view src/plugins/ @ 2448:637ac234424f

plugin merge requests: first draft: this plugin allows to handle merge requests (i.e. requests to include a contribution in a project) by extendings tickets management. This plugin is made to be generic, independent from end user tools and from the kind of project where the contribution is requested to be merged.
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 30 Nov 2017 20:44:25 +0100
parents b52e78cc86ed
children 0046283a285d
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SàT plugin for generic data import handling
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from twisted.internet import defer
from sat.core import exceptions
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from functools import partial
import collections
import uuid
import json

    C.PI_NAME: "import",
    C.PI_MAIN: "ImportPlugin",
    C.PI_HANDLER: "no",
    C.PI_DESCRIPTION: _(u"""Generic import plugin, base for specialized importers""")

Importer = collections.namedtuple('Importer', ('callback', 'short_desc', 'long_desc'))

class ImportPlugin(object):

    def __init__(self, host):"plugin Import initialization")) = host

    def initialize(self, import_handler, name):
        """Initialize a specialized import handler

        @param import_handler(object): specialized import handler instance
            must have the following methods:
                - importItem: import a single main item (i.e. prepare data for publishing)
                - importSubitems: import sub items (i.e. items linked to main item, e.g. comments).
                    Must return a dict with kwargs for recursiveImport if items are to be imported recursively.
                    At least "items_import_data", "service" and "node" keys must be provided.
                    if None is returned, no recursion will be done to import subitems, but import can still be done directly by the method.
                - publishItem: actualy publish an item
                - itemFilters: modify item according to options
        @param name(unicode): import handler name
        assert name == name.lower().strip()'initializing {name} import handler').format(name=name)) = name
        import_handler.register = partial(self.register, import_handler)
        import_handler.unregister = partial(self.unregister, import_handler)
        import_handler.importers = {}
        def _import(name, location, options, pubsub_service, pubsub_node, profile):
            return self._doImport(import_handler, name, location, options, pubsub_service, pubsub_node, profile)
        def _importList():
            return self.listImporters(import_handler)
        def _importDesc(name):
            return self.getDescription(import_handler, name) + "Import", ".plugin", in_sign='ssa{ss}sss', out_sign='s', method=_import, async=True) + "ImportList", ".plugin", in_sign='', out_sign='a(ss)', method=_importList) + "ImportDesc", ".plugin", in_sign='s', out_sign='(ss)', method=_importDesc)

    def getProgress(self, import_handler, progress_id, profile):
        client =
        return client._import[][progress_id]

    def listImporters(self, import_handler):
        importers = import_handler.importers.keys()
        return [(name, import_handler.importers[name].short_desc) for name in import_handler.importers]

    def getDescription(self, import_handler, name):
        """Return import short and long descriptions

        @param name(unicode): importer name
        @return (tuple[unicode,unicode]): short and long description
            importer = import_handler.importers[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise exceptions.NotFound(u"{handler_name} importer not found [{name}]".format(
                handler_name =,
                name = name))
            return importer.short_desc, importer.long_desc

    def _doImport(self, import_handler, name, location, options, pubsub_service='', pubsub_node='', profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        client =
        options = {key: unicode(value) for key, value in options.iteritems()}
        for option in import_handler.BOOL_OPTIONS:
                options[option] = C.bool(options[option])
            except KeyError:
        for option in import_handler.JSON_OPTIONS:
                options[option] = json.loads(options[option])
            except ValueError:
                raise exceptions.DataError(_(u'invalid json option: {name}').format(name=option))
        pubsub_service = jid.JID(pubsub_service) if pubsub_service else None
        return self.doImport(client, import_handler, unicode(name), unicode(location), options, pubsub_service, pubsub_node or None)

    def doImport(self, client, import_handler, name, location, options=None, pubsub_service=None, pubsub_node=None):
        """Import data

        @param import_handler(object): instance of the import handler
        @param name(unicode): name of the importer
        @param location(unicode): location of the data to import
            can be an url, a file path, or anything which make sense
            check importer description for more details
        @param options(dict, None): extra options.
        @param pubsub_service(jid.JID, None): jid of the PubSub service where data must be imported
            None to use profile's server
        @param pubsub_node(unicode, None): PubSub node to use
            None to use importer's default node
        @return (unicode): progress id
        if options is None:
            options = {}
            for opt_name, opt_default in import_handler.OPT_DEFAULTS.iteritems():
                # we want a filled options dict, with all empty or False values removed
                    value =options[opt_name]
                except KeyError:
                    if opt_default:
                        options[opt_name] = opt_default
                    if not value:
                        del options[opt_name]

            importer = import_handler.importers[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise exceptions.NotFound(u"Importer [{}] not found".format(name))
        items_import_data, items_count = yield importer.callback(client, location, options)
        progress_id = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
            _import = client._import
        except AttributeError:
            _import = client._import = {}
        progress_data = _import.setdefault(, {})
        progress_data[progress_id] = {u'position': '0'}
        if items_count is not None:
            progress_data[progress_id]['size'] = unicode(items_count)
        metadata = {'name': u'{}: {}'.format(name, location),
                    'direction': 'out',
                    'type': + '_IMPORT'
                   }, partial(self.getProgress, import_handler), metadata, profile=client.profile), metadata, client.profile)
        session = {  # session data, can be used by importers
            u'root_service': pubsub_service,
            u'root_node': pubsub_node
        self.recursiveImport(client, import_handler, items_import_data, progress_id, session, options, None, pubsub_service, pubsub_node)

    def recursiveImport(self, client, import_handler, items_import_data, progress_id, session, options, return_data=None, service=None, node=None, depth=0):
        """Do the import recursively

        @param import_handler(object): instance of the import handler
        @param items_import_data(iterable): iterable of data as specified in [register]
        @param progress_id(unicode): id of progression
        @param session(dict): data for this import session
            can be used by importer so store any useful data
            "root_service" and "root_node" are set to the main pubsub service and node of the import
        @param options(dict): import options
        @param return_data(dict): data to return on progressFinished
        @param service(jid.JID, None): PubSub service to use
        @param node(unicode, None): PubSub node to use
        @param depth(int): level of recursion
        if return_data is None:
            return_data = {}
        for idx, item_import_data in enumerate(items_import_data):
            item_data = yield import_handler.importItem(client, item_import_data, session, options, return_data, service, node)
            yield import_handler.itemFilters(client, item_data, session, options)
            recurse_kwargs = yield import_handler.importSubItems(client, item_import_data, item_data, session, options)
            yield import_handler.publishItem(client, item_data, service, node, session)

            if recurse_kwargs is not None:
                recurse_kwargs['client'] = client
                recurse_kwargs['import_handler'] = import_handler
                recurse_kwargs['progress_id'] = progress_id
                recurse_kwargs['session'] = session
                recurse_kwargs.setdefault('options', options)
                recurse_kwargs['return_data'] = return_data
                recurse_kwargs['depth'] = depth + 1
                log.debug(_(u"uploading subitems"))
                yield self.recursiveImport(**recurse_kwargs)

            if depth == 0:
                client._import[][progress_id]['position'] = unicode(idx+1)

        if depth == 0:
  , client.profile)
            del client._import[][progress_id]

    def register(self, import_handler, name, callback, short_desc='', long_desc=''):
        """Register an Importer method

        @param name(unicode): unique importer name, should indicate the software it can import and always lowercase
        @param callback(callable): method to call:
            the signature must be (client, location, options) (cf. [doImport])
            the importer must return a tuple with (items_import_data, items_count)
            items_import_data(iterable[dict]) data specific to specialized importer
                cf. importItem docstring of specialized importer for details
            items_count (int, None) indicate the total number of items (without subitems)
                useful to display a progress indicator when the iterator is a generator
                use None if you can't guess the total number of items
        @param short_desc(unicode): one line description of the importer
        @param long_desc(unicode): long description of the importer, its options, etc.
        name = name.lower()
        if name in import_handler.importers:
            raise exceptions.ConflictError(_(u"An {handler_name} importer with the name {name} already exist").format(
                handler_name =,
                name = name))
        import_handler.importers[name] = Importer(callback, short_desc, long_desc)

    def unregister(self, import_handler, name):
        del import_handler.importers[name]