view src/plugins/ @ 2448:637ac234424f

plugin merge requests: first draft: this plugin allows to handle merge requests (i.e. requests to include a contribution in a project) by extendings tickets management. This plugin is made to be generic, independent from end user tools and from the kind of project where the contribution is requested to be merged.
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 30 Nov 2017 20:44:25 +0100
parents 6c39f30444a0
children 544c4d2fec45
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for Pubsub Schemas
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core import exceptions
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from import xml_tools
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import XMPPHandler
from twisted.internet import defer
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from wokkel import disco, iwokkel
from wokkel import data_form
from wokkel import generic
from zope.interface import implements
from collections import Iterable
import copy
import itertools

NS_SCHEMA = 'https://salut-a-toi/protocol/schema:0'

    C.PI_NAME: "PubSub Schema",
    C.PI_TYPE: "EXP",
    C.PI_DEPENDENCIES: ["XEP-0060"],
    C.PI_MAIN: "PubsubSchema",
    C.PI_HANDLER: "yes",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _("""Handle Pubsub data schemas""")

class PubsubSchema(object):

    def __init__(self, host):"PubSub Schema initialization")) = host
        self._p =["XEP-0060"]
        host.bridge.addMethod("psSchemaGet", ".plugin",
                              in_sign='sss', out_sign='s',
        host.bridge.addMethod("psSchemaSet", ".plugin",
                              in_sign='ssss', out_sign='',
        host.bridge.addMethod("psSchemaUIGet", ".plugin",
                              in_sign='sss', out_sign='s',
        host.bridge.addMethod("psItemsFormGet", ".plugin",
                              in_sign='ssssiassa{ss}s', out_sign='(asa{ss})',
        host.bridge.addMethod("psItemFormSend", ".plugin",
                              in_sign='ssa{sas}ssa{ss}s', out_sign='s',

    def getHandler(self, client):
        return SchemaHandler()

    def _getSchemaBridgeCb(self, schema_elt):
        if schema_elt is None:
            return u''
        return schema_elt.toXml()

    def _getSchema(self, service, nodeIdentifier, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        client =
        service = None if not service else jid.JID(service)
        d = self.getSchema(client, service, nodeIdentifier)
        return d

    def _getSchemaCb(self, iq_elt):
            schema_elt = next(iq_elt.elements(NS_SCHEMA, 'schema'))
        except StopIteration:
            raise exceptions.DataError('missing <schema> element')
            x_elt = next(schema_elt.elements((data_form.NS_X_DATA, 'x')))
        except StopIteration:
            # there is not schema on this node
            return None
        return x_elt

    def getSchema(self, client, service, nodeIdentifier):
        """retrieve PubSub node schema

        @param service(jid.JID, None): jid of PubSub service
            None to use our PEP
        @param nodeIdentifier(unicode): node to get schema from
        @return (domish.Element, None): schema (<x> element)
            None if not schema has been set on this node
        iq_elt = client.IQ(u'get')
        if service is not None:
            iq_elt['to'] = service.full()
        pubsub_elt = iq_elt.addElement((NS_SCHEMA, 'pubsub'))
        schema_elt = pubsub_elt.addElement((NS_SCHEMA, 'schema'))
        schema_elt['node'] = nodeIdentifier
        d = iq_elt.send()
        return d

    def getSchemaForm(self, client, service, nodeIdentifier, schema=None, form_type='form', copy_form=True):
        """get data form from node's schema

        @param service(None, jid.JID): PubSub service
        @param nodeIdentifier(unicode): node
        @param schema(domish.Element, data_form.Form, None): node schema
            if domish.Element, will be converted to data form
            if data_form.Form it will be returned without modification
            if None, it will be retrieved from node (imply one additional XMPP request)
        @param form_type(unicode): type of the form
        @param copy_form(bool): if True and if schema is already a data_form.Form, will deep copy it before returning
            needed when the form is reused and it will be modified (e.g. in sendDataFormItem)
        @return(data_form.Form): data form
            the form should not be modified if copy_form is not set
        if schema is None:
            log.debug(_(u"unspecified schema, we need to request it"))
            schema = yield self.getSchema(client, service, nodeIdentifier)
            if schema is None:
                raise exceptions.DataError(_(u"no schema specified, and this node has no schema either, we can't construct the data form"))
        elif isinstance(schema, data_form.Form):
            if copy_form:
                schema = copy.deepcopy(schema)

            form = data_form.Form.fromElement(schema)
        except data_form.Error as e:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_(u"Invalid Schema: {msg}").format(
                msg = e))
        form.formType = form_type

    def schema2XMLUI(self, schema_elt):
        form = data_form.Form.fromElement(schema_elt)
        xmlui = xml_tools.dataForm2XMLUI(form, '')
        return xmlui

    def _getUISchema(self, service, nodeIdentifier, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        client =
        service = None if not service else jid.JID(service)
        d = self.getUISchema(client, service, nodeIdentifier)
        d.addCallback(lambda xmlui: xmlui.toXml())
        return d

    def getUISchema(self, client, service, nodeIdentifier):
        d = self.getSchema(client, service, nodeIdentifier)
        return d

    def _setSchema(self, service, nodeIdentifier, schema, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        client =
        service = None if not service else jid.JID(service)
        schema = generic.parseXml(schema.encode('utf-8'))
        return self.setSchema(client, service, nodeIdentifier, schema)

    def setSchema(self, client, service, nodeIdentifier, schema):
        """set or replace PubSub node schema

        @param schema(domish.Element, None): schema to set
            None if schema need to be removed
        iq_elt = client.IQ()
        if service is not None:
            iq_elt['to'] = service.full()
        pubsub_elt = iq_elt.addElement((NS_SCHEMA, 'pubsub'))
        schema_elt = pubsub_elt.addElement((NS_SCHEMA, 'schema'))
        schema_elt['node'] = nodeIdentifier
        if schema is not None:
        return iq_elt.send()

    def _getDataFormItems(self, form_ns='', service='', node='', schema='', max_items=10, item_ids=None, sub_id=None, extra_dict=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        client =
        service = jid.JID(service) if service else None
        if not node:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_(u'empty node is not allowed'))
        if schema:
            schema = generic.parseXml(schema.encode('utf-8'))
            schema = None
        max_items = None if max_items == C.NO_LIMIT else max_items
        extra = self._p.parseExtra(extra_dict)
        d = self.getDataFormItems(client, form_ns or None, service, node, schema, max_items or None, item_ids, sub_id or None, extra.rsm_request, extra.extra)
        return d

    def getDataFormItems(self, client, form_ns, service, nodeIdentifier, schema=None, max_items=None, item_ids=None, sub_id=None, rsm_request=None, extra=None, filters=None):
        """Get items known as being data forms, and convert them to XMLUI

        @param form_ns (unicode, None): namespace of the form
            None to accept everything, even if form has no namespace
        @param schema(domish.Element, data_form.Form, None): schema of the node if known
            if None, it will be retrieved from node
        @param filters(dict, None): same as for xml_tools.dataFormResult2XMLUI
        other parameters as the same as for [getItems]
        @return (list[unicode]): XMLUI of the forms
            if an item is invalid (not corresponding to form_ns or not a data_form)
            it will be skipped
        # we need the initial form to get options of fields when suitable
        schema_form = yield self.getSchemaForm(client, service, nodeIdentifier, schema, form_type='result', copy_form=False)
        items_data = yield self._p.getItems(client, service, nodeIdentifier, max_items, item_ids, sub_id, rsm_request, extra)
        items, metadata = items_data
        items_xmlui = []
        for item_elt in items:
            for x_elt in item_elt.elements((data_form.NS_X_DATA, u'x')):
                form = data_form.Form.fromElement(x_elt)
                if form_ns and form.formNamespace != form_ns:
                xmlui = xml_tools.dataFormResult2XMLUI(
                    # FIXME: conflicts with schema (i.e. if "id" or "publisher" already exists)
                    #        are not checked
                    prepend = (('label', 'id'),('text', item_elt['id'], u'id'),
                               ('label', 'publisher'),('text', item_elt.getAttribute('publisher',''), u'publisher')),
                    filters = filters,
        defer.returnValue((items_xmlui, metadata))

    def _sendDataFormItem(self, service, nodeIdentifier, values, schema=None, item_id=None, extra=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        client =
        service = None if not service else jid.JID(service)
        if schema:
            schema = generic.parseXml(schema.encode('utf-8'))
            schema = None
        d = self.sendDataFormItem(client, service, nodeIdentifier, values, schema, item_id or None, extra, deserialise=True)
        d.addCallback(lambda ret: ret or u'')
        return d

    def sendDataFormItem(self, client, service, nodeIdentifier, values, schema=None, item_id=None, extra=None, deserialise=False):
        """Publish an item as a dataform when we know that there is a schema

        @param values(dict[key(unicode), [iterable[object], object]]): values set for the form
            if not iterable, will be put in a list
        @param schema(domish.Element, data_form.Form, None): data schema
            None to retrieve data schema from node (need to do a additional XMPP call)
            Schema is needed to construct data form to publish
        @param deserialise(bool): if True, data are list of unicode and must be deserialized according to expected type
            This is done in this method and not directly in _sendDataFormItem because we need to know the data type
            which is in the form, not availablable in _sendDataFormItem
        other parameters as the same as for [self._p.sendItem]
        @return (unicode): id of the created item
        form = yield self.getSchemaForm(client, service, nodeIdentifier, schema, form_type='submit')

        for name, values_list in values.iteritems():
                field = form.fields[name]
            except KeyError:
                log.warning(_(u"field {name} doesn't exist, ignoring it").format(name=name))
            if isinstance(values_list, basestring) or not isinstance(values_list, Iterable):
                values_list = [values_list]
            if deserialise:
                if field.fieldType == 'boolean':
                    values_list = [C.bool(v) for v in values_list]
                elif field.fieldType == 'text-multi':
                    # for text-multi, lines must be put on separate values
                    values_list = list(itertools.chain(*[v.splitlines() for v in values_list]))

                elif 'jid' in field.fieldType:
                    values_list = [jid.JID(v) for v in values_list]
            if 'list' in field.fieldType:
                # for lists, we check that given values are allowed in form
                allowed_values = [o.value for o in field.options]
                values_list = [v for v in values_list if v in allowed_values]
                if not values_list:
                    # if values don't map to allowed values, we use default ones
                    values_list = field.values
            field.values = values_list

        yield self._p.sendItem(client, service, nodeIdentifier, form.toElement(), item_id, extra)

class SchemaHandler(XMPPHandler):

    def getDiscoInfo(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=''):
        return [disco.DiscoFeature(NS_SCHEMA)]

    def getDiscoItems(self, requestor, service, nodeIdentifier=''):
        return []