view src/plugins/ @ 2109:85f3e12e984d

core (memory/cache): file caching handling, first draft: instead of having file caching handled individually by plugins, a generic module has been added in memory. - Cache can be global or associated to a profile. In the later case, client.cache can be used. - Cache are managed with unique ids (which can be any unique unicode, hash uuid, or something else). - To know if a file is in cache, getFilePath is used: if the file is in cache, its absolute path is returned, else None is returned. - To cache a file, cacheData is used with at list the source of cache (most of time plugin import name), and unique id. The method return file opened in binary writing mode (so cacheData can - and should - be used with "with" statement). - 2 files will be created: a metadata file (named after the unique id), and the actual file. - each file has a end of life time, after it, the cache is invalidated and the file must be requested again.
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:23:38 +0100
parents 2daf7b4c6756
children 33c8c4973743
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SàT plugin for import external blogs
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core import exceptions
from import data_format
from twisted.internet import threads
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools
import time
import cgi
import os.path

    "name": "Dotclear import",
    "import_name": "IMPORT_DOTCLEAR",
    "type": C.PLUG_TYPE_BLOG,
    "dependencies": ["BLOG_IMPORT"],
    "main": "DotclearImport",
    "handler": "no",
    "description": _("""Blog importer for Dotclear blog engine.""")

SHORT_DESC = D_(u"import posts from Dotclear blog engine")

LONG_DESC = D_(u"""This importer handle Dotclear blog engine.

To use it, you'll need to export your blog to a flat file.
You must go in your admin interface and select Plugins/Maintenance then Backup.
Export only one blog if you have many, i.e. select "Download database of current blog"
Depending on your configuration, your may need to use Import/Export plugin and export as a flat file.

location: you must use the absolute path to your backup for the location parameter
KNOWN_DATA_TYPES = ('link', 'setting', 'post', 'meta', 'media', 'post_media', 'comment', 'captcha')
    'r': u'\r',
    'n': u'\n',
    '"': u'"',
    '\\': u'\\',

class DotclearParser(object):
    # XXX: we have to parse all file to build data
    #      this can be ressource intensive on huge blogs

    def __init__(self):
        self.posts_data = OrderedDict()
        self.tags = {}

    def getPostId(self, post):
        """Return a unique and constant post id

        @param post(dict): parsed post data
        @return (unicode): post unique item id
        return u"{}_{}_{}_{}:{}".format(POST_ID_PREFIX, post['blog_id'], post['user_id'], post['post_id'], post['post_url'])

    def getCommentId(self, comment):
        """Return a unique and constant comment id

        @param comment(dict): parsed comment
        @return (unicode): comment unique comment id
        post_id = comment['post_id']
        parent_item_id = self.posts_data[post_id]['blog']['id']
        return u"{}_comment_{}".format(parent_item_id, comment['comment_id'])

    def getTime(self, data, key):
        """Parse time as given by dotclear, with timezone handling

        @param data(dict): dotclear data (post or comment)
        @param key(unicode): key to get (e.g. "post_creadt")
        @return (float): Unix time
        return time.mktime(time.strptime(data[key], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

    def readFields(self, fields_data):
        buf = []
        idx = 0
        while True:
            if fields_data[idx] != '"':
                raise exceptions.ParsingError
            while True:
                idx += 1
                    char = fields_data[idx]
                except IndexError:
                    raise exceptions.ParsingError("Data was expected")
                if char == '"':
                    # we have reached the end of this field,
                    # we try to parse a new one
                    yield u''.join(buf)
                    buf = []
                    idx += 1
                        separator = fields_data[idx]
                    except IndexError:
                    if separator != u',':
                        raise exceptions.ParsingError("Field separator was expeceted")
                    idx += 1
                    break # we have a new field
                elif char == u'\\':
                    idx += 1
                        char = ESCAPE_MAP[fields_data[idx]]
                    except IndexError:
                        raise exceptions.ParsingError("Escaped char was expected")
                    except KeyError:
                        char = fields_data[idx]
                        log.warning(u"Unknown key to escape: {}".format(char))

    def parseFields(self, headers, data):
        return dict(itertools.izip(headers, self.readFields(data)))

    def postHandler(self, headers, data, index):
        post = self.parseFields(headers, data)
        log.debug(u'({}) post found: {}'.format(index, post['post_title']))
        mb_data = {'id': self.getPostId(post),
                   'published': self.getTime(post, 'post_creadt'),
                   'updated': self.getTime(post, 'post_upddt'),
                   'author': post['user_id'], # there use info are not in the archive
                                              # TODO: option to specify user info
                   'content_xhtml': u"{}{}".format(post['post_content_xhtml'], post['post_excerpt_xhtml']),
                   'title': post['post_title'],
                   'allow_comments': C.boolConst(bool(int(post['post_open_comment']))),
        self.posts_data[post['post_id']] = {'blog': mb_data, 'comments':[[]], 'url': u'/post/{}'.format(post['post_url'])}

    def metaHandler(self, headers, data, index):
        meta = self.parseFields(headers, data)
        if meta['meta_type'] == 'tag':
            tags = self.tags.setdefault(meta['post_id'], set())

    def metaFinishedHandler(self):
        for post_id, tags in self.tags.iteritems():
            data_format.iter2dict('tag', tags, self.posts_data[post_id]['blog'])
        del self.tags

    def commentHandler(self, headers, data, index):
        comment = self.parseFields(headers, data)
        if comment['comment_site']:
            # we don't use atom:uri because it's used for jid in XMPP
            content = u'{}\n<hr>\n<a href="{}">author website</a>'.format(
                cgi.escape(comment['comment_site']).replace('"', u'%22'))
            content = comment['comment_content']
        mb_data = {'id': self.getCommentId(comment),
                   'published': self.getTime(comment, 'comment_dt'),
                   'updated': self.getTime(comment, 'comment_upddt'),
                   'author': comment['comment_author'],
                   # we don't keep email addresses to avoid the author to be spammed
                   # (they would be available publicly else)
                   # 'author_email': comment['comment_email'],
                   'content_xhtml': content,
            {'blog': mb_data, 'comments': [[]]})

    def parse(self, db_path):
        with open(db_path) as f:
            signature = f.readline().decode('utf-8')
                version = signature.split('|')[1]
            except IndexError:
                version = None
            log.debug(u"Dotclear version: {}".format(version))
            data_type = None
            data_headers = None
            index = None
            while True:
                buf = f.readline().decode('utf-8')
                if not buf:
                if buf.startswith('['):
                    header = buf.split(' ', 1)
                    data_type = header[0][1:]
                    if data_type not in KNOWN_DATA_TYPES:
                        log.warning(u"unkown data type: {}".format(data_type))
                    index = 0
                        data_headers = header[1].split(',')
                        # we need to remove the ']' from the last header
                        last_header = data_headers[-1]
                        data_headers[-1] = last_header[:last_header.rfind(']')]
                    except IndexError:
                        log.warning(u"Can't read data)")
                    if data_type is None:
                    buf = buf.strip()
                    if not buf and data_type in KNOWN_DATA_TYPES:
                            finished_handler = getattr(self, '{}FinishedHandler'.format(data_type))
                        except AttributeError:
                        log.debug(u"{} data finished".format(data_type))
                        data_type = None
                    assert data_type
                        fields_handler = getattr(self, '{}Handler'.format(data_type))
                    except AttributeError:
                        fields_handler(data_headers, buf, index)
                    index += 1
        return (self.posts_data.itervalues(), len(self.posts_data))

class DotclearImport(object):

    def __init__(self, host):"plugin Dotclear Import initialization")) = host
        host.plugins['BLOG_IMPORT'].register('dotclear', self.DcImport, SHORT_DESC, LONG_DESC)

    def DcImport(self, client, location, options=None):
        if not os.path.isabs(location):
            raise exceptions.DataError(u"An absolute path to backup data need to be given as location")
        dc_parser = DotclearParser()
        d = threads.deferToThread(dc_parser.parse, location)
        return d