view src/test/ @ 1251:51a85e8f599a

memory: add method isContactConnected
author souliane <>
date Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:38:49 +0200
parents b3f383ab39da
children 2308f8405ffb
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT: a jabber client
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013  Jérôme Poisson (
# Copyright (C) 2013  Adrien Cossa (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Tests for the plugin radiocol """

from sat.core import exceptions
from sat.core.log import getLogger
from sat.test import helpers, helpers_plugins
from sat.plugins import plugin_misc_radiocol as plugin
from sat.plugins import plugin_misc_room_game as plugin_room_game
from constants import Const

from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
from twisted.words.xish import domish
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.trial.unittest import SkipTest

from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis

import uuid
import os
import copy
import shutil
from logging import WARNING

REFEREE_FULL = ROOM_JID_S + '/' + Const.JID[0].user
PLAYERS_INDICES = [0, 1, 3]  # referee included
OTHER_PLAYERS = [Const.JID_STR[1], Const.JID_STR[3]]

class RadiocolTest(helpers.SatTestCase):

    def setUp(self): = helpers.FakeSAT()

    def init(self):['ROOM-GAME'] = plugin_room_game.RoomGame(
        self.plugin = plugin.Radiocol(  # must be init after ROOM-GAME
        self.plugin.testing = True
        self.plugin_0045 =['XEP-0045'] = helpers_plugins.FakeXEP_0045(
        self.plugin_0249 =['XEP-0249'] = helpers_plugins.FakeXEP_0249(
        logger = getLogger()
        level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        logger.setLevel(WARNING)  # remove pollution
        for profile in Const.PROFILE:
    # init[profile]
        self.songs = []
        self.playlist = []
        self.sound_dir ='', 'media_dir') + '/test/sound/'
            for filename in os.listdir(self.sound_dir):
                if filename.endswith('.ogg') or filename.endswith('.mp3'):
        except OSError:
            raise SkipTest('The sound samples in sat_media/test/sound were not found')

    def _buildPlayers(self, players=[]):
        """@return: the "started" content built with the given players"""
        content = "<started"
        if not players:
            content += "/>"
            content += ">"
            for i in xrange(0, len(players)):
                content += "<player index='%s'>%s</player>" % (i, players[i])
            content += "</started>"
        return content

    def _expectedMessage(self, to_s, type_, content):
        @param to_s: recipient full jid as unicode
        @param type_: message type ('normal' or 'groupchat')
        @param content: content as unicode or list of domish elements
        @return: the message XML built from the given recipient, message type and content
        if isinstance(content, list):
            new_content = copy.deepcopy(content)
            for element in new_content:
                if not element.hasAttribute('xmlns'):
                    element['xmlns'] = ''
            content = "".join([element.toXml() for element in new_content])
        return "<message to='%s' type='%s'><%s xmlns='%s'>%s</%s></message>" % (to_s, type_, plugin.RADIOC_TAG, plugin.NC_RADIOCOL, content, plugin.RADIOC_TAG)

    def _rejectSongCb(self, profile_index):
        """Check if the message "song_rejected" has been sent by the referee
        and process the command with the profile of the uploader
        @param profile_index: uploader's profile"""
        sent =
        content = "<song_rejected xmlns='' reason='Too many songs in queue'/>"
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S + '/' + self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, profile_index), 'normal', content))
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolSongRejected', ROOM_JID_S, 'Too many songs in queue'])

    def _noUploadCb(self):
        """Check if the message "no_upload" has been sent by the referee
        and process the command with the profiles of each room users"""
        sent =
        content = "<no_upload xmlns=''/>"
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolNoUpload', ROOM_JID_S])

    def _uploadOkCb(self):
        """Check if the message "upload_ok" has been sent by the referee
        and process the command with the profiles of each room users"""
        sent =
        content = "<upload_ok xmlns=''/>"
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolUploadOk', ROOM_JID_S])

    def _preloadCb(self, attrs, profile_index):
        """Check if the message "preload" has been sent by the referee
        and process the command with the profiles of each room users
        @param attrs: information dict about the song
        @param profile_index: profile index of the uploader
        sent =
        attrs['sender'] = self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, profile_index)
        radiocol_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(sent.elements(), 'radiocol').next()
        preload_elt = domish.generateElementsNamed(radiocol_elt.elements(), 'preload').next()
        attrs['timestamp'] = preload_elt['timestamp']  # we could not guess it...
        content = "<preload xmlns='' %s/>" % " ".join(["%s='%s'" % (attr, attrs[attr]) for attr in attrs])
        if sent.hasAttribute('from'):
            del sent['from']
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolPreload', ROOM_JID_S, attrs['timestamp'], attrs['filename'], attrs['title'], attrs['artist'], attrs['album'], attrs['sender']])

    def _playNextSongCb(self):
        """Check if the message "play" has been sent by the referee
        and process the command with the profiles of each room users"""
        sent =
        filename = self.playlist.pop(0)
        content = "<play xmlns='' filename='%s' />" % filename
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', content))
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolPlay', ROOM_JID_S, filename])

        game_data =[ROOM_JID_S]
        if len(game_data['queue']) == plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT - 1:

    def _addSongCb(self, d, filepath, profile_index):
        """Check if the message "song_added" has been sent by the uploader
        and process the command with the profile of the referee
        @param d: deferred value or failure got from self.plugin.radiocolSongAdded
        @param filepath: full path to the sound file
        @param profile_index: the profile index of the uploader
        if isinstance(d, Failure):
  "OGG song could not be added!")

        game_data =[ROOM_JID_S]
        song = OggVorbis(filepath)
        attrs = {'filename': os.path.basename(filepath),
                 'title': song.get("title", ["Unknown"])[0],
                 'artist': song.get("artist", ["Unknown"])[0],
                 'album': song.get("album", ["Unknown"])[0],
                 'length': str(
        self.assertEqual(game_data['to_delete'][attrs['filename']], filepath)

        content = "<song_added xmlns='' %s/>" % " ".join(["%s='%s'" % (attr, attrs[attr]) for attr in attrs])
        sent =
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(REFEREE_FULL, 'normal', content))

        reject_song = len(game_data['queue']) >= plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT
        no_upload = len(game_data['queue']) + 1 >= plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT
        play_next = not game_data['playing'] and len(game_data['queue']) + 1 == plugin.QUEUE_TO_START

        self._roomGameCmd(sent, profile_index)  # queue unchanged or +1
        if reject_song:
        if no_upload:
        self._preloadCb(attrs, profile_index)
        if play_next:
            self._playNextSongCb()  # queue -1

    def _roomGameCmd(self, sent, from_index=0, call=[]):
        """Process a command. It is also possible to call this method as
        _roomGameCmd(sent, call) instead of _roomGameCmd(sent, from_index, call).
        If from index is a list, it is assumed that it is containing the value
        for call and from_index will take its default value.
        @param sent: the sent message that we need to process
        @param from_index: index of the message sender
        @param call: list containing the name of the expected bridge call
        followed by its arguments, or empty list if no call is expected
        if isinstance(from_index, list):
            call = from_index
            from_index = 0

        sent['from'] = ROOM_JID_S + '/' + self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, from_index)
        recipient = JID(sent['to']).resource

        # The message could have been sent to a room user (room_jid + '/' + nick),
        # but when it is received, the 'to' attribute of the message has been
        # changed to the recipient own JID. We need to simulate that here.
        if recipient:
            room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
            sent['to'] = Const.JID_STR[0] if recipient == room.nick else room.roster[recipient].entity.full()

        for index in xrange(0, len(Const.PROFILE)):
            nick = self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, index)
            if nick:
                if not recipient or nick == recipient:
                    if call and (self.plugin.isPlayer(ROOM_JID_S, nick) or call[0] == 'radiocolStarted'):
                        args = copy.deepcopy(call)
                    self.plugin.room_game_cmd(sent, Const.PROFILE[index])

    def _syncCb(self, sync_data, profile_index):
        """Synchronize one player when he joins a running game.
        @param sync_data: result from self.plugin.getSyncData
        @param profile_index: index of the profile to be synchronized
        for nick in sync_data:
            expected = self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S + '/' + nick, 'normal', sync_data[nick])
            sent =
            self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), expected)
            for elt in sync_data[nick]:
                if == 'preload':
          'radiocolPreload', ROOM_JID_S, elt['timestamp'], elt['filename'], elt['title'], elt['artist'], elt['album'], elt['sender'], Const.PROFILE[profile_index])
                elif == 'play':
          'radiocolPlay', ROOM_JID_S, elt['filename'], Const.PROFILE[profile_index])
                elif == 'no_upload':
          'radiocolNoUpload', ROOM_JID_S, Const.PROFILE[profile_index])
            self._roomGameCmd(sent, [])

    def _joinRoom(self, room, nicks, player_index, sync=True):
        """Make a player join a room and update the list of nicks
        @param room: wokkel.muc.Room instance from the referee perspective
        @param nicks: list of the players which will be updated
        @param player_index: profile index of the new player
        @param sync: set to True to synchronize data
        user_nick = self.plugin_0045.joinRoom(0, player_index)
        self.plugin.userJoinedTrigger(room, room.roster[user_nick], PROFILE)
        if player_index not in PLAYERS_INDICES:
            # this user is actually not a player
            self.assertFalse(self.plugin.isPlayer(ROOM_JID_S, user_nick))
            to_jid, type_ = (ROOM_JID_S + '/' + user_nick, 'normal')
            # this user is a player
            self.assertTrue(self.plugin.isPlayer(ROOM_JID_S, user_nick))
            to_jid, type_ = (ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat')

        # Check that the message "players" has been sent by the referee
        expected = self._expectedMessage(to_jid, type_, self._buildPlayers(nicks))
        sent =
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), expected)

        # Process the command with the profiles of each room users
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolStarted', ROOM_JID_S, REFEREE_FULL, nicks, [plugin.QUEUE_TO_START, plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT]])

        if sync:
            self._syncCb(self.plugin._getSyncData(ROOM_JID_S, [user_nick]), player_index)

    def _leaveRoom(self, room, nicks, player_index):
        """Make a player leave a room and update the list of nicks
        @param room: wokkel.muc.Room instance from the referee perspective
        @param nicks: list of the players which will be updated
        @param player_index: profile index of the new player
        user_nick = self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, player_index)
        user = room.roster[user_nick]
        self.plugin_0045.leaveRoom(0, player_index)
        self.plugin.userLeftTrigger(room, user, PROFILE)

    def _uploadSong(self, song_index, profile_index, ext='ogg'):
        """Upload the song of index song_index (modulo self.songs size)
        from the profile of index profile_index. All the songs in self.songs
        are OGG, but you can set ext to a value different than 'ogg' or 'mp3':
        - 'xxx' to test non existent files
        @param song_index: index of the song
        @param profile_index: index of the uploader's profile
        @param new_ext: change the extension from "ogg" to this value
        song_index = song_index % len(self.songs)
        src_filename = self.songs[song_index]
        if ext not in ('ogg', 'mp3'):
            src_filename = os.path.splitext(src_filename)[0] + '.' + ext
        dst_filepath = '/tmp/%s.%s' % (uuid.uuid1(), ext)
        expect_io_error = ext == 'xxx'
        if not expect_io_error:
            shutil.copy(self.sound_dir + src_filename, dst_filepath)

            d = self.plugin.radiocolSongAdded(REFEREE_FULL, dst_filepath, Const.PROFILE[profile_index])
        except IOError:

        cb = lambda defer: self._addSongCb(defer, dst_filepath, profile_index)

        def eb(failure):
            if not isinstance(failure, Failure):
      "Adding a song which is not OGG nor MP3 should fail!")
            self.assertEqual(failure.value.__class__, exceptions.DataError)

        if self.songs[song_index].endswith('.ogg') or self.songs[song_index].endswith('.mp3'):
            d.addCallbacks(cb, cb)
            d.addCallbacks(eb, eb)

    def test_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.plugin.invite_mode, self.plugin.FROM_PLAYERS)
        self.assertEqual(self.plugin.wait_mode, self.plugin.FOR_NONE)
        self.assertEqual(self.plugin.join_mode, self.plugin.INVITED)
        self.assertEqual(self.plugin.ready_mode, self.plugin.FORCE)

    def test_game(self):

        # create game
        self.plugin.prepareRoom(OTHER_PLAYERS, ROOM_JID_S, PROFILE)
        self.assertTrue(self.plugin._gameExists(ROOM_JID_S, True))
        room = self.plugin_0045.getRoom(0, 0)
        nicks = [self.plugin_0045.getNick(0, 0)]

        sent =
        self.assertEqualXML(sent.toXml(), self._expectedMessage(ROOM_JID_S, 'groupchat', self._buildPlayers(nicks)))
        self._roomGameCmd(sent, ['radiocolStarted', ROOM_JID_S, REFEREE_FULL, nicks, [plugin.QUEUE_TO_START, plugin.QUEUE_LIMIT]])

        self._joinRoom(room, nicks, 1)  # player joins
        self._joinRoom(room, nicks, 4)  # user not playing joins

        song_index = 0
        self._uploadSong(song_index, 0)  # ogg or mp3 file should exist in sat_media/test/song
        self._uploadSong(song_index, 0, 'xxx')  # file should not exist

        # another songs are added by Const.JID[1] until the radio starts + 1 to fill the queue
        # when the first song starts + 1 to be rejected because the queue is full
        for song_index in xrange(1, plugin.QUEUE_TO_START + 1):
            self._uploadSong(song_index, 1)

        self.plugin.playNext(Const.MUC[0], PROFILE)  # simulate the end of the first song
        self._uploadSong(song_index, 1)  # now the song is accepted and the queue is full again

        self._joinRoom(room, nicks, 3)  # new player joins

        self.plugin.playNext(Const.MUC[0], PROFILE)  # the second song finishes
        self._uploadSong(0, 3)  # the player who recently joined re-upload the first file

        self._leaveRoom(room, nicks, 1)  # one player leaves
        self._joinRoom(room, nicks, 1)  # and join again

        self.plugin.playNext(Const.MUC[0], PROFILE)  # empty the queue
        self.plugin.playNext(Const.MUC[0], PROFILE)

        for filename in self.playlist:
            self.plugin.deleteFile('/tmp/' + filename)

        return defer.succeed(None)

    def tearDown(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Clean the reactor"""
        helpers.SatTestCase.tearDown(self, *args, **kwargs)
        for delayed_call in reactor.getDelayedCalls():