view docker/backend-dev/Dockerfile @ 3728:b15644cae50d

component AP gateway: JID/node ⟺ AP outbox conversion: - convert a combination of JID and optional pubsub node to AP actor handle (see `getJIDAndNode` for details) and vice versa - the gateway now provides a Pubsub service - retrieve pubsub node and convert it to AP collection, AP pagination is converted to RSM - do the opposite: convert AP collection to pubsub and handle RSM request. Due to ActivityStream collection pagination limitations, some RSM request produce inefficient requests, but caching should be used most of the time in the future and avoid the problem. - set specific name to HTTP Server - new `local_only` setting (`True` by default) to indicate if the gateway can request or not XMPP Pubsub nodes from other servers - disco info now specifies important features such as Pubsub RSM, and nodes metadata ticket 363
author Goffi <>
date Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:54:06 +0100
parents 1680eec4cbfd
children 43cc8c27adc7
line wrap: on
line source

FROM debian:bullseye-slim

LABEL maintainer="Goffi <>"

ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

RUN echo "Building image for Libervia ${REVISION:-dev}" && \
    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends locales python3-dev python3-venv python3-wheel mercurial libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgirepository1.0-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev dbus-x11 cmake && \
    # will be used to put many Libervia specific data
    mkdir -p /usr/share/libervia/certificates && \
    addgroup tls-cert --gid 9999 && \
    chown :tls-cert /usr/share/libervia/certificates && \
    chmod 2770 /usr/share/libervia/certificates && \
    # it's better to have a dedicated user
    useradd -m libervia && adduser libervia tls-cert && \
    # we'll put all source there to have an easy mount point
    mkdir /src && chown libervia:libervia /src && \
    # we need UTF-8 locale
    sed -i "s/# en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/" /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen


COPY --chown=root:root session.conf /usr/share/dbus-1/session.conf

WORKDIR /home/libervia
USER libervia

RUN python3 -m venv libervia_env && libervia_env/bin/pip install -U pip wheel && cd /src && \
    # We install thoses packages in editable mode, so we can replace them easily with volumes.
    # We need to move *.egg-info (generated by pip) out of src dirs, otherwise mounting
    # local repos without it them cause troubles
    hg clone && ~/libervia_env/bin/pip install -e urwid-satext && \
    mv urwid-satext/urwid_satext.egg-info ~/libervia_env/lib/python3.*/site-packages && \
    hg clone -u "${REVISION:-@}" && ~/libervia_env/bin/pip install -e sat_tmp && \
    mv sat_tmp/sat_tmp.egg-info ~/libervia_env/lib/python3.*/site-packages && \
    hg clone && ~/libervia_env/bin/pip install -e libervia-templates && \
    mv libervia-templates/libervia_templates.egg-info ~/libervia_env/lib/python3.*/site-packages && \
    hg clone && \
    hg clone -u "${REVISION:-@}" && ~/libervia_env/bin/pip install -e 'libervia-backend[SVG]' && \
    mv libervia-backend/libervia_backend.egg-info ~/libervia_env/lib/python3.*/site-packages && \
    mkdir -p /home/libervia/.local/share/libervia

ENV DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="tcp:host=backend,port=55555,family=ipv4;unix:path=/home/libervia/.local/share/libervia/dbus_socket"
ENV PATH=/home/libervia/libervia_env/bin:$PATH

COPY --chown=root:root libervia.conf /etc/_libervia.conf
COPY --chown=libervia:libervia scripts/ /home/libervia/

ENTRYPOINT ["/home/libervia/"]