view frontends/src/quick_frontend/ @ 1316:8adcdf2cdfe1 frontends_multi_profiles

core: added a "profileConnecting" method check: if a plugin has a profileConnecting method, it will be called when the profile is being connected but before the client stream is started. That can be usefull if things need to be done before the communication is started: e.g. putting triggers, loading PersistentDict, etc.
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 09 Feb 2015 21:39:51 +0100
parents d0d5ba3b4d64
children 9ca93ecdeea5
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# helper class for making a SAT frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core import exceptions

from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.constants import Const as C

classes_map = {}

    # FIXME: to be removed when an acceptable solution is here
    unicode('') # XXX: unicode doesn't exist in pyjamas
except (TypeError, AttributeError): # Error raised is not the same depending on pyjsbuild options
    unicode = str

def register(base_cls, child_cls=None):
    """Register a child class to use by default when a base class is needed

    @param base_cls: "Quick..." base class (like QuickChat or QuickContact), must inherit from QuickWidget
    @param child_cls: inherited class to use when Quick... class is requested, must inherit from base_cls.
        Can be None if it's the base_cls itself which register
    # FIXME: we use base_cls.__name__ instead of base_cls directly because pyjamas because
    #        in the second case
    classes_map[base_cls.__name__] = child_cls

class WidgetAlreadyExistsError(Exception):

class QuickWidgetsManager(object):
    """This class is used to manage all the widgets of a frontend
    A widget can be a window, a graphical thing, or someting else depending of the frontend"""

    def __init__(self, host): = host
        self._widgets = {}

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate throught all widgets"""
        for widget_map in self._widgets.itervalues():
            for widget in widget_map.itervalues():
                yield widget

    def getRealClass(self, class_):
        """Return class registered for given class_

        @param class_: subclass of QuickWidget
        @return: class actually used to create widget
            # FIXME: we use base_cls.__name__ instead of base_cls directly because pyjamas bugs
            #        in the second case
            cls = classes_map[class_.__name__]
        except KeyError:
            cls = class_
        if cls is None:
            raise exceptions.InternalError("There is not class registered for {}".format(class_))
        return cls

    def getWidgets(self, class_):
        """Get all subclassed widgets

        @param class_: subclass of QuickWidget, same parameter as used in [getOrCreateWidget]
        @return: iterator on widgets
        class_ = self.getRealClass(class_)
            widgets_map = self._widgets[class_.__name__]
        except KeyError:
            return iter([])
            return widgets_map.itervalues()

    def getOrCreateWidget(self, class_, target, *args, **kwargs):
        """Get an existing widget or create a new one when necessary

        If the widget is new, will be called with it.
        @param class_(class): class of the widget to create
        @param target: target depending of the widget, usually a JID instance
        @param args(list): optional args to create a new instance of class_
        @param kwargs(list): optional kwargs to create anew instance of class_
            if 'profile' key is present, it will be popped and put in 'profiles'
            if there is neither 'profile' nor 'profiles', None will be used for 'profiles'
            if 'on_new_widget' is present it can have the following values:
                C.WIDGET_NEW [default]: will be called on widget creation
                [callable]: this method will be called instead of
                None: do nothing
            if 'on_existing_widget' is present it can have the following values:
                C.WIDGET_KEEP  [default]: return the existing widget
                C.WIDGET_RAISE: raise WidgetAlreadyExistsError
                C.WIDGET_RECREATE: create a new widget *WITH A NEW HASH*
                [callable]: this method will be called with existing widget as argument
            if 'force_hash' is present, the hash given in value will be used instead of the one returned by class_.getWidgetHash
            other keys will be used to instanciate class_ if the case happen (e.g. if type_ is present and class_ is a QuickChat subclass,
                it will be used to create a new QuickChat instance).
        @return: a class_ instance, either new or already existing
        cls = self.getRealClass(class_)

        ## arguments management ##
        _args = [, target] + list(args) or [] # FIXME: check if it's really necessary to use optional args
        _kwargs = kwargs or {}
        if 'profiles' in _kwargs and 'profile' in _kwargs:
            raise ValueError("You can't have 'profile' and 'profiles' keys at the same time")
            _kwargs['profiles'] = _kwargs.pop('profile')
        except KeyError:
            if not 'profiles' in _kwargs:
                _kwargs['profiles'] = None

        #on_new_widget tell what to do for the new widget creation
            on_new_widget = _kwargs.pop('on_new_widget')
        except KeyError:
            on_new_widget = C.WIDGET_NEW

        #on_existing_widget tell what to do when the widget already exists
            on_existing_widget = _kwargs.pop('on_existing_widget')
        except KeyError:
            on_existing_widget = C.WIDGET_KEEP

        ## we get the hash ##
            hash_ = _kwargs.pop('force_hash')
        except KeyError:
            hash_ = cls.getWidgetHash(target, _kwargs['profiles'])

        ## widget creation or retrieval ##

        widgets_map = self._widgets.setdefault(cls.__name__, {}) # we sorts widgets by classes
        if not cls.SINGLE:
            widget = None # if the class is not SINGLE, we always create a new widget
                widget = widgets_map[hash_]
            except KeyError:
                widget = None

        if widget is None:
            # we need to create a new widget
            log.debug(u"Creating new widget for target {} {}".format(target, cls))
            widget = cls(*_args, **_kwargs)
            widgets_map[hash_] = widget

            if on_new_widget == C.WIDGET_NEW:
            elif callable(on_new_widget):
                assert on_new_widget is None
            # the widget already exists
            if on_existing_widget == C.WIDGET_KEEP:
            elif on_existing_widget == C.WIDGET_RAISE:
                raise WidgetAlreadyExistsError(hash_)
            elif on_existing_widget == C.WIDGET_RECREATE:
                # we use getOrCreateWidget to recreate the new widget
                # /!\ we use args and kwargs and not _args and _kwargs because we need the original args
                #     we need to get rid of kwargs special options
                new_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
                    new_kwargs.pop('force_hash')  # FIXME: we use pop instead of del here because pyjamas doesn't raise error on del
                except KeyError:
                    raise ValueError("force_hash option can't be used with on_existing_widget=RECREATE")

                # XXX: keep up-to-date if new special kwargs are added (i.e.: delete these keys here)
                new_kwargs['on_new_widget'] = None
                new_kwargs['on_existing_widget'] = C.WIDGET_RAISE
                hash_idx = 1
                while True:
                    new_kwargs['force_hash'] = hash_ + "_new_instance_{}".format(hash_idx)
                        widget = self.getOrCreateWidget(class_, target, *args, **new_kwargs)
                    except WidgetAlreadyExistsError:
                        hash_idx += 1
                        log.debug(u"Widget already exists, a new one has been recreated with hash {}".format(new_kwargs['force_hash']))
            elif callable(on_existing_widget):
                raise exceptions.InternalError("Unexpected on_existing_widget value ({})".format(on_existing_widget))

        return widget

    def deleteWidget(self, widget_to_delete):
        """Delete a widget

        widget's onDelete method will be called before deletion

        for widget_map in self._widgets.itervalues():
            for hash_, widget in widget_map.iteritems():
                if widget_to_delete is widget:
                    del widget_map[hash_]

class QuickWidget(object):
    """generic widget base"""
    SINGLE=True # if True, there can be only one widget per target(s)

    def __init__(self, host, target, profiles=None):
        @param host: %(doc_host)s
        @param target: target specific for this widget class
        @param profiles: can be either:
            - (unicode): used when widget class manage a unique profile
            - (iterable): some widget class can manage several profiles, several at once can be specified here
            - None: no profile is managed by this widget class (rare)
        @raise: ValueError when (iterable) or None is given to profiles for a widget class which manage one unique profile.
        """ = host
        self.targets = set()
        self.profiles = set()
        if isinstance(profiles, basestring):
        elif profiles is None:
            if not self.PROFILES_ALLOW_NONE:
                raise ValueError("profiles can't have a value of None")
            if not self.PROFILES_MULTIPLE:
                raise ValueError("multiple profiles are not allowed")
            for profile in profiles:

    def profile(self):
        assert len(self.profiles) == 1 and not self.PROFILES_MULTIPLE and not self.PROFILES_ALLOW_NONE
        return list(self.profiles)[0]

    def addTarget(self, target):
        """Add a target if it doesn't already exists

        @param target: target to add

    def addProfile(self, profile):
        """Add a profile is if doesn't already exists

        @param profile: profile to add
        if self.profiles and not self.PROFILES_MULTIPLE:
            raise ValueError("multiple profiles are not allowed")

    def getWidgetHash(target, profiles):
        """Return the hash associated with this target for this widget class

        some widget classes can manage several target on the same instance
        (e.g.: a chat widget with multiple resources on the same bare jid),
        this method allow to return a hash associated to one or several targets
        to retrieve the good instance. For example, a widget managing JID targets,
        and all resource of the same bare jid would return the bare jid as hash.

        @param target: target to check
        @param profiles: profile(s) associated to target, see __init__ docstring
        @return: a hash (can correspond to one or many targets or profiles, depending of widget class)
        return unicode(target) # by defaut, there is one hash for one target

    def onDelete(self):
        """Called when a widget is deleted"""
        log.debug(u"deleting widget {}".format(self)) # Must be implemented by frontends