view frontends/src/quick_frontend/ @ 1313:a8d7500090f6 frontends_multi_profiles

core: boolConst is used to convert a boolean value to its equivalent string constant
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 09 Feb 2015 21:39:47 +0100
parents faa1129559b8
children 6c7d89843f1b
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# helper class for making a SAT frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
import sys
from sat.core.log import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from sat.core import exceptions
from import jid
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.quick_widgets import QuickWidgetsManager
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend import quick_chat

from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.constants import Const as C

class ProfileManager(object):
    """Class managing all data relative to one profile, and plugging in mechanism"""
    host = None
    bridge = None

    def __init__(self, profile):
        self.profile = profile
        self.whoami = None = {}

    def __getitem__(self, key):

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value

    def plug(self):
        """Plug the profile to the host"""
        # we get the essential params
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
                                   callback=self._plug_profile_jid, errback=self._getParamError)

    def _plug_profile_jid(self, _jid):
        self.whoami = jid.JID(_jid)
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("autoconnect", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile,
                                   callback=self._plug_profile_autoconnect, errback=self._getParamError)

    def _plug_profile_autoconnect(self, value_str):
        autoconnect = C.bool(value_str)
        if autoconnect and not self.bridge.isConnected(self.profile):
  , callback=lambda dummy: self._plug_profile_afterconnect())

    def _plug_profile_afterconnect(self):
        # Profile can be connected or not
        # TODO: watched plugin
        contact_list =

        if not self.bridge.isConnected(self.profile):
  , profile=self.profile)
  , profile=self.profile)


            #The waiting subscription requests
            self.bridge.getWaitingSub(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotWaitingSub)

    def _plug_profile_gotWaitingSub(self, waiting_sub):
        for sub in waiting_sub:
  [sub], sub, self.profile)

        self.bridge.getRoomsJoined(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotRoomsJoined)

    def _plug_profile_gotRoomsJoined(self, rooms_args):
        #Now we open the MUC window where we already are:
        for room_args in rooms_args:
  *room_args, profile=self.profile)

        self.bridge.getRoomsSubjects(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotRoomsSubjects)

    def _plug_profile_gotRoomsSubjects(self, subjects_args):
        for subject_args in subjects_args:
  *subject_args, profile=self.profile)

        #Presence must be requested after rooms are filled, callback=self._plug_profile_gotPresences)

    def _plug_profile_gotPresences(self, presences):
        def gotEntityData(data, contact):
            for key in ('avatar', 'nick'):
                if key in data:
          , key, data[key], self.profile)

        for contact in presences:
            for res in presences[contact]:
                jabber_id = ('%s/%s' % (jid.JID(contact).bare, res)) if res else contact
                show = presences[contact][res][0]
                priority = presences[contact][res][1]
                statuses = presences[contact][res][2]
      , show, priority, statuses, self.profile)
  , ['avatar', 'nick'], self.profile, callback=lambda data, contact=contact: gotEntityData(data, contact), errback=lambda failure, contact=contact: log.debug("No cache data for {}".format(contact)))

        #Finaly, we get the waiting confirmation requests
        self.bridge.getWaitingConf(self.profile, callback=self._plug_profile_gotWaitingConf)

    def _plug_profile_gotWaitingConf(self, waiting_confs):
        for confirm_id, confirm_type, data in waiting_confs:
  , confirm_type, data, self.profile)

        # At this point, profile should be fully plugged
        # and we launch frontend specific method

    def _getParamError(self, ignore):
        log.error(_("Can't get profile parameter"))

class ProfilesManager(object):
    """Class managing collection of profiles"""

    def __init__(self):
        self._profiles = {}

    def __contains__(self, profile):
        return profile in self._profiles

    def __iter__(self):
        return self._profiles.iterkeys()

    def __getitem__(self, profile):
        return self._profiles[profile]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._profiles)

    def plug(self, profile):
        if profile in self._profiles:
            raise exceptions.ConflictError('A profile of the name [{}] is already plugged'.format(profile))
        self._profiles[profile] = ProfileManager(profile)

    def unplug(self, profile):
        if profile not in self._profiles:
            raise ValueError('The profile [{}] is not plugged'.format(profile))
        del self._profiles[profile]

    def chooseOneProfile(self):
        return self._profiles.keys()[0]

class QuickApp(object):
    """This class contain the main methods needed for the frontend"""

    def __init__(self, create_bridge, check_options=None):
        """Create a frontend application

        @param create_bridge: method to use to create the Bridge
        @param check_options: method to call to check options (usually command line arguments)
        """ = self
        self.profiles = ProfilesManager()
        self.contact_lists = {}
        self.widgets = QuickWidgetsManager(self)
        if check_options is not None:
            self.options = check_options()
            self.options = None

        # widgets
        self.selected_widget = None # widget currently selected (must be filled by frontend)

        ## bridge ##
            self.bridge = create_bridge()
        except exceptions.BridgeExceptionNoService:
            print(_(u"Can't connect to SàT backend, are you sure it's launched ?"))
        except exceptions.BridgeInitError:
            print(_(u"Can't init bridge"))
        ProfileManager.bridge = self.bridge
        self.registerSignal("newMessage", self._newMessage)
        self.registerSignal("actionResultExt", self.actionResultHandler)
        self.registerSignal("roomJoined", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomLeft", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomUserJoined", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomUserLeft", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomUserChangedNick", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("roomNewSubject", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameStarted", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameNew", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameChooseContrat", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameShowCards", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameYourTurn", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameScore", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameCardsPlayed", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("tarotGameInvalidCards", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGameStarted", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGameNew", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGameQuestion", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGamePlayerBuzzed", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGamePlayerSays", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGameAnswerResult", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGameTimerExpired", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("quizGameTimerRestarted", iface="plugin")
        self.registerSignal("chatStateReceived", iface="plugin")

        self.current_action_ids = set() # FIXME: to be removed
        self.current_action_ids_cb = {} # FIXME: to be removed
        self.media_dir = self.bridge.getConfig('', 'media_dir')

    def current_profile(self):
        """Profile that a user would expect to use"""
            return self.selected_widget.profile
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            return self.profiles.chooseOneProfile()

    def visible_widgets(self):
        """widgets currently visible (must be implemented by frontend)"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def registerSignal(self, functionName, handler=None, iface="core", with_profile=True):
        """Register a handler for a signal

        @param functionName (str): name of the signal to handle
        @param handler (instancemethod): method to call when the signal arrive, None for calling an automatically named handler (functionName + 'Handler')
        @param iface (str): interface of the bridge to use ('core' or 'plugin')
        @param with_profile (boolean): True if the signal concerns a specific profile, in that case the profile name has to be passed by the caller
        if handler is None:
            handler = getattr(self, "{}{}".format(functionName, 'Handler'))
        if not with_profile:
            self.bridge.register(functionName, handler, iface)

        def signalReceived(*args, **kwargs):
            profile = kwargs.get('profile')
            if profile is None:
                if not args:
                    raise exceptions.ProfileNotSetError
                profile = args[-1]
            if profile is not None and not self.check_profile(profile):
                return  # we ignore signal for profiles we don't manage
            handler(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bridge.register(functionName, signalReceived, iface)

    def check_profile(self, profile):
        """Tell if the profile is currently followed by the application"""
        return profile in self.profiles

    def postInit(self, profile_manager):
        """Must be called after initialization is done, do all automatic task (auto plug profile)

        @param profile_manager: instance of a subclass of Quick_frontend.QuickProfileManager
        if self.options and self.options.profile:

    def profilePlugged(self, profile):
        """Method called when the profile is fully plugged, to launch frontend specific workflow

        @param profile(unicode): %(doc_profile)s

    def asyncConnect(self, profile, callback=None, errback=None):
        if not callback:
            callback = lambda dummy: None
        if not errback:
            def errback(failure):
                log.error(_(u"Can't connect profile [%s]") % failure)
                if failure.module.startswith('twisted.words.protocols.jabber') and failure.condition == "not-authorized":
                    self.launchAction(C.CHANGE_XMPP_PASSWD_ID, {}, profile=profile)
                    self.showDialog(failure.message, failure.fullname, 'error')
        self.bridge.asyncConnect(profile, callback=callback, errback=errback)

    def plug_profiles(self, profiles):
        """Tell application which profiles must be used

        @param profiles: list of valid profile names
        for profile in profiles:

    def plugging_profiles(self):
        """Method to subclass to manage frontend specific things to do

        will be called when profiles are choosen and are to be plugged soon

    def unplug_profile(self, profile):
        """Tell the application to not follow anymore the profile"""
        if not profile in self.profiles:
            raise ValueError("The profile [{}] is not plugged".format(profile))

    def clear_profile(self):

    def addContactList(self, profile):
        """Method to subclass to add a contact list widget

        will be called on each profile session build
        @return: a ContactList widget
        return NotImplementedError

    def newWidget(self, widget):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def connectedHandler(self, profile):
        """called when the connection is made"""
        self.setStatusOnline(True, profile=profile)

    def disconnectedHandler(self, profile):
        """called when the connection is closed"""
        self.setStatusOnline(False, profile=profile)

    def newContactHandler(self, JabberId, attributes, groups, profile):
        entity = jid.JID(JabberId)
        _groups = list(groups)
        self.contact_lists[profile].setContact(entity, _groups, attributes, in_roster=True)

    def _newMessage(self, from_jid_s, msg, type_, to_jid_s, extra, profile):
        from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s)
        to_jid = jid.JID(to_jid_s)
        self.newMessageHandler(from_jid, to_jid, msg, type_, extra, profile)

    def newMessageHandler(self, from_jid, to_jid, msg, type_, extra, profile):
        from_me = from_jid.bare == self.profiles[profile].whoami.bare
        target = to_jid if from_me else from_jid

        chat_type = C.CHAT_GROUP if type_ == C.MESS_TYPE_GROUPCHAT else C.CHAT_ONE2ONE

        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, target, type_=chat_type, profile=profile)

        self.current_action_ids = set() # FIXME: to be removed
        self.current_action_ids_cb = {} # FIXME: to be removed

        chat_widget.newMessage(from_jid, target, msg, type_, extra, profile)

    def sendMessage(self, to_jid, message, subject='', mess_type="auto", extra={}, callback=None, errback=None, profile_key=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        if callback is None:
            callback = lambda dummy=None: None # FIXME: optional argument is here because pyjamas doesn't support callback without arg with json proxy
        if errback is None:
            errback = lambda failure: self.showDialog(failure.fullname, failure.message, "error")
        self.bridge.sendMessage(to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, extra, profile_key, callback=callback, errback=errback)

    def newAlertHandler(self, msg, title, alert_type, profile):
        assert alert_type in ['INFO', 'ERROR']
        self.showDialog(unicode(msg), unicode(title), alert_type.lower())

    def setStatusOnline(self, online=True, show="", statuses={}, profile=C.PROF_KEY_NONE):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def presenceUpdateHandler(self, entity_s, show, priority, statuses, profile):

        log.debug(_("presence update for %(entity)s (show=%(show)s, priority=%(priority)s, statuses=%(statuses)s) [profile:%(profile)s]")
              % {'entity': entity_s, C.PRESENCE_SHOW: show, C.PRESENCE_PRIORITY: priority, C.PRESENCE_STATUSES: statuses, 'profile': profile})
        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)

        if entity == self.profiles[profile].whoami:
            if show == "unavailable":
                self.setStatusOnline(False, profile=profile)
                self.setStatusOnline(True, show, statuses, profile=profile)

        # #FIXME: must be moved in a plugin
        # if entity.bare in self.profiles[profile].data.get('watched',[]) and not entity.bare in self.profiles[profile]['onlineContact']:
        #     self.showAlert(_("Watched jid [%s] is connected !") % entity.bare)

        self.contact_lists[profile].updatePresence(entity, show, priority, statuses)

    def roomJoinedHandler(self, room_jid_s, room_nicks, user_nick, profile):
        """Called when a MUC room is joined"""
        log.debug("Room [%(room_jid)s] joined by %(profile)s, users presents:%(users)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid_s, 'profile': profile, 'users': room_nicks})
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_='group', profile=profile)
        chat_widget.setUserNick(user_nick) = room_jid # FIXME: to be removed
        chat_widget.setPresents(list(set([user_nick] + room_nicks)))
        self.contact_lists[profile].setSpecial(room_jid, C.CONTACT_SPECIAL_GROUP)

    def roomLeftHandler(self, room_jid_s, profile):
        """Called when a MUC room is left"""
        log.debug("Room [%(room_jid)s] left by %(profile)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid_s, 'profile': profile})
        del self.chat_wins[room_jid_s]

    def roomUserJoinedHandler(self, room_jid_s, user_nick, user_data, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_='group', profile=profile)
        log.debug("user [%(user_nick)s] joined room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'user_nick': user_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomUserLeftHandler(self, room_jid_s, user_nick, user_data, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_='group', profile=profile)
        log.debug("user [%(user_nick)s] left room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'user_nick': user_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomUserChangedNickHandler(self, room_jid_s, old_nick, new_nick, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_='group', profile=profile)
        chat_widget.changeUserNick(old_nick, new_nick)
        log.debug("user [%(old_nick)s] is now known as [%(new_nick)s] in room [%(room_jid)s]" % {'old_nick': old_nick, 'new_nick': new_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomNewSubjectHandler(self, room_jid_s, subject, profile):
        """Called when subject of MUC room change"""
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_='group', profile=profile)
        log.debug("new subject for room [%(room_jid)s]: %(subject)s" % {'room_jid': room_jid, "subject": subject})

    def tarotGameStartedHandler(self, room_jid_s, referee, players, profile):
        log.debug(_("Tarot Game Started \o/"))
        room_jid = jid.JID(room_jid_s)
        chat_widget = self.widgets.getOrCreateWidget(quick_chat.QuickChat, room_jid, type_='group', profile=profile)
        chat_widget.startGame("Tarot", referee, players)
        log.debug("new Tarot game started by [%(referee)s] in room [%(room_jid)s] with %(players)s" % {'referee': referee, 'room_jid': room_jid, 'players': [str(player) for player in players]})

    def tarotGameNewHandler(self, room_jid, hand, profile):
        log.debug(_("New Tarot Game"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def tarotGameChooseContratHandler(self, room_jid, xml_data, profile):
        """Called when the player has to select his contrat"""
        log.debug(_("Tarot: need to select a contrat"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def tarotGameShowCardsHandler(self, room_jid, game_stage, cards, data, profile):
        log.debug(_("Show cards"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").showCards(game_stage, cards, data)

    def tarotGameYourTurnHandler(self, room_jid, profile):
        log.debug(_("My turn to play"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def tarotGameScoreHandler(self, room_jid, xml_data, winners, loosers, profile):
        """Called when the game is finished and the score are updated"""
        log.debug(_("Tarot: score received"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").showScores(xml_data, winners, loosers)

    def tarotGameCardsPlayedHandler(self, room_jid, player, cards, profile):
        log.debug(_("Card(s) played (%(player)s): %(cards)s") % {"player": player, "cards": cards})
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").cardsPlayed(player, cards)

    def tarotGameInvalidCardsHandler(self, room_jid, phase, played_cards, invalid_cards, profile):
        log.debug(_("Cards played are not valid: %s") % invalid_cards)
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").invalidCards(phase, played_cards, invalid_cards)

    def quizGameStartedHandler(self, room_jid, referee, players, profile):
        log.debug(_("Quiz Game Started \o/"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].startGame("Quiz", referee, players)
            log.debug(_("new Quiz game started by [%(referee)s] in room [%(room_jid)s] with %(players)s") % {'referee': referee, 'room_jid': room_jid, 'players': [str(player) for player in players]})

    def quizGameNewHandler(self, room_jid, data, profile):
        log.debug(_("New Quiz Game"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def quizGameQuestionHandler(self, room_jid, question_id, question, timer, profile):
        """Called when a new question is asked"""
        log.debug(_(u"Quiz: new question: %s") % question)
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameQuestionHandler(question_id, question, timer)

    def quizGamePlayerBuzzedHandler(self, room_jid, player, pause, profile):
        """Called when a player pushed the buzzer"""
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGamePlayerBuzzedHandler(player, pause)

    def quizGamePlayerSaysHandler(self, room_jid, player, text, delay, profile):
        """Called when a player say something"""
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGamePlayerSaysHandler(player, text, delay)

    def quizGameAnswerResultHandler(self, room_jid, player, good_answer, score, profile):
        """Called when a player say something"""
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameAnswerResultHandler(player, good_answer, score)

    def quizGameTimerExpiredHandler(self, room_jid, profile):
        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def quizGameTimerRestartedHandler(self, room_jid, time_left, profile):
        """Called when the question is not answered, and we still have time"""
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def chatStateReceivedHandler(self, from_jid_s, state, profile):
        """Called when a new chat state is received.

        @param from_jid_s: JID of the contact who sent his state, or '@ALL@'
        @param state: new state (string)
        @profile: current profile
        from_jid = jid.JID(from_jid_s) if from_jid_s != C.ENTITY_ALL else C.ENTITY_ALL
        for widget in self.widgets.getWidgets(quick_chat.QuickChat):
            if from_jid == C.ENTITY_ALL or from_jid.bare ==
                widget.updateChatState(from_jid, state)

    def _subscribe_cb(self, answer, data):
        entity, profile = data
        if answer:
            self.bridge.subscription("subscribed", entity.bare, profile_key=profile)
            self.bridge.subscription("unsubscribed", entity.bare, profile_key=profile)

    def subscribeHandler(self, type, raw_jid, profile):
        """Called when a subsciption management signal is received"""
        entity = jid.JID(raw_jid)
        if type == "subscribed":
            # this is a subscription confirmation, we just have to inform user
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has accepted your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'))
        elif type == "unsubscribed":
            # this is a subscription refusal, we just have to inform user
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has refused your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription refusal'), 'error')
        elif type == "subscribe":
            # this is a subscriptionn request, we have to ask for user confirmation
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s wants to subscribe to your presence.\nDo you accept ?") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'), 'yes/no', answer_cb=self._subscribe_cb, answer_data=(entity, profile))

    def showDialog(self, message, title, type="info", answer_cb=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def showAlert(self, message):
        pass  #FIXME

    def paramUpdateHandler(self, name, value, namespace, profile):
        log.debug(_("param update: [%(namespace)s] %(name)s = %(value)s") % {'namespace': namespace, 'name': name, 'value': value})
        if (namespace, name) == ("Connection", "JabberID"):
            log.debug(_("Changing JID to %s") % value)
            self.profiles[profile].whoami = jid.JID(value)
        elif (namespace, name) == ("Misc", "Watched"):
            self.profiles[profile]['watched'] = value.split()
        elif (namespace, name) == ('General', C.SHOW_OFFLINE_CONTACTS):
        elif (namespace, name) == ('General', C.SHOW_EMPTY_GROUPS):

    def contactDeletedHandler(self, jid, profile):
        target = jid.JID(jid)

    def entityDataUpdatedHandler(self, entity_s, key, value, profile):
        entity = jid.JID(entity_s)
        if key == "nick":
            if entity in self.contact_lists[profile]:
                self.contact_lists[profile].setCache(entity, 'nick', value)
        elif key == "avatar":
            if entity in self.contact_lists[profile]:
                def gotFilename(filename):
                    self.contact_lists[profile].setCache(entity, 'avatar', filename)
                self.bridge.getAvatarFile(value, callback=gotFilename)

    def askConfirmationHandler(self, confirm_id, confirm_type, data, profile):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def actionResultHandler(self, type, id, data, profile):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def launchAction(self, callback_id, data=None, callback=None, profile="@NONE@"):
        """Launch a dynamic action
        @param callback_id: id of the action to launch
        @param data: data needed only for certain actions
        @param callback: if not None and 'validated' key is present, it will be called with the following parameters:
            - callback_id
            - data
            - profile_key
        @param profile_key: %(doc_profile)s

        raise NotImplementedError

    def onExit(self):
        """Must be called when the frontend is terminating"""
        for profile in self.profiles:
            if self.bridge.isConnected(profile):
                if C.bool(self.bridge.getParamA("autodisconnect", "Connection", profile_key=profile)):
                    #The user wants autodisconnection