diff src/memory/sqlite.py @ 2013:b536dd121da1

backend (memory), frontends: improved history filtering: a "filters" dictionnary is now use to filter, it can have, for now, filtering on: - "body": filter only on the body (equivalent to former "search" parameter, but not case sensitive) - "search": fitler on body + source resource - "types": allowed types - "not_types": forbidden types primitivus now do searching using "search", i.e. source resource is now taken into account (and search is now case insensitive)
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Mon, 18 Jul 2016 00:52:02 +0200
parents a45235d8dc93
children c3cac21157d4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/memory/sqlite.py	Sun Jul 17 19:44:15 2016 +0200
+++ b/src/memory/sqlite.py	Mon Jul 18 00:52:02 2016 +0200
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
             ret.append((m['uid'], m['timestamp'], m['from'], m['to'], m['message'], m['subject'], m['type'], m['extra']))
         return ret
-    def historyGet(self, from_jid, to_jid, limit=None, between=True, search=None, profile=None):
+    def historyGet(self, from_jid, to_jid, limit=None, between=True, filters=None, profile=None):
         """Retrieve messages in history
         @param from_jid (JID): source JID (full, or bare for catchall)
@@ -406,10 +406,12 @@
         @return: list of tuple as in [messageNew]
         assert profile
+        if filters is None:
+            filters = {}
         if limit == 0:
             return defer.succeed([])
-        query_parts = ["SELECT uid, update_uid, source, dest, source_res, dest_res, timestamp, received_timestamp,\
+        query_parts = [u"SELECT uid, update_uid, source, dest, source_res, dest_res, timestamp, received_timestamp,\
                         type, extra, message, message.language, subject, subject.language, thread_id, thread.parent_id\
                         FROM history LEFT JOIN message ON history.uid = message.history_uid\
                         LEFT JOIN subject ON history.uid=subject.history_uid\
@@ -421,29 +423,43 @@
             if _jid.resource:
-                return '(%s=? AND %s_res=?)' % (type_, type_)
-            return '%s=?' % (type_, )
+                return u'(%s=? AND %s_res=?)' % (type_, type_)
+            return u'%s=?' % (type_, )
         if between:
-            query_parts.append("((%s AND %s) OR (%s AND %s))" % (test_jid('source', from_jid),
+            query_parts.append(u"((%s AND %s) OR (%s AND %s))" % (test_jid('source', from_jid),
                                                              test_jid('dest', to_jid),
                                                              test_jid('source', to_jid),
                                                              test_jid('dest', from_jid)))
-            query_parts.append("%s AND %s" % (test_jid('source', from_jid),
+            query_parts.append(u"%s AND %s" % (test_jid('source', from_jid),
                                               test_jid('dest', to_jid)))
-        if search:
-            # TODO: use REGEXP (function to be defined) instead of GLOB: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html
-            query_parts.append("AND message GLOB ?")
-            values.append("*%s*" % search)
-        query_parts.append("ORDER BY timestamp DESC") # we reverse the order in sqliteHistoryToList
+        if filters:
+            if 'body' in filters:
+                # TODO: use REGEXP (function to be defined) instead of GLOB: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html
+                query_parts.append(u"AND message LIKE ?")
+                values.append(u"%{}%".format(filters['body']))
+            if 'search' in filters:
+                query_parts.append(u"AND (message LIKE ? OR source_res LIKE ?)")
+                values.extend([u"%{}%".format(filters['search'])] * 2)
+            if 'types' in filters:
+                types = filters['types'].split()
+                query_parts.append(u"AND type IN ({})".format(u','.join("?"*len(types))))
+                values.extend(types)
+            if 'not_types' in filters:
+                types = filters['not_types'].split()
+                query_parts.append(u"AND type NOT IN ({})".format(u','.join("?"*len(types))))
+                values.extend(types)
+        query_parts.append(u"ORDER BY timestamp DESC") # we reverse the order in sqliteHistoryToList
                                                       # we use DESC here so LIMIT keep the last messages
         if limit is not None:
-            query_parts.append("LIMIT ?")
+            query_parts.append(u"LIMIT ?")
-        d = self.dbpool.runQuery(" ".join(query_parts), values)
+        d = self.dbpool.runQuery(u" ".join(query_parts), values)
         return d