view frontends/src/quick_frontend/ @ 1005:b4af31a8a4f2

core (logs): added formatting, name filter and outputs management: - formatting is inspired from, and use when possible, standard logging. "message", "levelname", and "name" are the only format managed, depending on backend more can be managed (standard backend formats are specified in official python logging doc) - name filter use regular expressions. It's possible to log only plugins with SAT_LOG_LOGGER="^sat.plugins". To log only XEPs 96 & 65, we can use SAT_LOG_LOGGER='(xep_0095|xep_0065)' - output management use a particular syntax: - output handler are name with "//", so far there are "//default" (most of time stderr), "//memory" and "//file" - options can be specified in parenthesis, e.g. "//memory(50)" mean a 50 lines memory buffer (50 is the current default, so that's equivalent to "//memory") - several handlers can be specified: "//file(/tmp/sat.log)//default" will use the default logging + a the /tmp/sat.log file - if there is only one handler, it use the file handler: "/tmp/sat.log" is the same as "//file(/tmp/sat.log)" - not finished, need more work for twisted and basic backends
author Goffi <>
date Mon, 05 May 2014 18:58:34 +0200
parents cad958239b5c
children d1084f7e56a5
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# helper class for making a SAT frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Jérôme Poisson (

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from sat.core.i18n import _
import sys
from logging import debug, info, warning, error
from  import JID
from sat_frontends.bridge.DBus import DBusBridgeFrontend
from sat.core.exceptions import BridgeExceptionNoService, BridgeInitError
from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.quick_utils import escapePrivate, unescapePrivate
from optparse import OptionParser

from sat_frontends.quick_frontend.constants import Const

class QuickApp(object):
    """This class contain the main methods needed for the frontend"""

    def __init__(self, single_profile=True):
        self.profiles = {}
        self.single_profile = single_profile

        ## bridge ##
            self.bridge = DBusBridgeFrontend()
        except BridgeExceptionNoService:
            print(_(u"Can't connect to SàT backend, are you sure it's launched ?"))
        except BridgeInitError:
            print(_(u"Can't init bridge"))
        self.bridge.register("connected", self.connected)
        self.bridge.register("disconnected", self.disconnected)
        self.bridge.register("connectionError", self.connectionError)
        self.bridge.register("newContact", self.newContact)
        self.bridge.register("newMessage", self._newMessage)
        self.bridge.register("newAlert", self.newAlert)
        self.bridge.register("presenceUpdate", self.presenceUpdate)
        self.bridge.register("subscribe", self.subscribe)
        self.bridge.register("paramUpdate", self.paramUpdate)
        self.bridge.register("contactDeleted", self.contactDeleted)
        self.bridge.register("entityDataUpdated", self.entityDataUpdated)
        self.bridge.register("askConfirmation", self.askConfirmation)
        self.bridge.register("actionResult", self.actionResult)
        self.bridge.register("actionResultExt", self.actionResult)
        self.bridge.register("roomJoined", self.roomJoined, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("roomLeft", self.roomLeft, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("roomUserJoined", self.roomUserJoined, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("roomUserLeft", self.roomUserLeft, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("roomUserChangedNick", self.roomUserChangedNick, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("roomNewSubject", self.roomNewSubject, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameStarted", self.tarotGameStarted, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameNew", self.tarotGameNew, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameChooseContrat", self.tarotChooseContrat, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameShowCards", self.tarotShowCards, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameYourTurn", self.tarotMyTurn, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameScore", self.tarotScore, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameCardsPlayed", self.tarotCardsPlayed, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("tarotGameInvalidCards", self.tarotInvalidCards, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGameStarted", self.quizGameStarted, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGameNew", self.quizGameNew, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGameQuestion", self.quizGameQuestion, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGamePlayerBuzzed", self.quizGamePlayerBuzzed, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGamePlayerSays", self.quizGamePlayerSays, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGameAnswerResult", self.quizGameAnswerResult, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGameTimerExpired", self.quizGameTimerExpired, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("quizGameTimerRestarted", self.quizGameTimerRestarted, "plugin")
        self.bridge.register("chatStateReceived", self.chatStateReceived, "plugin")

        self.current_action_ids = set()
        self.current_action_ids_cb = {}
        self.media_dir = self.bridge.getConfig('', 'media_dir')

    def check_profile(self, profile):
        """Tell if the profile is currently followed by the application"""
        return profile in self.profiles.keys()

    def postInit(self):
        """Must be called after initialization is done, do all automatic task (auto plug profile)"""
        if self.options.profile:
            if not self.bridge.getProfileName(self.options.profile):
                error(_("Trying to plug an unknown profile (%s)" % self.options.profile))

    def check_options(self):
        """Check command line options"""
        usage = _("""
        %prog [options]

        %prog --help for options list
        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)

        parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", help=_("Select the profile to use"))

        (self.options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        if self.options.profile:
            self.options.profile = self.options.profile.decode('utf-8')
        return args

    def _getParamError(self, ignore):
        error(_("Can't get profile parameter"))

    def plug_profile(self, profile_key='@DEFAULT@'):
        """Tell application which profile must be used"""
        if self.single_profile and self.profiles:
            error(_('There is already one profile plugged (we are in single profile mode) !'))
        profile = self.bridge.getProfileName(profile_key)
        if not profile:
            error(_("The profile asked doesn't exist"))
        if profile in self.profiles:
            warning(_("The profile is already plugged"))
        self.profiles[profile] = {}
        if self.single_profile:
            self.profile = profile

        ###now we get the essential params###
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("JabberID", "Connection", profile_key=profile,
                                   callback=lambda _jid: self.plug_profile_2(_jid, profile), errback=self._getParamError)

    def plug_profile_2(self, _jid, profile):
        self.profiles[profile]['whoami'] = JID(_jid)
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("autoconnect", "Connection", profile_key=profile,
                                   callback=lambda value: self.plug_profile_3(value == "true", profile), errback=self._getParamError)

    def plug_profile_3(self, autoconnect, profile):
        self.bridge.asyncGetParamA("Watched", "Misc", profile_key=profile,
                                   callback=lambda watched: self.plug_profile_4(watched, autoconnect, profile), errback=self._getParamError)

    def plug_profile_4(self, watched, autoconnect, profile):
        if autoconnect and not self.bridge.isConnected(profile):
            #Does the user want autoconnection ?
            self.bridge.asyncConnect(profile, callback=lambda: self.plug_profile_5(watched, autoconnect, profile), errback=lambda ignore: error(_('Error during autoconnection')))
            self.plug_profile_5(watched, autoconnect, profile)

    def plug_profile_5(self, watched, autoconnect, profile):
        self.profiles[profile]['watched'] = watched.split()  # TODO: put this in a plugin

        ## misc ##
        self.profiles[profile]['onlineContact'] = set()  # FIXME: temporary

        #TODO: manage multi-profiles here
        if not self.bridge.isConnected(profile):

            ### now we fill the contact list ###
            for contact in self.bridge.getContacts(profile):
                self.newContact(*contact, profile=profile)

            presences = self.bridge.getPresenceStatuses(profile)
            for contact in presences:
                for res in presences[contact]:
                    jabber_id = contact + ('/' + res if res else '')
                    show = presences[contact][res][0]
                    priority = presences[contact][res][1]
                    statuses = presences[contact][res][2]
                    self.presenceUpdate(jabber_id, show, priority, statuses, profile)
                data = self.bridge.getEntityData(contact, ['avatar', 'nick'], profile)
                for key in ('avatar', 'nick'):
                    if key in data:
                        self.entityDataUpdated(contact, key, data[key], profile)

            #The waiting subscription requests
            waitingSub = self.bridge.getWaitingSub(profile)
            for sub in waitingSub:
                self.subscribe(waitingSub[sub], sub, profile)

            #Now we open the MUC window where we already are:
            for room_args in self.bridge.getRoomsJoined(profile):
                self.roomJoined(*room_args, profile=profile)

            for subject_args in self.bridge.getRoomsSubjects(profile):
                self.roomNewSubject(*subject_args, profile=profile)

            #Finaly, we get the waiting confirmation requests
            for confirm_id, confirm_type, data in self.bridge.getWaitingConf(profile):
                self.askConfirmation(confirm_id, confirm_type, data, profile)

    def unplug_profile(self, profile):
        """Tell the application to not follow anymore the profile"""
        if not profile in self.profiles:
            warning(_("This profile is not plugged"))

    def clear_profile(self):

    def connected(self, profile):
        """called when the connection is made"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):

    def disconnected(self, profile):
        """called when the connection is closed"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):

    def connectionError(self, error_type, profile):
        """called when something goes wrong with the connection"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Connection Error"))
        if error_type == "AUTH_ERROR":
            self.showDialog(_("Can't connect to account, please check your password"), _("Connection error"), "error")
            error(_('FIXME: error_type %s not implemented') % error_type)

    def newContact(self, JabberId, attributes, groups, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        entity = JID(JabberId)
        _groups = list(groups)
        self.contact_list.replace(entity, _groups, attributes)

    def _newMessage(self, from_jid_s, msg, _type, to_jid_s, extra, profile):
        """newMessage premanagement: a dirty hack to manage private messages
        if a private MUC message is detected, from_jid or to_jid is prefixed and resource is escaped"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        from_jid = JID(from_jid_s)
        to_jid = JID(to_jid_s)

        from_me = from_jid.bare == self.profiles[profile]['whoami'].bare
        win = to_jid if from_me else from_jid

        if _type != "groupchat" and self.contact_list.getSpecial(win) == "MUC":
            #we have a private message in a MUC room
            #XXX: normaly we use bare jid as key, here we need the full jid
            #     so we cheat by replacing the "/" before the resource by
            #     a "@", so the jid is invalid,
            new_jid = escapePrivate(win)
            if from_me:
                to_jid = new_jid
                from_jid = new_jid
            if new_jid not in self.contact_list:

        self.newMessage(from_jid, to_jid, msg, _type, extra, profile)

    def newMessage(self, from_jid, to_jid, msg, _type, extra, profile):
        from_me = from_jid.bare == self.profiles[profile]['whoami'].bare
        win = to_jid if from_me else from_jid

        self.current_action_ids = set()
        self.current_action_ids_cb = {}

        timestamp = extra.get('archive')
        self.chat_wins[win.bare].printMessage(from_jid, msg, profile, float(timestamp) if timestamp else '')

    def sendMessage(self, to_jid, message, subject='', mess_type="auto", extra={}, callback=None, errback=None, profile_key="@NONE@"):
        if to_jid.startswith(Const.PRIVATE_PREFIX):
            to_jid = unescapePrivate(to_jid)
            mess_type = "chat"
        if callback is None:
            callback = lambda: None
        if errback is None:
            errback = lambda failure: self.showDialog(unicode(failure), _(u"sendMessage Error"), "error")
        self.bridge.sendMessage(to_jid, message, subject, mess_type, extra, profile_key, callback=callback, errback=errback)

    def newAlert(self, msg, title, alert_type, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        assert alert_type in ['INFO', 'ERROR']
        self.showDialog(unicode(msg), unicode(title), alert_type.lower())

    def setStatusOnline(self, online=True, show="", statuses={}):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def presenceUpdate(self, jabber_id, show, priority, statuses, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):

        debug(_("presence update for %(jid)s (show=%(show)s, priority=%(priority)s, statuses=%(statuses)s) [profile:%(profile)s]")
              % {'jid': jabber_id, 'show': show, 'priority': priority, 'statuses': statuses, 'profile': profile})
        from_jid = JID(jabber_id)

        if from_jid == self.profiles[profile]['whoami']:
            if show == "unavailable":
                self.setStatusOnline(True, show, statuses)

        presences = self.profiles[profile].setdefault('presences', {})

        if show != 'unavailable':

            #FIXME: must be moved in a plugin
            if from_jid.bare in self.profiles[profile].get('watched',[]) and not from_jid.bare in self.profiles[profile]['onlineContact']:
                self.showAlert(_("Watched jid [%s] is connected !") % from_jid.bare)

            presences[jabber_id] = {'show': show, 'priority': priority, 'statuses': statuses}
            self.profiles[profile].setdefault('onlineContact',set()).add(from_jid)  # FIXME onlineContact is useless with CM, must be removed

            #TODO: vcard data (avatar)

        if show == "unavailable" and from_jid in self.profiles[profile].get('onlineContact',set()):
                del presences[jabber_id]
            except KeyError:

        # check if the contact is connected with another resource, use the one with highest priority
        jids = [jid for jid in presences if JID(jid).bare == from_jid.bare]
        if jids:
            max_jid = max(jids, key=lambda jid: presences[jid]['priority'])
            data = presences[max_jid]
            max_priority = data['priority']
            if show == "unavailable":  # do not check the priority here, because 'unavailable' has a dummy one
                from_jid = JID(max_jid)
                show, priority, statuses = data['show'], data['priority'], data['statuses']
        if not jids or priority >= max_priority:
            # case 1: not jids means all resources are disconnected, send the 'unavailable' presence
            # case 2: update (or confirm) with the values of the resource which takes precedence
            self.contact_list.updatePresence(from_jid, show, priority, statuses)

    def roomJoined(self, room_jid, room_nicks, user_nick, profile):
        """Called when a MUC room is joined"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Room [%(room_jid)s] joined by %(profile)s, users presents:%(users)s") % {'room_jid': room_jid, 'profile': profile, 'users': room_nicks})
        self.chat_wins[room_jid].id = room_jid
        self.chat_wins[room_jid].setPresents(list(set([user_nick] + room_nicks)))
        self.contact_list.setSpecial(JID(room_jid), "MUC", show=True)

    def roomLeft(self, room_jid_s, profile):
        """Called when a MUC room is left"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Room [%(room_jid)s] left by %(profile)s") % {'room_jid': room_jid_s, 'profile': profile})
        del self.chat_wins[room_jid_s]

    def roomUserJoined(self, room_jid, user_nick, user_data, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            debug(_("user [%(user_nick)s] joined room [%(room_jid)s]") % {'user_nick': user_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomUserLeft(self, room_jid, user_nick, user_data, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            debug(_("user [%(user_nick)s] left room [%(room_jid)s]") % {'user_nick': user_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomUserChangedNick(self, room_jid, old_nick, new_nick, profile):
        """Called when an user joined a MUC room"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].changeUserNick(old_nick, new_nick)
            debug(_("user [%(old_nick)s] is now known as [%(new_nick)s] in room [%(room_jid)s]") % {'old_nick': old_nick, 'new_nick': new_nick, 'room_jid': room_jid})

    def roomNewSubject(self, room_jid, subject, profile):
        """Called when subject of MUC room change"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            debug(_("new subject for room [%(room_jid)s]: %(subject)s") % {'room_jid': room_jid, "subject": subject})

    def tarotGameStarted(self, room_jid, referee, players, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Tarot Game Started \o/"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].startGame("Tarot", referee, players)
            debug(_("new Tarot game started by [%(referee)s] in room [%(room_jid)s] with %(players)s") % {'referee': referee, 'room_jid': room_jid, 'players': [str(player) for player in players]})

    def tarotGameNew(self, room_jid, hand, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("New Tarot Game"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def tarotChooseContrat(self, room_jid, xml_data, profile):
        """Called when the player has to select his contrat"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Tarot: need to select a contrat"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def tarotShowCards(self, room_jid, game_stage, cards, data, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Show cards"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").showCards(game_stage, cards, data)

    def tarotMyTurn(self, room_jid, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("My turn to play"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def tarotScore(self, room_jid, xml_data, winners, loosers, profile):
        """Called when the game is finished and the score are updated"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Tarot: score received"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").showScores(xml_data, winners, loosers)

    def tarotCardsPlayed(self, room_jid, player, cards, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Card(s) played (%(player)s): %(cards)s") % {"player": player, "cards": cards})
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").cardsPlayed(player, cards)

    def tarotInvalidCards(self, room_jid, phase, played_cards, invalid_cards, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Cards played are not valid: %s") % invalid_cards)
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Tarot").invalidCards(phase, played_cards, invalid_cards)

    def quizGameStarted(self, room_jid, referee, players, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("Quiz Game Started \o/"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].startGame("Quiz", referee, players)
            debug(_("new Quiz game started by [%(referee)s] in room [%(room_jid)s] with %(players)s") % {'referee': referee, 'room_jid': room_jid, 'players': [str(player) for player in players]})

    def quizGameNew(self, room_jid, data, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("New Quiz Game"))
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def quizGameQuestion(self, room_jid, question_id, question, timer, profile):
        """Called when a new question is asked"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_(u"Quiz: new question: %s") % question)
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameQuestion(question_id, question, timer)

    def quizGamePlayerBuzzed(self, room_jid, player, pause, profile):
        """Called when a player pushed the buzzer"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGamePlayerBuzzed(player, pause)

    def quizGamePlayerSays(self, room_jid, player, text, delay, profile):
        """Called when a player say something"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGamePlayerSays(player, text, delay)

    def quizGameAnswerResult(self, room_jid, player, good_answer, score, profile):
        """Called when a player say something"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:
            self.chat_wins[room_jid].getGame("Quiz").quizGameAnswerResult(player, good_answer, score)

    def quizGameTimerExpired(self, room_jid, profile):
        """Called when nobody answered the question in time"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def quizGameTimerRestarted(self, room_jid, time_left, profile):
        """Called when the question is not answered, and we still have time"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        if room_jid in self.chat_wins:

    def chatStateReceived(self, from_jid_s, state, profile):
        """Callback when a new chat state is received.
        @param from_jid_s: JID of the contact who sent his state, or '@ALL@'
        @param state: new state (string)
        @profile: current profile
        if not self.check_profile(profile):

        if from_jid_s == '@ALL@':
            target = '@ALL@'
            nick = Const.ALL_OCCUPANTS
            from_jid = JID(from_jid_s)
            target = from_jid.bare
            nick = from_jid.resource

        for bare in self.chat_wins.keys():
            if target == '@ALL' or target == bare:
                chat_win = self.chat_wins[bare]
                if chat_win.type == 'one2one':
                elif chat_win.type == 'group':
                    chat_win.updateChatState(state, nick=nick)

    def _subscribe_cb(self, answer, data):
        entity, profile = data
        if answer:
            self.bridge.subscription("subscribed", entity.bare, profile_key=profile)
            self.bridge.subscription("unsubscribed", entity.bare, profile_key=profile)

    def subscribe(self, type, raw_jid, profile):
        """Called when a subsciption management signal is received"""
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        entity = JID(raw_jid)
        if type == "subscribed":
            # this is a subscription confirmation, we just have to inform user
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has accepted your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'))
        elif type == "unsubscribed":
            # this is a subscription refusal, we just have to inform user
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s has refused your subscription") % entity.bare, _('Subscription refusal'), 'error')
        elif type == "subscribe":
            # this is a subscriptionn request, we have to ask for user confirmation
            self.showDialog(_("The contact %s wants to subscribe to your presence.\nDo you accept ?") % entity.bare, _('Subscription confirmation'), 'yes/no', answer_cb=self._subscribe_cb, answer_data=(entity, profile))

    def showDialog(self, message, title, type="info", answer_cb=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def showAlert(self, message):
        pass  #FIXME

    def paramUpdate(self, name, value, namespace, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        debug(_("param update: [%(namespace)s] %(name)s = %(value)s") % {'namespace': namespace, 'name': name, 'value': value})
        if (namespace, name) == ("Connection", "JabberID"):
            debug(_("Changing JID to %s"), value)
            self.profiles[profile]['whoami'] = JID(value)
        elif (namespace, name) == ("Misc", "Watched"):
            self.profiles[profile]['watched'] = value.split()

    def contactDeleted(self, jid, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        target = JID(jid)
        except KeyError:

    def entityDataUpdated(self, jid_str, key, value, profile):
        if not self.check_profile(profile):
        jid = JID(jid_str)
        if key == "nick":
            if jid in self.contact_list:
                self.contact_list.setCache(jid, 'nick', value)
        elif key == "avatar":
            if jid in self.contact_list:
                filename = self.bridge.getAvatarFile(value)
                self.contact_list.setCache(jid, 'avatar', filename)

    def askConfirmation(self, confirm_id, confirm_type, data, profile):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def actionResult(self, type, id, data):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def onExit(self):
        """Must be called when the frontend is terminating"""
        #TODO: mange multi-profile here
            if self.bridge.isConnected(self.profile):
                if self.bridge.getParamA("autodisconnect", "Connection", profile_key=self.profile) == "true":
                    #The user wants autodisconnection