view stubs/twisted/words/xish/domish.pyi @ 3942:a92eef737703

plugin XEP-0373: download public keys if they are not found in local storage: public keys were only obtained from PEP notifications, however this wasn't working if the entity was not in our roster. Now if no public key is retrieved from local storage, the public key node is requested, and an error is raised if nothing is found. This allows the use of OX with entities which are not in roster. rel 380
author Goffi <>
date Sat, 15 Oct 2022 20:38:33 +0200
parents 8289ac1b34f4
line wrap: on
line source

from typing import (
    Dict, Iterator, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload

URI = str
Name = str
QName = Tuple[Optional[URI], Name]
AttributeKey = Union[QName, Name]
Attributes = Dict[AttributeKey, str]
Prefix = str

D = TypeVar("D")

# Note: these typings are incomplete and evolve as needed.
class Element:
    uri: Optional[URI]
    name: Name
    defaultUri: Optional[URI]
    children: List[Union["Element", str]]
    attributes: Attributes

    def __init__(
        qname: QName,
        defaultUri: Optional[URI] = None,
        attribs: Optional[Attributes] = None,
        localPrefixes: Optional[Dict[URI, Prefix]] = None
    ) -> None:

    def __getitem__(self, key: AttributeKey) -> str:

    def __setitem__(self, key: AttributeKey, value: str) -> None:

    def getAttribute(
        attribname: AttributeKey,
        default: None = None
    ) -> Union[str, None]:

    def getAttribute(self, attribname: AttributeKey, default: D) -> Union[str, D]:

    def addChild(self, node: "Element") -> "Element":

    def addContent(self, text: str) -> str:

    def addElement(
        name: Union[QName, Name],
        defaultUri: Optional[URI] = None,
        content: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> "Element":

    def elements(
        uri: Optional[URI] = None,
        name: Optional[Name] = None
    ) -> Iterator["Element"]:

    def toXml(
        prefixes: Optional[Dict[URI, Prefix]] = None,
        closeElement: Literal[0, 1] = 1,
        defaultUri: str = "",
        prefixesInScope: Optional[List[Prefix]] = None
    ) -> str: