Mercurial > libervia-backend
view sat_frontends/tools/ @ 2617:81b70eeb710f
quick_frontend(contact list): refactored update:
update is now called with appropriate constant value (C.UPDATE_ADD, C.UPDATE_DELETE, C.UPDATE_MODIFY and so on) when a widget change visibility according to current options.
Before it was linked to cache only (C.UPDATE_ADD was only called when contact was first added to cache).
This make widget handling in frontends more easy.
Renamed entityToShow to entityVisible, which seems to correspond better.
Started reducing lines lenght to 90 chars as a test. May become the new coding style soon.
author | Goffi <> |
date | Sun, 24 Jun 2018 21:59:29 +0200 |
parents | 26edcf3a30eb |
children | 56f94936df1e |
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # CSS color parsing # Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Jérome-Poisson # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from sat.core.log import getLogger log = getLogger(__name__) CSS_COLORS = { u"black": u"000000", u"silver": u"c0c0c0", u"gray": u"808080", u"white": u"ffffff", u"maroon": u"800000", u"red": u"ff0000", u"purple": u"800080", u"fuchsia": u"ff00ff", u"green": u"008000", u"lime": u"00ff00", u"olive": u"808000", u"yellow": u"ffff00", u"navy": u"000080", u"blue": u"0000ff", u"teal": u"008080", u"aqua": u"00ffff", u"orange": u"ffa500", u"aliceblue": u"f0f8ff", u"antiquewhite": u"faebd7", u"aquamarine": u"7fffd4", u"azure": u"f0ffff", u"beige": u"f5f5dc", u"bisque": u"ffe4c4", u"blanchedalmond": u"ffebcd", u"blueviolet": u"8a2be2", u"brown": u"a52a2a", u"burlywood": u"deb887", u"cadetblue": u"5f9ea0", u"chartreuse": u"7fff00", u"chocolate": u"d2691e", u"coral": u"ff7f50", u"cornflowerblue": u"6495ed", u"cornsilk": u"fff8dc", u"crimson": u"dc143c", u"darkblue": u"00008b", u"darkcyan": u"008b8b", u"darkgoldenrod": u"b8860b", u"darkgray": u"a9a9a9", u"darkgreen": u"006400", u"darkgrey": u"a9a9a9", u"darkkhaki": u"bdb76b", u"darkmagenta": u"8b008b", u"darkolivegreen": u"556b2f", u"darkorange": u"ff8c00", u"darkorchid": u"9932cc", u"darkred": u"8b0000", u"darksalmon": u"e9967a", u"darkseagreen": u"8fbc8f", u"darkslateblue": u"483d8b", u"darkslategray": u"2f4f4f", u"darkslategrey": u"2f4f4f", u"darkturquoise": u"00ced1", u"darkviolet": u"9400d3", u"deeppink": u"ff1493", u"deepskyblue": u"00bfff", u"dimgray": u"696969", u"dimgrey": u"696969", u"dodgerblue": u"1e90ff", u"firebrick": u"b22222", u"floralwhite": u"fffaf0", u"forestgreen": u"228b22", u"gainsboro": u"dcdcdc", u"ghostwhite": u"f8f8ff", u"gold": u"ffd700", u"goldenrod": u"daa520", u"greenyellow": u"adff2f", u"grey": u"808080", u"honeydew": u"f0fff0", u"hotpink": u"ff69b4", u"indianred": u"cd5c5c", u"indigo": u"4b0082", u"ivory": u"fffff0", u"khaki": u"f0e68c", u"lavender": u"e6e6fa", u"lavenderblush": u"fff0f5", u"lawngreen": u"7cfc00", u"lemonchiffon": u"fffacd", u"lightblue": u"add8e6", u"lightcoral": u"f08080", u"lightcyan": u"e0ffff", u"lightgoldenrodyellow": u"fafad2", u"lightgray": u"d3d3d3", u"lightgreen": u"90ee90", u"lightgrey": u"d3d3d3", u"lightpink": u"ffb6c1", u"lightsalmon": u"ffa07a", u"lightseagreen": u"20b2aa", u"lightskyblue": u"87cefa", u"lightslategray": u"778899", u"lightslategrey": u"778899", u"lightsteelblue": u"b0c4de", u"lightyellow": u"ffffe0", u"limegreen": u"32cd32", u"linen": u"faf0e6", u"mediumaquamarine": u"66cdaa", u"mediumblue": u"0000cd", u"mediumorchid": u"ba55d3", u"mediumpurple": u"9370db", u"mediumseagreen": u"3cb371", u"mediumslateblue": u"7b68ee", u"mediumspringgreen": u"00fa9a", u"mediumturquoise": u"48d1cc", u"mediumvioletred": u"c71585", u"midnightblue": u"191970", u"mintcream": u"f5fffa", u"mistyrose": u"ffe4e1", u"moccasin": u"ffe4b5", u"navajowhite": u"ffdead", u"oldlace": u"fdf5e6", u"olivedrab": u"6b8e23", u"orangered": u"ff4500", u"orchid": u"da70d6", u"palegoldenrod": u"eee8aa", u"palegreen": u"98fb98", u"paleturquoise": u"afeeee", u"palevioletred": u"db7093", u"papayawhip": u"ffefd5", u"peachpuff": u"ffdab9", u"peru": u"cd853f", u"pink": u"ffc0cb", u"plum": u"dda0dd", u"powderblue": u"b0e0e6", u"rosybrown": u"bc8f8f", u"royalblue": u"4169e1", u"saddlebrown": u"8b4513", u"salmon": u"fa8072", u"sandybrown": u"f4a460", u"seagreen": u"2e8b57", u"seashell": u"fff5ee", u"sienna": u"a0522d", u"skyblue": u"87ceeb", u"slateblue": u"6a5acd", u"slategray": u"708090", u"slategrey": u"708090", u"snow": u"fffafa", u"springgreen": u"00ff7f", u"steelblue": u"4682b4", u"tan": u"d2b48c", u"thistle": u"d8bfd8", u"tomato": u"ff6347", u"turquoise": u"40e0d0", u"violet": u"ee82ee", u"wheat": u"f5deb3", u"whitesmoke": u"f5f5f5", u"yellowgreen": u"9acd32", u"rebeccapurple": u"663399" } DEFAULT = u"000000" def parse(raw_value, as_string=True): """parse CSS color value and return normalised value @param raw_value(unicode): CSS value @param as_string(bool): if True return a string, else return a tuple of int @return (unicode, tuple): normalised value if as_string is True, value is 3 or 4 hex words (e.g. u"ff00aabb") else value is a 3 or 4 tuple of int (e.g.: (255, 0, 170, 187)). If present, the 4th value is the alpha channel If value can't be parsed, a warning message is logged, and DEFAULT is returned """ raw_value = raw_value.strip().lower() if raw_value.startswith(u'#'): # we have a hexadecimal value str_value = raw_value[1:] if len(raw_value) in (3,4): str_value = u''.join([2*v for v in str_value]) elif raw_value.startswith(u'rgb'): left_p = raw_value.find(u'(') right_p = raw_value.find(u')') rgb_values = [v.strip() for v in raw_value[left_p+1:right_p].split(',')] expected_len = 4 if raw_value.startswith(u'rgba') else 3 if len(rgb_values) != expected_len: log.warning(u"incorrect value: {}".format(raw_value)) str_value = DEFAULT else: int_values = [] for rgb_v in rgb_values: p_idx = rgb_v.find(u'%') if p_idx == -1: # base 10 value try: int_v = int(rgb_v) if int_v > 255: raise ValueError(u"value exceed 255") int_values.append(int_v) except ValueError: log.warning(u"invalid int: {}".format(rgb_v)) int_values.append(0) else: # percentage try: int_v = int(int(rgb_v[:p_idx]) / 100.0 * 255) if int_v > 255: raise ValueError(u"value exceed 255") int_values.append(int_v) except ValueError: log.warning(u"invalid percent value: {}".format(rgb_v)) int_values.append(0) str_value = u''.join([u"{:02x}".format(v) for v in int_values]) elif raw_value.startswith(u'hsl'): log.warning(u"hue-saturation-lightness not handled yet") # TODO str_value = DEFAULT else: try: str_value = CSS_COLORS[raw_value] except KeyError: log.warning(u"unrecognised format: {}".format(raw_value)) str_value = DEFAULT if as_string: return str_value else: return tuple([int(str_value[i]+str_value[i+1], 16) for i in xrange(0, len(str_value), 2)])