diff doc/jp/blog.rst @ 2946:ce16847a7b6d

doc: documentation first draft: this patch starts the local documentation, existing documentation will be imported from wiki/other places to this folder and updated. This doc is using reStructuredText format and will be generated with Sphinx.
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:58:59 +0100
children 5e72efd2f95d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/jp/blog.rst	Fri Feb 22 18:58:59 2019 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+.. highlight:: sh
+blog: (micro)blogging management
+Blog commands are high level tools to handle an XMPP blog.
+They are using the generic pubsub arguments
+publish a blog item.
+:ref:`pubsub_common` commands are used to specify the destination item.
+``stdin`` is used to get the body of the blog post.
+Create a blog post with a body, a subject, 2 tags, and with comments allowed::
+  $ echo "This is post body" | jp blog set -T "This is a test message" -t test -t jp -C
+Create a blog post with rich content using `markdown` syntax, and no subject::
+  $ echo "This is a **rich** body" | jp blog set -S markdown
+get command retrieves one or move blog post from specified location (by default the
+personal blog of the profile).
+output can be customised to only retrieve some keys, or to use a specific template.
+:ref:`pubsub_common` commands are used to specify the blog location.
+Retrieve personal blog of the profile using `fancy` output with a verbosity of 1 (to show
+publication date)::
+  $ jp blog get -O fancy -v
+Retrieve *title* and *publication date* of last 3 blog posts from the blog at
+  $ jp blog get -m 3 -u https://www.goffi.org -k title -k published
+Retrieve last 2 posts of personal blog, and output them in browser using default
+  $ jp blog get -m 2 -O template --oo browser
+With edit command you can create a new blog post or modify an existing one using your
+local editor (the one set in ``$EDITOR``). You'll edit 2 things: the body of the post, and
+the metadata which contain things like title, comments infos, or tags.
+For some common editors (like **vim** or **Emacs**), the editor will be automatially
+opened using a split screen with *body* in one side, and metadata on the other. If the
+editor is not supported or doesn't support split screen, you'll edit first the *body*, then
+the *metadata*. You can also specify editor and arguments in ``sat.conf``, see
+`configuration <edit_conf_>`_ below
+If you don't change anything or publish an empty blog post, the edition will be cancelled.
+In the metadata (see `below <edit_metadata_>`_ for details), you can use
+``"publish": false`` to forbid the publication. In this case, when you'll save
+your modification and quit your editor, the blog post will not be published but
+saved locally in a draft. To continue your work later, just start your edition with the
+``-D, --current`` option like this::
+  $ jp blog edit -D
+Note that item location must be re-specified if it has been used to create the draft, so
+you'll have to reproduce the arguments to specify service, node or item (or the URL),
+other data like tags will be restored from draft file of metadata.
+You can specify the syntax by using ``-S SYNTAX, --syntax SYNTAX``. If not specified, the
+syntax set in your parameters will be used.
+When you edit a blog post, it is often useful to activate the ``-P, --preview`` option,
+this will launch a web browser and refresh the page each time you save a modification in
+your editor. By default, the browser registered as default in your system will be used,
+and a new tab will be opened on each modification. This is not ideal, and we recommand to
+set you configuration to activate automatic refreshing of the page instead, see `preview
+configuration <edit_preview_>`_ below to see how to do.
+Edit a new blog post with comments on your personal blog, using default syntax and preview::
+  $ jp blog edit -P --comments
+Modifiy a draft previously saved using the ``"publish": false`` metadata::
+  $ jp blog edit -D
+Correct a typo in your last published blog post::
+  $ jp blog edit --last-item
+Edit the blog item at an HTTPS URL using XHTML syntax::
+  $ jp blog edit -u https://www.example.net/some_xmpp_blog_article.html -S xhtml
+Create a new blog post on a XMPP blog node using its HTTPS URL (supposing here that
+https://example.net is a XMPP blog node)::
+  $ jp blog edit -u https://www.example.net
+.. _edit_metadata:
+Metadata is set using a JSON object. The key you can use are:
+  boolean indicating if item can be published. Set to ``false`` if you want to work on a
+  draft and to avoid accidental publication.
+  atom entry identifier. This should not be modified manually.
+  time of initial publication (unix time). This should not be modified manually.
+  language of the content
+  array of URIs to the comments node, if any.
+  array of tags, if any
+  human readable name of the entry author
+  jid of the author. This should notbe modified manually.
+  true if the pubsub service confirmed that author_jid is the one of the publisher. It is
+  useless to modify this variable.
+  the title of the message
+  the rich title of the message, in current text syntax. It will be automatically
+  converted to xhtml.
+.. _edit_conf:
+Local editor used is by default the one set in ``$EDITOR`` environment variable, but you
+can specify one in ``sat.conf``. To do so, you have to set the name of an editor
+executable in  the ``editor`` option in ``[jp]`` section.
+You can specify the args to use by using ``blog_editor_args`` option. Use
+``{content_file}`` to get the path of the main content file (the body of the blog post),
+and ``{metadata_file}`` to get the path of the json metadata.
+.. sourcecode:: cfg
+   [jp]
+   editor = kate
+   blog_editor_args = {content_file} {metadata_file}
+.. _edit_preview:
+To set the preview, you can use the options ``blog_preview_open_cmd`` and
+``blog_preview_update_cmd`` in your ``[jp]`` section. the former is the command to use to
+open your browser when edition starts, and the later is the command to use when a
+modification is saved. In both cases you may use ``{url}`` to set the location of local HTML file.
+This can be use to activate automatic refreshing of the page.
+For **Konqueror**, you can use its D-Bus API to do refreshing. Ensure that ``qdbus`` is
+installed on your system, and enter the following lines in your ``sat.conf``:
+.. sourcecode:: cfg
+    [jp]
+    blog_preview_open_cmd = konqueror {url}
+    blog_preview_update_cmd = /bin/sh -c "qdbus $(qdbus org.kde.konqueror\*) /konqueror/MainWindow_1 reload"
+For **Firefox**, you may use ``xdotool`` on X11. Once you have installed this tool, enter the
+following lines in your ``sat.conf``:
+.. sourcecode:: cfg
+    [jp]
+    blog_preview_open_cmd = firefox -new-tab {url}
+    blog_preview_update_cmd = /bin/sh -c "WID=$(xdotool search --name 'Mozilla Firefox' | head -1); xdotool windowactivate $WID; xdotool key F5"
+This *xdotool* technique can be adapted to other browsers.
+syntax extensions
+A dictionary with a mapping from syntax name to file extension can be used. This can be
+useful to activate the right syntax highlighting in your editor. There is a default
+mapping which can be overriden.
+The mapping is set in the ``syntax_ext_dict`` option of the ``[jp]`` section of your
+``sat.conf`` file. For instance, if your prefer do your ``.markdown`` for temp files
+instead of the default ``.md``, you can use this:
+.. sourcecode:: cfg
+   [jp]
+   syntax_ext_dict = {"markdown": "markdown"}
+the first ``markdown`` is the name of the syntax (could an other syntax like ``xhtml``),
+while the second if the file extension.
+This command will show the specified file in browser, and refresh it when changes are
+detected. Configuration is the same as for `edit preview <edit_preview_>`_. This is can be
+used if you have already started an edition with ``jp blog edit`` but forgot to use the ``-P, --preview`` arguments.
+Preview the draft at ``~/local/sat/blog/some_name/blog_something.md``::
+  $ jp blog preview ~/local/sat/blog/some_name/blog_something.md
+With this command you can import an external blog in a XMPP blog at the specified pubsub
+The import is done using an *importer* name and a *location* which depends of the importer
+(it can be a path to a file, an URL to a blog, or something else). Use empty nothing to
+get list of importers, and specify only importer name to get its description.
+By default, found images are re-uploaded to XMPP server, if you want to keep original
+URLs, use the ``--no-images-upload`` option.
+Alternatively, you can re-upload images except for a specific host with ``--upload-ignore-host UPLOAD_IGNORE_HOST``. The images for the specified host will keep there original URLs while other will be uploaded to XMPP server.
+You shoud specify original blog host using ``--host HOST`` argument, this is used notably
+to reconstruct relative URLs of media.
+Importers may have specific options, you can set them using the ``-o NAME VALUE, --option NAME VALUE`` argument. Check the importer description for details.
+List available importers::
+  $ jp blog import
+Get description of ``dotclear`` importer::
+  $ jp blog import dotclear
+Import a Dotclear blog::
+  $ jp blog import dotclear /path/to/dotclear.dump
+Import a Dotclear blog without uploading images::
+  $ jp blog import --no-images-upload dotclear /path/to/dotclear.dump