view src/plugins/ @ 2109:85f3e12e984d

core (memory/cache): file caching handling, first draft: instead of having file caching handled individually by plugins, a generic module has been added in memory. - Cache can be global or associated to a profile. In the later case, client.cache can be used. - Cache are managed with unique ids (which can be any unique unicode, hash uuid, or something else). - To know if a file is in cache, getFilePath is used: if the file is in cache, its absolute path is returned, else None is returned. - To cache a file, cacheData is used with at list the source of cache (most of time plugin import name), and unique id. The method return file opened in binary writing mode (so cacheData can - and should - be used with "with" statement). - 2 files will be created: a metadata file (named after the unique id), and the actual file. - each file has a end of life time, after it, the cache is invalidated and the file must be requested again.
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:23:38 +0100
parents 2daf7b4c6756
children 1d3f73e065e1
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT plugin for file tansfer
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _, D_
from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core import exceptions
from import xml_tools
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
import os
import os.path
import uuid

    "name": "File Tansfer",
    "import_name": "FILE",
    "type": C.PLUG_TYPE_MISC,
    "main": "FilePlugin",
    "handler": "no",
    "description": _("""File Tansfer Management:
This plugin manage the various ways of sending a file, and choose the best one.""")

SENDING = D_(u'Please select a file to send to {peer}')
SENDING_TITLE = D_(u'File sending')
CONFIRM = D_(u'{peer} wants to send the file "{name}" to you:\n{desc}\n\nThe file has a size of {size_human}\n\nDo you accept ?')
CONFIRM_TITLE = D_(u'Confirm file transfer')
CONFIRM_OVERWRITE = D_(u'File {} already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite ?')

PROGRESS_ID_KEY = 'progress_id'

class SatFile(object):
    """A file-like object to have high level files manipulation"""
    # TODO: manage "with" statement

    def __init__(self, host, path, mode='rb', uid=None, size=None, data_cb=None, auto_end_signals=True, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        @param host: %(doc_host)s
        @param path(str): path of the file to get
        @param mode(str): same as for built-in "open" function
        @param uid(unicode, None): unique id identifing this progressing element
            This uid will be used with
            will be automaticaly generated if None
        @param size(None, int): size of the file
        @param data_cb(None, callable): method to call on each data read/write
            mainly useful to do things like calculating hash
        @param auto_end_signals(bool): if True, progressFinished and progressError signals are automatically sent
            if False, you'll have to call self.progressFinished and self.progressError yourself
            progressStarted signal is always sent automatically
        """ = host
        self.uid = uid or unicode(uuid.uuid4())
        self._file = open(path, mode)
        self.size = size
        self.data_cb = data_cb
        self.profile = profile
        self.auto_end_signals = auto_end_signals
        metadata = self.getProgressMetadata(), self.getProgress, metadata, profile=profile), metadata, self.profile)

    def checkSize(self):
        """Check that current size correspond to given size

        must be used when the transfer is supposed to be finished
        @return (bool): True if the position is the same as given size
        @raise exceptions.NotFound: size has not be specified
        position = self._file.tell()
        if self.size is None:
            raise exceptions.NotFound
        return position == self.size

    def close(self, progress_metadata=None, error=None):
        """Close the current file

        @param progress_metadata(None, dict): metadata to send with _onProgressFinished message
        @param error(None, unicode): set to an error message if progress was not successful
            mutually exclusive with progress_metadata
            error can happen even if error is None, if current size differ from given size
        if self._file.closed:
            return # avoid double close (which is allowed) error
        if error is None:
                size_ok = self.checkSize()
            except exceptions.NotFound:
                size_ok = True
            if not size_ok:
                error = u'declared and actual size mismatch'
                progress_metadata = None


        if self.auto_end_signals:
            if error is None:
                assert progress_metadata is None
                self.progressError(error), self.profile)

    def progressFinished(self, metadata=None):
        if metadata is None:
            metadata = {}, metadata, self.profile)

    def progressError(self, error):, error, self.profile)

    def flush(self):

    def write(self, buf):
        if self.data_cb is not None:
            return self.data_cb(buf)

    def read(self, size=-1):
        read =
        if self.data_cb is not None and read:
        return read

    def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):, whence)

    def tell(self):
        return self._file.tell()

    def mode(self):
        return self._file.mode()

    def getProgressMetadata(self):
        """Return progression metadata as given to progressStarted

        @return (dict): metadata (check bridge for documentation)
        metadata = {'type': C.META_TYPE_FILE}

        mode = self._file.mode
        if '+' in mode:
            pass # we have no direction in read/write modes
        elif mode in ('r', 'rb'):
            metadata['direction'] = 'out'
        elif mode in ('w', 'wb'):
            metadata['direction'] = 'in'
        elif 'U' in mode:
            metadata['direction'] = 'out'
            raise exceptions.InternalError

        metadata['name'] =

        return metadata

    def getProgress(self, progress_id, profile):
        ret = {'position': self._file.tell()}
        if self.size:
            ret['size'] = self.size
        return ret

class FilePlugin(object):

    def __init__(self, host):"plugin File initialization")) = host
        host.bridge.addMethod("fileSend", ".plugin", in_sign='sssss', out_sign='a{ss}', method=self._fileSend, async=True)
        self._file_callbacks = []
        host.importMenu((D_("Action"), D_("send file")), self._fileSendMenu, security_limit=10, help_string=D_("Send a file"), type_=C.MENU_SINGLE)

    def _fileSend(self, peer_jid_s, filepath, name="", file_desc="", profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        return self.fileSend(jid.JID(peer_jid_s), filepath, name or None, file_desc or None, profile)

    def fileSend(self, peer_jid, filepath, filename=None, file_desc=None, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        """Send a file using best available method

        @param peer_jid(jid.JID): jid of the destinee
        @param filepath(str): absolute path to the file
        @param filename(unicode, None): name to use, or None to find it from filepath
        @param file_desc(unicode, None): description of the file
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
        @return (dict): action dictionary, with progress id in case of success, else xmlui message
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise exceptions.DataError(u"The given path doesn't link to a file")
        if not filename:
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath) or '_'
        for namespace, callback, priority, method_name in self._file_callbacks:
            has_feature = yield, peer_jid, profile)
            if has_feature:
      "{name} method will be used to send the file".format(name=method_name))
                progress_id = yield defer.maybeDeferred(callback, peer_jid, filepath, filename, file_desc, profile)
                defer.returnValue({'progress': progress_id})
        msg = u"Can't find any method to send file to {jid}".format(jid=peer_jid.full())
        defer.returnValue({'xmlui': xml_tools.note(u"Can't transfer file", msg, C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_WARNING).toXml()})

    def _onFileChoosed(self, peer_jid, data, profile):
        cancelled = C.bool(data.get("cancelled", C.BOOL_FALSE))
        if cancelled:
        return self.fileSend(peer_jid, path, profile=profile)

    def _fileSendMenu(self, data, profile):
        """ XMLUI activated by menu: return file sending UI

        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
            jid_ = jid.JID(data['jid'])
        except RuntimeError:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Invalid JID"))

        file_choosed_id = data, profile: self._onFileChoosed(jid_, data, profile), with_data=True, one_shot=True)
        xml_ui = xml_tools.XMLUI(
            dialog_opt = {
                C.XMLUI_DATA_MESS: _(SENDING).format(peer=jid_.full())},
            title = _(SENDING_TITLE),
            submit_id = file_choosed_id)

        return {'xmlui': xml_ui.toXml()}

    def register(self, namespace, callback, priority=0, method_name=None):
        """Register a fileSending method

        @param namespace(unicode): XEP namespace
        @param callback(callable): method to call (must have the same signature as [fileSend])
        @param priority(int): pririoty of this method, the higher available will be used
        @param method_name(unicode): short name for the method, namespace will be used if None
        for data in self._file_callbacks:
            if namespace == data[0]:
                raise exceptions.ConflictError(u'A method with this namespace is already registered')
        self._file_callbacks.append((namespace, callback, priority, method_name or namespace))
        self._file_callbacks.sort(key=lambda data: data[2], reverse=True)

    def unregister(self, namespace):
        for idx, data in enumerate(self._file_callbacks):
            if data[0] == namespace:
                del [idx]
        raise exceptions.NotFound(u"The namespace to unregister doesn't exist")

    # Dialogs with user
    # the overwrite check is done here

    def _openFileWrite(self, file_path, transfer_data, file_data, profile):
        assert 'file_obj' not in transfer_data
        transfer_data['file_obj'] = SatFile(
            data_cb = file_data.get('data_cb'),

    def _gotConfirmation(self, data, peer_jid, transfer_data, file_data, profile):
        """Called when the permission and dest path have been received

        @param peer_jid(jid.JID): jid of the file sender
        @param transfer_data(dict): same as for [self.getDestDir]
        @param file_data(dict): same as for [self.getDestDir]
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
        return (bool): True if copy is wanted and OK
            False if user wants to cancel
            if file exists ask confirmation and call again self._getDestDir if needed
        if data.get('cancelled', False):
            return False
        path = data['path']
        file_data['file_path'] = file_path = os.path.join(path, file_data['name'])
        log.debug(u'destination file path set to {}'.format(file_path))

        # we manage case where file already exists
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            def check_overwrite(overwrite):
                if overwrite:
                    self._openFileWrite(file_path, transfer_data, file_data, profile)
                    return True
                    return self.getDestDir(peer_jid, transfer_data, file_data, profile)

            exists_d = xml_tools.deferConfirm(
                action_extra={'meta_from_jid': peer_jid.full(),
                              'meta_type': C.META_TYPE_OVERWRITE,
                              'meta_progress_id': file_data[PROGRESS_ID_KEY]
            return exists_d

        self._openFileWrite(file_path, transfer_data, file_data, profile)
        return True

    def getDestDir(self, peer_jid, transfer_data, file_data, profile):
        """Request confirmation and destination dir to user

        Overwrite confirmation is managed.
        if transfer is confirmed, 'file_obj' is added to transfer_data
        @param peer_jid(jid.JID): jid of the file sender
        @param filename(unicode): name of the file
        @param transfer_data(dict): data of the transfer session,
            it will be only used to store the file_obj.
            "file_obj" key *MUST NOT* exist before using getDestDir
        @param file_data(dict): information about the file to be transfered
            It MUST contain the following keys:
                - peer_jid (jid.JID): other peer jid
                - name (unicode): name of the file to trasnsfer
                    the name must not be empty or contain a "/" character
                - size (int): size of the file
                - desc (unicode): description of the file
                - progress_id (unicode): id to use for progression
            It *MUST NOT* contain the "peer" key
            It may contain:
                - data_cb (callable): method called on each data read/write
            "file_path" will be added to this dict once destination selected
            "size_human" will also be added with human readable file size
        @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
        return (defer.Deferred): True if transfer is accepted
        filename = file_data['name']
        assert filename and not '/' in filename
        assert PROGRESS_ID_KEY in file_data
        # human readable size
        file_data['size_human'] = u'{:.6n} Mio'.format(float(file_data['size'])/(1024**2))
        d = xml_tools.deferDialog(,
            _(CONFIRM).format(peer=peer_jid.full(), **file_data),
            action_extra={'meta_from_jid': peer_jid.full(),
                          'meta_type': C.META_TYPE_FILE,
                          'meta_progress_id': file_data[PROGRESS_ID_KEY]
        d.addCallback(self._gotConfirmation, peer_jid, transfer_data, file_data, profile)
        return d