view src/bridge/ @ 1197:69ffe61240eb

wix: Avoid setting a bad icon From 6fb18309a1d971235c0c3d568704fd91809d2d6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 The code tries to load an icon from 'icons/crystal/32/tray_icon.xpm' (relative to self.media_dir), which is part of sat_media, released independently by upstream and not yet part of Debian. It then tries to set this invalid icon. With wxPython 2.8 these issues get quietly ignored, but wxPython 3.0 reports them. As a simple workaround I've just added a check that the icon is valid before setting it, so now you get a messagebox about the icon file not being found and then the app starts. Obviously it would be better to package sat_media so that the icon is available on the system.
author Olly Betts <>
date Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:51:35 -0400
parents f094583732de
children f0c9b149ed99
line wrap: on
line source

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT: a jabber client
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
from bridge import Bridge
import dbus
import dbus.service
import dbus.mainloop.glib
import inspect
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from sat.core.exceptions import BridgeInitError

const_INT_PREFIX = "org.goffi.SAT"  # Interface prefix
const_ERROR_PREFIX = const_INT_PREFIX + ".error"
const_OBJ_PATH = '/org/goffi/SAT/bridge'
const_CORE_SUFFIX = ".core"
const_PLUGIN_SUFFIX = ".plugin"

class ParseError(Exception):

class MethodNotRegistered(dbus.DBusException):
    _dbus_error_name = const_ERROR_PREFIX + ".MethodNotRegistered"

class InternalError(dbus.DBusException):
    _dbus_error_name = const_ERROR_PREFIX + ".InternalError"

class AsyncNotDeferred(dbus.DBusException):
    _dbus_error_name = const_ERROR_PREFIX + ".AsyncNotDeferred"

class DeferredNotAsync(dbus.DBusException):
    _dbus_error_name = const_ERROR_PREFIX + ".DeferredNotAsync"

class GenericException(dbus.DBusException):
    def __init__(self, twisted_error):

        @param twisted_error (Failure): instance of twisted Failure
        @return: DBusException
        super(GenericException, self).__init__()
            # twisted_error.value is a class
            class_ = twisted_error.value().__class__
        except TypeError:
            # twisted_error.value is an instance
            class_ = twisted_error.value.__class__
            message = twisted_error.getErrorMessage()
                self.args = (message, twisted_error.value.condition)
            except AttributeError:
                self.args = (message,)
        self._dbus_error_name = '.'.join([const_ERROR_PREFIX, class_.__module__, class_.__name__])

class DbusObject(dbus.service.Object):

    def __init__(self, bus, path):
        dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus, path)
        log.debug("Init DbusObject...")
        self.cb = {}

    def register(self, name, cb):
        self.cb[name] = cb

    def _callback(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """call the callback if it exists, raise an exception else
        if the callback return a deferred, use async methods"""
        if not name in self.cb:
            raise MethodNotRegistered

        if "callback" in kwargs:
            #we must have errback too
            if not "errback" in kwargs:
                log.error("errback is missing in method call [%s]" % name)
                raise InternalError
            callback = kwargs.pop("callback")
            errback = kwargs.pop("errback")
            async = True
            async = False
        result = self.cb[name](*args, **kwargs)
        if async:
            if not isinstance(result, Deferred):
                log.error("Asynchronous method [%s] does not return a Deferred." % name)
                raise AsyncNotDeferred
            result.addCallback(lambda result: callback() if result is None else callback(result))
            result.addErrback(lambda err: errback(GenericException(err)))
            if isinstance(result, Deferred):
                log.error("Synchronous method [%s] return a Deferred." % name)
                raise DeferredNotAsync
            return result
    ### signals ###

    @dbus.service.signal(const_INT_PREFIX + const_PLUGIN_SUFFIX,
    def dummySignal(self):
        #FIXME: workaround for addSignal (doesn't work if one method doensn't
        #       already exist for plugins), probably missing some initialisation, need
        #       further investigations

    def actionResult(self, answer_type, id, data, profile):

    def actionResultExt(self, answer_type, id, data, profile):

    def askConfirmation(self, id, conf_type, data, profile):

    def connected(self, profile):

    def contactDeleted(self, entity_jid, profile):

    def disconnected(self, profile):

    def entityDataUpdated(self, jid, name, value, profile):

    def newAlert(self, message, title, alert_type, profile):

    def newContact(self, contact_jid, attributes, groups, profile):

    def newMessage(self, from_jid, message, mess_type, to_jid, extra, profile):

    def paramUpdate(self, name, value, category, profile):

    def presenceUpdate(self, entity_jid, show, priority, statuses, profile):

    def subscribe(self, sub_type, entity_jid, profile):

    ### methods ###

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='',
    def addContact(self, entity_jid, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("addContact", unicode(entity_jid), unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='b',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def asyncConnect(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@", password='', callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("asyncConnect", unicode(profile_key), unicode(password), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def asyncCreateProfile(self, profile, password='', callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("asyncCreateProfile", unicode(profile), unicode(password), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def asyncDeleteProfile(self, profile, callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("asyncDeleteProfile", unicode(profile), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='sssis', out_signature='s',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def asyncGetParamA(self, name, category, attribute="value", security_limit=-1, profile_key="@DEFAULT@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("asyncGetParamA", unicode(name), unicode(category), unicode(attribute), security_limit, unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='sba{ss}s', out_signature='',
    def confirmationAnswer(self, id, accepted, data, profile):
        return self._callback("confirmationAnswer", unicode(id), accepted, data, unicode(profile))

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='',
    def delContact(self, entity_jid, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("delContact", unicode(entity_jid), unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='(asa(sss))',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def discoInfos(self, entity_jid, profile_key, callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("discoInfos", unicode(entity_jid), unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='a(sss)',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def discoItems(self, entity_jid, profile_key, callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("discoItems", unicode(entity_jid), unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='',
    def disconnect(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("disconnect", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='s',
    def getConfig(self, section, name):
        return self._callback("getConfig", unicode(section), unicode(name))

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='a(sa{ss}as)',
    def getContacts(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getContacts", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='as',
    def getContactsFromGroup(self, group, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getContactsFromGroup", unicode(group), unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='sass', out_signature='a{ss}',
    def getEntityData(self, jid, keys, profile):
        return self._callback("getEntityData", unicode(jid), keys, unicode(profile))

                         in_signature='ssibs', out_signature='a(dssssa{ss})',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def getHistory(self, from_jid, to_jid, limit, between=True, profile="@NONE@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("getHistory", unicode(from_jid), unicode(to_jid), limit, between, unicode(profile), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='s',
    def getLastResource(self, contact_jid, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getLastResource", unicode(contact_jid), unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='s',
    def getMenuHelp(self, menu_id, language):
        return self._callback("getMenuHelp", unicode(menu_id), unicode(language))

                         in_signature='si', out_signature='a(ssasas)',
    def getMenus(self, language, security_limit):
        return self._callback("getMenus", unicode(language), security_limit)

                         in_signature='ssss', out_signature='s',
    def getParamA(self, name, category, attribute="value", profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getParamA", unicode(name), unicode(category), unicode(attribute), unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='iss', out_signature='s',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def getParams(self, security_limit=-1, app='', profile_key="@DEFAULT@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("getParams", security_limit, unicode(app), unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='', out_signature='as',
    def getParamsCategories(self, ):
        return self._callback("getParamsCategories", )

                         in_signature='siss', out_signature='s',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def getParamsForCategory(self, category, security_limit=-1, app='', profile_key="@DEFAULT@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("getParamsForCategory", unicode(category), security_limit, unicode(app), unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='iss', out_signature='s',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def getParamsUI(self, security_limit=-1, app='', profile_key="@DEFAULT@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("getParamsUI", security_limit, unicode(app), unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='a{sa{s(sia{ss})}}',
    def getPresenceStatuses(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getPresenceStatuses", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='s',
    def getProfileName(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getProfileName", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='', out_signature='as',
    def getProfilesList(self, ):
        return self._callback("getProfilesList", )

                         in_signature='ss', out_signature='a{ss}',
    def getProgress(self, id, profile):
        return self._callback("getProgress", unicode(id), unicode(profile))

                         in_signature='', out_signature='',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def getReady(self, callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("getReady", callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='', out_signature='s',
    def getVersion(self, ):
        return self._callback("getVersion", )

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='a(ssa{ss})',
    def getWaitingConf(self, profile_key):
        return self._callback("getWaitingConf", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='a{ss}',
    def getWaitingSub(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("getWaitingSub", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='b',
    def isConnected(self, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("isConnected", unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='sa{ss}s', out_signature='a{ss}',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def launchAction(self, callback_id, data, profile_key="@DEFAULT@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("launchAction", unicode(callback_id), data, unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='b',
    def loadParamsTemplate(self, filename):
        return self._callback("loadParamsTemplate", unicode(filename))

                         in_signature='sis', out_signature='',
    def paramsRegisterApp(self, xml, security_limit=-1, app=''):
        return self._callback("paramsRegisterApp", unicode(xml), security_limit, unicode(app))

                         in_signature='s', out_signature='b',
    def saveParamsTemplate(self, filename):
        return self._callback("saveParamsTemplate", unicode(filename))

                         in_signature='ssssa{ss}s', out_signature='',
                         async_callbacks=('callback', 'errback'))
    def sendMessage(self, to_jid, message, subject='', mess_type="auto", extra={}, profile_key="@NONE@", callback=None, errback=None):
        return self._callback("sendMessage", unicode(to_jid), unicode(message), unicode(subject), unicode(mess_type), extra, unicode(profile_key), callback=callback, errback=errback)

                         in_signature='sssis', out_signature='',
    def setParam(self, name, value, category, security_limit=-1, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("setParam", unicode(name), unicode(value), unicode(category), security_limit, unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ssa{ss}s', out_signature='',
    def setPresence(self, to_jid='', show='', statuses={}, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("setPresence", unicode(to_jid), unicode(show), statuses, unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='sss', out_signature='',
    def subscription(self, sub_type, entity, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("subscription", unicode(sub_type), unicode(entity), unicode(profile_key))

                         in_signature='ssass', out_signature='',
    def updateContact(self, entity_jid, name, groups, profile_key="@DEFAULT@"):
        return self._callback("updateContact", unicode(entity_jid), unicode(name), groups, unicode(profile_key))

    def __attributes(self, in_sign):
        """Return arguments to user given a in_sign
        @param in_sign: in_sign in the short form (using s,a,i,b etc)
        @return: list of arguments that correspond to a in_sign (e.g.: "sss" return "arg1, arg2, arg3")"""
        i = 0
        idx = 0
        attr = []
        while i < len(in_sign):
            if in_sign[i] not in ['b', 'y', 'n', 'i', 'x', 'q', 'u', 't', 'd', 's', 'a']:
                raise ParseError("Unmanaged attribute type [%c]" % in_sign[i])

            attr.append("arg_%i" % idx)
            idx += 1

            if in_sign[i] == 'a':
                i += 1
                if in_sign[i] != '{' and in_sign[i] != '(':  # FIXME: must manage tuples out of arrays
                    i += 1
                    continue  # we have a simple type for the array
                opening_car = in_sign[i]
                assert(opening_car in ['{', '('])
                closing_car = '}' if opening_car == '{' else ')'
                opening_count = 1
                while (True):  # we have a dict or a list of tuples
                    i += 1
                    if i >= len(in_sign):
                        raise ParseError("missing }")
                    if in_sign[i] == opening_car:
                        opening_count += 1
                    if in_sign[i] == closing_car:
                        opening_count -= 1
                        if opening_count == 0:
            i += 1
        return attr

    def addMethod(self, name, int_suffix, in_sign, out_sign, method, async=False):
        """Dynamically add a method to Dbus Bridge"""
        inspect_args = inspect.getargspec(method)

        _arguments = inspect_args.args
        _defaults = list(inspect_args.defaults or [])

        if inspect.ismethod(method):
            #if we have a method, we don't want the first argument (usually 'self')

        #first arguments are for the _callback method
        arguments_callback = ', '.join([repr(name)] + ((_arguments + ['callback=callback', 'errback=errback']) if async else _arguments))

        if async:
            _arguments.extend(['callback', 'errback'])
            _defaults.extend([None, None])

        #now we create a second list with default values
        for i in range(1, len(_defaults) + 1):
            _arguments[-i] = "%s = %s" % (_arguments[-i], repr(_defaults[-i]))

        arguments_defaults = ', '.join(_arguments)

        code = compile('def %(name)s (self,%(arguments_defaults)s): return self._callback(%(arguments_callback)s)' %
                       {'name': name, 'arguments_defaults': arguments_defaults, 'arguments_callback': arguments_callback}, '<DBus bridge>', 'exec')
        exec (code)  # FIXME: to the same thing in a cleaner way, without compile/exec
        method = locals()[name]
        async_callbacks = ('callback', 'errback') if async else None
        setattr(DbusObject, name, dbus.service.method(
            const_INT_PREFIX + int_suffix, in_signature=in_sign, out_signature=out_sign,
        function = getattr(self, name)
        func_table = self._dbus_class_table[self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__][function._dbus_interface]
        func_table[function.__name__] = function  # Needed for introspection

    def addSignal(self, name, int_suffix, signature, doc={}):
        """Dynamically add a signal to Dbus Bridge"""
        attributes = ', '.join(self.__attributes(signature))
        #TODO: use doc parameter to name attributes

        #code = compile ('def '+name+' (self,'+attributes+'): log.debug ("'+name+' signal")', '<DBus bridge>','exec') #XXX: the log.debug is too annoying with xmllog
        code = compile('def ' + name + ' (self,' + attributes + '): pass', '<DBus bridge>', 'exec')
        exec (code)
        signal = locals()[name]
        setattr(DbusObject, name, dbus.service.signal(
            const_INT_PREFIX + int_suffix, signature=signature)(signal))
        function = getattr(self, name)
        func_table = self._dbus_class_table[self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__][function._dbus_interface]
        func_table[function.__name__] = function  # Needed for introspection

class DBusBridge(Bridge):
    def __init__(self):
        Bridge.__init__(self)"Init DBus...")
            self.session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
        except dbus.DBusException as e:
            if e._dbus_error_name == 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported':
                log.error(_(u"D-Bus is not launched, please see README to see instructions on how to launch it"))
            raise BridgeInitError
        self.dbus_name = dbus.service.BusName(const_INT_PREFIX, self.session_bus)
        self.dbus_bridge = DbusObject(self.session_bus, const_OBJ_PATH)

    def actionResult(self, answer_type, id, data, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.actionResult(answer_type, id, data, profile)

    def actionResultExt(self, answer_type, id, data, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.actionResultExt(answer_type, id, data, profile)

    def askConfirmation(self, id, conf_type, data, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.askConfirmation(id, conf_type, data, profile)

    def connected(self, profile):

    def contactDeleted(self, entity_jid, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.contactDeleted(entity_jid, profile)

    def disconnected(self, profile):

    def entityDataUpdated(self, jid, name, value, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.entityDataUpdated(jid, name, value, profile)

    def newAlert(self, message, title, alert_type, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.newAlert(message, title, alert_type, profile)

    def newContact(self, contact_jid, attributes, groups, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.newContact(contact_jid, attributes, groups, profile)

    def newMessage(self, from_jid, message, mess_type, to_jid, extra, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.newMessage(from_jid, message, mess_type, to_jid, extra, profile)

    def paramUpdate(self, name, value, category, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.paramUpdate(name, value, category, profile)

    def presenceUpdate(self, entity_jid, show, priority, statuses, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.presenceUpdate(entity_jid, show, priority, statuses, profile)

    def subscribe(self, sub_type, entity_jid, profile):
        self.dbus_bridge.subscribe(sub_type, entity_jid, profile)

    def register(self, name, callback):
        log.debug("registering DBus bridge method [%s]" % name)
        self.dbus_bridge.register(name, callback)

    def addMethod(self, name, int_suffix, in_sign, out_sign, method, async=False, doc={}):
        """Dynamically add a method to Dbus Bridge"""
        #FIXME: doc parameter is kept only temporary, the time to remove it from calls
        log.debug("Adding method [%s] to DBus bridge" % name)
        self.dbus_bridge.addMethod(name, int_suffix, in_sign, out_sign, method, async)
        self.register(name, method)

    def addSignal(self, name, int_suffix, signature, doc={}):
        self.dbus_bridge.addSignal(name, int_suffix, signature, doc)
        setattr(DBusBridge, name, getattr(self.dbus_bridge, name))