view sat/tools/common/ @ 3888:aa7197b67c26

component AP gateway: AP <=> XMPP reactions conversions: - Pubsub Attachments plugin has been renamed to XEP-0470 following publication - XEP-0470 has been updated to follow 0.2 changes - AP reactions (as implemented in Pleroma) are converted to XEP-0470 - XEP-0470 events are converted to AP reactions (again, using "EmojiReact" from Pleroma) - AP activities related to attachments (like/reactions) are cached in Libervia because it's not possible to retrieve them from Pleroma instances once they have been emitted (doing an HTTP get on their ID returns a 404). For now those cache are not flushed, this should be improved in the future. - `sharedInbox` is used when available. Pleroma returns a 500 HTTP error when ``to`` or ``cc`` are used in a direct inbox. - reactions and like are not currently used for direct messages, because they can't be emitted from Pleroma in this case, thus there is no point in implementing them for the moment. rel 371
author Goffi <>
date Wed, 31 Aug 2022 17:07:03 +0200
parents bef32f3ccc06
children 92482cc80d0b
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# SAT: a jabber client
# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""tools to help manipulating time and dates"""

from sat.core.constants import Const as C
from sat.core.i18n import _
import datetime
from dateutil import tz, parser
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from dateutil.utils import default_tzinfo
from dateutil.parser import ParserError
from babel import dates
import calendar
import time
import re

RELATIVE_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<date>.*?)(?P<direction>[-+]?) *(?P<quantity>\d+) *"
                         r"(?P<ago> +ago)?", re.I)
    "s": "second",
    "sec": "second",
    "m": "minute",
    "min": "minute",
    "h": "hour",
    "hr": "hour",
    "d": "day",
    "w": "week",
    "mo": "month",
    "y": "year",
    "yr": "year",
YEAR_FIRST_RE = re.compile(r"\d{4}[^\d]+")
TZ_UTC = tz.tzutc()
TZ_LOCAL = tz.gettz()
# used to replace values when something is missing
DEFAULT_DATETIME = datetime.datetime(2000, 0o1, 0o1)

def date_parse(value, default_tz=TZ_UTC):
    """Parse a date and return corresponding unix timestamp

    @param value(unicode): date to parse, in any format supported by parser
    @param default_tz(datetime.tzinfo): default timezone
    @return (int): timestamp
    value = str(value).strip()
    dayfirst = False if YEAR_FIRST_RE.match(value) else True

        dt = default_tzinfo(
            parser.parse(value, default=DEFAULT_DATETIME, dayfirst=dayfirst),
    except ParserError as e:
        if value == "now":
            dt =
            raise e
    return calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())

def date_parse_ext(value, default_tz=TZ_UTC):
    """Extended date parse which accept relative date

    @param value(unicode): date to parse, in any format supported by parser
        and with the hability to specify X days/weeks/months/years in the past or future.
        Relative date are specified either with something like `[main_date] +1 week`
        or with something like `3 days ago`, and it is case insensitive. [main_date] is
        a date parsable by parser, or empty to specify current date/time.
        "now" can also be used to specify current date/time.
    @param default_tz(datetime.tzinfo): same as for date_parse
    @return (int): timestamp
    m = RELATIVE_RE.match(value)
    if m is None:
        return date_parse(value, default_tz=default_tz)

    if"direction") and"ago"):
        raise ValueError(
            _("You can't use a direction (+ or -) and \"ago\" at the same time"))

    if"direction") == '-' or"ago"):
        direction = -1
        direction = 1

    date ="date").strip().lower()
    if not date or date == "now":
        dt =
        dt = default_tzinfo(parser.parse(date, dayfirst=True), default_tz)

    quantity = int("quantity"))
    unit ="unit").lower()
        unit = TIME_SYMBOL_MAP[unit]
    except KeyError:
    delta_kw = {f"{unit}s": direction * quantity}
    dt = dt + relativedelta(**delta_kw)
    return calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())

def date_fmt(timestamp, fmt="short", date_only=False, auto_limit=7, auto_old_fmt="short",
             auto_new_fmt="relative", locale_str=C.DEFAULT_LOCALE, tz_info=TZ_UTC):
    """format date according to locale

    @param timestamp(basestring, float): unix time
    @param fmt(str): one of:
        - short: e.g. u'31/12/17'
        - medium: e.g. u'Apr 1, 2007'
        - long: e.g. u'April 1, 2007'
        - full: e.g. u'Sunday, April 1, 2007'
        - relative: format in relative time
            e.g.: 3 hours
            note that this format is not precise
        - iso: ISO 8601 format
            e.g.: u'2007-04-01T19:53:23Z'
        - auto: use auto_old_fmt if date is older than auto_limit
            else use auto_new_fmt
        - auto_day: shorcut to set auto format with change on day
            old format will be short, and new format will be time only
        or a free value which is passed to babel.dates.format_datetime
    @param date_only(bool): if True, only display date (not datetime)
    @param auto_limit (int): limit in days before using auto_old_fmt
        use 0 to have a limit at last midnight (day change)
    @param auto_old_fmt(unicode): format to use when date is older than limit
    @param auto_new_fmt(unicode): format to use when date is equal to or more recent
        than limit
    @param locale_str(unicode): locale to use (as understood by babel)
    @param tz_info(datetime.tzinfo): time zone to use

    timestamp = float(timestamp)
    if fmt == "auto_day":
        fmt, auto_limit, auto_old_fmt, auto_new_fmt = "auto", 0, "short", "HH:mm"
    if fmt == "auto":
        if auto_limit == 0:
            now =
            # we want to use given tz_info, so we don't use date() or today()
            today = datetime.datetime(year=now.year, month=now.month,,
            today = calendar.timegm(today.utctimetuple())
            if timestamp < today:
                fmt = auto_old_fmt
                fmt = auto_new_fmt
            days_delta = (time.time() - timestamp) / 3600
            if days_delta > (auto_limit or 7):
                fmt = auto_old_fmt
                fmt = auto_new_fmt

    if fmt == "relative":
        delta = timestamp - time.time()
        return dates.format_timedelta(
            delta, granularity="minute", add_direction=True, locale=locale_str
    elif fmt in ("short", "long", "full"):
        if date_only:
            dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tz_info)
            return dates.format_date(dt, format=fmt, locale=locale_str)
            return dates.format_datetime(timestamp, format=fmt, locale=locale_str,
    elif fmt == "iso":
        if date_only:
            fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd"
            fmt = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'Z'"
        return dates.format_datetime(timestamp, format=fmt)
        return dates.format_datetime(timestamp, format=fmt, locale=locale_str,