Mercurial > libervia-backend
view src/plugins/ @ 348:8ff113e2abcb
author | Goffi <> |
date | Mon, 30 May 2011 16:16:46 +0200 |
parents | b1794cbb88e5 |
children | 02c633a0ddcf |
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#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ SAT plugin for managing xep-0045 Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Jérôme Poisson ( This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ from logging import debug, info, warning, error from twisted.words.xish import domish from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, threads, reactor from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import client, jid, xmlstream from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import error as jab_error from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import IQ from twisted.web.client import getPage import os.path import pdb from zope.interface import implements from wokkel import disco, iwokkel, data_form from import XMLUI import urllib import webbrowser from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup import re PLUGIN_INFO = { "name": "CouchSurfing plugin", "import_name": "CS", "type": "Misc", "protocols": [], "dependencies": [], "main": "CS_Plugin", "handler": "no", "description": _(u"""This plugin allow to manage your CouchSurfing account throught your SàT frontend""") } AGENT = 'Salut à Toi XMPP/CS Plugin' class CS_Plugin(): params = """ <params> <individual> <category name="CouchSurfing"> <param name="Login" type="string" /> <param name="Password" type="password" /> </category> </individual> </params> """ def __init__(self, host): info(_("Plugin CS initialization")) = host #parameters host.memory.importParams(CS_Plugin.params) #menu host.importMenu(_("Plugin"), "CouchSurfing", self.menuSelected, help_string = _("Launch CoushSurfing management interface"))'plugin_cs_data') or {} #TODO: delete cookies/data after a while"plugin_CS_sendMessage", self.sendMessage)"plugin_CS_showUnreadMessages", self.showUnreadMessages) def erroCB(self, e, id): """Called when something is going wrong when contacting CS website""" #pdb.set_trace() message_data={"reason": "connection error", "message":_(u"Impossible to contact CS website, please check your login/password, connection or try again later")}"ERROR", id, message_data) def menuSelected(self, id, profile): """Called when the couchsurfing menu item is selected""" login ="Login", "CouchSurfing", profile_key=profile) password ="Password", "CouchSurfing", profile_key=profile) if not login or not password: message_data={"reason": "uncomplete", "message":_(u"You have to fill your CouchSurfing login & password in parameters before using this interface")}"ERROR", id, message_data) return post_data = urllib.urlencode({'auth_login[un]':login,'auth_login[pw]':password,'auth_login[action]':'Login...'}) if not[profile] = {'cookies':{}} else:[profile]['cookies'] = {} d = getPage('', method='POST', postdata=post_data, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} , agent=AGENT,[profile]['cookies']) d.addCallback(self.__connectionCB, id, profile) d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id)"SUPPRESS", id, {}) #pages parsing callbacks def savePage(self, name, html): f = open ('/tmp/CS_'+name+'.html','w') f.write(html) f.close() print "page [%s] sauvee" % name #pdb.set_trace() def __connectionCB(self, html, id, profile): print 'Response received' #self.savePage('principale',html) soup = BeautifulSoup(html)[profile]['user_nick'] = soup.find('a','item_link',href='/home.html').contents[0][profile]['user_name'] = soup.html.head.title.string.split(' - ')[1] #unread messages try:[profile]['unread_messages'] = int(soup.find(lambda tag:'div' and ('class','item_bubble') in tag.attrs and tag.find('a', href="/messages.html?message_status=inbox")).find(text=True)) except:[profile]['unread_messages'] = 0 #unread couchrequest messages try:[profile]['unread_CR_messages'] = int(soup.find(lambda tag:'div' and ('class','item_bubble') in tag.attrs and tag.find('a', href="/couchmanager")).find(text=True)) except:[profile]['unread_CR_messages'] = 0 #if we have already the list of friend, no need to make new requests if not[profile].has_key('friends'):[profile]['friends'] = {} d = getPage('', agent=AGENT,[profile]['cookies']) d.addCallback(self.__friendsPageCB, id=id, profile=profile) d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id) else:"XMLUI", id, {"type":"window", "xml":self.__buildUI([profile])}) def __buildUI(self, data): """Build the XML UI of the plugin @param data: data store for the profile""" user_nick = data['user_nick'] user_name = data['user_name'] unread_mess = data['unread_messages'] unread_CR_mess = data['unread_CR_messages'] friends_list = data['friends'].keys() friends_list.sort() interface = XMLUI('window','tabs', title='CouchSurfing management') interface.addCategory(_("Messages"), "vertical") interface.addText(_("G'day %(name)s, you have %(nb_message)i unread message%(plural_mess)s and %(unread_CR_mess)s unread couch request message%(plural_CR)s\nIf you want to send a message, select the recipient(s) in the list below") % {'name':user_name, 'nb_message':unread_mess, 'plural_mess':'s' if unread_mess>1 else '', 'unread_CR_mess': unread_CR_mess, 'plural_CR':'s' if unread_CR_mess>1 else ''}) if unread_mess: interface.addButton('plugin_CS_showUnreadMessages', 'showUnreadMessages', _('Show unread message%(plural)s in external web browser') % {'plural':'s' if unread_mess>1 else ''}) interface.addList(friends_list, 'friends', style=['multi']) interface.changeLayout('pairs') interface.addLabel(_("Subject")) interface.addString('subject') interface.changeLayout('vertical') interface.addLabel(_("Message")) interface.addText("(use %name% for contact name and %firstname% for guessed first name)") interface.addTextBox('message') interface.addButton('plugin_CS_sendMessage', 'sendMessage', _('send'), fields_back=['friends','subject','message']) #interface.addCategory(_("Events"), "vertical") #TODO: coming soon, hopefuly :) #interface.addCategory(_("Couch search"), "vertical") return interface.toXml() def __meetingPageCB(self, html): """Called when the meeting page has been received""" def __friendsPageCB(self, html, id, profile): """Called when the friends list page has been received""" self.savePage('friends',html) soup = BeautifulSoup(html.replace('"formtable width="400','"formtable" width="400"')) #CS html fix #TODO: report the bug to CS dev team friends =[profile]['friends'] for _tr in soup.findAll('tr', {'class':re.compile("^msgRow*")}): #we parse the row with friends infos _nobr = _tr.find('nobr') #contain the friend name friend_name = unicode(_nobr.string) friend_link = u''+_nobr.parent['href'] regex_href = re.compile(r'/connections\.html\?id=([^&]+)') a_tag = _tr.find('a',href=regex_href) friend_id =[0] debug(_("CS friend found: %(friend_name)s (id: %(friend_id)s, link: %(friend_link)s)") % {'friend_name':friend_name, 'friend_id':friend_id, 'friend_link':friend_link}) friends[friend_name] = {'link':friend_link,'id':friend_id} a = soup.find('td','barmiddle next').a #is there several pages ? if a: #yes, we parse the next page d = getPage(''+str(a['href']), agent=AGENT,[profile]['cookies']) d.addCallback(self.__friendsPageCB, id=id, profile=profile) d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id) else: #no, we show the result"XMLUI", id, {"type":"window", "xml":self.__buildUI([profile])}) #and save the data'plugin_cs_data', def __sendMessage(self, answer, subject, message, data, recipient_list, id, profile): """Send actually the message @param subject: subject of the message @param message: body of the message @param data: data of the profile @param recipient_list: list of friends names, names are removed once message is sent @param id: id of the action @param profile: profile who launched the action """ if answer: if not 'Here is a copy of the email that was sent' in answer: error(_("INTERNAL ERROR: no confirmation of message sent by CS, maybe the site has been modified ?")) #TODO: throw a warning to the frontend, saying that maybe the message has not been sent and to contact dev of this plugin #debug(_('HTML answer: %s') % answer) if recipient_list: recipient = recipient_list.pop() try: friend_id = data['friends'][recipient]['id'] except KeyError: error('INTERNAL ERROR: unknown friend') return #send an error to the frontend mess = message.replace('%name%',recipient).replace('%firstname%',recipient.split(' ')[0]) info(_('Sending message to %s') % recipient) debug(_("\nsubject: %(subject)s\nmessage: \n---\n%(message)s\n---\n\n") % {'subject':subject,'message':mess}) post_data = urllib.urlencode({'email[subject]':subject.encode('utf-8'),'email[body]':mess.encode('utf-8'),'email[id]':friend_id,'email[action]':'Send Message','email[replied_id]':'','email[couchsurf]':'','email[directions_to_add]':''}) d = getPage("", method='POST', postdata=post_data, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} , agent=AGENT, cookies=data['cookies']) d.addCallback(self.__sendMessage, subject, message, data, recipient_list, id, profile) d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id) else: interface = XMLUI('window', title=_('Message sent')) #TODO: create particular actionResult for alerts ? interface.addText(_('The message has been sent to every recipients'))"XMLUI", id, {"type":"window", "xml":interface.toXml()}) def sendMessage(self, id, data, profile): """Called to send a message to a friend @param data: dict with the following keys: friend: name of the recipient subject: subject of the message message: body of the message, with the following special keywords: - %name%: name of the friend - %firstname%: guessed first name of the friend (currently the first part of the name) """ if not data['friends']: message_data={"reason": "bad data", "message":_(u"There is not recipient selected for this message !")}"ERROR", id, message_data) return friends = data['friends'].split('\t') subject = data['subject'] message = data['message'] print "send message \o/ :) :) :)" info(_("sending message to %(friends)s with subject [%(subject)s]" % {'friends':friends, 'subject':subject})) self.__sendMessage(None, subject, message,[profile], friends, id, profile) def __showUnreadMessages2(self, html, id, profile): """Called when the inbox page has been received""" #FIXME: that's really too fragile, only works if the unread messages are in the first page, and it would be too resources consuming for the website to DL each time all pages. In addition, the show attribute doesn't work as expected. soup = BeautifulSoup(html) for tag in soup.findAll(lambda tag:'strong' and tag.a and tag.a['href'].startswith('messages.html?message_status=inbox')): link = ""+str(tag.a['href']) webbrowser.open_new_tab(link) #TODO: the web browser need to already have CS cookies (i.e. already be opened & logged on CS, or be permanently loggued), a warning to the user should be sent/or a balloon-tip def showUnreadMessages(self, id, data, profile): """Called when user want to see all unread messages in the external browser""" d = getPage("", agent=AGENT,[profile]['cookies']) d.addCallback(self.__showUnreadMessages2, id, profile) d.addErrback(self.erroCB, id)