view src/bridge/bridge_constructor/ @ 2455:7b02372f8734

template (xmlui): added labels property in ValueWidget (actually return values) and values property in OptionsWidget
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 04 Dec 2017 00:45:07 +0100
parents 8b37a62336c3
children 0046283a285d
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SàT: a XMPP client
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""base constructor class"""

from sat.bridge.bridge_constructor.constants import Const as C
from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
import sys
import os
import os.path
import re
from importlib import import_module

class ParseError(Exception):
    #Used when the signature parsing is going wrong (invalid signature ?)

class Constructor(object):
    NAME = None  # used in arguments parsing, filename will be used if not set
    # following attribute are used by default generation method
    # they can be set to dict of strings using python formatting syntax
    # dict keys will be used to select part to replace (e.g. "signals" key will
    # replace ##SIGNALS_PART## in template), while the value is the format
    # keys starting with "signal" will be used for signals, while ones starting with
    # "method" will be used for methods
    # check D-Bus constructor for an example
    CORE_DEST = None

    # set to False if your bridge need only core

    def __init__(self, bridge_template, options):
        self.bridge_template = bridge_template
        self.args = options

    def constructor_dir(self):
        constructor_mod = import_module(self.__module__)
        return os.path.dirname(constructor_mod.__file__)

    def getValues(self, name):
        """Return values of a function in a dict
        @param name: Name of the function to get
        @return: dict, each key has the config value or None if the value is not set"""
        function = {}
        for option in ['type', 'category', 'sig_in', 'sig_out', 'doc']:
                value = self.bridge_template.get(name, option)
            except NoOptionError:
                value = None
            function[option] = value
        return function

    def getDefault(self, name):
        """Return default values of a function in a dict
        @param name: Name of the function to get
        @return: dict, each key is the integer param number (no key if no default value)"""
        default_dict = {}
        def_re = re.compile(r"param_(\d+)_default")

        for option in self.bridge_template.options(name):
            match = def_re.match(option)
            if match:
                    idx = int(
                except ValueError:
                    raise ParseError("Invalid value [%s] for parameter number" %
                default_dict[idx] = self.bridge_template.get(name, option)

        return default_dict

    def getFlags(self, name):
        """Return list of flags set for this function

        @param name: Name of the function to get
        @return: List of flags (string)
        flags = []
        for option in self.bridge_template.options(name):
            if option in C.DECLARATION_FLAGS:
        return flags

    def getArgumentsDoc(self, name):
        """Return documentation of arguments
        @param name: Name of the function to get
        @return: dict, each key is the integer param number (no key if no argument doc), value is a tuple (name, doc)"""
        doc_dict = {}
        option_re = re.compile(r"doc_param_(\d+)")
        value_re = re.compile(r"^(\w+): (.*)$", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
        for option in self.bridge_template.options(name):
            if option == 'doc_return':
                doc_dict['return'] = self.bridge_template.get(name, option)
            match = option_re.match(option)
            if match:
                    idx = int(
                except ValueError:
                    raise ParseError("Invalid value [%s] for parameter number" %
                value_match = value_re.match(self.bridge_template.get(name, option))
                if not value_match:
                    raise ParseError("Invalid value for parameter doc [%i]" % idx)
                doc_dict[idx] = (,
        return doc_dict

    def getDoc(self, name):
        """Return documentation of the method
        @param name: Name of the function to get
        @return: string documentation, or None"""
        if self.bridge_template.has_option(name, "doc"):
            return self.bridge_template.get(name, "doc")
        return None

    def argumentsParser(self, signature):
        """Generator which return individual arguments signatures from a global signature"""
        start = 0
        i = 0

        while i < len(signature):
            if signature[i] not in ['b', 'y', 'n', 'i', 'x', 'q', 'u', 't', 'd', 's', 'a']:
                raise ParseError("Unmanaged attribute type [%c]" % signature[i])

            if signature[i] == 'a':
                i += 1
                if signature[i] != '{' and signature[i] != '(':  # FIXME: must manage tuples out of arrays
                    i += 1
                    yield signature[start:i]
                    start = i
                    continue  # we have a simple type for the array
                opening_car = signature[i]
                assert(opening_car in ['{', '('])
                closing_car = '}' if opening_car == '{' else ')'
                opening_count = 1
                while (True):  # we have a dict or a list of tuples
                    i += 1
                    if i >= len(signature):
                        raise ParseError("missing }")
                    if signature[i] == opening_car:
                        opening_count += 1
                    if signature[i] == closing_car:
                        opening_count -= 1
                        if opening_count == 0:
            i += 1
            yield signature[start:i]
            start = i

    def getArguments(self, signature, name=None, default=None, unicode_protect=False):
        """Return arguments to user given a signature

        @param signature: signature in the short form (using s,a,i,b etc)
        @param name: dictionary of arguments name like given by getArgumentsDoc
        @param default: dictionary of default values, like given by getDefault
        @param unicode_protect: activate unicode protection on strings (return strings as unicode(str))
        @return (str): arguments that correspond to a signature (e.g.: "sss" return "arg1, arg2, arg3")
        idx = 0
        attr_string = []

        for arg in self.argumentsParser(signature):
            attr_string.append(("unicode(%(name)s)%(default)s" if (unicode_protect and arg == 's') else "%(name)s%(default)s") % {
                'name': name[idx][0] if (name and idx in name) else "arg_%i" % idx,
                'default': "=" + default[idx] if (default and idx in default) else ''})
                # give arg_1, arg2, etc or name1, name2=default, etc.
                #give unicode(arg_1), unicode(arg_2), etc. if unicode_protect is set and arg is a string
            idx += 1

        return ", ".join(attr_string)

    def getTemplatePath(self, template_file):
        """return template path corresponding to file name

        @param template_file(str): name of template file
        return os.path.join(self.constructor_dir, template_file)

    def core_completion_method(self, completion, function, default, arg_doc, async_):
        """override this method to extend completion"""

    def core_completion_signal(self, completion, function, default, arg_doc, async_):
        """override this method to extend completion"""

    def frontend_completion_method(self, completion, function, default, arg_doc, async_):
        """override this method to extend completion"""

    def frontend_completion_signal(self, completion, function, default, arg_doc, async_):
        """override this method to extend completion"""

    def generate(self, side):
        """generate bridge

        call generateCoreSide or generateFrontendSide if they exists
        else call generic self._generate method
            if side == "core":
                method = self.generateCoreSide
            elif side == "frontend":
                if not self.FRONTEND_ACTIVATE:
                    print(u"This constructor only handle core, please use core side")
                method = self.generateFrontendSide
        except AttributeError:

    def _generate(self, side):
        """generate the backend

        this is a generic method which will use formats found in self.CORE_SIGNAL_FORMAT
        and self.CORE_METHOD_FORMAT (standard format method will be used)
        @param side(str): core or frontend
        side_vars = []
        for var in ('FORMATS', 'TEMPLATE', 'DEST'):
            attr = "{}_{}".format(side.upper(), var)
            value = getattr(self, attr)
            if value is None:
                raise NotImplementedError

        FORMATS, TEMPLATE, DEST = side_vars
        del side_vars

        parts = {part.upper():[] for part in FORMATS}
        sections = self.bridge_template.sections()
        for section in sections:
            function = self.getValues(section)
            print ("Adding %s %s" % (section, function["type"]))
            default = self.getDefault(section)
            arg_doc = self.getArgumentsDoc(section)
            async_ = "async" in self.getFlags(section)
            completion = {
                'sig_in': function['sig_in'] or '',
                'sig_out': function['sig_out'] or '',
                'category': 'plugin' if function['category'] == 'plugin' else 'core',
                'name': section,
                # arguments with default values
                'args': self.getArguments(function['sig_in'], name=arg_doc, default=default),

            extend_method = getattr(self, "{}_completion_{}".format(side, function["type"]))
            extend_method(completion, function, default, arg_doc, async_)

            for part, fmt in FORMATS.iteritems():
                if part.startswith(function["type"]):

        #at this point, signals_part, methods_part and direct_calls should be filled,
        #we just have to place them in the right part of the template
        bridge = []
        const_override = {env[len(C.ENV_OVERRIDE):]:v for env,v in os.environ.iteritems() if env.startswith(C.ENV_OVERRIDE)}
        template_path = self.getTemplatePath(TEMPLATE)
            with open(template_path) as template:
                for line in template:

                    for part, extend_list in parts.iteritems():
                        if line.startswith('##{}_PART##'.format(part)):
                        # the line is not a magic part replacement
                        if line.startswith('const_'):
                            const_name = line[len('const_'):line.find(' = ')].strip()
                            if const_name in const_override:
                                print("const {} overriden".format(const_name))
                                bridge.append('const_{} = {}'.format(const_name, const_override[const_name]))
                        bridge.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
        except IOError:
            print ("can't open template file [{}]".format(template_path))

        #now we write to final file
        self.finalWrite(DEST, bridge)

    def finalWrite(self, filename, file_buf):
        """Write the final generated file in [dest dir]/filename

        @param filename: name of the file to generate
        @param file_buf: list of lines (stings) of the file
        if os.path.exists(self.args.dest_dir) and not os.path.isdir(self.args.dest_dir):
            print ("The destination dir [%s] can't be created: a file with this name already exists !")
            if not os.path.exists(self.args.dest_dir):
            full_path = os.path.join(self.args.dest_dir, filename)
            if os.path.exists(full_path) and not self.args.force:
                print ("The destination file [%s] already exists ! Use --force to overwrite it" % full_path)
                with open(full_path, 'w') as dest_file:
            except IOError:
                print ("Can't open destination file [%s]" % full_path)
        except OSError:
            print("It's not possible to generate the file, check your permissions")