view src/plugins/ @ 925:5c78cefd233f

core: plugins now accepts recommendations: - "recommendations" key can be used in PLUGIN_INFO - if a plugin can't be found an ImportError is raised if it's a dependency, if it's a recommendation only a warning message is shown, and plugins importation continue
author Goffi <>
date Sun, 23 Mar 2014 10:02:50 +0100
parents c897c8d321b3
children d609581bf74a
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SàT plugin for managing text commands
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core.sat_main import MessageSentAndStored
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from logging import debug, info, warning, error

    "name": "Text commands",
    "import_name": "TEXT-COMMANDS",
    "type": "Misc",
    "protocols": [],
    "dependencies": ["XEP-0045", "EXP-PARROT", "XEP-0092"],
    "main": "TextCommands",
    "handler": "no",
    "description": _("""IRC like text commands""")

class TextCommands(object):
    #FIXME: doc strings for commands have to be translatable
    #       plugins need a dynamic translation system (translation
    #       should be downloadable independently)

    def __init__(self, host):
        info(_("Text commands initialization")) = host
        host.trigger.add("sendMessage", self.sendMessageTrigger)

    def sendMessageTrigger(self, mess_data, pre_xml_treatments, post_xml_treatments, profile):
        """ Install SendMessage command hook """
        pre_xml_treatments.addCallback(self._sendMessageCmdHook, profile)
        return True

    def _sendMessageCmdHook(self, mess_data, profile):
        """ Check text commands in message, and react consequently
        msg starting with / are potential command. If a command is found, it is executed, else message is sent normally
        msg starting with // are escaped: they are sent with a single /
        commands can abord message sending (if they return anything evaluating to False), or continue it (if they return True), eventually after modifying the message
        an "unparsed" key is added to message, containing part of the message not yet parsed
        commands can be deferred or not

        msg = mess_data["message"]
            if msg[:2] == '//':
                # we have a double '/', it's the escape sequence
                mess_data["message"] = msg[1:]
                return mess_data
            if msg[0] != '/':
                return mess_data
        except IndexError:
            return mess_data

        # we have a command
        d = None
        command = msg[1:].partition(' ')[0].lower()
        if command.isalpha():
            # looks like an actual command, we try to call the corresponding method
            def retHandling(ret):
                """ Handle command return value:
                if ret is True, normally send message (possibly modified by command)
                else, abord message sending

                if ret:
                    return mess_data
                    return Failure(MessageSentAndStored("text commands took over", mess_data))

                mess_data["unparsed"] = msg[1 + len(command):]  # part not yet parsed of the message
                d = defer.maybeDeferred(getattr(self, "cmd_%s" % command), mess_data, profile)
            except AttributeError:

        return d or mess_data # if a command is detected, we should have a deferred, else be send the message normally

    def _getRoomJID(self, arg, service_jid):
        """Return a room jid with a shortcut
        @param arg: argument: can be a full room jid (e.g.:
                    or a shortcut (e.g.: sat or sat@ for sat on current service)
        @param service_jid: jid of the current service (e.g.:
        nb_arobas = arg.count('@')
        if nb_arobas == 1:
            if arg[-1] != '@':
                return jid.JID(arg)
            return jid.JID(arg + service_jid)
        return jid.JID(u"%s@%s" % (arg, service_jid))

    def _feedBack(self, message, mess_data, profile):
        """Give a message back to the user"""
        if mess_data["type"] == 'groupchat':
            _from = mess_data["to"].userhostJID()
            _from =[0]["to"]), message, mess_data['type'], unicode(_from), {}, profile=profile)

    def cmd_nick(self, mess_data, profile):
        """change nickname"""
        debug("Catched nick command")

        if mess_data['type'] != "groupchat":
            #/nick command does nothing if we are not on a group chat
            info("Ignoring /nick command on a non groupchat message")

            return True

        nick = mess_data["unparsed"].strip()
        room = mess_data["to"]["XEP-0045"].nick(room, nick, profile)

        return False

    def cmd_join(self, mess_data, profile):
        """join a new room (on the same service if full jid is not specified)"""
        debug("Catched join command")

        if mess_data['type'] != "groupchat":
            #/leave command does nothing if we are not on a group chat
            info("Ignoring /join command on a non groupchat message")
            return True

        if mess_data["unparsed"].strip():
            room = self._getRoomJID(mess_data["unparsed"].strip(), mess_data["to"].host)
            nick = (["XEP-0045"].getRoomNick(mess_data["to"].userhost(), profile) or
  ["XEP-0045"].join(room, nick, {}, profile)

        return False

    def cmd_leave(self, mess_data, profile):
        """quit a room"""
        debug("Catched leave command")

        if mess_data['type'] != "groupchat":
            #/leave command does nothing if we are not on a group chat
            info("Ignoring /leave command on a non groupchat message")
            return True

        if mess_data["unparsed"].strip():
            room = self._getRoomJID(mess_data["unparsed"].strip(), mess_data["to"].host)
            room = mess_data["to"]["XEP-0045"].leave(room, profile)

        return False

    def cmd_part(self, mess_data, profile):
        """just a synonym of /leave"""
        return self.cmd_leave(mess_data, profile)

    def cmd_title(self, mess_data, profile):
        """change room's subject"""
        debug("Catched title command")

        if mess_data['type'] != "groupchat":
            #/leave command does nothing if we are not on a group chat
            info("Ignoring /title command on a non groupchat message")
            return True

        subject = mess_data["unparsed"].strip()

        if subject:
            room = mess_data["to"]
  ["XEP-0045"].subject(room, subject, profile)

        return False

    def cmd_topic(self, mess_data, profile):
        """just a synonym of /title"""
        return self.cmd_title(mess_data, profile)

    def cmd_parrot(self, mess_data, profile):
        """activate Parrot mode between 2 entities, in both directions."""
        #TODO: these commands must not be hardcoded, an interface should be made
        #      to allow plugins to register simple commands like this.

        debug("Catched parrot command")

            link_left_jid = jid.JID(mess_data["unparsed"].strip())
            if not link_left_jid.user or not
                raise jid.InvalidFormat
        except jid.InvalidFormat:
            self._feedBack("Can't activate Parrot mode for invalid jid", mess_data, profile)
            return False

        link_right_jid = mess_data['to']["EXP-PARROT"].addParrot(link_left_jid, link_right_jid, profile)["EXP-PARROT"].addParrot(link_right_jid, link_left_jid, profile)

        self._feedBack("Parrot mode activated for %s" % (unicode(link_left_jid), ), mess_data, profile)

        return False

    def cmd_unparrot(self, mess_data, profile):
        """remove Parrot mode between 2 entities, in both directions."""
        debug("Catched unparrot command")

            link_left_jid = jid.JID(mess_data["unparsed"].strip())
            if not link_left_jid.user or not
                raise jid.InvalidFormat
        except jid.InvalidFormat:
            self._feedBack("Can't deactivate Parrot mode for invalid jid", mess_data, profile)
            return False

        link_right_jid = mess_data['to']["EXP-PARROT"].removeParrot(link_left_jid, profile)["EXP-PARROT"].removeParrot(link_right_jid, profile)

        self._feedBack("Parrot mode deactivated for %s and %s" % (unicode(link_left_jid), unicode(link_right_jid)), mess_data, profile)

        return False

    def cmd_whois(self, mess_data, profile):
        """show informations on entity"""
        debug("Catched whois command")

        entity = mess_data["unparsed"].strip()

        if mess_data['type'] == "groupchat":
            room = mess_data["to"]
            if["XEP-0045"].isNickInRoom(room, entity, profile):
                entity = u"%s/%s" % (room, entity)

        if not entity:
            target_jid = mess_data["to"]
                target_jid = jid.JID(entity)
                if not target_jid.user or not
                    raise jid.InvalidFormat
            except (jid.InvalidFormat, RuntimeError):
                self._feedBack(_("Invalid jid, can't whois"), mess_data, profile)
                return False

        if not target_jid.resource:
            target_jid.resource =, profile)

        whois_msg = [_(u"whois for %(jid)s") % {'jid': target_jid}]

        # version
        def versionCb(version_data):
            name, version, os = version_data
            if name:
                whois_msg.append(_("Client name: %s") % name)
            if version:
                whois_msg.append(_("Client version: %s") % version)
            if os:
                whois_msg.append(_("Operating system: %s") % os)

        d =['XEP-0092'].getVersion(target_jid, profile)

        #TODO: add informations here (vcard, etc)

        def feedBack(ignore):
            self._feedBack(u"\n".join(whois_msg), mess_data, profile)
            return False

        return d

    def cmd_help(self, mess_data, profile):
        """show help on available commands"""
        commands = filter(lambda method: method.startswith('cmd_'), dir(self))
        longuest = max([len(command) for command in commands])
        help_cmds = []

        for command in commands:
            method = getattr(self, command)
                help_str = method.__doc__.split('\n')[0]
            except AttributeError:
                help_str = ''
            spaces = (longuest - len(command)) * ' '
            help_cmds.append("    /%s: %s %s" % (command[4:], spaces, help_str))

        help_mess = _(u"Text commands available:\n%s") % (u'\n'.join(help_cmds), )
        self._feedBack(help_mess, mess_data, profile)