view INSTALL @ 1197:69ffe61240eb

wix: Avoid setting a bad icon From 6fb18309a1d971235c0c3d568704fd91809d2d6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 The code tries to load an icon from 'icons/crystal/32/tray_icon.xpm' (relative to self.media_dir), which is part of sat_media, released independently by upstream and not yet part of Debian. It then tries to set this invalid icon. With wxPython 2.8 these issues get quietly ignored, but wxPython 3.0 reports them. As a simple workaround I've just added a check that the icon is valid before setting it, so now you get a messagebox about the icon file not being found and then the app starts. Obviously it would be better to package sat_media so that the icon is available on the system.
author Olly Betts <>
date Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:51:35 -0400
parents 4c6bc3454780
children 101c06fbda31
line wrap: on
line source

You can install SàT automatically using easy_install or pip, and it is available in several GNU/Linux distributions. The full instructions are available on the wiki:
Below is are installation instructions, but check wiki which may be more up-to-date


You can automatically install SàT and his dependencies using easy_install or pip. You will however need to install Python's headers (needed to build some packages), WxPython which is available in most Gnu/Linux distributions, PyGObject and developments version of libxml2 and libxslt (to compile lxml python library).

NOTE: pyfeed are xe are mandatory dependencies, they should be on (PYthon Package Index, the officiel repository for Python projects) and so being automatically installed; but there are not yet there (their author should do it soon), so you have to install them manually until then.
You can download them respectively on and, then decompress them and do « python install » on both.
An other way is to use the (unsecure) pip options --process-dependency-links and --allow-all-external when installing sat, options which are or will be removed soon from pip.

The environment variable SAT_INSTALL customise the installation, it contains flags separated by spaces:
	- "nopreinstall" skip all preinstallation checks
	- "autodeb" automatically install missing packages on Debian based distributions
	- "nox" disable installation of X based packages (WxWidgets), this is useful for servers

WxPython and PyGobject are automatically installed on Debian based distributions if "autodeb" option is set. Indeed, on Debian based distribution, you can type (with the root account):

# apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
# SAT_INSTALL=autodeb pip install .

On a *buntu, same commands with sudo:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
$ sudo SAT_INSTALL=autodeb pip install .

After installing SàT, you need to install the media:

$ mkdir -p ~/sat/media/destination/path
$ cd ~/sat/media/destination/path
tar -jxvf sat_media.tar.bz2

then, create a ~/.sat.conf file which contains:

### sat.conf ###
### end sat.conf ###

Of course, replace ~/sat/media/destination/path with the actual path you want to use.

You should now be able to launch sat:
	- to launch the backend, enter
$ sat
	- to stop the backend, enter:
$ sat stop
	- to launch Primitivus, enter:
$ primitivus
	then create a profile.
	- to launch Wix, enter
$ wix
	then create a profile.
	- to use jp, follow its help:
$ jp --help

For Libervia, the web interface, check

If you need help, come the SàT official XMPP room: