diff doc/contributing/testing.rst @ 3645:e65395e5f649

doc (contributing): typo
author Goffi <goffi@goffi.org>
date Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:15:41 +0200
parents doc/contribuing/testing.rst@062a09705d43
children d6837db456fd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/contributing/testing.rst	Wed Sep 08 11:15:41 2021 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+You'll find here the documentation to run tests on Libervia. If you plan to contribute
+to the ecosystem, you should use them to check that your modification is not breaking
+anything, and if possible you should extend them to cover any new feature.
+.. _contributing-overview:
+Tests are run using `pytest`_ and are located in the ``tests`` directory.
+You'll also find legacy tests in ``sat/test`` but those one are old, not maintained and
+only kept there temporarily until they are ported to the new system.
+For now, emphasis is put on end-2-end tests, as they are covering the whole ecosystem, and
+are quite easy to write. The downside is that they are quite long to run.
+Several `fixtures`_ are available in the various ``conftest.py`` files, it's a good idea
+to have an overview of them if you're willing to write your own tests.
+.. _pytest: https://www.pytest.org
+.. _fixtures: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html
+end-to-end tests
+End-to-end tests are located in ``tests/e2e``. They are launched in a well defined
+environment managed through Docker. The ``docker/docker-compose-e2e.yml`` is used to
+create the suitable containers.
+A script is available at ``tests/e2e/run_e2e.py`` to launch the tests. It will create the
+containers, bind the current code to them, and set environment variables according to
+The arguments set to this script are the ``pytest`` options, thus you can have a verbose
+mode with ``-v`` and select specific test with ``-k EXPRESSION`` (see ``pytest --help`` for
+In addition to pytest option, some flags can be set with the following arguments:
+  Launch a VNC viewer to see in real time browser based tests. You must have ``vncviewer``
+  executable available in your path (this is part of `TigerVNC`_)
+  Do no remove Docker container after the end of tests.
+  Do not delete test profiles after the end of tests
+  Do not stop VNC viewer after the end of tests. This argument implies ``--visual``.
+  Do not kill the browser inside the container after tests are done. This argument implies
+  ``--keep-container`` and ``--keep-vnc``.
+  Shortcut for ``--keep-containers``, ``--keep-profiles`` and ``--keep-vnc``. This is
+  useful, as you guess with its names, for development of tests. User can then log-in into
+  the ``backend`` container, launch a Python console, and work with the automated browser in
+  real-time. Basic commands to launch a browser and log-in with test account are printed
+  at the end of the tests. Note that if you want to have profiles created, or extra tools
+  like the fake SMTP server, you'll have to launch at least one test which require them.
+  To log-in into the ``backend`` container, you can use the following command, from
+  ``/docker`` directory::
+  $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-e2e.yml exec backend /bin/bash
+  Then run a python console with given instructions
+It's also good to know that in the e2e test environment, the following pytest plugins are
+installed and used:
+  To avoid having test stuck, it's good to terminate them after a while. A timeout of 60s
+  is set by default for each test (lower value can give false negatives, as some e2e tests
+  can be long, notably with Selenium).
+  Even if good testing practice normally means that tests can be run independently, in the
+  case of e2e tests we are using a real environment, and some tests do create files,
+  PubSub nodes, accounts, etc. It would be resource consuming to delete then recreate them
+  only to have standalone tests, thus to keep tests short and simple, some of them must be
+  run in order. The *dependecy* plugin is used to manage that, and will skip tests if one
+  of their dependencies is failing. The markup help also to document the tests order.
+.. _TigerVNC: https://tigervnc.org
+.. _pytest-timeout: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-timeout
+.. _pytest-dependency: https://github.com/RKrahl/pytest-dependency
+common fixtures
+Here are the fixture common to all e2e tests which are good to know:
+  Creates a bunch of test accounts which are available during the whole test session.
+  Those account are destroyed once all the tests are finished (successful or not), except
+  if you set the ``LIBERVIA_TEST_E2E_KEEP_PROFILES`` environment variable (or use the
+  ``--keep-profiles`` flag in ``run_e2e.py``.
+  The profiles created are in the form ``accountX`` for account on the ``server1.test``,
+  or ``accountX_sY`` for account on other servers (see the docstring for details).
+  This fixture should be used on top of each e2e test module.
+  Create 2 pubsub nodes with ``open`` access model and named ``test`` (one on ``account1``
+  PEP service, and the other one on ``pubsub.server1.test``, created with the same
+  account).
+  Those node are created for the scope of the class.
+  Create files filled with random bytes, and check them.
+  A file is created by calling ``fake_file.size(size)``, and by default files of the same
+  size are re-used (set ``use_cache=False`` to create new files). This method returns a
+  ``pathlib.Path``. SHA-256 hash of the created file can be retrieved using
+  ``fake_file.get_source_hash(source_file_path)`` with the file path as argument.
+  ``fake_file.new_dest_file()`` will return a Path to a randomly named destination file,
+  and ``fake_file.get_dest_hash(dest_file_path)`` will generate its hash once written.
+  When used, a fake SMTP server (already configured in container's ``libervia.conf``) will be
+  launched if it's not already, and all messages sent to it since the beginning of the test
+  will be available in the given list. Message are subclasses of
+  ``email.message.EmailMessage`` with the extra properties ``from_``, ``to``, ``subject``
+  and ``body`` available for easy access to their content.
+  The SMTP server is terminated at the end of the test session.
+libervia-cli e2e tests
+End-to-end tests for ``libervia-cli`` are a good way to tests backend features without having to
+deal with frontends UI. Those tests use extensively the ``sh`` module, which helps
+writing ``libervia-cli`` commands like if they where methods.
+Among the helping fixture (check the various ``conftest.py`` files for details), the
+following are specially good to know:
+  Set the ``json_raw`` output are parse it. When you use this instead of the normal ``libervia-cli``,
+  you'll get a Python object that you can manipulate easily.
+  Set the ``xml_raw`` output and parse it as a Twisted ``domish.Element``. When you use a
+  command which can return XML, it is useful to get this object which is easy to
+  manipulate in Python.
+  Create a fake editor (replacing the one normally set in ``EDITOR`` environment
+  variable), to automatically modify and/or check the text sent by a command. You can
+  specify Python code to execute to modify the received text with the ``set_filter``
+  method (this code is in a string which will be executed by Python interpreter, where the
+  ``content`` variable is the received text). By default, the text is kept unmodified.
+  After ``editor`` has been used by the ``libervia-cli`` command, you can check its
+  ``original_content`` property to see the text that it received, and ``new_content``
+  property to see the text that has been written after updating the original content with
+  the code set in ``set_filter``.
+Libervia e2e tests
+E2e tests for Libervia are executed, as it is common in web world, with `Selenium`_: user
+actions are simulated in automated browser, and results are checked.
+To make the tests as easy to write as possible, and as natural to read as possible, the
+higher level `Helium`_ Python module is used. Thanks to it, the tests can read pretty much
+like instructions we would give to a human user. Helium makes also easy to do some tasks
+more complicated with Selenium alone, like dropping a file to an element.
+If a test is failing, a screenshot of the browser is taken. If you run the tests though
+the ``run_e2e.py`` command (which you should), you'll find the screenshots in the
+``report_*`` directory which is created in working dir in case of failure.
+Here are the helping fixtures which are notably good to know, you should always use either
+``log_in_account1`` or ``nobody_logged_in``:
+  Start the test with the main test account logged.
+  Start the test without anybody logged (this is done by clearing all cookies).
+.. _Selenium: https://www.selenium.dev
+.. _Helium: https://github.com/mherrmann/selenium-python-helium
+Following examples have to be run from ``tests/e2e`` directory.
+Run all tests for ``Libervia CLI``::
+  $ ./run_e2e.py -k libervia-cli
+Run all tests for ``Libervia Web`` with real-time visual feedback (note that you need to have
+``vncviewer`` installed and available in path, see above)::
+  $ ./run_e2e.py -k libervia-web --visual
+Run all tests with verbose mode (useful to know which test is currently running)::
+  $ ./run_e2e.py -v
+Run pubsub tests in verbose mode::
+  $ ./run_e2e.py -k pubsub -v
+Run in dev mode, to work on new tests, note that we run the ``user_can_create_account``
+test to be sure to have test profiles created and fake SMTP server run…::
+  $ ./run_e2e.py -k user_can_create_account --dev-mode
+…then to go into the ``backend`` container and work with the browser (to be run in ``docker``
+  $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-e2e.yml exec backend /bin/bash
+…and, inside the container, you can now run ``python3`` and enter instruction prints at
+the end of the test session.