it to json
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
         if node is None:
             node = NS_FORUMS
         if forums_key is None:
-            forums_key = u'default'
+            forums_key = 'default'
         forums_elt = yield self._createForums(client, forums, service, node)
         yield self._p.sendItem(client, service, node, forums_elt, item_id=forums_key)
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
         client = self.host.getClient(profile_key)
         extra = self._p.parseExtra(extra)
         d = self.getTopics(client, jid.JID(service), node, rsm_request=extra.rsm_request, extra=extra.extra)
-        d.addCallback(lambda(topics, metadata): (topics, {k: unicode(v) for k,v in metadata.iteritems()}))
+        d.addCallback(lambda topics_metadata: (topics_metadata[0], {k: str(v) for k,v in topics_metadata[1].items()}))
         return d
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@
         topics = []
         item_elts, metadata = topics_data
         for item_elt in item_elts:
-            topic_elt = next(item_elt.elements(NS_FORUMS, u'topic'))
-            title_elt = next(topic_elt.elements(NS_FORUMS, u'title'))
-            topic = {u'uri': topic_elt[u'uri'],
-                     u'author': topic_elt[u'author'],
-                     u'title': unicode(title_elt)}
+            topic_elt = next(item_elt.elements(NS_FORUMS, 'topic'))
+            title_elt = next(topic_elt.elements(NS_FORUMS, 'title'))
+            topic = {'uri': topic_elt['uri'],
+                     'author': topic_elt['author'],
+                     'title': str(title_elt)}
         defer.returnValue((topics, metadata))
@@ -277,21 +277,21 @@
     def createTopic(self, client, service, node, mb_data):
-            title = mb_data[u'title']
-            if not u'content' in mb_data:
-                raise KeyError(u'content')
+            title = mb_data['title']
+            if not 'content' in mb_data:
+                raise KeyError('content')
         except KeyError as e:
-            raise exceptions.DataError(u"missing mandatory data: {key}".format(key=e.args[0]))
+            raise exceptions.DataError("missing mandatory data: {key}".format(key=e.args[0]))
         topic_node = FORUM_TOPIC_NODE_TPL.format(node=node, uuid=shortuuid.uuid())
         yield self._p.createNode(client, service, topic_node, self._node_options)
         self._m.send(client, mb_data, service, topic_node)
-        topic_uri = uri.buildXMPPUri(u'pubsub',
-                                     subtype=u'microblog',
+        topic_uri = uri.buildXMPPUri('pubsub',
+                                     subtype='microblog',
         topic_elt = domish.Element((NS_FORUMS, 'topic'))
-        topic_elt[u'uri'] = topic_uri
-        topic_elt[u'author'] = client.jid.userhost()
-        topic_elt.addElement(u'title', content = title)
+        topic_elt['uri'] = topic_uri
+        topic_elt['author'] = client.jid.userhost()
+        topic_elt.addElement('title', content = title)
         yield self._p.sendItem(client, service, node, topic_elt)