view libervia/backend/tools/ @ 4223:919bdf7768d8

plugin XEP-0391: remove the need to have a OLDMEMO session started to decrypt: It should not be mandatory to have an OLDMEMO session started to decrypt JET files, and this was actually making a test failing.
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 05 Mar 2024 17:31:56 +0100
parents b274f0d5c138
children 0d7bb4df2343
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# SAT: a jabber client
# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from collections import OrderedDict
import html.entities
import re
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Literal, overload, Iterable
from xml.dom import NotFoundErr, minidom
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from lxml import etree

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.words.protocols.jabber import jid
from twisted.words.xish import domish
from wokkel import data_form

from libervia.backend.core import exceptions
from libervia.backend.core.constants import Const as C
from libervia.backend.core.i18n import _
from libervia.backend.core.log import getLogger

log = getLogger(__name__)

"""This library help manage XML used in SàT (parameters, registration, etc)"""

SAT_PARAM_SEPARATOR = "_XMLUI_PARAM_"  # used to have unique elements names
html_entity_re = re.compile(r"&([a-zA-Z]+?);")
XML_ENTITIES = ("quot", "amp", "apos", "lt", "gt")

# method to clean XHTML, receive raw unsecure XML or HTML, must return cleaned raw XHTML
# this method must be set during runtime
clean_xhtml = None

# TODO: move XMLUI stuff in a separate module
# TODO: rewrite this with lxml or ElementTree or domish.Element: it's complicated and difficult to maintain with current minidom implementation

# Helper functions

def _data_form_field_2_xmlui_data(field, read_only=False):
    """Get data needed to create an XMLUI's Widget from Wokkel's data_form's Field.

    The attribute field can be modified (if it's fixed and it has no value).
    @param field (data_form.Field): a field with attributes "value", "fieldType",
                                    "label" and "var"
    @param read_only (bool): if True and it makes sense, create a read only input widget
    @return: a tuple (widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs)
    widget_args = field.values or [None]
    widget_kwargs = {}
    if field.fieldType is None and field.ext_type is not None:
        # we have an extended field
        if field.ext_type == "xml":
            element = field.value
            if element.uri == C.NS_XHTML:
                widget_type = "xhtmlbox"
                widget_args[0] = element.toXml()
                widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
                log.warning("unknown XML element, falling back to textbox")
                widget_type = "textbox"
                widget_args[0] = element.toXml()
                widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only

            raise exceptions.DataError("unknown extended type {ext_type}".format(
                ext_type = field.ext_type))

    elif field.fieldType == "fixed" or field.fieldType is None:
        widget_type = "text"
        if field.value is None:
            if field.label is None:
                log.warning(_("Fixed field has neither value nor label, ignoring it"))
                field.value = ""
                field.value = field.label
                field.label = None
            widget_args = [field.value]
    elif field.fieldType == "text-single":
        widget_type = "string"
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
    elif field.fieldType == "jid-single":
        widget_type = "jid_input"
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
    elif field.fieldType == "text-multi":
        widget_type = "textbox"
        widget_args = ["\n".join(field.values)]
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
    elif field.fieldType == "hidden":
        widget_type = "hidden"
    elif field.fieldType == "text-private":
        widget_type = "password"
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
    elif field.fieldType == "boolean":
        widget_type = "bool"
        if widget_args[0] is None:
            widget_args = ["false"]
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
    elif field.fieldType == "integer":
        widget_type = "integer"
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only
    elif field.fieldType == "list-single":
        widget_type = "list"
        widget_kwargs["options"] = [
            (option.value, option.label or option.value) for option in field.options
        widget_kwargs["selected"] = widget_args
        widget_args = []
    elif field.fieldType == "list-multi":
        widget_type = "list"
        widget_kwargs["options"] = [
            (option.value, option.label or option.value) for option in field.options
        widget_kwargs["selected"] = widget_args
        widget_kwargs["styles"] =  ["multi"]
        widget_args = []
            "FIXME FIXME FIXME: Type [%s] is not managed yet by SàT" % field.fieldType
        widget_type = "string"
        widget_kwargs["read_only"] = read_only

    if field.var:
        widget_kwargs["name"] = field.var

    return widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs

def data_form_2_widgets(form_ui, form, read_only=False, prepend=None, filters=None):
    """Complete an existing XMLUI with widget converted from XEP-0004 data forms.

    @param form_ui (XMLUI): XMLUI instance
    @param form (data_form.Form): Wokkel's implementation of data form
    @param read_only (bool): if True and it makes sense, create a read only input widget
    @param prepend(iterable, None): widgets to prepend to main LabelContainer
        if not None, must be an iterable of *args for add_widget. Those widgets will
        be added first to the container.
    @param filters(dict, None): if not None, a dictionary of callable:
        key is the name of the widget to filter
        the value is a callable, it will get form's XMLUI, widget's type, args and kwargs
            and must return widget's type, args and kwargs (which can be modified)
        This is especially useful to modify well known fields
    @return: the completed XMLUI instance
    if filters is None:
        filters = {}
    if form.instructions:
        form_ui.addText("\n".join(form.instructions), "instructions")


    if prepend is not None:
        for widget_args in prepend:

    for field in form.fieldList:
        widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs = _data_form_field_2_xmlui_data(
            field, read_only
            widget_filter = filters[widget_kwargs["name"]]
        except KeyError:
            widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs = widget_filter(
                form_ui, widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs
        if widget_type != "hidden":
            label = field.label or field.var
            if label:

        form_ui.add_widget(widget_type, *widget_args, **widget_kwargs)

    return form_ui

def data_form_2_xmlui(form, submit_id, session_id=None, read_only=False):
    """Take a data form (Wokkel's XEP-0004 implementation) and convert it to a SàT XMLUI.

    @param form (data_form.Form): a Form instance
    @param submit_id (unicode): callback id to call when submitting form
    @param session_id (unicode): session id to return with the data
    @param read_only (bool): if True and it makes sense, create a read only input widget
    @return: XMLUI instance
    form_ui = XMLUI("form", "vertical", submit_id=submit_id, session_id=session_id)
    return data_form_2_widgets(form_ui, form, read_only=read_only)

def data_form_2_data_dict(form: data_form.Form) -> dict:
    """Convert data form to a simple dict, easily serialisable

    see data_dict_2_data_form for a description of the format
    fields = []
    data_dict = {
        "fields": fields
    if form.formNamespace:
        data_dict["namespace"] = form.formNamespace
    for form_field in form.fieldList:
        field = {"type": form_field.fieldType}
        for src_name, dest_name in (
            ('var', 'name'),
            ('label', 'label'),
            ('value', 'value'),
            # FIXME: we probably should have only "values"
            ('values', 'values')
            value = getattr(form_field, src_name, None)
            if value:
                field[dest_name] = value
        if form_field.options:
            options = field["options"] = []
            for form_opt in form_field.options:
                opt = {"value": form_opt.value}
                if form_opt.label:
                    opt["label"] = form_opt.label

        if form_field.fieldType is None and form_field.ext_type == "xml":
            if isinstance(form_field.value, domish.Element):
                if ((form_field.value.uri == C.NS_XHTML
                     and == "div")):
                    field["type"] = "xhtml"
                    if form_field.value.children:
                            "children are not managed for XHTML fields: "
    return data_dict

def data_dict_2_data_form(data_dict):
    """Convert serialisable dict of data to a data form

    The format of the dict is as follow:
        - an optional "namespace" key with form namespace
        - a mandatory "fields" key with list of fields as follow:
            - "type" is mostly the same as data_form.Field.fieldType
            - "name" is used to set the "var" attribute of data_form.Field
            - "label", and "value" follow same attribude in data_form.Field
            - "xhtml" is used for "xml" fields with child in the C.NS_XHTML namespace
            - "options" are list of dict with optional "label" and mandatory "value"
              following suitable attributes from data_form.Option
            - "required" is the same as data_form.Field.required
    # TODO: describe format
    fields = []
    for field_data in data_dict["fields"]:
        field_type = field_data.get('type', 'text-single')
        kwargs = {
            "fieldType": field_type,
            "var": field_data["name"],
            "label": field_data.get('label'),
            "value": field_data.get("value"),
            "required": field_data.get("required")
        if field_type == "xhtml":
                "fieldType": None,
                "ext_type": "xml",
            if kwargs["value"] is None:
                kwargs["value"] = domish.Element((C.NS_XHTML, "div"))
        elif "options" in field_data:
            kwargs["options"] = [
                data_form.Option(o["value"], o.get("label"))
                for o in field_data["options"]
        field = data_form.Field(**kwargs)
    return data_form.Form(

def data_form_elt_result_2_xmlui_data(form_xml):
    """Parse a data form result (not parsed by Wokkel's XEP-0004 implementation).

    The raw data form is used because Wokkel doesn't manage result items parsing yet.
    @param form_xml (domish.Element): element of the data form
    @return: a couple (headers, result_list):
        - headers (dict{unicode: unicode}): form headers (field labels and types)
        - xmlui_data (list[tuple]): list of (widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs)
    headers = OrderedDict()
        reported_elt = next(form_xml.elements("jabber:x:data", "reported"))
    except StopIteration:
        raise exceptions.DataError(
            "Couldn't find expected <reported> tag in %s" % form_xml.toXml()

    for elt in reported_elt.elements():
        if != "field":
            raise exceptions.DataError("Unexpected tag")
        name = elt["var"]
        label = elt.attributes.get("label", "")
        type_ = elt.attributes.get("type")
        headers[name] = (label, type_)

    if not headers:
        raise exceptions.DataError("No reported fields (see XEP-0004 §3.4)")

    xmlui_data = []
    item_elts = form_xml.elements("jabber:x:data", "item")

    for item_elt in item_elts:
        for elt in item_elt.elements():
            if != "field":
                log.warning("Unexpected tag (%s)" %
            field = data_form.Field.fromElement(elt)


    return headers, xmlui_data

def xmlui_data_2_advanced_list(xmlui, headers, xmlui_data):
    """Take a raw data form result (not parsed by Wokkel's XEP-0004 implementation) and convert it to an advanced list.

    The raw data form is used because Wokkel doesn't manage result items parsing yet.
    @param xmlui (XMLUI): the XMLUI where the AdvancedList will be added
    @param headers (dict{unicode: unicode}): form headers (field labels and types)
    @param xmlui_data (list[tuple]): list of (widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs)
    @return: the completed XMLUI instance
    adv_list = AdvancedListContainer(
        xmlui, headers=headers, columns=len(headers), parent=xmlui.current_container

    for widget_type, widget_args, widget_kwargs in xmlui_data:
        xmlui.add_widget(widget_type, *widget_args, **widget_kwargs)

    return xmlui

def data_form_result_2_advanced_list(xmlui, form_xml):
    """Take a raw data form result (not parsed by Wokkel's XEP-0004 implementation) and convert it to an advanced list.

    The raw data form is used because Wokkel doesn't manage result items parsing yet.
    @param xmlui (XMLUI): the XMLUI where the AdvancedList will be added
    @param form_xml (domish.Element): element of the data form
    @return: the completed XMLUI instance
    headers, xmlui_data = data_form_elt_result_2_xmlui_data(form_xml)
    xmlui_data_2_advanced_list(xmlui, headers, xmlui_data)

def data_form_elt_result_2_xmlui(form_elt, session_id=None):
    """Take a raw data form (not parsed by XEP-0004) and convert it to a SàT XMLUI.

    The raw data form is used because Wokkel doesn't manage result items parsing yet.
    @param form_elt (domish.Element): element of the data form
    @param session_id (unicode): session id to return with the data
    @return: XMLUI instance
    xml_ui = XMLUI("window", "vertical", session_id=session_id)
        data_form_result_2_advanced_list(xml_ui, form_elt)
    except exceptions.DataError:
        parsed_form = data_form.Form.fromElement(form_elt)
        data_form_2_widgets(xml_ui, parsed_form, read_only=True)
    return xml_ui

def data_form_result_2_xmlui(result_form, base_form, session_id=None, prepend=None,
                         filters=None, read_only=True):
    """Convert data form result to SàT XMLUI.

    @param result_form (data_form.Form): result form to convert
    @param base_form (data_form.Form): initial form (i.e. of form type "form")
        this one is necessary to reconstruct options when needed (e.g. list elements)
    @param session_id (unicode): session id to return with the data
    @param prepend: same as for [data_form_2_widgets]
    @param filters: same as for [data_form_2_widgets]
    @param read_only: same as for [data_form_2_widgets]
    @return: XMLUI instance
    # we deepcopy the form because _data_form_field_2_xmlui_data can modify the value
    # FIXME: check if it's really important, the only modified value seems to be
    #        the replacement of None by "" on fixed fields
    # form = deepcopy(result_form)
    form = result_form
    for name, field in form.fields.items():
            base_field = base_form.fields[name]
        except KeyError:
        field.options = base_field.options[:]
    xml_ui = XMLUI("window", "vertical", session_id=session_id)
    data_form_2_widgets(xml_ui, form, read_only=read_only, prepend=prepend, filters=filters)
    return xml_ui

def _clean_value(value):
    """Workaround method to avoid DBus types with D-Bus bridge.

    @param value: value to clean
    @return: value in a non DBus type (only clean string yet)
    # XXX: must be removed when DBus types will no cause problems anymore
    # FIXME: should be cleaned inside D-Bus bridge itself
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return str(value)
    return value

def xmlui_result_2_data_form_result(xmlui_data):
    """ Extract form data from a XMLUI return.

    @param xmlui_data (dict): data returned by frontends for XMLUI form
    @return: dict of data usable by Wokkel's data form
    ret = {}
    for key, value in xmlui_data.items():
        if not key.startswith(SAT_FORM_PREFIX):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            if "\n" in value:
                # data form expects multi-lines text to be in separated values
                value = value.split('\n')
            elif "\t" in value:
                # FIXME: workaround to handle multiple values. Proper serialisation must
                #   be done in XMLUI
                value = value.split("\t")
        ret[key[len(SAT_FORM_PREFIX) :]] = _clean_value(value)
    return ret

def form_escape(name):
    """Return escaped name for forms.

    @param name (unicode): form name
    @return: unicode
    return "%s%s" % (SAT_FORM_PREFIX, name)

def is_xmlui_cancelled(raw_xmlui):
    """Tell if an XMLUI has been cancelled by checking raw XML"""
    return C.bool(raw_xmlui.get('cancelled', C.BOOL_FALSE))

def xmlui_result_to_elt(xmlui_data):
    """Construct result domish.Element from XMLUI result.

    @param xmlui_data (dict): data returned by frontends for XMLUI form
    @return: domish.Element
    form = data_form.Form("submit")
    return form.toElement()

def tuple_list_2_data_form(values):
    """Convert a list of tuples (name, value) to a wokkel submit data form.

    @param values (list): list of tuples
    @return: data_form.Form
    form = data_form.Form("submit")
    for value in values:
        field = data_form.Field(var=value[0], value=value[1])

    return form

def params_xml_2_xmlui(xml):
    """Convert the XML for parameter to a SàT XML User Interface.

    @param xml (unicode)
    @return: XMLUI
    # TODO: refactor params and use Twisted directly to parse XML
    params_doc = minidom.parseString(xml.encode("utf-8"))
    top = params_doc.documentElement
    if top.nodeName != "params":
        raise exceptions.DataError(_("INTERNAL ERROR: parameters xml not valid"))

    param_ui = XMLUI("param", "tabs")
    tabs_cont = param_ui.current_container

    for category in top.getElementsByTagName("category"):
        category_name = category.getAttribute("name")
        label = category.getAttribute("label")
        if not category_name:
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                _("INTERNAL ERROR: params categories must have a name")
        tabs_cont.add_tab(category_name, label=label, container=LabelContainer)
        for param in category.getElementsByTagName("param"):
            widget_kwargs = {}

            param_name = param.getAttribute("name")
            param_label = param.getAttribute("label")
            type_ = param.getAttribute("type")
            if not param_name and type_ != "text":
                raise exceptions.DataError(_("INTERNAL ERROR: params must have a name"))

            value = param.getAttribute("value") or None
            callback_id = param.getAttribute("callback_id") or None

            if type_ == "list":
                options, selected = _params_get_list_options(param)
                widget_kwargs["options"] = options
                widget_kwargs["selected"] = selected
                widget_kwargs["styles"] = ["extensible"]
            elif type_ == "jids_list":
                widget_kwargs["jids"] = _params_get_list_jids(param)

            if type_ in ("button", "text"):
                value = param_label
                param_ui.addLabel(param_label or param_name)

            if value:
                widget_kwargs["value"] = value

            if callback_id:
                widget_kwargs["callback_id"] = callback_id
                others = [
                    % (category_name, SAT_PARAM_SEPARATOR, other.getAttribute("name"))
                    for other in category.getElementsByTagName("param")
                    if other.getAttribute("type") != "button"
                widget_kwargs["fields_back"] = others

            widget_kwargs["name"] = "%s%s%s" % (

            param_ui.add_widget(type_, **widget_kwargs)

    return param_ui.toXml()

def _params_get_list_options(param):
    """Retrieve the options for list element.

    The <option/> tags must be direct children of <param/>.
    @param param (domish.Element): element
    @return: a tuple (options, selected_value)
    if len(param.getElementsByTagName("options")) > 0:
        raise exceptions.DataError(
            _("The 'options' tag is not allowed in parameter of type 'list'!")
    elems = param.getElementsByTagName("option")
    if len(elems) == 0:
        return []
    options = []
    for elem in elems:
        value = elem.getAttribute("value")
        if not value:
            raise exceptions.InternalError("list option must have a value")
        label = elem.getAttribute("label")
        if label:
            options.append((value, label))
    selected = [
        for elem in elems
        if elem.getAttribute("selected") == "true"
    return (options, selected)

def _params_get_list_jids(param):
    """Retrive jids from a jids_list element.

    the <jid/> tags must be direct children of <param/>
    @param param (domish.Element): element
    @return: a list of jids
    elems = param.getElementsByTagName("jid")
    jids = [
        for elem in elems
        if elem.firstChild is not None and elem.firstChild.nodeType == elem.TEXT_NODE
    return jids

### XMLUI Elements ###

class Element(object):
    """ Base XMLUI element """

    type = None

    def __init__(self, xmlui, parent=None):
        """Create a container element

        @param xmlui: XMLUI instance
        @parent: parent element
        assert self.type is not None
        self.children = []
        if not hasattr(self, "elem"):
            self.elem = parent.xmlui.doc.createElement(self.type)
        self.xmlui = xmlui
        if parent is not None:
        self.parent = parent

    def append(self, child):
        """Append a child to this element.

        @param child (Element): child element
        @return: the added child Element
        child.parent = self
        return child

class TopElement(Element):
    """ Main XML Element """

    type = "top"

    def __init__(self, xmlui):
        self.elem = xmlui.doc.documentElement
        super(TopElement, self).__init__(xmlui)

class TabElement(Element):
    """ Used by TabsContainer to give name and label to tabs."""

    type = "tab"

    def __init__(self, parent, name, label, selected=False):

        @param parent (TabsContainer): parent container
        @param name (unicode): tab name
        @param label (unicode): tab label
        @param selected (bool): set to True to select this tab
        if not isinstance(parent, TabsContainer):
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("TabElement must be a child of TabsContainer"))
        super(TabElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("name", name)
        self.elem.setAttribute("label", label)
        if selected:

    def set_selected(self, selected=False):
        """Set the tab selected.

        @param selected (bool): set to True to select this tab
        self.elem.setAttribute("selected", "true" if selected else "false")

class FieldBackElement(Element):
    """ Used by ButtonWidget to indicate which field have to be sent back """

    type = "field_back"

    def __init__(self, parent, name):
        assert isinstance(parent, ButtonWidget)
        super(FieldBackElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("name", name)

class InternalFieldElement(Element):
    """ Used by internal callbacks to indicate which fields are manipulated """

    type = "internal_field"

    def __init__(self, parent, name):
        super(InternalFieldElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("name", name)

class InternalDataElement(Element):
    """ Used by internal callbacks to retrieve extra data """

    type = "internal_data"

    def __init__(self, parent, children):
        super(InternalDataElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        assert isinstance(children, list)
        for child in children:

class OptionElement(Element):
    """" Used by ListWidget to specify options """

    type = "option"

    def __init__(self, parent, option, selected=False):

        @param parent
        @param option (string, tuple)
        @param selected (boolean)
        assert isinstance(parent, ListWidget)
        super(OptionElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        if isinstance(option, str):
            value, label = option, option
        elif isinstance(option, tuple):
            value, label = option
            raise NotImplementedError
        self.elem.setAttribute("value", value)
        self.elem.setAttribute("label", label)
        if selected:
            self.elem.setAttribute("selected", "true")

class JidElement(Element):
    """" Used by JidsListWidget to specify jids"""

    type = "jid"

    def __init__(self, parent, jid_):
        @param jid_(jid.JID, unicode): jid to append
        assert isinstance(parent, JidsListWidget)
        super(JidElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        if isinstance(jid_, jid.JID):
            value = jid_.full()
        elif isinstance(jid_, str):
            value = str(jid_)
            raise NotImplementedError
        jid_txt = self.xmlui.doc.createTextNode(value)

class RowElement(Element):
    """" Used by AdvancedListContainer """

    type = "row"

    def __init__(self, parent):
        assert isinstance(parent, AdvancedListContainer)
        super(RowElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        if parent.next_row_idx is not None:
            if parent.auto_index:
                raise exceptions.DataError(_("Can't set row index if auto_index is True"))
            self.elem.setAttribute("index", parent.next_row_idx)
            parent.next_row_idx = None

class HeaderElement(Element):
    """" Used by AdvancedListContainer """

    type = "header"

    def __init__(self, parent, name=None, label=None, description=None):
        @param parent: AdvancedListContainer instance
        @param name: name of the container
        @param label: label to be displayed in columns
        @param description: long descriptive text
        assert isinstance(parent, AdvancedListContainer)
        super(HeaderElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        if name:
            self.elem.setAttribute("name", name)
        if label:
            self.elem.setAttribute("label", label)
        if description:
            self.elem.setAttribute("description", description)

## Containers ##

class Container(Element):
    """ And Element which contains other ones and has a layout """

    type = None

    def __init__(self, xmlui, parent=None):
        """Create a container element

        @param xmlui: XMLUI instance
        @parent: parent element or None
        self.elem = xmlui.doc.createElement("container")
        super(Container, self).__init__(xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("type", self.type)

    def get_parent_container(self):
        """ Return first parent container

        @return: parent container or None
        current = self.parent
        while not isinstance(current, (Container)) and current is not None:
            current = current.parent
        return current

class VerticalContainer(Container):
    type = "vertical"

class HorizontalContainer(Container):
    type = "horizontal"

class PairsContainer(Container):
    """Container with series of 2 elements"""
    type = "pairs"

class LabelContainer(Container):
    """Like PairsContainer, but first element can only be a label"""
    type = "label"

class TabsContainer(Container):
    type = "tabs"

    def add_tab(self, name, label=None, selected=None, container=VerticalContainer):
        """Add a tab.

        @param name (unicode): tab name
        @param label (unicode): tab label
        @param selected (bool): set to True to select this tab
        @param container (class): container class, inheriting from Container
        @return: the container for the new tab
        if not label:
            label = name
        tab_elt = TabElement(self, name, label, selected)
        new_container = container(self.xmlui, tab_elt)
        return self.xmlui.change_container(new_container)

    def end(self):
        """ Called when we have finished tabs

        change current container to first container parent
        parent_container = self.get_parent_container()

class AdvancedListContainer(Container):
    """A list which can contain other widgets, headers, etc"""

    type = "advanced_list"

    def __init__(
        """Create an advanced list

        @param headers: optional headers information
        @param callback_id: id of the method to call when selection is done
        @param items: list of widgets to add (just the first row)
        @param columns: number of columns in this table, or None to autodetect
        @param selectable: one of:
            'no': nothing is done
            'single': one row can be selected
        @param auto_index: if True, indexes will be generated by frontends,
                           starting from 0
        @return: created element
        assert selectable in ("no", "single")
        if not items and columns is None:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("either items or columns need do be filled"))
        if headers is None:
            headers = []
        if items is None:
            items = []
        super(AdvancedListContainer, self).__init__(xmlui, parent)
        if columns is None:
            columns = len(items[0])
        self._columns = columns
        self._item_idx = 0
        self.current_row = None
        if headers:
            if len(headers) != self._columns:
                raise exceptions.DataError(
                    _("Headers lenght doesn't correspond to columns")
        if items:
        self.elem.setAttribute("columns", str(self._columns))
        if callback_id is not None:
            self.elem.setAttribute("callback", callback_id)
        self.elem.setAttribute("selectable", selectable)
        self.auto_index = auto_index
        if auto_index:
            self.elem.setAttribute("auto_index", "true")
        self.next_row_idx = None

    def add_headers(self, headers):
        for header in headers:

    def addHeader(self, header):
        pass  # TODO

    def add_items(self, items):
        for item in items:

    def set_row_index(self, idx):
        """ Set index for next row

        index are returned when a row is selected, in data's "index" key
        @param idx: string index to associate to the next row
        self.next_row_idx = idx

    def append(self, child):
        if isinstance(child, RowElement):
            return super(AdvancedListContainer, self).append(child)
        if self._item_idx % self._columns == 0:
            self.current_row = RowElement(self)
        self._item_idx += 1

    def end(self):
        """ Called when we have finished list

        change current container to first container parent
        if self._item_idx % self._columns != 0:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Incorrect number of items in list"))
        parent_container = self.get_parent_container()

## Widgets ##

class Widget(Element):
    type = None

    def __init__(self, xmlui, name=None, parent=None):
        """Create an element

        @param xmlui: XMLUI instance
        @param name: name of the element or None
        @param parent: parent element or None
        self.elem = xmlui.doc.createElement("widget")
        super(Widget, self).__init__(xmlui, parent)
        if name:
            self.elem.setAttribute("name", name)
            if name in xmlui.named_widgets:
                raise exceptions.ConflictError(
                    _('A widget with the name "{name}" already exists.').format(
            xmlui.named_widgets[name] = self
        self.elem.setAttribute("type", self.type)

    def set_internal_callback(self, callback, fields, data_elts=None):
        """Set an internal UI callback when the widget value is changed.

        The internal callbacks are NO callback ids, they are strings from
        a predefined set of actions that are running in the scope of XMLUI.
        @param callback (string): a value from:
            - 'copy': process the widgets given in 'fields' two by two, by
                copying the values of one widget to the other. Target widgets
                of type List do not accept the empty value.
            - 'move': same than copy but moves the values if the source widget
                is not a List.
            - 'groups_of_contact': process the widgets two by two, assume A is
                is a list of JID and B a list of groups, select in B the groups
                to which the JID selected in A belongs.
            - more operation to be added when necessary...
        @param fields (list): a list of widget names (string)
        @param data_elts (list[Element]): extra data elements
        self.elem.setAttribute("internal_callback", callback)
        if fields:
            for field in fields:
                InternalFieldElement(self, field)
        if data_elts:
            InternalDataElement(self, data_elts)

class EmptyWidget(Widget):
    """Place holder widget"""

    type = "empty"

class TextWidget(Widget):
    """Used for blob of text"""

    type = "text"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, value, name=None, parent=None):
        super(TextWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        value_elt = self.xmlui.doc.createElement("value")
        text = self.xmlui.doc.createTextNode(value)

    def value(self):
        return self.elem.firstChild.firstChild.wholeText

class LabelWidget(Widget):
    """One line blob of text

    used most of time to display the desciption or name of the next widget
    type = "label"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, label, name=None, parent=None):
        super(LabelWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("value", label)

class HiddenWidget(Widget):
    """Not displayed widget, frontends will just copy the value(s)"""
    type = "hidden"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, value, name, parent=None):
        super(HiddenWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        value_elt = self.xmlui.doc.createElement("value")
        text = self.xmlui.doc.createTextNode(value)

    def value(self):
        return self.elem.firstChild.firstChild.wholeText

class JidWidget(Widget):
    """Used to display a Jabber ID, some specific methods can be added"""

    type = "jid"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, jid, name=None, parent=None):
        super(JidWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
            self.elem.setAttribute("value", jid.full())
        except AttributeError:
            self.elem.setAttribute("value", str(jid))

    def value(self):
        return self.elem.getAttribute("value")

class DividerWidget(Widget):
    type = "divider"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, style="line", name=None, parent=None):
        """ Create a divider

        @param xmlui: XMLUI instance
        @param style: one of:
            - line: a simple line
            - dot: a line of dots
            - dash: a line of dashes
            - plain: a full thick line
            - blank: a blank line/space
        @param name: name of the widget
        @param parent: parent container

        super(DividerWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("style", style)

### Inputs ###

class InputWidget(Widget):
    """Widget which can accept user inputs

    used mainly in forms

    def __init__(self, xmlui, name=None, parent=None, read_only=False):
        super(InputWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        if read_only:
            self.elem.setAttribute("read_only", "true")

class StringWidget(InputWidget):
    type = "string"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, value=None, name=None, parent=None, read_only=False):
        super(StringWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent, read_only=read_only)
        if value:
            value_elt = self.xmlui.doc.createElement("value")
            text = self.xmlui.doc.createTextNode(value)

    def value(self):
        return self.elem.firstChild.firstChild.wholeText

class PasswordWidget(StringWidget):
    type = "password"

class TextBoxWidget(StringWidget):
    type = "textbox"

class XHTMLBoxWidget(StringWidget):
    """Specialized textbox to manipulate XHTML"""
    type = "xhtmlbox"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, value, name=None, parent=None, read_only=False, clean=True):
        @param clean(bool): if True, the XHTML is considered insecure and will be cleaned
            Only set to False if you are absolutely sure that the XHTML is safe (in other
            word, set to False only if you made the XHTML yourself)
        if clean:
            if clean_xhtml is None:
                raise exceptions.NotFound(
                    "No cleaning method set, can't clean the XHTML")
            value = clean_xhtml(value)

        super(XHTMLBoxWidget, self).__init__(
            xmlui, value=value, name=name, parent=parent, read_only=read_only)

class JidInputWidget(StringWidget):
    type = "jid_input"

# TODO handle min and max values
class IntWidget(StringWidget):
    type = "int"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, value=0, name=None, parent=None, read_only=False):
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Value must be an integer"))
        super(IntWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, value, name, parent, read_only=read_only)

class BoolWidget(InputWidget):
    type = "bool"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, value="false", name=None, parent=None, read_only=False):
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            value = "true" if value else "false"
        elif value == "0":
            value = "false"
        elif value == "1":
            value = "true"
        if value not in ("true", "false"):
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Value must be 0, 1, false or true"))
        super(BoolWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent, read_only=read_only)
        self.elem.setAttribute("value", value)

class ButtonWidget(Widget):
    type = "button"

    def __init__(
        self, xmlui, callback_id, value=None, fields_back=None, name=None, parent=None
        """Add a button

        @param callback_id: callback which will be called if button is pressed
        @param value: label of the button
        @param fields_back: list of names of field to give back when pushing the button
        @param name: name
        @param parent: parent container
        if fields_back is None:
            fields_back = []
        super(ButtonWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("callback", callback_id)
        if value:
            self.elem.setAttribute("value", value)
        for field in fields_back:
            FieldBackElement(self, field)

class ListWidget(InputWidget):
    type = "list"
    STYLES = ("multi", "noselect", "extensible", "reducible", "inline")

    def __init__(
        self, xmlui, options, selected=None, styles=None, name=None, parent=None

        @param xmlui
        @param options (list[option]): each option can be given as:
            - a single string if the label and the value are the same
            - a tuple with a couple of string (value,label) if the label and the
              value differ
        @param selected (list[string]): list of the selected values
        @param styles (iterable[string]): flags to set the behaviour of the list
            can be:
                - multi: multiple selection is allowed
                - noselect: no selection is allowed
                    useful when only the list itself is needed
                - extensible: can be extended by user (i.e. new options can be added)
                - reducible: can be reduced by user (i.e. options can be removed)
                - inline: hint that this list should be displayed on a single line
                          (e.g. list of labels)
        @param name (string)
        @param parent
        styles = set() if styles is None else set(styles)
        if styles is None:
            styles = set()
            styles = set(styles)
        if "noselect" in styles and ("multi" in styles or selected):
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                    '"multi" flag and "selected" option are not compatible with '
                    '"noselect" flag'
        if not options:
            # we can have no options if we get a submitted data form
            # but we can't use submitted values directly,
            # because we would not have the labels
            log.warning(_('empty "options" list'))
        super(ListWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        self.add_options(options, selected)

    def add_options(self, options, selected=None):
        """Add options to a multi-values element (e.g. list) """
        if selected:
            if isinstance(selected, str):
                selected = [selected]
            selected = []
        for option in options:
            assert isinstance(option, str) or isinstance(option, tuple)
            value = option if isinstance(option, str) else option[0]
            OptionElement(self, option, value in selected)

    def set_styles(self, styles):
        if not styles.issubset(self.STYLES):
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("invalid styles"))
        for style in styles:
            self.elem.setAttribute(style, "yes")
        # TODO: check flags incompatibily (noselect and multi) like in __init__

    def setStyle(self, style):

    def value(self):
        """Return the value of first selected option"""
        for child in self.elem.childNodes:
            if child.tagName == "option" and child.getAttribute("selected") == "true":
                return child.getAttribute("value")
        return ""

class JidsListWidget(InputWidget):
    """A list of text or jids where elements can be added/removed or modified"""

    type = "jids_list"

    def __init__(self, xmlui, jids, styles=None, name=None, parent=None):

        @param xmlui
        @param jids (list[jid.JID]): base jids
        @param styles (iterable[string]): flags to set the behaviour of the list
        @param name (string)
        @param parent
        super(JidsListWidget, self).__init__(xmlui, name, parent)
        styles = set() if styles is None else set(styles)
        if not styles.issubset([]):  # TODO
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("invalid styles"))
        for style in styles:
            self.elem.setAttribute(style, "yes")
        if not jids:
            log.debug("empty jids list")

    def add_jids(self, jids):
        for jid_ in jids:
            JidElement(self, jid_)

## Dialog Elements ##

class DialogElement(Element):
    """Main dialog element """

    type = "dialog"

    def __init__(self, parent, type_, level=None):
        if not isinstance(parent, TopElement):
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                _("DialogElement must be a direct child of TopElement")
        super(DialogElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute(C.XMLUI_DATA_TYPE, type_)
        self.elem.setAttribute(C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL, level or C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_DEFAULT)

class MessageElement(Element):
    """Element with the instruction message"""

    type = C.XMLUI_DATA_MESS

    def __init__(self, parent, message):
        if not isinstance(parent, DialogElement):
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                _("MessageElement must be a direct child of DialogElement")
        super(MessageElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        message_txt = self.xmlui.doc.createTextNode(message)

class ButtonsElement(Element):
    """Buttons element which indicate which set to use"""

    type = "buttons"

    def __init__(self, parent, set_):
        if not isinstance(parent, DialogElement):
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                _("ButtonsElement must be a direct child of DialogElement")
        super(ButtonsElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("set", set_)

class FileElement(Element):
    """File element used for FileDialog"""

    type = "file"

    def __init__(self, parent, type_):
        if not isinstance(parent, DialogElement):
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                _("FileElement must be a direct child of DialogElement")
        super(FileElement, self).__init__(parent.xmlui, parent)
        self.elem.setAttribute("type", type_)

## XMLUI main class

class XMLUI(object):
    """This class is used to create a user interface (form/window/parameters/etc) using SàT XML"""

    def __init__(self, panel_type="window", container="vertical", dialog_opt=None,
        title=None, submit_id=None, session_id=None):
        """Init SàT XML Panel

        @param panel_type: one of
            - C.XMLUI_WINDOW (new window)
            - C.XMLUI_POPUP
            - C.XMLUI_FORM (form, depend of the frontend, usually a panel with
              cancel/submit buttons)
            - C.XMLUI_PARAM (parameters, presentation depend of the frontend)
            - C.XMLUI_DIALOG (one common dialog, presentation depend of frontend)
        @param container: disposition of elements, one of:
            - vertical: elements are disposed up to bottom
            - horizontal: elements are disposed left to right
            - pairs: elements come on two aligned columns
              (usually one for a label, the next for the element)
            - label: associations of one LabelWidget or EmptyWidget with an other widget
                similar to pairs but specialized in LabelWidget,
                and not necessarily arranged in 2 columns
            - tabs: elemens are in categories with tabs (notebook)
        @param dialog_opt: only used if panel_type == C.XMLUI_DIALOG.
            Dictionnary (string/string) where key can be:
            - C.XMLUI_DATA_TYPE: type of dialog, value can be:
                - C.XMLUI_DIALOG_MESSAGE (default): an information/error message.
                  Action of user is necessary to close the dialog.
                  Usually the frontend display a classic popup.
                - C.XMLUI_DIALOG_NOTE: like a C.XMLUI_DIALOG_MESSAGE, but action of user
                  is not necessary to close, at frontend choice (it can be closed after
                  a timeout). Usually the frontend display as a timed out notification
                - C.XMLUI_DIALOG_CONFIRM: dialog with 2 choices (usualy "Ok"/"Cancel").
                    returned data can contain:
                        - "answer": "true" if answer is "ok", "yes" or equivalent,
                                    "false" else
                - C.XLMUI_DIALOG_FILE: a file selection dialog
                    returned data can contain:
                        - "cancelled": "true" if dialog has been cancelled, not present
                                       or "false" else
                        - "path": path of the choosed file/dir
            - C.XMLUI_DATA_MESS: message shown in dialog
            - C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL: one of:
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_INFO (default): normal message
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_WARNING: attention of user is important
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_ERROR: something went wrong
            - C.XMLUI_DATA_BTNS_SET: one of:
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_BTNS_SET_OKCANCEL (default): classical "OK" and "Cancel"
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_BTNS_SET_YESNO: a translated "yes" for OK, and "no" for
            - C.XMLUI_DATA_FILETYPE: only used for file dialogs, one of:
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_FILETYPE_FILE: a file path is requested
                - C.XMLUI_DATA_FILETYPE_DIR: a dir path is requested

        @param title: title or default if None
        @param submit_id: callback id to call for panel_type we can submit (form, param,
        @param session_id: use to keep a session attached to the dialog, must be
                           returned by frontends
        @attribute named_widgets(dict): map from name to widget
        if panel_type not in [
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Unknown panel type [%s]") % panel_type)
        if panel_type == C.XMLUI_FORM and submit_id is None:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("form XMLUI need a submit_id"))
        if not isinstance(container, str):
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("container argument must be a string"))
        if dialog_opt is not None and panel_type != C.XMLUI_DIALOG:
            raise exceptions.DataError(
                _("dialog_opt can only be used with dialog panels")
        self.type = panel_type
        impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()

        self.doc = impl.createDocument(None, "sat_xmlui", None)
        top_element = self.doc.documentElement
        top_element.setAttribute("type", panel_type)
        if title:
            top_element.setAttribute("title", title)
        self.submit_id = submit_id
        self.session_id = session_id
        if panel_type == C.XMLUI_DIALOG:
            if dialog_opt is None:
                dialog_opt = {}
        self.main_container = self._create_container(container, TopElement(self))
        self.current_container = self.main_container
        self.named_widgets = {}

    def creator_wrapper(widget_cls, is_input):
        # TODO: once moved to Python 3, use functools.partialmethod and
        #       remove the creator_wrapper
        def create_widget(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if self.type == C.XMLUI_DIALOG:
                raise exceptions.InternalError(_(
                    "create_widget can't be used with dialogs"))
            if "parent" not in kwargs:
                kwargs["parent"] = self.current_container
            if "name" not in kwargs and is_input:
                # name can be given as first argument or in keyword
                # arguments for InputWidgets
                args = list(args)
                kwargs["name"] = args.pop(0)
            return widget_cls(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return create_widget

    def _introspect(cls):
        """ Introspect module to find Widgets and Containers, and create addXXX methods"""
        # FIXME: we can't log anything because this file is used
        #        in bin/sat script then evaluated
        #        bin/sat should be refactored
        # log.debug(u'introspecting XMLUI widgets and containers')
        cls._containers = {}
        cls._widgets = {}
        for obj in list(globals().values()):
                if issubclass(obj, Widget):
                    if obj.__name__ == "Widget":
                    cls._widgets[obj.type] = obj
                    creator_name = "add" + obj.__name__
                    if creator_name.endswith('Widget'):
                        creator_name = creator_name[:-6]
                    is_input = issubclass(obj, InputWidget)
                    # FIXME: cf. above comment
                    # log.debug(u"Adding {creator_name} creator (is_input={is_input}))"
                    #     .format(creator_name=creator_name, is_input=is_input))

                    assert not hasattr(cls, creator_name)
                    # XXX: we need to use creator_wrapper because we are in a loop
                    #      and Python 2 doesn't support default values in kwargs
                    #      when using *args, **kwargs
                    setattr(cls, creator_name, cls.creator_wrapper(obj, is_input))

                elif issubclass(obj, Container):
                    if obj.__name__ == "Container":
                    cls._containers[obj.type] = obj
            except TypeError:

    def __del__(self):

    def submit_id(self):
        top_element = self.doc.documentElement
        if not top_element.hasAttribute("submit"):
            # getAttribute never return None (it return empty string it attribute doesn't exists)
            # so we have to manage None here
            return None
        value = top_element.getAttribute("submit")
        return value

    def submit_id(self, value):
        top_element = self.doc.documentElement
        if value is None:
            except NotFoundErr:
        else:  # submit_id can be the empty string to bypass form restriction
            top_element.setAttribute("submit", value)

    def session_id(self):
        top_element = self.doc.documentElement
        value = top_element.getAttribute("session_id")
        return value or None

    def session_id(self, value):
        top_element = self.doc.documentElement
        if value is None:
            except NotFoundErr:
        elif value:
            top_element.setAttribute("session_id", value)
            raise exceptions.DataError("session_id can't be empty")

    def _create_dialog(self, dialog_opt):
        dialog_type = dialog_opt.setdefault(C.XMLUI_DATA_TYPE, C.XMLUI_DIALOG_MESSAGE)
        if (
            dialog_type in [C.XMLUI_DIALOG_CONFIRM, C.XMLUI_DIALOG_FILE]
            and self.submit_id is None
            raise exceptions.InternalError(
                _("Submit ID must be filled for this kind of dialog")
        top_element = TopElement(self)
        level = dialog_opt.get(C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL)
        dialog_elt = DialogElement(top_element, dialog_type, level)

            MessageElement(dialog_elt, dialog_opt[C.XMLUI_DATA_MESS])
        except KeyError:

            ButtonsElement(dialog_elt, dialog_opt[C.XMLUI_DATA_BTNS_SET])
        except KeyError:

            FileElement(dialog_elt, dialog_opt[C.XMLUI_DATA_FILETYPE])
        except KeyError:

    def _create_container(self, container, parent=None, **kwargs):
        """Create a container element

        @param type: container type (cf init doc)
        @parent: parent element or None
        if container not in self._containers:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Unknown container type [%s]") % container)
        cls = self._containers[container]
        new_container = cls(self, parent=parent, **kwargs)
        return new_container

    def change_container(self, container, **kwargs):
        """Change the current container

        @param container: either container type (container it then created),
                          or an Container instance"""
        if isinstance(container, str):
            self.current_container = self._create_container(
                self.current_container.get_parent_container() or self.main_container,
            self.current_container = (
                self.main_container if container is None else container
        assert isinstance(self.current_container, Container)
        return self.current_container

    def add_widget(self, type_, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convenience method to add an element"""
        if "parent" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["parent"] = self.current_container
            cls = self._widgets[type_]
        except KeyError:
            raise exceptions.DataError(_("Invalid type [{type_}]").format(type_=type_))
        return cls(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def toXml(self):
        """return the XML representation of the panel"""
        return self.doc.toxml()

# we call this to have automatic discovery of containers and widgets

# Some sugar for XMLUI dialogs

def note(message, title="", level=C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_INFO):
    """sugar to easily create a Note Dialog

    @param message(unicode): body of the note
    @param title(unicode): title of the note
    @param level(unicode): one of C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_*
    @return(XMLUI): instance of XMLUI
    note_xmlui = XMLUI(
            C.XMLUI_DATA_MESS: message,
            C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL: level,
    return note_xmlui

def quick_note(host, client, message, title="", level=C.XMLUI_DATA_LVL_INFO):
    """more sugar to do the whole note process"""
    note_ui = note(message, title, level)
    host.action_new({"xmlui": note_ui.toXml()}, profile=client.profile)

def deferred_ui(host, xmlui, chained=False):
    """Create a deferred linked to XMLUI

    @param xmlui(XMLUI): instance of the XMLUI
        Must be an XMLUI that you can submit, with submit_id set to ''
    @param chained(bool): True if the Deferred result must be returned to the frontend
        useful when backend is in a series of dialogs with an ui
    @return (D(data)): a deferred which fire the data
    assert xmlui.submit_id == ""
    xmlui_d = defer.Deferred()

    def on_submit(data, profile):
        return xmlui_d if chained else {}

    xmlui.submit_id = host.register_callback(on_submit, with_data=True, one_shot=True)
    return xmlui_d

def defer_xmlui(host, xmlui, action_extra=None, security_limit=C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT,
    chained=False, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
    """Create a deferred linked to XMLUI

    @param xmlui(XMLUI): instance of the XMLUI
        Must be an XMLUI that you can submit, with submit_id set to ''
    @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
    @param action_extra(None, dict): extra action to merge with xmlui
        mainly used to add meta informations (see action_new doc)
    @param security_limit: %(doc_security_limit)s
    @param chained(bool): True if the Deferred result must be returned to the frontend
        useful when backend is in a series of dialogs with an ui
    @return (data): a deferred which fire the data
    xmlui_d = deferred_ui(host, xmlui, chained)
    action_data = {"xmlui": xmlui.toXml()}
    if action_extra is not None:
    return xmlui_d

def defer_dialog(
    message: str,
    title: str = "Please confirm",
    type_: str = C.XMLUI_DIALOG_CONFIRM,
    options: Optional[dict] = None,
    action_extra: Optional[dict] = None,
    security_limit: int = C.NO_SECURITY_LIMIT,
    chained: bool = False,
    profile: str = C.PROF_KEY_NONE
) -> defer.Deferred:
    """Create a submitable dialog and manage it with a deferred

    @param message: message to display
    @param title: title of the dialog
    @param type: dialog type (C.XMLUI_DIALOG_* or plugin specific string)
    @param options: if not None, will be used to update (extend) dialog_opt arguments of
    @param action_extra: extra action to merge with xmlui
        mainly used to add meta informations (see action_new doc)
    @param security_limit: %(doc_security_limit)s
    @param chained: True if the Deferred result must be returned to the frontend
        useful when backend is in a series of dialogs with an ui
    @param profile: %(doc_profile)s
    @return: answer dict
    assert profile is not None
    dialog_opt = {"type": type_, "message": message}
    if options is not None:
    dialog = XMLUI(C.XMLUI_DIALOG, title=title, dialog_opt=dialog_opt, submit_id="")
    return defer_xmlui(host, dialog, action_extra, security_limit, chained, profile)

def defer_confirm(*args, **kwargs):
    """call defer_dialog and return a boolean instead of the whole data dict"""
    d = defer_dialog(*args, **kwargs)
    d.addCallback(lambda data: C.bool(data["answer"]))
    return d

# Misc other funtions

def element_copy(
    element: domish.Element,
    with_parent: bool = True,
    with_children: bool = True
) -> domish.Element:
    """Make a copy of a domish.Element

    The copy will have its own children list, so other elements
    can be added as direct children without modifying orignal one.
    Children are not deeply copied, so if an element is added to a child or grandchild,
    it will also affect original element.
    @param element: Element to clone
    new_elt = domish.Element(
        defaultUri = element.defaultUri,
        attribs = element.attributes,
        localPrefixes = element.localPrefixes)
    if with_parent:
        new_elt.parent = element.parent
    if with_children:
        new_elt.children = element.children[:]
    return new_elt

def is_xhtml_field(field):
    """Check if a data_form.Field is an XHTML one"""
    return (field.fieldType is None and field.ext_type == "xml" and
            field.value.uri == C.NS_XHTML)

class ElementParser:
    """Callable class to parse XML string into Element"""

    # XXX: Found at

    def _escape_html(self, matchobj):
        entity =
        if entity in XML_ENTITIES:
            # we don't escape XML entities
                return chr(html.entities.name2codepoint[entity])
            except KeyError:
                log.warning("removing unknown entity {}".format(entity))
                return ""

    def __call__(self, raw_xml, force_spaces=False, namespace=None):
        @param raw_xml(unicode): the raw XML
        @param force_spaces (bool): if True, replace occurrences of '\n' and '\t'
                                    with ' '.
        @param namespace(unicode, None): if set, use this namespace for the wrapping
        # we need to wrap element in case
        # there is not a unique one on the top
        if namespace is not None:
            raw_xml = "<div xmlns='{}'>{}</div>".format(namespace, raw_xml)
            raw_xml = "<div>{}</div>".format(raw_xml)

        # avoid ParserError on HTML escaped chars
        raw_xml = html_entity_re.sub(self._escape_html, raw_xml)

        self.result = None

        def on_start(elem):
            self.result = elem

        def on_end():

        def onElement(elem):

        parser = domish.elementStream()
        parser.DocumentStartEvent = on_start
        parser.ElementEvent = onElement
        parser.DocumentEndEvent = on_end
        tmp = domish.Element((None, "s"))
        if force_spaces:
            raw_xml = raw_xml.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")
        top_elt = self.result.firstChildElement()
        # we now can check if there was a unique element on the top
        # and remove our wrapping <div/> is this is the case
        top_elt_children = list(top_elt.elements())
        if len(top_elt_children) == 1:
            top_elt = top_elt_children[0]
        return top_elt

parse = ElementParser()

# FIXME: this method is duplicated from
def get_text(node):
    """Get child text nodes of a domish.Element.

    @param node (domish.Element)
    @return: joined unicode text of all nodes
    data = []
    for child in node.childNodes:
        if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
    return "".join(data)

def find_all(elt, namespaces=None, names=None):
    """Find child element at any depth matching criteria

    @param elt(domish.Element): top parent of the elements to find
    @param names(iterable[unicode], basestring, None): names to match
        None to accept every names
    @param namespace(iterable[unicode], basestring, None): URIs to match
        None to accept every namespaces
    @return ((G)domish.Element): found elements
    if isinstance(namespaces, str):
        namespaces = tuple((namespaces,))
    if isinstance(names, str):
        names = tuple((names,))

    for child in elt.elements():
        if (
            and (not names or in names)
            and (not namespaces or child.uri in namespaces)
            yield child
        for found in find_all(child, namespaces, names):
            yield found

def find_ancestor(
    name: str,
    namespace: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None
    ) -> domish.Element:
    """Retrieve ancestor of an element

    @param elt: starting element, its parent will be checked recursively until the
        required one if found
    @param name: name of the element to find
    @param namespace: namespace of the element to find
        - None to find any element with that name
        - a simple string to find the namespace
        - several namespaces can be specified in an iterable, if an element with any of
          this namespace and given name is found, it will match

    if isinstance(namespace, str):
        namespace = [namespace]
    current = elt.parent
    while True:
        if current is None:
            raise exceptions.NotFound(
                f"Can't find any ancestor {name!r} (xmlns: {namespace!r})"
        if == name and (namespace is None or current.uri in namespace):
            return current
        current = current.parent

def p_fmt_elt(elt, indent=0, defaultUri=""):
    """Pretty format a domish.Element"""
    strings = []
    for child in elt.children:
        if domish.IElement.providedBy(child):
            strings.append(p_fmt_elt(child, indent+2, defaultUri=elt.defaultUri))
            strings.append(f"{(indent+2)*' '}{child!s}")
    if elt.children:
        nochild_elt = domish.Element(
            (elt.uri,, elt.defaultUri, elt.attributes, elt.localPrefixes
        strings.insert(0, f"{indent*' '}{nochild_elt.toXml(defaultUri=defaultUri)[:-2]}>")
        strings.append(f"{indent*' '}</{}>")
        strings.append(f"{indent*' '}{elt.toXml(defaultUri=defaultUri)}")
    return '\n'.join(strings)

def pp_elt(elt):
    """Pretty print a domish.Element"""

# ElementTree

def et_get_namespace_and_name(et_elt: ET.Element) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]:
    """Retrieve element namespace and name from ElementTree element

    @param et_elt: ElementTree element
    @return: namespace and name of the element
        if not namespace if specified, None is returned
    name = et_elt.tag
    if not name:
        raise ValueError("no name set in ET element")
    elif name[0] != "{":
        return None, name
    end_idx = name.find("}")
    if end_idx == -1:
        raise ValueError("Invalid ET name")
    return name[1:end_idx], name[end_idx+1:]

def et_elt_2_domish_elt(et_elt: Union[ET.Element, etree.Element]) -> domish.Element:
    """Convert ElementTree element to Twisted's domish.Element

    Note: this is a naive implementation, adapted to XMPP, and some content are ignored
        (attributes namespaces, tail)
    namespace, name = et_get_namespace_and_name(et_elt)
    elt = domish.Element((namespace, name), attribs=et_elt.attrib)
    if et_elt.text:
    for child in et_elt:
    return elt

def domish_elt_2_et_elt(elt: domish.Element, lxml: Literal[False]) -> ET.Element:

def domish_elt_2_et_elt(elt: domish.Element, lxml: Literal[True]) -> etree.Element:

def domish_elt_2_et_elt(
    elt: domish.Element, lxml: bool
) -> Union[ET.Element, etree.Element]:

def domish_elt_2_et_elt(elt, lxml = False):
    """Convert Twisted's domish.Element to ElementTree equivalent

    Note: this is a naive implementation, adapted to XMPP, and some text content may be
        missing (content put after a tag, i.e. what would go to the "tail" attribute of ET
    tag = f"{{{elt.uri}}}{}" if elt.uri else
    if lxml:
        et_elt = etree.Element(tag, attr=elt.attributes)
        et_elt = ET.Element(tag, attrib=elt.attributes)
    content = str(elt)
    if content:
        et_elt.text = str(elt)
    for child in elt.elements():
        et_elt.append(domish_elt_2_et_elt(child, lxml=lxml))
    return et_elt

def domish_elt_2_et_elt2(element: domish.Element) -> ET.Element:
    WIP, originally from the OMEMO plugin

    element_name =
    if element.uri is not None:
        element_name = "{" + element.uri + "}" + element_name

    attrib: Dict[str, str] = {}
    for qname, value in element.attributes.items():
        attribute_name = qname[1] if isinstance(qname, tuple) else qname
        attribute_namespace = qname[0] if isinstance(qname, tuple) else None
        if attribute_namespace is not None:
            attribute_name = "{" + attribute_namespace + "}" + attribute_name

        attrib[attribute_name] = value

    result = ET.Element(element_name, attrib)

    last_child: Optional[ET.Element] = None
    for child in element.children:
        if isinstance(child, str):
            if last_child is None:
                result.text = child
                last_child.tail = child
            last_child = domish_elt_2_et_elt2(child)

    return result