view sat/plugins/ @ 3104:118d91c932a7

plugin XEP-0384: OMEMO for MUC implementation: - encryption is now allowed for group chats - when an encryption is requested for a MUC, real jids or all occupants are used to encrypt the message - a cache for plain text message sent to MUC is used, because for security reason we can't encrypt message for our own device with OMEMO (that would prevent ratchet and break the prefect forward secrecy). Thus, message sent in MUC are cached for 5 min, and the decrypted version is used when found. We don't send immediately the plain text message to frontends and history because we want to keep the same MUC behaviour as for plain text, and receiving a message means that it was received and sent back by MUC service - <origin-id> is used to identify messages sent by our device - a feedback_jid is now use to use correct entity for feedback message in case of problem: with a room we have to send feedback message to the room and not the the emitter - encryptMessage now only accepts list in the renamed "entity_bare_jids" argument
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 30 Dec 2019 20:59:46 +0100
parents ab2696e34d29
children 9d0df638c8b4
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for Message Archive Management (XEP-0313)
# Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Jérôme Poisson (
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core.log import getLogger
from sat.core import exceptions
from import data_format
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.internet import defer
from zope.interface import implementer
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import tz
from wokkel import disco
from wokkel import data_form
import uuid

# XXX: mam and rsm come from sat_tmp.wokkel
from wokkel import rsm
from wokkel import mam

log = getLogger(__name__)

    C.PI_NAME: "Message Archive Management",
    C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "XEP-0313",
    C.PI_TYPE: "XEP",
    C.PI_PROTOCOLS: ["XEP-0313"],
    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0059", "XEP-0359"],
    C.PI_MAIN: "XEP_0313",
    C.PI_HANDLER: "yes",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Implementation of Message Archive Management"""),

MAM_PREFIX = "mam_"
KEY_LAST_STANZA_ID = "last_stanza_id"
MESSAGE_RESULT = "/message/result[@xmlns='{mam_ns}' and @queryid='{query_id}']"
MESSAGE_STANZA_ID = '/message/stanza-id[@xmlns="{ns_stanza_id}"]'

class XEP_0313(object):
    def __init__(self, host):"Message Archive Management plugin initialization")) = host"mam", mam.NS_MAM)
        self._rsm = host.plugins["XEP-0059"]
        self._sid = host.plugins["XEP-0359"]
        # Deferred used to store last stanza id in order of reception
        self._last_stanza_id_d = defer.Deferred()
            "MAMGet", ".plugin", in_sign='sss',
            out_sign='(a(sdssa{ss}a{ss}sa{ss})a{ss}s)', method=self._getArchives,

    def resume(self, client):
        """Retrieve one2one messages received since the last we have in local storage"""
        stanza_id_data = yield
            mam.NS_MAM, [KEY_LAST_STANZA_ID], profile=client.profile)
        stanza_id = stanza_id_data.get(KEY_LAST_STANZA_ID)
        if stanza_id is None:
  "can't retrieve last stanza ID, checking history")
            last_mess = yield
                None, None, limit=1, filters={'not_types': C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT,
                                              'last_stanza_id': True},
            if not last_mess:
      "It seems that we have no MAM history yet"))
            stanza_id = last_mess[0][-1]['stanza_id']
        rsm_req = rsm.RSMRequest(max_=100, after=stanza_id)
        mam_req = mam.MAMRequest(rsm_=rsm_req)
        complete = False
        count = 0
        while not complete:
            mam_data = yield self.getArchives(client, mam_req,
            elt_list, rsm_response, mam_response = mam_data
            complete = mam_response["complete"]
            # we update MAM request for next iteration
            mam_req.rsm.after = rsm_response.last
            if not elt_list:
                count += len(elt_list)

            for mess_elt in elt_list:
                    fwd_message_elt = self.getMessageFromResult(
                        client, mess_elt, mam_req)
                except exceptions.DataError:

                    destinee = jid.JID(fwd_message_elt['to'])
                except KeyError:
                    log.warning(_('missing "to" attribute in forwarded message'))
                    destinee = client.jid
                if destinee.userhostJID() == client.jid.userhostJID():
                    # message to use, we insert the forwarded message in the normal
                    # workflow
                    # this message should be from us, we just add it to history
                        from_jid = jid.JID(fwd_message_elt['from'])
                    except KeyError:
                        log.warning(_('missing "from" attribute in forwarded message'))
                        from_jid = client.jid
                    if from_jid.userhostJID() != client.jid.userhostJID():
                            'was expecting a message sent by our jid, but this one if '
                            'from {from_jid}, ignoring\n{xml}').format(
                                from_jid=from_jid.full(), xml=mess_elt.toXml()))
                    # adding message to history
                    mess_data = client.messageProt.parseMessage(fwd_message_elt)
                        yield client.messageProt.addToHistory(mess_data)
                    except exceptions.CancelError as e:
                            "message has not been added to history: {e}".format(e=e))
                    except Exception as e:
                            "can't add message to history: {e}\n{xml}"
                            .format(e=e, xml=mess_elt.toXml()))

        if not count:
  "We have received no message while offline"))
  "We have received {num_mess} message(s) while offline.")

    def profileConnected(self, client):
        return self.resume(client)

    def getHandler(self, client):
        mam_client = client._mam = SatMAMClient(self)
        return mam_client

    def parseExtra(self, extra, with_rsm=True):
        """Parse extra dictionnary to retrieve MAM arguments

        @param extra(dict): data for parse
        @param with_rsm(bool): if True, RSM data will be parsed too
        @return (data_form, None): request with parsed arguments
            or None if no MAM arguments have been found
        mam_args = {}
        form_args = {}
        for arg in ("start", "end"):
                value = extra.pop(MAM_PREFIX + arg)
                form_args[arg] = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(value), tz.tzutc())
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                log.warning("Bad value for {arg} filter ({value}), ignoring".format(
                    arg=arg, value=value))
            except KeyError:

            form_args["with_jid"] = jid.JID(extra.pop(
                MAM_PREFIX + "with"))
        except (jid.InvalidFormat):
            log.warning("Bad value for jid filter")
        except KeyError:

        for name, value in extra.items():
            if name.startswith(FILTER_PREFIX):
                var = name[len(FILTER_PREFIX):]
                extra_fields = form_args.setdefault("extra_fields", [])
                extra_fields.append(data_form.Field(var=var, value=value))

        for arg in ("node", "query_id"):
                value = extra.pop(MAM_PREFIX + arg)
                mam_args[arg] = value
            except KeyError:

        if with_rsm:
            rsm_request = self._rsm.parseExtra(extra)
            if rsm_request is not None:
                mam_args["rsm_"] = rsm_request

        if form_args:
            mam_args["form"] = mam.buildForm(**form_args)

        # we only set orderBy if we have other MAM args
        # else we would make a MAM query while it's not expected
        if "order_by" in extra and mam_args:
            order_by = extra.pop("order_by")
            assert isinstance(order_by, list)
            mam_args["orderBy"] = order_by

        return mam.MAMRequest(**mam_args) if mam_args else None

    def serialise(self, mam_response, data=None):
        """Serialise data for MAM

        Key set in data can be:
            - mam_complete: a bool const indicating if all items have been received
            - mam_stable: a bool const which is False if items order may be changed
        All values are set as strings.
        @param mam_response(dict): response data to serialise
        @param data(dict, None): dict to update with mam_* data.
            If None, a new dict is created
        @return (dict): data dict
        if data is None:
            data = {}
        data["mam_complete"] = C.boolConst(mam_response['complete'])
        data["mam_stable"] = C.boolConst(mam_response['stable'])
        return data

    def getMessageFromResult(self, client, mess_elt, mam_req, service=None):
        """Extract usable <message/> from MAM query result

        The message will be validated, and stanza-id/delay will be added if necessary.
        @param mess_elt(domish.Element): result <message/> element wrapping the message
            to retrieve
        @param mam_req(mam.MAMRequest): request used (needed to get query_id)
        @param service(jid.JID, None): MAM service where the request has been sent
            None if it's user server
        @return domish.Element): <message/> that can be used directly with onMessage
        if != "message":
            log.warning("unexpected stanza in archive: {xml}".format(
            raise exceptions.DataError("Invalid element")
        service_jid = client.jid.userhostJID() if service is None else service
        mess_from = mess_elt["from"]
        # we check that the message has been sent by the right service
        # if service is None (i.e. message expected from our own server)
        # from can be server jid or user's bare jid
        if (mess_from != service_jid.full()
            and not (service is None and mess_from ==
            log.error("Message is not from our server, something went wrong: "
            raise exceptions.DataError("Invalid element")
            result_elt = next(mess_elt.elements(mam.NS_MAM, "result"))
            forwarded_elt = next(result_elt.elements(C.NS_FORWARD, "forwarded"))
                delay_elt = next(forwarded_elt.elements(C.NS_DELAY, "delay"))
            except StopIteration:
                # delay_elt is not mandatory
                delay_elt = None
            fwd_message_elt = next(forwarded_elt.elements(C.NS_CLIENT, "message"))
        except StopIteration:
            log.warning("Invalid message received from MAM: {xml}".format(
            raise exceptions.DataError("Invalid element")
            if not result_elt["queryid"] == mam_req.query_id:
                log.error("Unexpected query id (was expecting {query_id}): {xml}"
                    .format(query_id=mam.query_id, xml=mess_elt.toXml()))
                raise exceptions.DataError("Invalid element")
            stanza_id = self._sid.getStanzaId(fwd_message_elt,
            if stanza_id is None:
                # not stanza-id element is present, we add one so message
                # will be archived with it, and we won't request several times
                # the same MAM achive
                    stanza_id = result_elt["id"]
                except AttributeError:
                    log.warning('Invalid MAM result: missing "id" attribute: {xml}'
                    raise exceptions.DataError("Invalid element")
                self._sid.addStanzaId(client, fwd_message_elt, stanza_id, by=service_jid)

            if delay_elt is not None:

            return fwd_message_elt

    def queryFields(self, client, service=None):
        """Ask the server about supported fields.

        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
        @return (D(data_form.Form)): form with the implemented fields (cf XEP-0313 §4.1.5)
        return client._mam.queryFields(service)

    def queryArchive(self, client, mam_req, service=None):
        """Query a user, MUC or pubsub archive.

        @param mam_req(mam.MAMRequest): MAM query instance
        @param service(jid.JID, None): entity offering the MAM service
            None for user server
        @return (D(domish.Element)): <IQ/> result
        return client._mam.queryArchive(mam_req, service)

    def _appendMessage(self, elt_list, message_cb, message_elt):
        if message_cb is not None:

    def _queryFinished(self, iq_result, client, elt_list, event):
        client.xmlstream.removeObserver(event, self._appendMessage)
            fin_elt = next(iq_result.elements(mam.NS_MAM, "fin"))
        except StopIteration:
            raise exceptions.DataError("Invalid MAM result")

        mam_response = {"complete": C.bool(fin_elt.getAttribute("complete", C.BOOL_FALSE)),
                        "stable": C.bool(fin_elt.getAttribute("stable", C.BOOL_TRUE))}

            rsm_response = rsm.RSMResponse.fromElement(fin_elt)
        except rsm.RSMNotFoundError:
            rsm_response = None

        return (elt_list, rsm_response, mam_response)

    def serializeArchiveResult(self, data, client, mam_req, service):
        elt_list, rsm_response, mam_response = data
        mess_list = []
        for elt in elt_list:
            fwd_message_elt = self.getMessageFromResult(client, elt, mam_req,
            mess_data = client.messageProt.parseMessage(fwd_message_elt)
        metadata = self._rsm.serialise(rsm_response)
        self.serialise(mam_response, metadata)
        return mess_list, metadata, client.profile

    def _getArchives(self, service, extra_ser, profile_key):
        @return: tuple with:
            - list of message with same data as in bridge.messageNew
            - response metadata with:
                - rsm data (rsm_first, rsm_last, rsm_count, rsm_index)
                - mam data (mam_complete, mam_stable)
            - profile
        client =
        service = jid.JID(service) if service else None
        extra = data_format.deserialise(extra_ser, {})
        mam_req = self.parseExtra(extra)

        d = self.getArchives(client, mam_req, service=service)
        d.addCallback(self.serializeArchiveResult, client, mam_req, service)
        return d

    def getArchives(self, client, query, service=None, message_cb=None):
        """Query archive and gather page result

        @param query(mam.MAMRequest): MAM request
        @param service(jid.JID, None): MAM service to use
            None to use our own server
        @param message_cb(callable, None): callback to use on each message
            this method can be used to unwrap messages
        @return (tuple[list[domish.Element], rsm.RSMResponse, dict): result data with:
            - list of found elements
            - RSM response
            - MAM response, which is a dict with following value:
                - complete: a boolean which is True if all items have been received
                - stable: a boolean which is False if items order may be changed
        if query.query_id is None:
            query.query_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        elt_list = []
        event = MESSAGE_RESULT.format(mam_ns=mam.NS_MAM, query_id=query.query_id)
        client.xmlstream.addObserver(event, self._appendMessage, 0, elt_list, message_cb)
        d = self.queryArchive(client, query, service)
        d.addCallback(self._queryFinished, client, elt_list, event)
        return d

    def getPrefs(self, client, service=None):
        """Retrieve the current user preferences.

        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
        @return: the server response as a Deferred domish.Element
        return client._mam.queryPrefs(service)

    def _setPrefs(self, service_s=None, default="roster", always=None, never=None,
        service = jid.JID(service_s) if service_s else None
        always_jid = [jid.JID(entity) for entity in always]
        never_jid = [jid.JID(entity) for entity in never]
        # TODO: why not build here a MAMPrefs object instead of passing the args separately?
        return self.setPrefs(service, default, always_jid, never_jid, profile_key)

    def setPrefs(self, client, service=None, default="roster", always=None, never=None):
        """Set news user preferences.

        @param service: entity offering the MAM service (None for user archives)
        @param default (unicode): a value in ('always', 'never', 'roster')
        @param always (list): a list of JID instances
        @param never (list): a list of JID instances
        @param profile_key (unicode): %(doc_profile_key)s
        @return: the server response as a Deferred domish.Element
        return client._mam.setPrefs(service, default, always, never)

    def onMessageStanzaId(self, message_elt, client):
        """Called when a message with a stanza-id is received

        the messages' stanza ids are stored when received, so the last one can be used
        to retrieve missing history on next connection
        @param message_elt(domish.Element): <message> with a stanza-id
        service_jid = client.jid.userhostJID()
        stanza_id = self._sid.getStanzaId(message_elt, service_jid)
        if stanza_id is None:
            log.debug("Ignoring <message>, stanza id is not from our server")
            # we use self._last_stanza_id_d do be sure that last_stanza_id is stored in
            # the order of reception
                lambda __:

class SatMAMClient(mam.MAMClient):

    def __init__(self, plugin_parent):
        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent

    def host(self):
        return self.parent.host_app

    def connectionInitialized(self):
        observer_xpath = MESSAGE_STANZA_ID.format(
            observer_xpath, self.plugin_parent.onMessageStanzaId, client=self.parent

    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=""):
        return [disco.DiscoFeature(mam.NS_MAM)]

    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, target, nodeIdentifier=""):
        return []