view frontends/src/tools/ @ 2444:30278ea1ca7c

plugin XEP-0060: added node watching methods to bridge: new methods psNodeWatchAdd and psNodeWatchRemove allows to set a watch for the time of the session on one node, to have a signal called when something change on this node. This signal (psEventRaw) send raw data (raw XML), in opposition to psEvent which is there to send high level data (e.g. parsed blog data). Those method are primarely there to let frontends manage local cache for pubsub nodes.
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 19 Nov 2017 16:51:39 +0100
parents 2daf7b4c6756
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Libervia: a Salut à Toi frontend
Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Map the messages recipient types to their properties.
RECIPIENT_TYPES = {"To": {"desc": "Direct recipients", "optional": False},
                   "Cc": {"desc": "Carbon copies", "optional": True},
                   "Bcc": {"desc": "Blind carbon copies", "optional": True}}

# Rich text buttons icons and descriptions
    "bold": {"tip": "Bold", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/bold.png"},
    "italic": {"tip": "Italic", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/italic.png"},
    "underline": {"tip": "Underline", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/underline.png"},
    "code": {"tip": "Code", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/mono.png"},
    "strikethrough": {"tip": "Strikethrough", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/strike.png"},
    "heading": {"tip": "Heading", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/hequal.png"},
    "numberedlist": {"tip": "Numbered List", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/ol.png"},
    "list": {"tip": "List", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/ul.png"},
    "link": {"tip": "Link", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/linkextern.png"},
    "horizontalrule": {"tip": "Horizontal rule", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/hr.png"},
    "image":  {"tip": "Image", "icon": "media/icons/dokuwiki/toolbar/16/image.png"},

# Define here your rich text syntaxes, the key must match the ones used in button.
# Tupples values must have 3 elements : prefix to the selection or cursor
# position, sample text to write if the marker is not applied on a selection,
# suffix to the selection or cursor position.
# FIXME: must not be hard-coded like this
RICH_SYNTAXES = {"markdown": {"bold": ("**", "bold", "**"),
                              "italic": ("*", "italic", "*"),
                              "code": ("`", "code", "`"),
                              "heading": ("\n# ", "Heading 1", "\n## Heading 2\n"),
                              "link": ("[desc](", "link", ")"),
                              "list": ("\n* ", "item", "\n    + subitem\n"),
                              "horizontalrule": ("\n***\n", "", ""),
                              "image": ("![desc](", "path", ")"),
           "bbcode": {"bold": ("[b]", "bold", "[/b]"),
                      "italic": ("[i]", "italic", "[/i]"),
                      "underline": ("[u]", "underline", "[/u]"),
                      "code": ("[code]", "code", "[/code]"),
                      "strikethrough": ("[s]", "strikethrough", "[/s]"),
                      "link": ("[url=", "link", "]desc[/url]"),
                      "list": ("\n[list] [*]", "item 1", " [*]item 2 [/list]\n"),
                      "image": ("[img alt=\"desc\]", "path", "[/img]"),
           "dokuwiki": {"bold": ("**", "bold", "**"),
                        "italic": ("//", "italic", "//"),
                        "underline": ("__", "underline", "__"),
                        "code": ("<code>", "code", "</code>"),
                        "strikethrough": ("<del>", "strikethrough", "</del>"),
                        "heading": ("\n==== ", "Heading 1", " ====\n=== Heading 2 ===\n"),
                        "link": ("[[", "link", "|desc]]"),
                        "list": ("\n  * ", "item\n", "\n    * subitem\n"),
                        "horizontalrule": ("\n----\n", "", ""),
                        "image": ("{{", "path", " |desc}}"),
           "XHTML": {"bold": ("<b>", "bold", "</b>"),
                     "italic": ("<i>", "italic", "</i>"),
                     "underline": ("<u>", "underline", "</u>"),
                     "code": ("<pre>", "code", "</pre>"),
                     "strikethrough": ("<s>", "strikethrough", "</s>"),
                     "heading": ("\n<h3>", "Heading 1", "</h3>\n<h4>Heading 2</h4>\n"),
                     "link": ("<a href=\"", "link", "\">desc</a>"),
                     "list": ("\n<ul><li>", "item 1", "</li><li>item 2</li></ul>\n"),
                     "horizontalrule": ("\n<hr/>\n", "", ""),
                     "image": ("<img src=\"", "path", "\" alt=\"desc\"/>"),

# Define here the commands that are supported by the WYSIWYG edition.
# Keys must be the same than the ones used in RICH_SYNTAXES["XHTML"].
# Values will be used to call execCommand(cmd, False, arg), they can be:
# - a string used for cmd and arg is assumed empty
# - a tuple (cmd, prompt, arg) with cmd the name of the command,
#   prompt the text to display for asking a user input and arg is the
#   value to use directly without asking the user if prompt is empty.
COMMANDS = {"bold": "bold",
            "italic": "italic",
            "underline": "underline",
            "code": ("formatBlock", "", "pre"),
            "strikethrough": "strikeThrough",
            "heading": ("heading", "Please specify the heading level (h1, h2, h3...)", ""),
            "link": ("createLink", "Please specify an URL", ""),
            "list": "insertUnorderedList",
            "horizontalrule": "insertHorizontalRule",
            "image": ("insertImage", "Please specify an image path", ""),

# These values should be equal to the ones in plugin_misc_text_syntaxes
# FIXME: should the plugin import them from here to avoid duplicity? Importing
# the plugin's values from here is not possible because Libervia would fail.