view CHANGELOG @ 1005:b4af31a8a4f2

core (logs): added formatting, name filter and outputs management: - formatting is inspired from, and use when possible, standard logging. "message", "levelname", and "name" are the only format managed, depending on backend more can be managed (standard backend formats are specified in official python logging doc) - name filter use regular expressions. It's possible to log only plugins with SAT_LOG_LOGGER="^sat.plugins". To log only XEPs 96 & 65, we can use SAT_LOG_LOGGER='(xep_0095|xep_0065)' - output management use a particular syntax: - output handler are name with "//", so far there are "//default" (most of time stderr), "//memory" and "//file" - options can be specified in parenthesis, e.g. "//memory(50)" mean a 50 lines memory buffer (50 is the current default, so that's equivalent to "//memory") - several handlers can be specified: "//file(/tmp/sat.log)//default" will use the default logging + a the /tmp/sat.log file - if there is only one handler, it use the file handler: "/tmp/sat.log" is the same as "//file(/tmp/sat.log)" - not finished, need more work for twisted and basic backends
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 05 May 2014 18:58:34 +0200
parents ab9c22bf77ee
children a65ad0e738f7
line wrap: on
line source

All theses changelog are not exhaustive, please check mercurial repository for more details.

v 0.4.1 (28/02/2014):
    - fixed/improved
    - better INSTALL

v 0.4.0 (26/02/2014):
    - minimum wokkel version is now 0.7.1
    - minimum urwid version is now 1.1.0
    - added more test cases
    - fixed invalid bridge calls
    - fixed issues at account creation
    - better PEP-8 compliance (Emmanuel Gil Peyrot)
    - distribute fix (Thomas Preud'homme)
    - better error and asynchronous calls handling
    - callbacks system refactoring and unification
    - configuration constants can be overriden in sat.conf
    - fixed some issues with the file transfer
    - possibility to register frontend specific parameter
    - added a security_limit parameter for sensible requests over the bridge
    - XMLUI deep refactorisation offering a new mechanism to ease frontend developpment and maintenance
    - XMLUI new AdvancedListContainer
    - localisation system improvement with deferred translation and dynamic language switch
    - new dynamic menus mechanism
    - better exit message if bridge can't be initialised
    - i18n refactoring, deferred translations
    - core: set min and max priorities for triggers
    - core: sendMessage can skip the triggers
    - core: triggered plugin methods can add a deferred treatments after a message is sent or received
    - core: do not write .sat/param anymore (everything is in the SQLite database)
    - core: plugins parameters registrations do an update instead of overwriting the existing nodes
    - core: better session management
    - core: callbacks can be removed after the first call
    - core: automatic database upgrade mechanism
    - core: resource priority management
    - new plugin: XEP-0033 (Extended Stanza Addressing)
    - new plugin: XEP-0055 (XMPP Search Directory)
    - new plugin: XEP-0085 (Chat State Notifications)
    - new plugin: XEP-0050 (Ad-hoc Commands, also able to request and interface with other D-Bus bridges)
    - new plugin: XEP-0071 (XHTML-IM)
    - new plugin: command_export (export a shell command input/output to a contact)
    - new plugin: room_games (from the factorisation of tarot, radiocol and quizz)
    - new plugin: text_commands (IRC-like commands)
    - new plugin: text_syntaxes (rich texts syntaxes conversions, for now between XHTML, Markdown and raw text)
    - plugin XEP-0045: added MUC configuration with XMLUI
    - plugin XEP-0077, XEP-100: refactorisation with XMLUI
    - plugin XEP-0249: add a parameter "auto-join MUC on invitation"
    - plugins XEP-0060, XEP-0277, groupblog: manage comments, rich text, titles, update, deletion and Atom feed
    - plugin radiocol: better synchronisation with "jump to time" information
    - frontends: fixed presence/status update
    - primitivus, libervia: added a user input history
    - jp: added profiles management (Dal)
    - jp: refactorisation to use ArgParse instead of OptParse (Dal)
    - jp: objects refactoring, automatic subcommands import
    - jp: added Zsh command completion
    - jp: locales fix (Thomas Preud'homme)
    - primitivus, libervia: user input history
    - primitivus: updated for using Urwid >= 1.1.0
    - libervia: lot of (re)factorisation, import of frontends modules
    - libervia: the server is now launched as a twisted plugin (Emmanuel Gil Peyrot)
    - libervia: add notifications support (Emmanuel Gil Peyrot)
    - libervia: added
    - libervia: fixed static blog items order, cosmetic improvements
    - libervia: static blog atom feed (e.g:<user>/atom.xml)
    - libervia: unibox is now optional and desactivated by default
    - libervia: microblogs items are selectable when the unibox is enabled
    - libervia: quick addressing syntax is now handled by the unibox
    - libervia: added a GUI to edit rich text messages, preview/wysiwyg and manage extended addressing
    - libervia: use HTML5 "contenteditable" for editing your status and raw text/WYSIWYG microblogs
    - libervia: file upload improvement, radiocol GUI improvement and join/leave synchronisation
    - libervia: auto-login with URL GET parameters (e.g:<user>&passwd=<password>)
    - libervia: display clickable URL and day change in the chat panels
    - libervia: clicking on a contact list item opens the associated dialog
    - libervia: widggets and tabs can be dragged and dropped, better open/close behavior
    - libervia: fixed window resizing issues, multi-lines messages issues
    - libervia: added a GUI to select rooms and invite contacts (prototype)
    - libervia: added a GUI to manage contact groups (prototype)

v 0.3.0 (09/01/2013):
    - full project moved to AGPL v3+
    - new Logo (Adrien Vigneron) + several other sprites
    - quiz game (draft, not finished)
    - configuration file
    - media separated from main repository
    - new Qt frontend: Bellaciao (draft, not usable yet)
    - dbus-xml constructor in bridge-constructor (for Qt)
    - Primitivus: freedesktop notifications
    - new plugin: XEP-0020 (feature negociation)
    - new plugin: XEP-0047 (in-band bytestream)
    - new plugin: XEP-0095 (stream initiation)
    - new experimental plugin: pipe transfer
    - jp: name to jid conversion
    - database integration (sqlite)
    - D-Bus bridge: generic exception management
    - core: data storage improved
    - radio collective (plugin + Libervia implementation)
    - new groupblog, using sat_pubsub
    - D-Bus bridge: better dynamically added method management (with introspection)
    - status update crash fix (Xavier Maillard)
    - misc bugfixes (Emmanuel Gil Peyrot)
    - social contract: english translation (Matthieu Rakotojaona)
    - many MUC improvments (MUC branch merged mainstream in Wokkel)
    - Primitivus: contacts panel improvments: color & icon + statuses
    - Primitivus: MUC room are now shown separately
    - Primitivus: new entities are added to contacts panel if they send message
    - new plugin: text commands (IRC like commands during conversation)
    - plugin XEP-0045: nick change, room leaving, subject change, automaticaly change nick on conflict
    - MUC privates messages management
    - core: added priority management in triggers + trigger can now forbid other triggers execution
    - Primitivus is now modal (à la vi)
    - new experimental plugin: parrot (repeat text between two entities)
    - deprecated plugin: couchsurfing
    - Primitivus: incoming files transfer management
    - added "Port" parameter in "Connection"
    - Libervia: new skin (Adrien Vigneron)
    - Libervia: new widgets system
    - Libervia: many microblogging (with groups) improvments
    - Libervia: XMLUI implementation
    - Libervia: parameters management through XMLUI (deactivated for security reasons)
    - avatar upload (with Libervia implementation)
    - Libervia: disconnection management
    - SàT account automatic registration refactored (moved to core + use Prosody)
    - misc debug/refactoring

v 0.2.0 (31/05/2011):
    - new debug command in sat launcher script
    - core: triggers
    - news plugins: maildir, imap and smtp, SàT can now communicate with a Mail User Agent throught them
    - bridge constructor, a generator which make bridge files from .ini. It can also generate doc in mediawiki format
    - new plugin: XML log to send XML raw data throught DBus
    - new plugin: XEP-0115 (entity capabilities)
    - new plugin: XEP-0060 (Pubsub) and XEP-163 (Personal Eventing Protocol)
    - DBus bridge: fixed introspection for dynamically aded methods and signals
    - new plugin: XEP-277 (Microblogging over XMPP)
    - fixed installation (Wokkel version is forced)
    - bridge: added asynchrone methods management
    - new plugin: group microbloging (groupblog)
    - new plugin: XEP-0249 (direct MUC invitation)
    - plugin Tarot: game can be automatically created, and fully played (but rules are not fully implemented yet)
    - email added in registerNewAccount
    - Social contract added (CONTRAT_SOCIAL) \o.
    - Subscription scheme fixed
    - new frontend: Libervia \o/ . Put in a separate package

v 0.1.1 (14/01/2011):
    - bug#1: fixed crash due to dbus.String

v 0.1.0 (12/01/2011):
    - urwid custom libs split as a new project: "urwid-satext"
    - files reorganisation
    - versioning now use a standard scheme (major.minor.increment+letter)
    - distutils/distribute installation script
    - misc bugs fixes
    - easy way to launch/stop sat (sat & sat stop)

v 0.0.3 (20/08/2010):
    - multi-profiles
    - i18n support
    - french translation
    - MUC support (basic for the moment)
    - Dynamic methods/signals in DBus bridge
    - Tarot game
    - CouchSurfing plugin
    - XML User Interface
    - Sortilège replaced by Primitivus
    - About boxes & versions numbers now follow SàT core version

v 0.0.2 (10/01/2010):
    - DBus bridge: dynamic exportation of methods (useful for plugins)
    - new doc: INSTALL and CHANGELOG
    - new method to save private data (useful for plugins)
    - disconnection
    - whitespace ping to avoid disconnection when idle
    - presence management refactored, subscription is now managed separatly
    - use of xml params
    - new way to specify default values in params
    - sat is now a twisted application, so it can be deamonized
    - Wokkel integration
    - added some features from Wokkel: disco, software version
    - new account creation (in-band registration): not fully implemented
    - IP for file transfer is now set by default (see README)
    - Gateways management (Wix only for now)
    - VCard support (readonly for now) with avatars/nicks support
    - Wix: easier jid setup
    - Wix: added Tray icon (using Crystal Clear: see README)
    - Wix: new contact list, using avatars and nicknames
    - Wix, Sortilège: better connection/disconnection management (buggy in sortilège)
    - Wix: main frame default size changed

v 0.0.1 (17/05/2009):