diff tests/e2e/jp/test_jp.py @ 3429:d4558f3cbf13

tests, docker(e2e): added e2e tests for Libervia: - moved jp tests to `e2e/jp` - new fixtures - adapted docker-compose - improved `run_e2e` with several flags + report on failure - doc to come
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:39:40 +0100
parents tests/e2e/test_jp.py@814e118d9ef3
children be6d91572633
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/e2e/jp/test_jp.py	Fri Nov 27 16:39:40 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SàT: an XMPP client
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Jérôme Poisson (goffi@goffi.org)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import shutil
+import pytest
+import sh
+from sh import jp
+from sat.tools.common import uri
+if os.getenv("SAT_TEST_ENV_E2E") is None:
+    pytest.skip(
+        "skipping end-to-end tests, we are not in a test environment",
+        allow_module_level=True
+    )
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures("test_profiles")
+class TestInstall:
+    def test_jp_can_run(self):
+        jp("--version")
+class TestJpAccount:
+    def test_create_and_delete(self, jp_json):
+        """Create an account in-band, connect it, then delete it and its profile"""
+        jp.account.create(
+            "test_create@server1.test",
+            "test",
+            profile="test_create",
+            host="server1.test"
+        )
+        profiles = jp_json.profile.list()
+        assert "test_create" in profiles
+        jp.profile.connect(connect=True, profile="test_create")
+        jp.account.delete(profile="test_create", force=True)
+        jp.profile.delete("test_create", force=True)
+        profiles = jp_json.profile.list()
+        assert "test_create" not in profiles
+class TestJpPubsub:
+    def test_node_create_info_delete(self):
+        node_name = "tmp_node"
+        with pytest.raises(sh.ErrorReturnCode_16):
+            # the node should not exist
+            jp.pubsub.node.info(node=node_name)
+        try:
+            jp.pubsub.node.create(node=node_name)
+            # if node exist has expected, following command won't raise an exception
+            metadata = jp.pubsub.node.info(node=node_name)
+            assert len(metadata.strip())
+        finally:
+            jp.pubsub.node.delete(node=node_name, force=True)
+        with pytest.raises(sh.ErrorReturnCode_16):
+            # the node should not exist anymore
+            jp.pubsub.node.info(node=node_name)
+    def test_set_get_delete_purge(self, jp_elt):
+        content = "test item"
+        payload = f"<test>{content}</test>"
+        # we create 3 items and check them
+        item1_id = jp.pubsub.set(node="test", quiet=True, _in=payload)
+        item2_id = jp.pubsub.set(node="test", quiet=True, _in=payload)
+        item3_id = jp.pubsub.set(node="test", quiet=True, _in=payload)
+        parsed_elt = jp_elt.pubsub.get(node="test", item=item1_id)
+        payload = parsed_elt.firstChildElement()
+        assert payload.name == 'test'
+        assert str(payload) == content
+        parsed_elt = jp_elt.pubsub.get(node="test", item=item2_id)
+        payload = parsed_elt.firstChildElement()
+        assert payload.name == 'test'
+        assert str(payload) == content
+        parsed_elt = jp_elt.pubsub.get(node="test", item=item3_id)
+        payload = parsed_elt.firstChildElement()
+        assert payload.name == 'test'
+        assert str(payload) == content
+        # deleting first item should work
+        jp.pubsub.delete(node="test", item=item1_id, force=True)
+        with pytest.raises(sh.ErrorReturnCode_16):
+            jp.pubsub.get(node="test", item=item1_id)
+        # there must be a least item2 and item3 in the node
+        node_items = jp_elt.pubsub.get(node="test")
+        assert len(list(node_items.elements())) >= 2
+        # after purge, node must be empty
+        jp.pubsub.node.purge(node="test", force=True)
+        node_items = jp_elt.pubsub.get(node="test")
+        assert len(list(node_items.elements())) == 0
+    def test_edit(self, editor, jp_elt):
+        content = "original item"
+        payload = f"<test>{content}</test>"
+        item_id = jp.pubsub.set(node="test", quiet=True, _in=payload)
+        editor.set_filter('content.replace("original", "edited")')
+        jp.pubsub.edit(node="test", item=item_id, _env=editor.env)
+        assert "original item" in editor.original_content
+        parsed_elt = jp_elt.pubsub.get(node="test", item=item_id)
+        edited_payload = parsed_elt.firstChildElement()
+        expected_edited_content = content.replace("original", "edited")
+        assert edited_payload.name == 'test'
+        assert str(edited_payload) == expected_edited_content
+    def test_affiliations(self, jp_json):
+        affiliations = jp_json.pubsub.affiliations()
+        assert affiliations["test"] == "owner"
+    def test_uri(self):
+        built_uri = jp.pubsub.uri(
+            service="pubsub.example.net", node="some_node"
+        ).strip()
+        assert built_uri == "xmpp:pubsub.example.net?;node=some_node"
+        built_uri = jp.pubsub.uri(
+            service="pubsub.example.net", node="some_node", item="some_item"
+        ).strip()
+        assert built_uri == "xmpp:pubsub.example.net?;node=some_node;item=some_item"
+class TestJpBlog:
+    MICROBLOG_NS = "urn:xmpp:microblog:0"
+    def test_set_get(self, jp_json):
+        jp.blog.set(_in="markdown **bold** [link](https://example.net)")
+        item_data = jp_json.blog.get(max=1)
+        item = item_data[0][0]
+        metadata = item_data[1]
+        assert metadata['service'] == "account1@server1.test"
+        assert metadata['node'] == self.MICROBLOG_NS
+        assert metadata['rsm'].keys() <= {"first", "last", "index", "count"}
+        item_id = item['id']
+        expected_uri = uri.buildXMPPUri(
+            'pubsub', subtype="microblog", path="account1@server1.test",
+            node=self.MICROBLOG_NS, item=item_id
+        )
+        assert item['uri'] == expected_uri
+        assert item['content_xhtml'] == (
+            '<div><p>markdown <strong>bold</strong> '
+            '<a href="https://example.net">link</a></p></div>'
+        )
+        assert isinstance(item['published'], int)
+        assert isinstance(item['updated'], int)
+        assert isinstance(item['comments'], list)
+        assert isinstance(item['tags'], list)
+        assert item['author'] == 'account1'
+        assert item['author_jid'] == 'account1@server1.test'
+    def test_edit(self, editor, jp_json):
+        payload_md = "content in **markdown**"
+        editor.set_filter(repr(payload_md))
+        jp.blog.edit(_env=editor.env)
+        assert len(editor.original_content) == 0
+        assert editor.new_content == payload_md
+        items_data = jp_json.blog.get(max=1)
+        last_item = items_data[0][0]
+        last_item_id = last_item['id']
+        assert last_item['content'] == "content in markdown"
+        assert last_item['content_xhtml'] == (
+            "<div><p>content in <strong>markdown</strong></p></div>"
+        )
+        editor.set_filter('f"{content} extended"')
+        jp.blog.edit("--last-item", _env=editor.env)
+        assert editor.original_content == payload_md
+        assert editor.new_content == f"{payload_md} extended"
+        items_data = jp_json.blog.get(max=1)
+        last_item = items_data[0][0]
+        # we check that the id hasn't been modified
+        assert last_item['id'] == last_item_id
+        assert last_item['content'] == "content in markdown extended"
+        assert last_item['content_xhtml'] == (
+            "<div><p>content in <strong>markdown</strong> extended</p></div>"
+        )
+class TestJpFile:
+    def test_upload_get(self, fake_file):
+        source_file = fake_file.size(10240)
+        source_file_hash = fake_file.get_source_hash(source_file)
+        upload_url = jp.file.upload(source_file).strip()
+        dest_file = fake_file.new_dest_file()
+        try:
+            jp.file.get(upload_url, dest_file=dest_file)
+            dest_file_hash = fake_file.get_dest_hash(dest_file)
+        finally:
+            dest_file.unlink()
+        assert source_file_hash == dest_file_hash
+    def test_send_receive(self, fake_file):
+        source_file = fake_file.size(10240)
+        source_file_hash = fake_file.get_source_hash(source_file)
+        send_cmd = jp.file.send(source_file, "account1@server2.test", _bg=True)
+        dest_path = fake_file.dest_files / "test_send_receive"
+        dest_path.mkdir()
+        try:
+            jp.file.receive(
+                "account1@server1.test", profile="account1_s2", path=dest_path)
+            dest_file = dest_path / source_file.name
+            dest_file_hash = fake_file.get_dest_hash(dest_file)
+        finally:
+            shutil.rmtree(dest_path)
+        send_cmd.wait()
+        assert source_file_hash == dest_file_hash