view sat/plugins/ @ 2845:42380a4f6433

quick frontend (app): new synchronisation mechanism: on some frontend (notably on mobiles) frontend can be paused and lose synchronisation with backend, this can also happen if backend restart a connexion without resuming using stream management. To manage that, QuickApp now has a sync attribute which is True when the backend is in sync with frontend. When synchronisation has been lost and is possible again, all widget will have their "resync" method called, which can be used to do necessary calls to update the status. It's the responsability of each widget to then reset the "sync" attribute, once everything has been resynchronised.
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 09 Mar 2019 16:33:31 +0100
parents 003b8b4b56a7
children ab2696e34d29
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SàT plugin for import external blogs
# Copyright (C) 2009-2019 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.log import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core import exceptions

# from twisted.internet import threads
from twisted.internet import defer
import os.path
from lxml import etree
from import date_utils

    C.PI_NAME: "Bugzilla import",
    C.PI_MAIN: "BugzillaImport",
    C.PI_HANDLER: "no",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Tickets importer for Bugzilla"""),

SHORT_DESC = D_(u"import tickets from Bugzilla xml export file")

    u"""This importer handle Bugzilla xml export file.

To use it, you'll need to export tickets using XML.
Tickets will be uploaded with the same ID as for Bugzilla, any existing ticket with this ID will be replaced.

location: you must use the absolute path to your .xml file

    "NEW": "queued",
    "ASSIGNED": "started",
    "RESOLVED": "review",
    "CLOSED": "closed",
    "REOPENED": "started",  # we loose data here because there is no need on basic workflow to have a reopened status

class BugzillaParser(object):
    # TODO: add a way to reassign values

    def parse(self, file_path):
        tickets = []
        root = etree.parse(file_path)

        for bug in root.xpath("bug"):
            ticket = {}
            ticket["id"] = bug.findtext("bug_id")
            ticket["created"] = date_utils.date_parse(bug.findtext("creation_ts"))
            ticket["updated"] = date_utils.date_parse(bug.findtext("delta_ts"))
            ticket["title"] = bug.findtext("short_desc")
            reporter_elt = bug.find("reporter")
            ticket["author"] = reporter_elt.get("name")
            if ticket["author"] is None:
                if "@" in reporter_elt.text:
                    ticket["author"] = reporter_elt.text[
                        : reporter_elt.text.find("@")
                    ticket["author"] = u"no name"
            ticket["author_email"] = reporter_elt.text
            assigned_to_elt = bug.find("assigned_to")
            ticket["assigned_to_name"] = assigned_to_elt.get("name")
            ticket["assigned_to_email"] = assigned_to_elt.text
            ticket["cc_emails"] = [e.text for e in bug.findall("cc")]
            ticket["priority"] = bug.findtext("priority").lower().strip()
            ticket["severity"] = bug.findtext("bug_severity").lower().strip()
            ticket["product"] = bug.findtext("product")
            ticket["component"] = bug.findtext("component")
            ticket["version"] = bug.findtext("version")
            ticket["platform"] = bug.findtext("rep_platform")
            ticket["os"] = bug.findtext("op_sys")
            ticket["status"] = STATUS_MAP.get(bug.findtext("bug_status"), "queued")
            ticket["milestone"] = bug.findtext("target_milestone")

            body = None
            comments = []
            for longdesc in bug.findall("long_desc"):
                if body is None:
                    body = longdesc.findtext("thetext")
                    who = longdesc.find("who")
                    comment = {
                        "id": longdesc.findtext("commentid"),
                        "author_email": who.text,
                        "published": date_utils.date_parse(longdesc.findtext("bug_when")),
                        "author": who.get("name", who.text),
                        "content": longdesc.findtext("thetext"),

            ticket["body"] = body
            ticket["comments"] = comments

        tickets.sort(key=lambda t: int(t["id"]))
        return (tickets, len(tickets))

class BugzillaImport(object):
    def __init__(self, host):"Bugilla Import plugin initialization")) = host
            "bugzilla", self.Import, SHORT_DESC, LONG_DESC

    def Import(self, client, location, options=None):
        if not os.path.isabs(location):
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                u"An absolute path to XML data need to be given as location"
        bugzilla_parser = BugzillaParser()
        # d = threads.deferToThread(bugzilla_parser.parse, location)
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(bugzilla_parser.parse, location)
        return d