view tools/ @ 86:4b5f2d55b6ac

wix: Tarot panel now appear on top of groupchat window when a Tarot game is started
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 11 May 2010 13:06:05 +0930
parents db0a0f000e37
children d2630fba8dfd
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

SAT: a jabber client
Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Jérôme Poisson (

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import with_statement

import os.path
import time
import pickle
from xml.dom import minidom
from logging import debug, info, error
import pdb
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid

SAVEFILE_PARAM_XML="/param" #xml parameters template
SAVEFILE_PARAM_DATA="/param" #individual & general parameters; _ind and _gen suffixes will be added
SAVEFILE_PRIVATE="/private"  #file used to store misc values (mainly for plugins)

class Param():
    """This class manage parameters with xml"""
    ### TODO: add desciption in params
    #TODO: mettre Watched dans un plugin
    default_xml = u"""
        <category name="Connection">
            <param name="JabberID" value="" type="string" />
            <param name="Password" value="toto" type="password" />
            <param name="Server" value="" type="string" />
            <param name="NewAccount" value="Register new account" type="button" callback="registerNewAccount"/>
        <category name="Misc">
            <param name="Watched" value="" type="string" />

    def load_default_params(self):
        self.dom = minidom.parseString(Param.default_xml.encode('utf-8'))

    def load_xml(self, file):
        """Load parameters template from file"""
        self.dom = minidom.parse(file)
    def load_data(self, file):
        """Load parameters data from file"""
        file_ind = file + '_ind'
        file_gen = file + '_gen'

        if os.path.exists(file_gen):
                with open(file_gen, 'r') as file_gen_pickle:
                debug(_("general params data loaded"))
                error (_("Can't load general params data !"))
        if os.path.exists(file_ind):
                with open(file_ind, 'r') as file_ind_pickle:
                debug(_("individual params data loaded"))
                error (_("Can't load individual params data !"))
    def save_xml(self, file):
        """Save parameters template to xml file"""
        with open(file, 'wb') as xml_file:

    def save_data(self, file):
        """Save parameters data to file"""
        #TODO: save properly in a separate file/database,
        # use different behaviour depending of the data type (e.g. password encrypted)
        #general params
        with open(file+'_gen', 'w') as param_gen_pickle:
            pickle.dump(self.params_gen, param_gen_pickle)

        #then individual params
        with open(file+'_ind', 'w') as param_ind_pickle:
            pickle.dump(self.params, param_ind_pickle)

    def __init__(self, host):
        debug("Parameters init") = host
        self.default_profile = None
        self.params = {'goffi':{}}  #gof:
        self.params_gen = {}
        host.set_const('savefile_param_xml', SAVEFILE_PARAM_XML)
        host.set_const('savefile_param_data', SAVEFILE_PARAM_DATA)
        host.registerGeneralCB("registerNewAccount", host.registerNewAccountCB)

    def getProfilesList(self):
        return self.params.keys()

    def createProfile(self, name):
        """Create a new profile
        @param name: Name of the profile"""
        if self.params.has_key(name):
            info (_('The profile name already exists'))
            return 1
        return 0

    def deleteProfile(self, name):
        """Delete an existing profile
        @param name: Name of the profile"""
        if not self.params.has_key(name):
            error (_('Trying to delete an unknown profile'))
            return 1
        del self.params[name]
        return 0

    def getProfileName(self, profile_key):
        """return profile according to profile_key
        @param profile_key: profile name or key which can be
                            @ALL@ for all profiles
                            @DEFAULT@ for default profile
        @return: requested profile name or None if it doesn't exist"""
        if profile_key=='@DEFAULT@':
            if not self.params:
                return ""
            default ='Profile_default')
            if not default or not default in self.params:
                info(_('No default profile, returning first one')) #TODO: manage real default profile
                default = self.params.keys()[0]
      'Profile_default', default)
            return default #FIXME: gof: temporary, must use real default value, and fallback to first one if it doesn't exists
        if not self.params.has_key(profile_key):
            info (_('Trying to access an unknown profile'))
            return ""
        return profile_key

    def __get_unique_node(self, parent, tag, name):
        """return node with given tag
        @param parent: parent of nodes to check (e.g. documentElement)
        @param tag: tag to check (e.g. "category")
        @param name: name to check (e.g. "JID")
        @return: node if it exist or None
        for node in parent.childNodes:
            if node.nodeName == tag and node.getAttribute("name") == name:
                #the node already exists
                return node
        #the node is new
        return None

    def importParams(self, xml):
        """import xml in parameters, do nothing if the param already exist
        @param xml: parameters in xml form"""
        src_dom = minidom.parseString(xml.encode('utf-8'))

        def import_node(tgt_parent, src_parent):
            for child in src_parent.childNodes:
                if child.nodeName == '#text':
                node = self.__get_unique_node(tgt_parent, child.nodeName, child.getAttribute("name"))
                if not node: #The node is new
                    import_node(node, child)

        import_node(self.dom.documentElement, src_dom.documentElement)

    def __default_ok(self, value, name, category):
        #FIXME: gof: will not work with individual parameters
        self.setParam(name, value, category) #FIXME: better to set param xml value ???

    def __default_ko(self, failure, name, category):
        error (_("Can't determine default value for [%(category)s/%(name)s]: %(reason)s") % {'category':category, 'name':name, 'reason':str(failure.value)})

    def setDefault(self, name, category, callback, errback=None):
        """Set default value of parameter
        'default_cb' attibute of parameter must be set to 'yes'
        @param name: name of the parameter
        @param category: category of the parameter
        @param callback: must return a string with the value (use deferred if needed)
        @param errback: must manage the error with args failure, name, category
        #TODO: send signal param update if value changed
        node =  self.__getParamNode(name, category, '@ALL@')
        if not node:
            error(_("Requested param [%(name)s] in category [%(category)s] doesn't exist !") % {'name':name, 'category':category})
        if node[1].getAttribute('default_cb') == 'yes':
            del node[1].attributes['default_cb']
            d = defer.maybeDeferred(callback)
            d.addCallback(self.__default_ok, name, category)
            d.addErrback(errback or self.__default_ko, name, category)

    def getParamA(self, name, category, attr="value", profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        """Helper method to get a specific attribute
           @param name: name of the parameter
           @param category: category of the parameter
           @param attr: name of the attribute (default: "value")
           @param profile: owner of the param (@ALL@ for everyone)
           @return: attribute"""
        node = self.__getParamNode(name, category)
        if not node:
            error(_("Requested param [%(name)s] in category [%(category)s] doesn't exist !") % {'name':name, 'category':category})
            return None

        if node[0] == 'general':
            value = self.__getParam(None, category, name, 'general')
            return value or node[1].getAttribute(attr)
        assert(node[0] == 'individual')

        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Requesting a param for an non-existant profile'))
            return None

        if attr == "value": 
            return self.__getParam(profile, category, name) or node[1].getAttribute(attr)
            return node[1].getAttribute(attr)

    def __getParam(self, profile, category, name, type='individual'):
        """Return the param, or None if it doesn't exist
        @param profile: the profile name (not profile key, i.e. name and not something like @DEFAULT@)
        @param category: param category
        @param name: param name
        if type == 'general':
            if self.params_gen.has_key((category, name)):
                return self.params_gen[(category, name)]
            return None  #This general param has the default value
        assert (type == 'individual')
        if not self.params.has_key(profile) or not self.params[profile].has_key((category, name)):
            return None
        return self.params[profile][(category, name)]

    def __constructProfileXml(self, profile):
        """Construct xml for asked profile, filling values when needed
        /!\ as noticed in doc, don't forget to unlink the minidom.Document
        @param profile: profile name (not key !)
        @return: minidom.Document of the profile xml (cf warning above)
        prof_xml = minidom.parseString('<params/>')
        for type_node in self.dom.documentElement.childNodes:
            if type_node.nodeName == 'general' or type_node.nodeName == 'individual':  #we use all params, general and individual
                for cat_node in type_node.childNodes:
                    if cat_node.nodeName == 'category':
                        category = cat_node.getAttribute('name')
                        cat_copy = cat_node.cloneNode(True) #we make a copy for the new xml
                        params = cat_copy.getElementsByTagName("param")
                        for param_node in params:
                            name = param_node.getAttribute('name')
                            profile_value = self.__getParam(profile, category, name, type_node.nodeName)
                            if profile_value:  #there is a value for this profile, we must change the default
                                param_node.setAttribute('value', profile_value)
        return prof_xml

    def getParams(self, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        """Construct xml for asked profile
        Take params xml as skeleton"""
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_("Asking params for inexistant profile"))
            return ""
        prof_xml = self.__constructProfileXml(profile) 
        return_xml = prof_xml.toxml()

        return return_xml

    def getParamsForCategory(self, category, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        """Return node's xml for selected category"""
        #TODO: manage category of general type (without existant profile)
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_("Asking params for inexistant profile"))
            return ""
        prof_xml = self.__constructProfileXml(profile) 
        for node in prof_xml.getElementsByTagName("category"):
            if node.nodeName == "category" and node.getAttribute("name") == category:
                result = node.toxml()
                return result

        return "<category />"

    def __getParamNode(self, name, category, type="@ALL@"): #FIXME: is type useful ?
        """Return a node from the param_xml
        @param name: name of the node
        @param category: category of the node
        @type: keyword for search:
                                    @ALL@ search everywhere
                                    @GENERAL@ only search in general type
                                    @INDIVIDUAL@ only search in individual type
        @return: a tuple with the node type and the the node, or None if not found"""

        for type_node in self.dom.documentElement.childNodes:
            if ( ((type == "@ALL@" or type == "@GENERAL@") and type_node.nodeName == 'general') 
            or ( (type == "@ALL@" or type == "@INDIVIDUAL@") and type_node.nodeName == 'individual') ):
                for node in type_node.getElementsByTagName('category'):
                    if node.getAttribute("name") == category:
                        params = node.getElementsByTagName("param")
                        for param in params:
                            if param.getAttribute("name") == name:
                                return (type_node.nodeName, param)
        return None
    def getParamsCategories(self):
        """return the categories availables"""
        for cat in self.dom.getElementsByTagName("category"):
        return categories

    def setParam(self, name, value, category, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        """Set a parameter, return None if the parameter is not in param xml"""

        node = self.__getParamNode(name, category, '@ALL@')
        if not node:
            error(_('Requesting an unknown parameter (%(category)s/%(name)s)') % {'category':category, 'name':name})
        if node[0] == 'general':
            self.params_gen[(category, name)] = value
  , value, category) #TODO: add profile in signal
        assert (node[0] == 'individual')
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Trying to set parameter for an unknown profile'))
            return #TODO: throw an error
        type = node[1].getAttribute("type")
        if type=="button":
            print "clique",node.toxml()
            self.params[profile][(category, name)] = value
  , value, category, profile) #TODO: add profile in signal

class Memory:
    """This class manage all persistent informations"""

    def __init__(self, host):
        info (_("Memory manager init")) = host
        self.history={}  #used to store chat history (key: short jid)
        self.private={}  #used to store private value
        host.set_const('savefile_history', SAVEFILE_HISTORY)
        host.set_const('savefile_private', SAVEFILE_PRIVATE)

    def load(self):
        """Load parameters and all memory things from file/db"""
        param_file_xml = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        param_file_data = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        history_file = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        private_file = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+

        if os.path.exists(param_file_xml):
                debug(_("params template loaded"))
                error (_("Can't load params template !"))
            info (_("No params template, using default template"))

            debug(_("params loaded"))
            error (_("Can't load params !"))

        if os.path.exists(history_file):
                with open(history_file, 'r') as history_pickle:
                debug(_("history loaded"))
                error (_("Can't load history !"))

        if os.path.exists(private_file):
                with open(private_file, 'r') as private_pickle:
                debug(_("private values loaded"))
                error (_("Can't load private values !"))

    def save(self):
        """Save parameters and all memory things to file/db"""
        #TODO: need to encrypt files (at least passwords !) and set permissions
        param_file_xml = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        param_file_data = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        history_file = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        private_file = os.path.expanduser('local_dir')+
        debug(_("params saved"))
        with open(history_file, 'w') as history_pickle:
            pickle.dump(self.history, history_pickle)
        debug(_("history saved"))
        with open(private_file, 'w') as private_pickle:
            pickle.dump(self.private, private_pickle)
        debug(_("private values saved"))

    def getProfilesList(self):
        return self.params.getProfilesList()

    def getProfileName(self, profile_key):
        """Return name of profile from keyword
        @param profile_key: can be the profile name or a keywork (like @DEFAULT@)
        @return: profile name or None if it doesn't exist"""
        return self.params.getProfileName(profile_key)

    def createProfile(self, name):
        """Create a new profile
        @param name: Profile name
        return self.params.createProfile(name)
    def deleteProfile(self, name):
        """Delete an existing profile
        @param name: Name of the profile"""
        return self.params.deleteProfile(name)

    def addToHistory(self, me_jid, from_jid, to_jid, type, message):

        if from_jid==me_jid:

        if not self.history.has_key(me_short):
        if not self.history[me_short].has_key(key):

        self.history[me_short][key][int(time.time())] = (from_jid.full(), message)
    def getHistory(self, from_jid, to_jid, size):
        if not self.history.has_key(from_jid):
            error(_("source JID not found !"))
            #TODO: throw an error here
            return {}
        if not self.history[from_jid].has_key(to_jid):
            error(_("dest JID not found !"))
            #TODO: throw an error here
            return {}
        for stamp in stamps[-size:]:

        return ret

    def setPrivate(self, key, value):
        """Save a misc private value (mainly useful for plugins)"""
        self.private[key] = value

    def getPrivate(self, key):
        """return a private value
        @param key: name of wanted value
        @return: value or None if value don't exist"""
        if self.private.has_key(key):
            return self.private[key]
        return None

    def addContact(self, contact_jid, attributes, groups, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        debug("Memory addContact: %s",contact_jid.userhost())
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error (_('Trying to add a contact to a non-existant profile'))
        if not self.contacts.has_key(profile):
            self.contacts[profile] = {}
        self.contacts[profile][contact_jid.userhost()]=[attributes, groups]

    def delContact(self, contact_jid, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        debug("Memory delContact: %s",contact_jid.userhost())
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error (_('Trying to delete a contact for a non-existant profile'))
        if self.contacts.has_key(profile) and self.contacts[profile].has_key(contact_jid.userhost()):
            del self.contacts[profile][contact_jid.userhost()]
    def getContact(self, contact_jid, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Asking a contact for a non-existant profile'))
            return None
        if self.contacts.has_key(profile) and self.contacts[profile].has_key(contact_jid.userhost()):
            return None
    def getContacts(self, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        """Return list of contacts for given profile
        @param profile_key: profile key
        @return list of [contact, attr, groups]"""
        debug ("Memory getContact OK (%s)", self.contacts)
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Asking contacts for a non-existant profile'))
            return []
        for contact in self.contacts[profile]:
            attr, groups = self.contacts[profile][contact]
            ret.append([contact, attr, groups ])
        return ret
    def addPresenceStatus(self, contact_jid, show, priority, statuses, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Trying to add presence status to a non-existant profile'))
        if not self.presenceStatus.has_key(profile):
            self.presenceStatus[profile] = {}
        if not self.presenceStatus[profile].has_key(contact_jid.userhost()):
            self.presenceStatus[profile][contact_jid.userhost()] = {}
        resource = jid.parse(contact_jid.full())[2] or ''
        self.presenceStatus[profile][contact_jid.userhost()][resource] = (show, priority, statuses)

    def addWaitingSub(self, type, contact_jid, profile_key):
        """Called when a subcription request is received"""
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not self.subscriptions.has_key(profile):
            self.subscriptions[profile] = {}
        self.subscriptions[profile][contact_jid] = type
    def delWaitingSub(self, contact_jid, profile_key):
        """Called when a subcription request is finished"""
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if self.subscriptions.has_key(profile) and self.subscriptions[profile].has_key(contact_jid):
            del self.subscriptions[profile][contact_jid]
    def getWaitingSub(self, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        """Called to get a list of currently waiting subscription requests"""
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Asking waiting subscriptions for a non-existant profile'))
            return {}
        if not self.subscriptions.has_key(profile):
            return {}
        return self.subscriptions[profile]

    def getPresenceStatus(self, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        profile = self.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_('Asking contacts for a non-existant profile'))
            return {}
        if not self.presenceStatus.has_key(profile):
            self.presenceStatus[profile] = {}
        debug ("Memory getPresenceStatus (%s)", self.presenceStatus[profile])
        return self.presenceStatus[profile]

    def getParamA(self, name, category, attr="value", profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self.params.getParamA(name, category, attr, profile_key)
    def getParams(self):
        return self.params.getParams() 
    def getParamsForCategory(self, category, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        return self.params.getParamsForCategory(category, profile_key) 
    def getParamsCategories(self):
        return self.params.getParamsCategories()
    def setParam(self, name, value, category, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        return self.params.setParam(name, value, category, profile_key)

    def importParams(self, xml):
        return self.params.importParams(xml)
    def setDefault(self, name, category, callback, errback=None):
        return self.params.setDefault(name, category, callback, errback)