Mercurial > libervia-backend
view sat/plugins/ @ 3159:30e08d904208
quick_frontend (app, widget): CagouWidget.onSelected is called when the widget is selected:
A property is now used to manage `selected_widget` in QuickApp, and widget's onSelected
method is called when suitable.
author | Goffi <> |
date | Sun, 09 Feb 2020 23:50:21 +0100 |
parents | f2d3ab4390a3 |
children | b5c058c7692e |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SAT plugin for file tansfer # Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Jérôme Poisson ( # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys import os import os.path import json from pathlib import Path from sat.core.i18n import _, D_ from sat.core.constants import Const as C from sat.core.log import getLogger from sat.core import exceptions from sat.memory import params from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.internet import error as int_error log = getLogger(__name__) PLUGIN_INFO = { C.PI_NAME: "Android", C.PI_IMPORT_NAME: "android", C.PI_TYPE: C.PLUG_TYPE_MISC, C.PI_RECOMMENDATIONS: ["XEP-0352"], C.PI_MAIN: "AndroidPlugin", C.PI_HANDLER: "no", C.PI_DESCRIPTION: D_( """Manage Android platform specificities, like pause or notifications""" ), } if sys.platform != "android": raise exceptions.CancelError("this module is not needed on this platform") from plyer import vibrator from import activity from import AndroidNotification from jnius import autoclass from android.broadcast import BroadcastReceiver from android import python_act Context = autoclass('android.content.Context') ConnectivityManager = autoclass('') MediaPlayer = autoclass('') AudioManager = autoclass('') # notifications AndroidString = autoclass('java.lang.String') PendingIntent = autoclass('') Intent = autoclass('android.content.Intent') #: delay between a pause event and sending the inactive indication to server, in seconds #: we don't send the indication immediately because user can be just checking something #: quickly on an other app. CSI_DELAY = 30 PARAM_RING_CATEGORY = "Notifications" PARAM_RING_NAME = "sound" PARAM_RING_LABEL = D_("sound on notifications") RING_OPTS = { "normal": D_("Normal"), "never": D_("Never"), } PARAM_VIBRATE_CATEGORY = "Notifications" PARAM_VIBRATE_NAME = "vibrate" PARAM_VIBRATE_LABEL = D_("Vibrate on notifications") VIBRATION_OPTS = { "always": D_("Always"), "vibrate": D_("In vibrate mode"), "never": D_("Never"), } SOCKET_DIR = "/data/data/org.salutatoi.cagou/" SOCKET_FILE = ".socket" STATE_RUNNING = b"running" STATE_PAUSED = b"paused" STATE_STOPPED = b"stopped" STATES = (STATE_RUNNING, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_STOPPED) NET_TYPE_NONE = "no network" NET_TYPE_WIFI = "wifi" NET_TYPE_MOBILE = "mobile" NET_TYPE_OTHER = "other" INTENT_EXTRA_ACTION = AndroidString("org.salut-a-toi.IntentAction") class Notification(AndroidNotification): # We extend plyer's AndroidNotification instead of creating directly with jnius # because it already handles issues like backward compatibility, and we just want to # slightly modify the behaviour. @staticmethod def _set_open_behavior(notification, sat_action): # we reproduce plyer's AndroidNotification._set_open_behavior # bu we add SàT specific extra action data app_context = activity.getApplication().getApplicationContext() notification_intent = Intent(app_context, python_act) notification_intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP) notification_intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN) notification_intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER) if sat_action is not None: action_data = AndroidString(json.dumps(sat_action).encode()) log.debug(f"adding extra {INTENT_EXTRA_ACTION} ==> {action_data}") notification_intent = notification_intent.putExtra( INTENT_EXTRA_ACTION, action_data) # we use PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT here, otherwise extra won't be set # in the new intent (the old ACTION_MAIN intent will be reused). This differs # from plyers original behaviour which set no flag here pending_intent = PendingIntent.getActivity( app_context, 0, notification_intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) notification.setContentIntent(pending_intent) notification.setAutoCancel(True) def _notify(self, **kwargs): # we reproduce plyer's AndroidNotification._notify behaviour here # and we add handling of "sat_action" attribute (SàT specific). # we also set, where suitable, default values to empty string instead of # original None, as a string is expected (in plyer the empty string is used # in the generic "notify" method). sat_action = kwargs.pop("sat_action", None) noti = None message = kwargs.get('message', '').encode('utf-8') ticker = kwargs.get('ticker', '').encode('utf-8') title = AndroidString( kwargs.get('title', '').encode('utf-8') ) icon = kwargs.get('app_icon', '') if kwargs.get('toast', False): self._toast(message) return else: noti = self._build_notification(title) noti.setContentTitle(title) noti.setContentText(AndroidString(message)) noti.setTicker(AndroidString(ticker)) self._set_icons(noti, icon=icon) self._set_open_behavior(noti, sat_action) self._open_notification(noti) class FrontendStateProtocol(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self, android_plugin): self.android_plugin = android_plugin def dataReceived(self, data): if data in STATES: self.android_plugin.state = data else: log.warning("Unexpected data: {data}".format(data=data)) class FrontendStateFactory(protocol.Factory): def __init__(self, android_plugin): self.android_plugin = android_plugin def buildProtocol(self, addr): return FrontendStateProtocol(self.android_plugin) class AndroidPlugin(object): params = """ <params> <individual> <category name="{category_name}" label="{category_label}"> <param name="{ring_param_name}" label="{ring_param_label}" type="list" security="0"> {ring_options} </param> <param name="{vibrate_param_name}" label="{vibrate_param_label}" type="list" security="0"> {vibrate_options} </param> </category> </individual> </params> """.format( category_name=PARAM_VIBRATE_CATEGORY, category_label=D_(PARAM_VIBRATE_CATEGORY), vibrate_param_name=PARAM_VIBRATE_NAME, vibrate_param_label=PARAM_VIBRATE_LABEL, vibrate_options=params.makeOptions(VIBRATION_OPTS, "always"), ring_param_name=PARAM_RING_NAME, ring_param_label=PARAM_RING_LABEL, ring_options=params.makeOptions(RING_OPTS, "normal"), ) def __init__(self, host):"plugin Android initialization")) = host self._csi = host.plugins.get('XEP-0352') self._csi_timer = None host.memory.updateParams(self.params) try: os.mkdir(SOCKET_DIR, 0o700) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 17: # dir already exists pass else: raise e self._state = None factory = FrontendStateFactory(self) socket_path = os.path.join(SOCKET_DIR, SOCKET_FILE) try: reactor.listenUNIX(socket_path, factory) except int_error.CannotListenError as e: if e.socketError.errno == 98: # the address is already in use, we need to remove it os.unlink(socket_path) reactor.listenUNIX(socket_path, factory) else: raise e # we set a low priority because we want the notification to be sent after all # plugins have done their job host.trigger.add("MessageReceived", self.messageReceivedTrigger, priority=-1000) # profiles autoconnection host.bridge.addMethod( "profileAutoconnectGet", ".plugin", in_sign="", out_sign="s", method=self._profileAutoconnectGet, async_=True, ) # audio manager, to get ring status = activity.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE) # sound notification media_dir = Path(host.memory.getConfig("", "media_dir")) assert media_dir is not None notif_path = media_dir / "sounds" / "notifications" / "music-box.mp3" self.notif_player = MediaPlayer() self.notif_player.setDataSource(str(notif_path)) self.notif_player.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION) self.notif_player.prepare() # Connectivity handling = activity.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) self._net_type = None d = defer.ensureDeferred(self._checkConnectivity()) d.addErrback(host.logErrback) # XXX: we need to keep a reference to BroadcastReceiver to avoid # "XXX has no attribute 'invoke'" error (looks like the same issue as # = BroadcastReceiver( callback=lambda *args, **kwargs: reactor.callLater(0, self.onConnectivityChange), actions=[""]) @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, new_state): log.debug(f"frontend state has changed: {new_state.decode()}") previous_state = self._state self._state = new_state if new_state == STATE_RUNNING: self._onRunning(previous_state) elif new_state == STATE_PAUSED: self._onPaused(previous_state) elif new_state == STATE_STOPPED: self._onStopped(previous_state) @property def cagou_active(self): return self._state == STATE_RUNNING def _onRunning(self, previous_state): if previous_state is not None: self.setActive() def _onPaused(self, previous_state): self.setInactive() def _onStopped(self, previous_state): self.setInactive() def _notifyMessage(self, mess_data, client): """Send notification when suitable notification is sent if: - there is a message and it is not a groupchat - message is not coming from ourself """ if (mess_data["message"] and mess_data["type"] != C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT and not mess_data["from"].userhostJID() == client.jid.userhostJID()): message = next(iter(mess_data["message"].values())) try: subject = next(iter(mess_data["subject"].values())) except StopIteration: subject = D_("new message from {contact}").format( contact = mess_data['from']) notification = Notification() notification._notify( title=subject, message=message, sat_action={ "type": "open", "widget": "chat", "target": mess_data["from"].userhost(), }, ) ringer_mode = vibrate_mode = ringer_mode == AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE ring_setting = PARAM_RING_NAME, PARAM_RING_CATEGORY, profile_key=client.profile ) if ring_setting != 'never' and ringer_mode == AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL: self.notif_player.start() vibration_setting = PARAM_VIBRATE_NAME, PARAM_VIBRATE_CATEGORY, profile_key=client.profile ) if (vibration_setting == 'always' or vibration_setting == 'vibrate' and vibrate_mode): try: vibrator.vibrate() except Exception as e: log.warning("Can't use vibrator: {e}".format(e=e)) return mess_data def messageReceivedTrigger(self, client, message_elt, post_treat): if not self.cagou_active: # we only send notification is the frontend is not displayed post_treat.addCallback(self._notifyMessage, client) return True # Profile autoconnection def _profileAutoconnectGet(self): return defer.ensureDeferred(self.profileAutoconnectGet()) async def _getProfilesAutoconnect(self): autoconnect_dict = await category='Connection', name='autoconnect_backend', ) return [p for p, v in autoconnect_dict.items() if C.bool(v)] async def profileAutoconnectGet(self): """Return profile to connect automatically by frontend, if any""" profiles_autoconnect = await self._getProfilesAutoconnect() if not profiles_autoconnect: return None if len(profiles_autoconnect) > 1: log.warning( f"More that one profiles with backend autoconnection set found, picking " f"up first one (full list: {profiles_autoconnect!r})") return profiles_autoconnect[0] # CSI def _setInactive(self): self._csi_timer = None for client in self._csi.setInactive(client) def setInactive(self): if self._csi is None or self._csi_timer is not None: return self._csi_timer = reactor.callLater(CSI_DELAY, self._setInactive) def setActive(self): if self._csi is None: return if self._csi_timer is not None: self._csi_timer.cancel() self._csi_timer = None for client in self._csi.setActive(client) # Connectivity async def _handleNetworkChange(self, net_type): """Notify the clients about network changes. This way the client can disconnect/reconnect transport, or change delays """ log.debug(f"handling network change ({net_type})") if net_type == NET_TYPE_NONE: for client in client.networkDisabled() else: # client may be there but disabled (e.g. with stream management) for client in log.debug(f"enabling network for {client.profile}") client.networkEnabled() # profiles may have been disconnected and then purged, we try # to reconnect them in case profiles_autoconnect = await self._getProfilesAutoconnect() for profile in profiles_autoconnect: if not"{profile} is not connected, reconnecting it") try: await except Exception as e: log.error(f"Can't connect profile {profile}: {e}") async def _checkConnectivity(self): active_network = if active_network is None: net_type = NET_TYPE_NONE else: net_type_android = active_network.getType() if net_type_android == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI: net_type = NET_TYPE_WIFI elif net_type_android == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE: net_type = NET_TYPE_MOBILE else: net_type = NET_TYPE_OTHER if net_type != self._net_type:"connectivity has changed") self._net_type = net_type if net_type == NET_TYPE_NONE:"no network active") elif net_type == NET_TYPE_WIFI:"WIFI activated") elif net_type == NET_TYPE_MOBILE:"mobile data activated") else:"network activated (type={net_type_android})" .format(net_type_android=net_type_android)) else: log.debug("_checkConnectivity called without network change ({net_type})" .format(net_type = net_type)) # we always call _handleNetworkChange even if there is not connectivity change # to be sure to reconnect when necessary await self._handleNetworkChange(net_type) def onConnectivityChange(self): log.debug("onConnectivityChange called") d = defer.ensureDeferred(self._checkConnectivity()) d.addErrback(