view src/test/ @ 2109:85f3e12e984d

core (memory/cache): file caching handling, first draft: instead of having file caching handled individually by plugins, a generic module has been added in memory. - Cache can be global or associated to a profile. In the later case, client.cache can be used. - Cache are managed with unique ids (which can be any unique unicode, hash uuid, or something else). - To know if a file is in cache, getFilePath is used: if the file is in cache, its absolute path is returned, else None is returned. - To cache a file, cacheData is used with at list the source of cache (most of time plugin import name), and unique id. The method return file opened in binary writing mode (so cacheData can - and should - be used with "with" statement). - 2 files will be created: a metadata file (named after the unique id), and the actual file. - each file has a end of life time, after it, the cache is invalidated and the file must be requested again.
author Goffi <>
date Thu, 05 Jan 2017 20:23:38 +0100
parents 2daf7b4c6756
children 70399d1acb47
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SAT: a jabber client
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Jérôme Poisson (
# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Adrien Cossa (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Helpers class for plugin dependencies """

from twisted.internet import defer

from wokkel.muc import Room, User
from wokkel.generic import parseXml
from wokkel.disco import DiscoItem, DiscoItems

# temporary until the changes are integrated to Wokkel
from sat.tmp.wokkel.rsm import RSMResponse

from constants import Const as C
from sat.plugins import plugin_xep_0045
from collections import OrderedDict

class FakeMUCClient(object):
    def __init__(self, plugin_parent):
        self.plugin_parent = plugin_parent =
        self.joined_rooms = {}

    def join(self, room_jid, nick, options=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        @param room_jid: the room JID
        @param nick: nick to be used in the room
        @param options: joining options
        @param profile_key: the profile key of the user joining the room
        @return: the deferred joined wokkel.muc.Room instance
        profile =
        roster = {}

        # ask the other profiles to fill our roster
        for i in xrange(0, len(C.PROFILE)):
            other_profile = C.PROFILE[i]
            if other_profile == profile:
                other_room = self.plugin_parent.clients[other_profile].joined_rooms[room_jid]
                roster.setdefault(other_room.nick, User(other_room.nick, C.PROFILE_DICT[other_profile]))
                for other_nick in other_room.roster:
                    roster.setdefault(other_nick, other_room.roster[other_nick])
            except (AttributeError, KeyError):

        # rename our nick if it already exists
        while nick in roster.keys():
            if C.PROFILE_DICT[profile].userhost() == roster[nick].entity.userhost():
                break  # same user with different resource --> same nickname
            nick = nick + "_"

        room = Room(room_jid, nick)
        room.roster = roster
        self.joined_rooms[room_jid] = room

        # fill the other rosters with the new entry
        for i in xrange(0, len(C.PROFILE)):
            other_profile = C.PROFILE[i]
            if other_profile == profile:
                other_room = self.plugin_parent.clients[other_profile].joined_rooms[room_jid]
                other_room.roster.setdefault(room.nick, User(room.nick, C.PROFILE_DICT[profile]))
            except (AttributeError, KeyError):

        return defer.succeed(room)

    def leave(self, roomJID, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        @param roomJID: the room JID
        @param profile_key: the profile key of the user joining the room
        @return: a dummy deferred
        profile =
        room = self.joined_rooms[roomJID]
        # remove ourself from the other rosters
        for i in xrange(0, len(C.PROFILE)):
            other_profile = C.PROFILE[i]
            if other_profile == profile:
                other_room = self.plugin_parent.clients[other_profile].joined_rooms[roomJID]
                del other_room.roster[room.nick]
            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
        del self.joined_rooms[roomJID]
        return defer.Deferred()

class FakeXEP_0045(plugin_xep_0045.XEP_0045):

    def __init__(self, host): = host
        self.clients = {}
        for profile in C.PROFILE:
            self.clients[profile] = FakeMUCClient(self)

    def join(self, room_jid, nick, options={}, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        @param roomJID: the room JID
        @param nick: nick to be used in the room
        @param options: ignore
        @param profile_key: the profile of the user joining the room
        @return: the deferred joined wokkel.muc.Room instance or None
        profile =
        if room_jid in self.clients[profile].joined_rooms:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        room = self.clients[profile].join(room_jid, nick, profile_key=profile)
        return room

    def joinRoom(self, muc_index, user_index):
        """Called by tests
        @return: the nickname of the user who joined room"""
        muc_jid = C.MUC[muc_index]
        nick = C.JID[user_index].user
        profile = C.PROFILE[user_index]
        self.join(muc_jid, nick, profile_key=profile)
        return self.getNick(muc_index, user_index)

    def leave(self, room_jid, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        @param roomJID: the room JID
        @param profile_key: the profile of the user leaving the room
        @return: a dummy deferred
        profile =
        if room_jid not in self.clients[profile].joined_rooms:
            raise plugin_xep_0045.UnknownRoom("This room has not been joined")
        return self.clients[profile].leave(room_jid, profile)

    def leaveRoom(self, muc_index, user_index):
        """Called by tests
        @return: the nickname of the user who left the room"""
        muc_jid = C.MUC[muc_index]
        nick = self.getNick(muc_index, user_index)
        profile = C.PROFILE[user_index]
        self.leave(muc_jid, profile_key=profile)
        return nick

    def getRoom(self, muc_index, user_index):
        """Called by tests
        @return: a wokkel.muc.Room instance"""
        profile = C.PROFILE[user_index]
        muc_jid = C.MUC[muc_index]
            return self.clients[profile].joined_rooms[muc_jid]
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            return None

    def getNick(self, muc_index, user_index):
            return self.getRoomNick(C.MUC[muc_index], C.PROFILE[user_index])
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return ''

    def getNickOfUser(self, muc_index, user_index, profile_index, secure=True):
            room = self.clients[C.PROFILE[profile_index]].joined_rooms[C.MUC[muc_index]]
            return self.getRoomNickOfUser(room, C.JID[user_index])
        except (KeyError, AttributeError):
            return None

class FakeXEP_0249(object):

    def __init__(self, host): = host

    def invite(self, target, room, options={}, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        Invite a user to a room. To accept the invitation from a test,
        just call FakeXEP_0045.joinRoom (no need to have a dedicated method).
        @param target: jid of the user to invite
        @param room: jid of the room where the user is invited
        @options: attribute with extra info (reason, password) as in #XEP-0249
        @profile_key: %(doc_profile_key)s

class FakeSatPubSubClient(object):

    def __init__(self, host, parent_plugin): = host
        self.parent_plugin = parent_plugin
        self.__items = OrderedDict()
        self.__rsm_responses = {}

    def createNode(self, service, nodeIdentifier=None, options=None,
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def deleteNode(self, service, nodeIdentifier, sender=None):
            del self.__items[nodeIdentifier]
        except KeyError:
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def subscribe(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
                  options=None, sender=None):
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def unsubscribe(self, service, nodeIdentifier, subscriber,
                    subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None):
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def publish(self, service, nodeIdentifier, items=None, sender=None):
        node = self.__items.setdefault(nodeIdentifier, [])

        def replace(item_obj):
            index = 0
            for current in node:
                if current['id'] == item_obj['id']:
                    node[index] = item_obj
                    return True
                index += 1
            return False

        for item in items:
            item_obj = parseXml(item) if isinstance(item, unicode) else item
            if not replace(item_obj):
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def items(self, service, nodeIdentifier, maxItems=None, itemIdentifiers=None,
              subscriptionIdentifier=None, sender=None, ext_data=None):
            items = self.__items[nodeIdentifier]
        except KeyError:
            items = []
        if ext_data:
            assert('id' in ext_data)
            if 'rsm' in ext_data:
                args = (0, items[0]['id'], items[-1]['id']) if items else ()
                self.__rsm_responses[ext_data['id']] = RSMResponse(len(items), *args)
        return defer.succeed(items)

    def retractItems(self, service, nodeIdentifier, itemIdentifiers, sender=None):
        node = self.__items[nodeIdentifier]
        for item in [item for item in node if item['id'] in itemIdentifiers]:
        return defer.succeed(None)

    def getRSMResponse(self, id):
        if id not in self.__rsm_responses:
            return {}
        result = self.__rsm_responses[id].toDict()
        del self.__rsm_responses[id]
        return result

    def subscriptions(self, service, nodeIdentifier, sender=None):
        return defer.succeed([])

    def service_getDiscoItems(self, service, nodeIdentifier, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        items = DiscoItems()
        for item in self.__items.keys():
            items.append(DiscoItem(service, item))
        return defer.succeed(items)